Official Thread for Denial of GreenHouse Effect and Radiative Physics.

Radiation can move both ways between cool and warm objects. That was covered many times before.
SSDD said:
That's not what the second law of thermodynamics have a made up version of the greenhouse effect to go with your made up interpretation of the second law of thermodynamics...which apparently allows energy and heat to move spontaneously from cool to warm...same old tedious bullshit...

The entropy expression allows two way radiation. This is from a source that you quoted:
When a radiation field is also present, we need to consider that there is a radiative entropy flow in the radiative field, and a radiative entropy flow associated with the absorption-emission of radiation heat by matter [9, 10].

You often quote sources that disagree with your fake physics.

Nobody has ever said that heat can move spontaneously from cool to warm. Radiation can. I know you understand what science says about radiation exchange, but you choose to be a troll about it.

Radiation can move both ways between cool and warm objects. That was covered many times before.
SSDD said:
That's not what the second law of thermodynamics have a made up version of the greenhouse effect to go with your made up interpretation of the second law of thermodynamics...which apparently allows energy and heat to move spontaneously from cool to warm...same old tedious bullshit...

The entropy expression allows two way radiation. This is from a source that you quoted:
When a radiation field is also present, we need to consider that there is a radiative entropy flow in the radiative field, and a radiative entropy flow associated with the absorption-emission of radiation heat by matter [9, 10].

You often quote sources that disagree with your fake physics.

Nobody has ever said that heat can move spontaneously from cool to warm. Radiation can. I know you understand what science says about radiation exchange, but you choose to be a troll about it.

and yet, you can't produce one example of your nonsense. You most likely posted this same shit 100 times or more, and still haven't complied to the ask of providing observed empirical evidence. Why?
Time and time again you have brought up articles from dubious sources which I analyzed to find they were crap. One article even said the temperature of planets was "baked in". LOL. If you can come up with an article that is from a legitimate journal, I will look at it.

As if your analysis means subscribe to current dogma not supported by observation...hell, I bet that you believe that the observer makes the reality, and clearly you believe that the things you view as really small operate under different laws of physics because they don't jibe with the dogma you believe...better to adjust the laws of physics than to acknowledge that you might be wrong...

You have said many times that you disagree with physics view of black body radiation, the Stefan Boltzmann equation, spontaneous processes, and many other physics phenomena. It is not fake science. I have posted science from text books, courses or journals. Your science is fake.
Actually, I have never said any such thing...more of your endless string of lies..which in large part is what makes you so damned tedious...I accept the physical laws, and the statements of the physical laws without need for modification, or, on the other hand must modify and interpret them so that they jibe with your dogma...

Verily, you are the king of fake science.

Alas, you are the one who modifies, and interprets physical laws so that they agree with your beliefs...that is fakery...I don't need to modify any of them to support my position...
The entropy expression allows two way radiation. This is from a source that you quoted:
When a radiation field is also present, we need to consider that there is a radiative entropy flow in the radiative field, and a radiative entropy flow associated with the absorption-emission of radiation heat by matter [9, 10].

Unfortunately, entropy is all about energy moving in one direction...more modification of the physical laws in order to attempt to make them agree with your dogma...endlessly tedious...

You often quote sources that disagree with your fake physics. physics, and much of modern physics is fake...not supported by anything more than unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable endless array of ad hoc sub atomic particles, and physical properties invented for no other reason than to try and fill in holes in theory..

Nobody has ever said that heat can move spontaneously from cool to warm. Radiation can.

Heat is radiation...and radiation can not move spontaneously from cool too can alter the law all you want, and claim that it says will never alter the reality however...and no amount of idiot mistaken scenarios in which energy supposedly moves spontaneously from cool to warm will ever make it real...

Endlessly tedious is what you are...and you show no signs of ever simply don't believe in the physical only believe in your post modern bastardized versions of them...Sorry, but I am not gullible enough to buy in to bullshit just because someone who claims to be an "expert" says so...That sort of gullibility is for weak minds...
Radiation can move both ways between cool and warm objects. That was covered many times before.
SSDD said:
That's not what the second law of thermodynamics have a made up version of the greenhouse effect to go with your made up interpretation of the second law of thermodynamics...which apparently allows energy and heat to move spontaneously from cool to warm...same old tedious bullshit...

The entropy expression allows two way radiation. This is from a source that you quoted:
When a radiation field is also present, we need to consider that there is a radiative entropy flow in the radiative field, and a radiative entropy flow associated with the absorption-emission of radiation heat by matter [9, 10].

You often quote sources that disagree with your fake physics.

Nobody has ever said that heat can move spontaneously from cool to warm. Radiation can. I know you understand what science says about radiation exchange, but you choose to be a troll about it.

and yet, you can't produce one example of your nonsense. You most likely posted this same shit 100 times or more, and still haven't complied to the ask of providing observed empirical evidence. Why?

It is his requires no evidence....but he has shown that he is perfectly willing to make shit up and call it is all he has... like calling a flashlight a spontaneous release of energy for if the word spontaneous doesn't really have a meaning...
The entropy expression allows two way radiation. This is from a source that you quoted:
When a radiation field is also present, we need to consider that there is a radiative entropy flow in the radiative field, and a radiative entropy flow associated with the absorption-emission of radiation heat by matter [9, 10].

Unfortunately, entropy is all about energy moving in one direction...more modification of the physical laws in order to attempt to make them agree with your dogma...endlessly tedious...

You often quote sources that disagree with your fake physics. physics, and much of modern physics is fake...not supported by anything more than unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable endless array of ad hoc sub atomic particles, and physical properties invented for no other reason than to try and fill in holes in theory..

Nobody has ever said that heat can move spontaneously from cool to warm. Radiation can.

Heat is radiation...and radiation can not move spontaneously from cool too can alter the law all you want, and claim that it says will never alter the reality however...and no amount of idiot mistaken scenarios in which energy supposedly moves spontaneously from cool to warm will ever make it real...

Endlessly tedious is what you are...and you show no signs of ever simply don't believe in the physical only believe in your post modern bastardized versions of them...Sorry, but I am not gullible enough to buy in to bullshit just because someone who claims to be an "expert" says so...That sort of gullibility is for weak minds...

Unfortunately, entropy is all about energy moving in one direction...


You should ask Dr Raeder about this claim. LOL!
As if your analysis means subscribe to current dogma not supported by observation...hell, I bet that you believe that the observer makes the reality, and clearly you believe that the things you view as really small operate under different laws of physics because they don't jibe with the dogma you believe...better to adjust the laws of physics than to acknowledge that you might be wrong...

Your usual gibberish. Your reality is temperatures "baked in" planetary atmospheres. That is hardly physics.

Alas, you are the one who modifies, and interprets physical laws so that they agree with your beliefs...that is fakery...I don't need to modify any of them to support my position...

Nope I go by the book. Your physical laws on spontaneous processes and the second law are totally self contradictory. That means you make up your own physics.

As if your analysis means subscribe to current dogma not supported by observation...hell, I bet that you believe that the observer makes the reality, and clearly you believe that the things you view as really small operate under different laws of physics because they don't jibe with the dogma you believe...better to adjust the laws of physics than to acknowledge that you might be wrong...

Your usual gibberish. Your reality is temperatures "baked in" planetary atmospheres. That is hardly physics.

Alas, you are the one who modifies, and interprets physical laws so that they agree with your beliefs...that is fakery...I don't need to modify any of them to support my position...

Nope I go by the book. Your physical laws on spontaneous processes and the second law are totally self contradictory. That means you make up your own physics.

and still no observed empirical evidence from you!!! why?
Unfortunately, entropy is all about energy moving in one direction...more modification of the physical laws in order to attempt to make them agree with your dogma...endlessly tedious...
Hilarious. Fortunately entropy is all about entropy moving in one direction. Not energy. The increasing entropy law in a lot of books.

much of modern physics is fake...not supported by anything more than unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable endless array of ad hoc sub atomic particles, and physical properties invented for no other reason than to try and fill in holes in theory..
Nope with many experiments confirming quantum theory is accurate to parts per billion, it is on solid ground. On the other hand your "theories" are self-contradictory. Totally fake and self-contradictory.
Heat is radiation...and radiation can not move spontaneously from cool too warm.
But you said anything (ie everything) that has prior energy input is not spontaneous. So you are contradicting yourself.
The real physics says heat can only spontaneously move one way but radiation exchange always moves between objects. Otherwise you violate the law of black body radiation among other violations.
Endlessly tedious is what you are...and you show no signs of ever simply don't believe in the physical only believe in your post modern bastardized versions of them...Sorry, but I am not gullible enough to buy in to bullshit just because someone who claims to be an "expert" says so...That sort of gullibility is for weak minds...

This is the official site for the denial of radiation physics created just for you so you can continue to cross-post your tedium that modern physics is bullshit. If you don't like the tedium why do you constantly cross-post it.

Unfortunately, entropy is all about energy moving in one direction...more modification of the physical laws in order to attempt to make them agree with your dogma...endlessly tedious...
Hilarious. Fortunately entropy is all about entropy moving in one direction. Not energy. The increasing entropy law in a lot of books.

much of modern physics is fake...not supported by anything more than unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable endless array of ad hoc sub atomic particles, and physical properties invented for no other reason than to try and fill in holes in theory..
Nope with many experiments confirming quantum theory is accurate to parts per billion, it is on solid ground. On the other hand your "theories" are self-contradictory. Totally fake and self-contradictory.
Heat is radiation...and radiation can not move spontaneously from cool too warm.
But you said anything (ie everything) that has prior energy input is not spontaneous. So you are contradicting yourself.
The real physics says heat can only spontaneously move one way but radiation exchange always moves between objects. Otherwise you violate the law of black body radiation among other violations.
Endlessly tedious is what you are...and you show no signs of ever simply don't believe in the physical only believe in your post modern bastardized versions of them...Sorry, but I am not gullible enough to buy in to bullshit just because someone who claims to be an "expert" says so...That sort of gullibility is for weak minds...

This is the official site for the denial of radiation physics created just for you so you can continue to cross-post your tedium that modern physics is bullshit. If you don't like the tedium why do you constantly cross-post it.

you really hate the 2nd Law of Physics eh? I continue to laugh at you. I'm still waiting on a spoon to get hot sitting next to an ice cube.
Unfortunately, entropy is all about energy moving in one direction...more modification of the physical laws in order to attempt to make them agree with your dogma...endlessly tedious...
Hilarious. Fortunately entropy is all about entropy moving in one direction. Not energy. The increasing entropy law in a lot of books.

much of modern physics is fake...not supported by anything more than unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable endless array of ad hoc sub atomic particles, and physical properties invented for no other reason than to try and fill in holes in theory..
Nope with many experiments confirming quantum theory is accurate to parts per billion, it is on solid ground. On the other hand your "theories" are self-contradictory. Totally fake and self-contradictory.
Heat is radiation...and radiation can not move spontaneously from cool too warm.
But you said anything (ie everything) that has prior energy input is not spontaneous. So you are contradicting yourself.
The real physics says heat can only spontaneously move one way but radiation exchange always moves between objects. Otherwise you violate the law of black body radiation among other violations.
Endlessly tedious is what you are...and you show no signs of ever simply don't believe in the physical only believe in your post modern bastardized versions of them...Sorry, but I am not gullible enough to buy in to bullshit just because someone who claims to be an "expert" says so...That sort of gullibility is for weak minds...

This is the official site for the denial of radiation physics created just for you so you can continue to cross-post your tedium that modern physics is bullshit. If you don't like the tedium why do you constantly cross-post it.

you really hate the 2nd Law of Physics eh? I continue to laugh at you. I'm still waiting on a spoon to get hot sitting next to an ice cube.

I'm still waiting on a spoon to get hot sitting next to an ice cube.

That's because you can't do the Stefan-Boltzmann math.
Unfortunately, entropy is all about energy moving in one direction...more modification of the physical laws in order to attempt to make them agree with your dogma...endlessly tedious...
Hilarious. Fortunately entropy is all about entropy moving in one direction. Not energy. The increasing entropy law in a lot of books.

much of modern physics is fake...not supported by anything more than unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable endless array of ad hoc sub atomic particles, and physical properties invented for no other reason than to try and fill in holes in theory..
Nope with many experiments confirming quantum theory is accurate to parts per billion, it is on solid ground. On the other hand your "theories" are self-contradictory. Totally fake and self-contradictory.
Heat is radiation...and radiation can not move spontaneously from cool too warm.
But you said anything (ie everything) that has prior energy input is not spontaneous. So you are contradicting yourself.
The real physics says heat can only spontaneously move one way but radiation exchange always moves between objects. Otherwise you violate the law of black body radiation among other violations.
Endlessly tedious is what you are...and you show no signs of ever simply don't believe in the physical only believe in your post modern bastardized versions of them...Sorry, but I am not gullible enough to buy in to bullshit just because someone who claims to be an "expert" says so...That sort of gullibility is for weak minds...

This is the official site for the denial of radiation physics created just for you so you can continue to cross-post your tedium that modern physics is bullshit. If you don't like the tedium why do you constantly cross-post it.

you really hate the 2nd Law of Physics eh? I continue to laugh at you. I'm still waiting on a spoon to get hot sitting next to an ice cube.

I'm still waiting on a spoon to get hot sitting next to an ice cube.

That's because you can't do the Stefan-Boltzmann math.
I took it's temperature and would you fking know, the spoon never got warmer. not once. over and over and over and never once. so now, you show how it will get warmer. go.
Unfortunately, entropy is all about energy moving in one direction...more modification of the physical laws in order to attempt to make them agree with your dogma...endlessly tedious...
Hilarious. Fortunately entropy is all about entropy moving in one direction. Not energy. The increasing entropy law in a lot of books.

much of modern physics is fake...not supported by anything more than unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable endless array of ad hoc sub atomic particles, and physical properties invented for no other reason than to try and fill in holes in theory..
Nope with many experiments confirming quantum theory is accurate to parts per billion, it is on solid ground. On the other hand your "theories" are self-contradictory. Totally fake and self-contradictory.
Heat is radiation...and radiation can not move spontaneously from cool too warm.
But you said anything (ie everything) that has prior energy input is not spontaneous. So you are contradicting yourself.
The real physics says heat can only spontaneously move one way but radiation exchange always moves between objects. Otherwise you violate the law of black body radiation among other violations.
Endlessly tedious is what you are...and you show no signs of ever simply don't believe in the physical only believe in your post modern bastardized versions of them...Sorry, but I am not gullible enough to buy in to bullshit just because someone who claims to be an "expert" says so...That sort of gullibility is for weak minds...

This is the official site for the denial of radiation physics created just for you so you can continue to cross-post your tedium that modern physics is bullshit. If you don't like the tedium why do you constantly cross-post it.

you really hate the 2nd Law of Physics eh? I continue to laugh at you. I'm still waiting on a spoon to get hot sitting next to an ice cube.

I'm still waiting on a spoon to get hot sitting next to an ice cube.

That's because you can't do the Stefan-Boltzmann math.
I took it's temperature and would you fking know, the spoon never got warmer. not once. over and over and over and never once. so now, you show how it will get warmer. go.

I took it's temperature and would you fking know, the spoon never got warmer.

Are you shocked?
If you did the math, you'd understand why......
Too many threads are ending up with the same 20 page discussion between a small fraction of the members that read Enviro topics.. Every rule and design of USMB moderation is there to get UNIQUE TOPICAL discussion of specific events and topics as laid out in the Opening Posts. No one wants to wade thru the same fillibustering arguments that atmospheric physics and the GHouse effect is all wrong.. And they violate the "on-topic" rules at USMB..

That's what this thread is for.. CONTAIN those rodeos in THIS thread or start your own threads on whatever you deny.... DON'T hijack other specific topics.. Members and visitors will appreciate your cooperation...

Go have your sideline debates about this topic HERE.. The topic is clearly spelled out in the title of this thread...
Why would you have a thread for ignorant science deniers?
Unfortunately, entropy is all about energy moving in one direction...more modification of the physical laws in order to attempt to make them agree with your dogma...endlessly tedious...
Hilarious. Fortunately entropy is all about entropy moving in one direction. Not energy. The increasing entropy law in a lot of books.

much of modern physics is fake...not supported by anything more than unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable endless array of ad hoc sub atomic particles, and physical properties invented for no other reason than to try and fill in holes in theory..
Nope with many experiments confirming quantum theory is accurate to parts per billion, it is on solid ground. On the other hand your "theories" are self-contradictory. Totally fake and self-contradictory.
Heat is radiation...and radiation can not move spontaneously from cool too warm.
But you said anything (ie everything) that has prior energy input is not spontaneous. So you are contradicting yourself.
The real physics says heat can only spontaneously move one way but radiation exchange always moves between objects. Otherwise you violate the law of black body radiation among other violations.
Endlessly tedious is what you are...and you show no signs of ever simply don't believe in the physical only believe in your post modern bastardized versions of them...Sorry, but I am not gullible enough to buy in to bullshit just because someone who claims to be an "expert" says so...That sort of gullibility is for weak minds...

This is the official site for the denial of radiation physics created just for you so you can continue to cross-post your tedium that modern physics is bullshit. If you don't like the tedium why do you constantly cross-post it.

you really hate the 2nd Law of Physics eh? I continue to laugh at you. I'm still waiting on a spoon to get hot sitting next to an ice cube.

I'm still waiting on a spoon to get hot sitting next to an ice cube.

That's because you can't do the Stefan-Boltzmann math.
I took it's temperature and would you fking know, the spoon never got warmer. not once. over and over and over and never once. so now, you show how it will get warmer. go.

I took it's temperature and would you fking know, the spoon never got warmer.

Are you shocked?
If you did the math, you'd understand why......
I don't have to do the math, I did an experiment and fk, the spoon didn't get warmer. so, spanky, you're wrong.
Why would you have a thread for ignorant science deniers?
This isn't a thread simply for science deniers. It is for those specific deniers of well established basic physics who hijack threads to bring up the same denial tedium and cross-posting over and over. Flacaltenn explained this in the post you cited.

Too many threads are ending up with the same 20 page discussion between a small fraction of the members that read Enviro topics.. Every rule and design of USMB moderation is there to get UNIQUE TOPICAL discussion of specific events and topics as laid out in the Opening Posts. No one wants to wade thru the same fillibustering arguments that atmospheric physics and the GHouse effect is all wrong.. And they violate the "on-topic" rules at USMB..

That's what this thread is for.. CONTAIN those rodeos in THIS thread or start your own threads on whatever you deny.... DON'T hijack other specific topics.. Members and visitors will appreciate your cooperation...

Go have your sideline debates about this topic HERE.. The topic is clearly spelled out in the title of this thread...
Why would you have a thread for ignorant science deniers?

Why would you CARE? It's to keep this recurring repetitive debate OUT of every other thread in the forum.. That's why...
Hilarious. Fortunately entropy is all about entropy moving in one direction. Not energy. The increasing entropy law in a lot of books.

Nope with many experiments confirming quantum theory is accurate to parts per billion, it is on solid ground. On the other hand your "theories" are self-contradictory. Totally fake and self-contradictory.
But you said anything (ie everything) that has prior energy input is not spontaneous. So you are contradicting yourself.
The real physics says heat can only spontaneously move one way but radiation exchange always moves between objects. Otherwise you violate the law of black body radiation among other violations.
This is the official site for the denial of radiation physics created just for you so you can continue to cross-post your tedium that modern physics is bullshit. If you don't like the tedium why do you constantly cross-post it.

you really hate the 2nd Law of Physics eh? I continue to laugh at you. I'm still waiting on a spoon to get hot sitting next to an ice cube.

I'm still waiting on a spoon to get hot sitting next to an ice cube.

That's because you can't do the Stefan-Boltzmann math.
I took it's temperature and would you fking know, the spoon never got warmer. not once. over and over and over and never once. so now, you show how it will get warmer. go.

I took it's temperature and would you fking know, the spoon never got warmer.

Are you shocked?
If you did the math, you'd understand why......
I don't have to do the math, I did an experiment and fk, the spoon didn't get warmer. so, spanky, you're wrong.
The math didn't show the spoon would get warmer. The spoon didn't get warmer. Sounds like I'm right. Again.
you really hate the 2nd Law of Physics eh? I continue to laugh at you. I'm still waiting on a spoon to get hot sitting next to an ice cube.

I'm still waiting on a spoon to get hot sitting next to an ice cube.

That's because you can't do the Stefan-Boltzmann math.
I took it's temperature and would you fking know, the spoon never got warmer. not once. over and over and over and never once. so now, you show how it will get warmer. go.

I took it's temperature and would you fking know, the spoon never got warmer.

Are you shocked?
If you did the math, you'd understand why......
I don't have to do the math, I did an experiment and fk, the spoon didn't get warmer. so, spanky, you're wrong.
The math didn't show the spoon would get warmer. The spoon didn't get warmer. Sounds like I'm right. Again.
I don't believe you, post your math. you said everything radiates, if it radiates it must heat it. isn't that what radiate means?
I'm still waiting on a spoon to get hot sitting next to an ice cube.

That's because you can't do the Stefan-Boltzmann math.
I took it's temperature and would you fking know, the spoon never got warmer. not once. over and over and over and never once. so now, you show how it will get warmer. go.

I took it's temperature and would you fking know, the spoon never got warmer.

Are you shocked?
If you did the math, you'd understand why......
I don't have to do the math, I did an experiment and fk, the spoon didn't get warmer. so, spanky, you're wrong.
The math didn't show the spoon would get warmer. The spoon didn't get warmer. Sounds like I'm right. Again.
I don't believe you, post your math. you said everything radiates, if it radiates it must heat it. isn't that what radiate means?

I don't believe you

I don't have anything to do with it. You've got the data, you did the experiment.
Your results should have followed the math. If you can't do the math, that's your fault.

you said everything radiates,

Only if it's above absolute zero.

if it radiates it must heat it.

It? You said they.

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