Official Thread for Denial of GreenHouse Effect and Radiative Physics.

why would it?

If it backed up your moronic claim, it would. DURR.
it does, I'm not concerned at all. so far you have not posted one observed piece of data. not one, hmmm mr. ricochet, you keep bouncing.

it does, I'm not concerned at all

It says no emitting? LOL!
Sure, it covers all scenarios


Emitting AND absorbing...….Still funny!
So now you don’t think objects emit and absorb? Mr. ricochet you’re sure pinging now
This camera shows images of colder matter, warmer matter.....even matter of the same temperature.

nope, it doesn't. you're blind also. wow.

You can't read the temperature scale.....I'm not surprised.

so you think the clothes,, the hair the skin the eyes, are all the same temperature, go fking figure. shit even the ice cream is the same temperature in your world. only in your world.

so you think the clothes,, the hair the skin the eyes, are all the same temperature,

They aren't.

Then your post wasn’t in response to my post, got it. So wearing night goggles what will you see at night if all objects were the same temperature of the air?

So wearing night goggles what will you see at night if all objects were the same temperature of the air?

Are you conflating night vision goggles with thermal imaging because you're ignorant?
If it backed up your moronic claim, it would. DURR.
it does, I'm not concerned at all. so far you have not posted one observed piece of data. not one, hmmm mr. ricochet, you keep bouncing.

it does, I'm not concerned at all

It says no emitting? LOL!
Sure, it covers all scenarios


Emitting AND absorbing...….Still funny!
So now you don’t think objects emit and absorb? Mr. ricochet you’re sure pinging now

When you conflict with your own posts, it's almost as funny as when SSDD does.
That's weird, your source didn't say absorbing nothing and emitting nothing .
why would it?

If it backed up your moronic claim, it would. DURR.
it does, I'm not concerned at all. so far you have not posted one observed piece of data. not one, hmmm mr. ricochet, you keep bouncing.

it does, I'm not concerned at all

It says no emitting? LOL!
Sure, it covers all scenarios

It says no emitting? LOL!

Sure, it covers all scenarios

Emitting AND absorbing at the same time...….Still funny!
why would it?

If it backed up your moronic claim, it would. DURR.
it does, I'm not concerned at all. so far you have not posted one observed piece of data. not one, hmmm mr. ricochet, you keep bouncing.

it does, I'm not concerned at all

It says no emitting? LOL!
Sure, it covers all scenarios

It says no emitting? LOL!

Sure, it covers all scenarios

Emitting AND absorbing at the same time...….Still funny!
You’ve changed your position then?
it does, I'm not concerned at all. so far you have not posted one observed piece of data. not one, hmmm mr. ricochet, you keep bouncing.

it does, I'm not concerned at all

It says no emitting? LOL!
Sure, it covers all scenarios


Emitting AND absorbing...….Still funny!
So now you don’t think objects emit and absorb? Mr. ricochet you’re sure pinging now

When you conflict with your own posts, it's almost as funny as when SSDD does.
Still no observed data mr. ricochet, why?
If it backed up your moronic claim, it would. DURR.
it does, I'm not concerned at all. so far you have not posted one observed piece of data. not one, hmmm mr. ricochet, you keep bouncing.

it does, I'm not concerned at all

It says no emitting? LOL!
Sure, it covers all scenarios

It says no emitting? LOL!

Sure, it covers all scenarios

Emitting AND absorbing at the same time...….Still funny!
You’ve changed your position then?

You've always been confused.
it does, I'm not concerned at all

It says no emitting? LOL!
Sure, it covers all scenarios


Emitting AND absorbing...….Still funny!
So now you don’t think objects emit and absorb? Mr. ricochet you’re sure pinging now

When you conflict with your own posts, it's almost as funny as when SSDD does.
Still no observed data mr. ricochet, why?

The IR camera was too much evidence for you to absorb?
Like I said...all you managed was to show how easily you are fooled by instrumentation.. The original discovery of CMB was due to a resonant radio signal..and even that instrument was cooled...Luminescence...been though it..just another of your goofy misunderstandings...downward radiation? Really? That is a big example of being fooled by instrumentation..

Pyrogeometers which are the only instrument recognized by the .. blah blah blah
That is the same old tedious crap. Science says you are dead wrong.

I asked you for a measurement of a discrete wavelength of energy spontaneously from a cool object to a warmer object made with an instrument that is not cooled to a temperature lower than that of the object being measured...we both know that no such measurements of us knows that no measurements exist because energy simply does not move in that direction..
I did exactly that many times. But as you admitted above and many times previously, you don't believe science. You believe crap. It's a circular argument: you can use your theory of crap to prove other crap.
Why not just admit that you have no such measurements rather than the incessant weaseling?
You are the one weaseling with your fake crap and bald faced lies.
Once again, I gave you several measurements but you won't admit it because you don't believe science and substitute flat-earth crap.

I would suggest you discuss science with Grumblenuts who believes that aether can explain everything or james bond who says science proves evolution is false and the earth is 6000 years old. Both are in your league.
That is the same old tedious crap. Science says you are dead wrong. say I am wrong as if that matters a whit...Science hasn't provided you with anything more than dogma to repeat over and over...They certainly haven't provided you with any actual evidence to support your belief.

I did exactly that many times. But as you admitted above and many times previously, you don't believe science. only provide evidence of how easily you are fooled by instrumentation...that and nothing more since there is nothing more..

You are the one weaseling with your fake crap and bald faced lies.
Once again, I gave you several measurements but you won't admit it because you don't believe science and substitute flat-earth crap.

You gave me evidence of a resonant radio signal being received by a radio telescope and believe that is evidence that energy moves spontaneously from cool to warm...

You made claims about phosphorescence, but never provided any sort of measurements which indicated anything like what you claimed...

And once again...with the pyrogeometers, you are just being fooled by badly fooled, apparently that you believe you have supported your beliefs...sad...but there it is.

You have nothing except your dogma...which is the case with all the believers..
That is the same old tedious crap. Science says you are dead wrong. say I am wrong as if that matters a whit...Science hasn't provided you with anything more than dogma to repeat over and over...They certainly haven't provided you with any actual evidence to support your belief.

I did exactly that many times. But as you admitted above and many times previously, you don't believe science. only provide evidence of how easily you are fooled by instrumentation...that and nothing more since there is nothing more..

You are the one weaseling with your fake crap and bald faced lies.
Once again, I gave you several measurements but you won't admit it because you don't believe science and substitute flat-earth crap.

You gave me evidence of a resonant radio signal being received by a radio telescope and believe that is evidence that energy moves spontaneously from cool to warm...

You made claims about phosphorescence, but never provided any sort of measurements which indicated anything like what you claimed...

And once again...with the pyrogeometers, you are just being fooled by badly fooled, apparently that you believe you have supported your beliefs...sad...but there it is.

You have nothing except your dogma...which is the case with all the believers..

You keep saying you don't believe science and scientists are fooled and idiots. Yes, you want to believe in your self-contradictory crap. I get it. You don't have to keep repeating yourself.

Edit: With any IR instrumentation all IR photons flow both ways especially in Tod's ice cream video since the camera was man made and ice cream was man made, and the girl's mouth involved prior energy.

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it does, I'm not concerned at all. so far you have not posted one observed piece of data. not one, hmmm mr. ricochet, you keep bouncing.

it does, I'm not concerned at all

It says no emitting? LOL!
Sure, it covers all scenarios

It says no emitting? LOL!

Sure, it covers all scenarios

Emitting AND absorbing at the same time...….Still funny!
You’ve changed your position then?

You've always been confused.
I’m talking with you ricochet rabbit
Sure, it covers all scenarios


Emitting AND absorbing...….Still funny!
So now you don’t think objects emit and absorb? Mr. ricochet you’re sure pinging now

When you conflict with your own posts, it's almost as funny as when SSDD does.
Still no observed data mr. ricochet, why?

The IR camera was too much evidence for you to absorb?
aw I emitted My laughter at your nonsense
it does, I'm not concerned at all

It says no emitting? LOL!
Sure, it covers all scenarios

It says no emitting? LOL!

Sure, it covers all scenarios

Emitting AND absorbing at the same time...….Still funny!
You’ve changed your position then?

You've always been confused.
I’m talking with you ricochet rabbit

Figure out what emitting AND absorbing means? LOL!
Sure, it covers all scenarios

It says no emitting? LOL!

Sure, it covers all scenarios

Emitting AND absorbing at the same time...….Still funny!
You’ve changed your position then?

You've always been confused.
I’m talking with you ricochet rabbit

Figure out what emitting AND absorbing means? LOL!
Have you? Zero is zero
It says no emitting? LOL!

Sure, it covers all scenarios

Emitting AND absorbing at the same time...….Still funny!
You’ve changed your position then?

You've always been confused.
I’m talking with you ricochet rabbit

Figure out what emitting AND absorbing means? LOL!
Have you? Zero is zero
Have you?

It means your no emitting, no absorbing claim is wrong....the opposite of right.
You keep saying you don't believe science and scientists are fooled and idiots. Yes, you want to believe in your self-contradictory crap. I get it. You don't have to keep repeating yourself.

Science has been wrong on so many topics so many times that to simply believe them because they are "scientists" is the act of a rube...I keep asking for observed, measured evidence and you keep not providing it...and what you do provide tends to be nothing more than examples of being fooled by instrumentation...another thing that happens all to often in certain branches of science..

Edit: With any IR instrumentation all IR photons flow both ways especially in Tod's ice cream video since the camera was man made and ice cream was man made, and the girl's mouth involved prior energy.

The ice cream showed up on the image because that particular section of the sensor array was losing energy to the ice cream and cooling as a result..Showing me your mistaken understanding is not evidence of anything more than your lack of you even understand what the terms observed, measured examples means? Show me a controlled experiment in which the scientist is stating that the purpose of the experiment is to show, and measure spontaneous two way energy flow between objects of different temperatures...if it happens, and is measurable, it would be very important indeed...and certainly worth of experiments to show that it happens...Lets see it? Of course you don't because it can't be measured....and scientists know that there is no point in trying to set up any such experiment because it would fail..
Too many threads are ending up with the same 20 page discussion between a small fraction of the members that read Enviro topics.. Every rule and design of USMB moderation is there to get UNIQUE TOPICAL discussion of specific events and topics as laid out in the Opening Posts. No one wants to wade thru the same fillibustering arguments that atmospheric physics and the GHouse effect is all wrong.. And they violate the "on-topic" rules at USMB..

That's what this thread is for.. CONTAIN those rodeos in THIS thread or start your own threads on whatever you deny.... DON'T hijack other specific topics.. Members and visitors will appreciate your cooperation...

Go have your sideline debates about this topic HERE.. The topic is clearly spelled out in the title of this thread...

I would try and care, but I need to find my baby harp seal head smacking stick. I lose that damn thing once a year and it really pisses me off.
Science has been wrong on so many topics so many times that to simply believe them because they are "scientists" is the act of a rube...I keep asking for observed, measured evidence and you keep not providing it...and what you do provide tends to be nothing more than examples of being fooled by instrumentation...another thing that happens all to often in certain branches of science..
Your smart photon hypothesis violates quantum mechanics and thermodynamics. You keep asking for something that I kept giving you time and again. You don't believe thermodynamics. Your smart photon hypothesis is circular and inconsistent. Radiation exchange between all objects is consistent with all physics. Your smart photon hypothesis is not. The idea that man made objects are never spontaneous emitters of radiation is totally ludicrous.

The ice cream showed up on the image because that particular section of the sensor array was losing energy to the ice cream and cooling as a result..Showing me your mistaken understanding is not evidence of anything more than your lack of you even understand what the terms observed, measured examples means? Show me a controlled experiment in which the scientist is stating that the purpose of the experiment is to show, and measure spontaneous two way energy flow between objects of different temperatures...if it happens, and is measurable, it would be very important indeed...and certainly worth of experiments to show that it happens...Lets see it? Of course you don't because it can't be measured....and scientists know that there is no point in trying to set up any such experiment because it would fail..

The ice cream video is totally consistent with two way radiation exchange and all the laws of thermodynamics. You have yet to give an experiment that shows black body radiation between objects fails with a colder object.

Science has been wrong on so many topics so many times that to simply believe them because they are "scientists" is the act of a rube...I keep asking for observed, measured evidence and you keep not providing it...and what you do provide tends to be nothing more than examples of being fooled by instrumentation...another thing that happens all to often in certain branches of science..
Your smart photon hypothesis violates quantum mechanics and thermodynamics. You keep asking for something that I kept giving you time and again. You don't believe thermodynamics. Your smart photon hypothesis is circular and inconsistent. Radiation exchange between all objects is consistent with all physics. Your smart photon hypothesis is not. The idea that man made objects are never spontaneous emitters of radiation is totally ludicrous.

The ice cream showed up on the image because that particular section of the sensor array was losing energy to the ice cream and cooling as a result..Showing me your mistaken understanding is not evidence of anything more than your lack of you even understand what the terms observed, measured examples means? Show me a controlled experiment in which the scientist is stating that the purpose of the experiment is to show, and measure spontaneous two way energy flow between objects of different temperatures...if it happens, and is measurable, it would be very important indeed...and certainly worth of experiments to show that it happens...Lets see it? Of course you don't because it can't be measured....and scientists know that there is no point in trying to set up any such experiment because it would fail..

The ice cream video is totally consistent with two way radiation exchange and all the laws of thermodynamics. You have yet to give an experiment that shows black body radiation between objects fails with a colder object.


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