Official Thread for Denial of GreenHouse Effect and Radiative Physics.


Based on Science...Climate Change Humans are Causing Global Warming


Today’s climate change is driven by human activities.

Scientists know that the warming climate is caused by human activities because:
  • They understand how heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide work in the atmosphere
  • They know why those gases are increasing in the atmosphere
  • They have ruled out other possible explanations
Human activities have increased the abundance of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. This increase is mostly due to burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Carbon dioxide has increased from a pre-industrial level of 280 parts per million to more than 410 parts per million today. Most of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has occurred since the late 1950s. In Earth’s distant past, it would take between 5,000 to 20,000 years to see the amount of change in carbon dioxide levels that humans have caused in just the last 60 years.

Natural changes cannot explain today’s global warming.
It is true that Earth has cycled through many ice ages and warm periods in the past. Those past events have been driven by natural changes such as:

  • Variations in Earth’s orbit around the Sun
  • Solar activity cycles that produce regular shifts in the amount of energy the Sun releases
  • Volcanic eruptions that eject dust and gas into the atmosphere, which shade the planet from the Sun’s rays
  • Variations in the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere
Scientists can measure these natural changes. The warm periods that regularly occurred between the ice ages of the past million years or so can be explained by natural changes, but measurements of those changes today cannot explain the current levels of warming that we are experiencing.

The rapid warming we are experiencing today can only be explained by increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.
The link between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and rising global temperatures has been clear to scientists since the 1850s. Measurements show that there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any other time in the past 1 million years—that is, since the dawn of humankind.

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Based on Science...Climate Change Humans are Causing Global Warming


Today’s climate change is driven by human activities.

Scientists know that the warming climate is caused by human activities because:
  • They understand how heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide work in the atmosphere
  • They know why those gases are increasing in the atmosphere
  • They have ruled out other possible explanations
Human activities have increased the abundance of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. This increase is mostly due to burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Carbon dioxide has increased from a pre-industrial level of 280 parts per million to more than 410 parts per million today. Most of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has occurred since the late 1950s. In Earth’s distant past, it would take between 5,000 to 20,000 years to see the amount of change in carbon dioxide levels that humans have caused in just the last 60 years.

Natural changes cannot explain today’s global warming.
It is true that Earth has cycled through many ice ages and warm periods in the past. Those past events have been driven by natural changes such as:

  • Variations in Earth’s orbit around the Sun
  • Solar activity cycles that produce regular shifts in the amount of energy the Sun releases
  • Volcanic eruptions that eject dust and gas into the atmosphere, which shade the planet from the Sun’s rays
  • Variations in the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere
Scientists can measure these natural changes. The warm periods that regularly occurred between the ice ages of the past million years or so can be explained by natural changes, but measurements of those changes today cannot explain the current levels of warming that we are experiencing.

The rapid warming we are experiencing today can only be explained by increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.
The link between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and rising global temperatures has been clear to scientists since the 1850s. Measurements show that there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any other time in the past 1 million years—that is, since the dawn of humankind.


You "believers" are nothing short of pathetic. Do you think for a minute that because the National Academy of Sciences says that mankind is causing climate change that it must be true?

Here is a very short list consisting of a few things from a very long list that the National Academy of Sciences has been wrong on before...

The National Academy of Sciences, was on board with the hypothesis that it was volcanoes that killed off the dinosaurs. Till science progressed and the hypothesis moved on to a meteor impact...and they will stick with that till such time as something else comes along with supporting evidence.

The National Academy was onboard with the belief that there was a great deal of genetic differences between the various races...We know today that that is nonsense, but the National Academy believed it to be true...Today we know that there are larger genetic differences among the various Africans than there are between Africans and Eurasians

The National Academy was onboard with the idea that dinosaurs looked like the classic T-Rex and Velociraptors that we see in the, it is believed that many of them had very colorful feathers...

The National Academy was onboard with the idea that "modern" humans didn't evolve in Africa....they believed that some human ancestor migrated out of Africa and then evolution moved them on to becoming modern humans...we know today that isn't true...but it doesn't change the fact that the National Academy was on board with the old hypothesis.

The National Academy was also on board with the belief that Neanderthals weren't very bright. New research suggests that we didn't win out because we were that much brighter..

The National Academy also believed that Humans and Neanderthals didn't exist on the earth at the same time as modern humans..once again...wrong...and once they got on board with the fact that humans and neanderthals lived on the planet at the same time, they believed that there was no interbreeding...again...wrong..

Prior to the 21st century, the National Academy believed that Earth might be the only place where water exists...We know different now.

The National Academy once believed that "complex" organisms like humans have more genes than "simple" organisms like amoebas...They thought that humans had about 100,000 genes...We know now that humans have about 19,000 genes and that some simple moss type plants have more than 30,000 genes...

The National Academy once believed that the universe was slowing down..they believed that it must be slowing down due to gravity...We know now that the movement of the universe is actually accelerating...

The National Academy used to believe that stress caused ulcers...wrong...

I could go on practically indefinitely on what the National Academy, and every other scientific organization has been wrong on in the past, before science moved on....

And as to climate change.. and what they believe they know... it is bullshit.

They claim to know how "heat trapping" gasses like CO2 work in the atmosphere..but the failure of a tropospheric hot spot..and the fact that outgoing long wave radiation at the top of the atmosphere continues to increase demonstrates that CO2 isn't "trapping anything. Further...there is not a single piece of observed, measured evidence which establishes a coherent relationship between the absorption of IR by a gas and warming in the atmosphere...

They claim to know why the greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere are increasing...which is irrelevant since there is no actual evidence that they cause warming...but newly published science strongly suggests that we aren't the ones causing the increase of greenhouse gasses and that our contribution to the total greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere is so small as to be the next thing to undetectable..

And they claim to have eliminated all other causes? Really? How about you step on up and tell me what ALL the factors are that might cause climate change...and while you are at it, you might tell me what effect each of all those factors has on all the other factors.. The fact is that we are just beginning to scratch the surface on what causes climate change...and barely know a few factors...much less all the factors.

You are easily fooled...and I can only suppose, so poorly educated that you feel like you have to believe someone, so why not government science which is done by the lowest bidder.
Typical abu actual defense of your position...nothing but a parrot posting the bullshit he was told to post...if you weren't so would be laughable..

Based on Science...Climate Change Humans are Causing Global Warming


Today’s climate change is driven by human activities.

Scientists know that the warming climate is caused by human activities because:
  • They understand how heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide work in the atmosphere
  • They know why those gases are increasing in the atmosphere
  • They have ruled out other possible explanations
Human activities have increased the abundance of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. This increase is mostly due to burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Carbon dioxide has increased from a pre-industrial level of 280 parts per million to more than 410 parts per million today. Most of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has occurred since the late 1950s. In Earth’s distant past, it would take between 5,000 to 20,000 years to see the amount of change in carbon dioxide levels that humans have caused in just the last 60 years.

Natural changes cannot explain today’s global warming.
It is true that Earth has cycled through many ice ages and warm periods in the past. Those past events have been driven by natural changes such as:

  • Variations in Earth’s orbit around the Sun
  • Solar activity cycles that produce regular shifts in the amount of energy the Sun releases
  • Volcanic eruptions that eject dust and gas into the atmosphere, which shade the planet from the Sun’s rays
  • Variations in the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere
Scientists can measure these natural changes. The warm periods that regularly occurred between the ice ages of the past million years or so can be explained by natural changes, but measurements of those changes today cannot explain the current levels of warming that we are experiencing.

The rapid warming we are experiencing today can only be explained by increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.
The link between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and rising global temperatures has been clear to scientists since the 1850s. Measurements show that there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any other time in the past 1 million years—that is, since the dawn of humankind.

I dare you to post up the error bars in their model.... You will not so I will...

It's +/- 7w/m^2 (range of 14w/m^2 at earths surface). They say that only CO2 can do anything yet the sun has increased solar output by 0.9w/m^2 (measured at surface of the earth). We know that this increase is capable of about 1 deg C warming all by itself over the last 150 years and empirical evidence shows just 0.68 deg C warming in that period.

You and your article say our warming is all man caused but I just showed you that the solar increase, all by itself, is capable of the warming. you want us to believe your model but all of the warming falls inside your error range (which means its relevance is zero). Your model is AFU and your conclusions fail the smell test....

NAS has just screwed the pooch. Their credibility is gone... No ethical scientist would make these elementary errors nor would they publish such garbage.

Based on Science...Climate Change Humans are Causing Global Warming


Today’s climate change is driven by human activities.

Scientists know that the warming climate is caused by human activities because:
  • They understand how heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide work in the atmosphere
  • They know why those gases are increasing in the atmosphere
  • They have ruled out other possible explanations
Human activities have increased the abundance of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. This increase is mostly due to burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Carbon dioxide has increased from a pre-industrial level of 280 parts per million to more than 410 parts per million today. Most of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has occurred since the late 1950s. In Earth’s distant past, it would take between 5,000 to 20,000 years to see the amount of change in carbon dioxide levels that humans have caused in just the last 60 years.

Natural changes cannot explain today’s global warming.
It is true that Earth has cycled through many ice ages and warm periods in the past. Those past events have been driven by natural changes such as:

  • Variations in Earth’s orbit around the Sun
  • Solar activity cycles that produce regular shifts in the amount of energy the Sun releases
  • Volcanic eruptions that eject dust and gas into the atmosphere, which shade the planet from the Sun’s rays
  • Variations in the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere
Scientists can measure these natural changes. The warm periods that regularly occurred between the ice ages of the past million years or so can be explained by natural changes, but measurements of those changes today cannot explain the current levels of warming that we are experiencing.

The rapid warming we are experiencing today can only be explained by increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.
The link between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and rising global temperatures has been clear to scientists since the 1850s. Measurements show that there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any other time in the past 1 million years—that is, since the dawn of humankind.

I dare you to post up the error bars in their model.... You will not so I will...

It's +/- 7w/m^2 (range of 14w/m^2 at earths surface). They say that only CO2 can do anything yet the sun has increased solar output by 0.9w/m^2 (measured at surface of the earth). We know that this increase is capable of about 1 deg C warming all by itself over the last 150 years and empirical evidence shows just 0.68 deg C warming in that period.

You and your article say our warming is all man caused but I just showed you that the solar increase, all by itself, is capable of the warming. you want us to believe your model but all of the warming falls inside your error range (which means its relevance is zero). Your model is AFU and your conclusions fail the smell test....

NAS has just screwed the pooch. Their credibility is gone... No ethical scientist would make these elementary errors nor would they publish such garbage.

Billy, you ever find the mass of a mole of photons?

Based on Science...Climate Change Humans are Causing Global Warming


Today’s climate change is driven by human activities.

Scientists know that the warming climate is caused by human activities because:
  • They understand how heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide work in the atmosphere
  • They know why those gases are increasing in the atmosphere
  • They have ruled out other possible explanations
Human activities have increased the abundance of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. This increase is mostly due to burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Carbon dioxide has increased from a pre-industrial level of 280 parts per million to more than 410 parts per million today. Most of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has occurred since the late 1950s. In Earth’s distant past, it would take between 5,000 to 20,000 years to see the amount of change in carbon dioxide levels that humans have caused in just the last 60 years.

Natural changes cannot explain today’s global warming.
It is true that Earth has cycled through many ice ages and warm periods in the past. Those past events have been driven by natural changes such as:

  • Variations in Earth’s orbit around the Sun
  • Solar activity cycles that produce regular shifts in the amount of energy the Sun releases
  • Volcanic eruptions that eject dust and gas into the atmosphere, which shade the planet from the Sun’s rays
  • Variations in the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere
Scientists can measure these natural changes. The warm periods that regularly occurred between the ice ages of the past million years or so can be explained by natural changes, but measurements of those changes today cannot explain the current levels of warming that we are experiencing.

The rapid warming we are experiencing today can only be explained by increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.
The link between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and rising global temperatures has been clear to scientists since the 1850s. Measurements show that there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any other time in the past 1 million years—that is, since the dawn of humankind.

I dare you to post up the error bars in their model.... You will not so I will...

It's +/- 7w/m^2 (range of 14w/m^2 at earths surface). They say that only CO2 can do anything yet the sun has increased solar output by 0.9w/m^2 (measured at surface of the earth). We know that this increase is capable of about 1 deg C warming all by itself over the last 150 years and empirical evidence shows just 0.68 deg C warming in that period.

You and your article say our warming is all man caused but I just showed you that the solar increase, all by itself, is capable of the warming. you want us to believe your model but all of the warming falls inside your error range (which means its relevance is zero). Your model is AFU and your conclusions fail the smell test....

NAS has just screwed the pooch. Their credibility is gone... No ethical scientist would make these elementary errors nor would they publish such garbage.

Billy, you ever find the mass of a mole of photons?

Go learn something...the term "massless" in relation to photons is a figure of speech.... Zero mass for photons is an ad hoc solution by physicists to make photons comparable with special relativity....all models all the way down...

by the way...if you want to calculate the mass of a photon the formula is
m = hf/c^2

What is the mass of a photon?

Gravity Probe B - Special & General Relativity Questions and Answers

Based on Science...Climate Change Humans are Causing Global Warming


Today’s climate change is driven by human activities.

Scientists know that the warming climate is caused by human activities because:
  • They understand how heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide work in the atmosphere
  • They know why those gases are increasing in the atmosphere
  • They have ruled out other possible explanations
Human activities have increased the abundance of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. This increase is mostly due to burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Carbon dioxide has increased from a pre-industrial level of 280 parts per million to more than 410 parts per million today. Most of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has occurred since the late 1950s. In Earth’s distant past, it would take between 5,000 to 20,000 years to see the amount of change in carbon dioxide levels that humans have caused in just the last 60 years.

Natural changes cannot explain today’s global warming.
It is true that Earth has cycled through many ice ages and warm periods in the past. Those past events have been driven by natural changes such as:

  • Variations in Earth’s orbit around the Sun
  • Solar activity cycles that produce regular shifts in the amount of energy the Sun releases
  • Volcanic eruptions that eject dust and gas into the atmosphere, which shade the planet from the Sun’s rays
  • Variations in the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere
Scientists can measure these natural changes. The warm periods that regularly occurred between the ice ages of the past million years or so can be explained by natural changes, but measurements of those changes today cannot explain the current levels of warming that we are experiencing.

The rapid warming we are experiencing today can only be explained by increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.
The link between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and rising global temperatures has been clear to scientists since the 1850s. Measurements show that there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any other time in the past 1 million years—that is, since the dawn of humankind.

I dare you to post up the error bars in their model.... You will not so I will...

It's +/- 7w/m^2 (range of 14w/m^2 at earths surface). They say that only CO2 can do anything yet the sun has increased solar output by 0.9w/m^2 (measured at surface of the earth). We know that this increase is capable of about 1 deg C warming all by itself over the last 150 years and empirical evidence shows just 0.68 deg C warming in that period.

You and your article say our warming is all man caused but I just showed you that the solar increase, all by itself, is capable of the warming. you want us to believe your model but all of the warming falls inside your error range (which means its relevance is zero). Your model is AFU and your conclusions fail the smell test....

NAS has just screwed the pooch. Their credibility is gone... No ethical scientist would make these elementary errors nor would they publish such garbage.

Billy, you ever find the mass of a mole of photons?

Go learn something...the term "massless" in relation to photons is a figure of speech.... Zero mass for photons is an ad hoc solution by physicists to make photons comparable with special relativity....all models all the way down...

by the way...if you want to calculate the mass of a photon the formula is
m = hf/c^2

What is the mass of a photon?

Gravity Probe B - Special & General Relativity Questions and Answers

So help your buddy out, post their mass.

Based on Science...Climate Change Humans are Causing Global Warming


Today’s climate change is driven by human activities.

Scientists know that the warming climate is caused by human activities because:
  • They understand how heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide work in the atmosphere
  • They know why those gases are increasing in the atmosphere
  • They have ruled out other possible explanations
Human activities have increased the abundance of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. This increase is mostly due to burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Carbon dioxide has increased from a pre-industrial level of 280 parts per million to more than 410 parts per million today. Most of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has occurred since the late 1950s. In Earth’s distant past, it would take between 5,000 to 20,000 years to see the amount of change in carbon dioxide levels that humans have caused in just the last 60 years.

Natural changes cannot explain today’s global warming.
It is true that Earth has cycled through many ice ages and warm periods in the past. Those past events have been driven by natural changes such as:

  • Variations in Earth’s orbit around the Sun
  • Solar activity cycles that produce regular shifts in the amount of energy the Sun releases
  • Volcanic eruptions that eject dust and gas into the atmosphere, which shade the planet from the Sun’s rays
  • Variations in the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere
Scientists can measure these natural changes. The warm periods that regularly occurred between the ice ages of the past million years or so can be explained by natural changes, but measurements of those changes today cannot explain the current levels of warming that we are experiencing.

The rapid warming we are experiencing today can only be explained by increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.
The link between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and rising global temperatures has been clear to scientists since the 1850s. Measurements show that there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any other time in the past 1 million years—that is, since the dawn of humankind.

I dare you to post up the error bars in their model.... You will not so I will...

It's +/- 7w/m^2 (range of 14w/m^2 at earths surface). They say that only CO2 can do anything yet the sun has increased solar output by 0.9w/m^2 (measured at surface of the earth). We know that this increase is capable of about 1 deg C warming all by itself over the last 150 years and empirical evidence shows just 0.68 deg C warming in that period.

You and your article say our warming is all man caused but I just showed you that the solar increase, all by itself, is capable of the warming. you want us to believe your model but all of the warming falls inside your error range (which means its relevance is zero). Your model is AFU and your conclusions fail the smell test....

NAS has just screwed the pooch. Their credibility is gone... No ethical scientist would make these elementary errors nor would they publish such garbage.

Billy, you ever find the mass of a mole of photons?

Go learn something...the term "massless" in relation to photons is a figure of speech.... Zero mass for photons is an ad hoc solution by physicists to make photons comparable with special relativity....all models all the way down...

by the way...if you want to calculate the mass of a photon the formula is
m = hf/c^2

What is the mass of a photon?

Gravity Probe B - Special & General Relativity Questions and Answers

So help your buddy out, post their mass.
Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

absorbtion vs power chart of atmosphere.jpg

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level. I am amazed that it took some one else to find it for you..

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question. As a known mass it must act as all mass does IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one. This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

"if you prefer the particle description of physics over the wave description, you can approximate all photons as 'bullets' each carrying a mass of m = hf/c^2 and traveling at the speed of light."
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Based on Science...Climate Change Humans are Causing Global Warming


Today’s climate change is driven by human activities.

Scientists know that the warming climate is caused by human activities because:
  • They understand how heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide work in the atmosphere
  • They know why those gases are increasing in the atmosphere
  • They have ruled out other possible explanations
Human activities have increased the abundance of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. This increase is mostly due to burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Carbon dioxide has increased from a pre-industrial level of 280 parts per million to more than 410 parts per million today. Most of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has occurred since the late 1950s. In Earth’s distant past, it would take between 5,000 to 20,000 years to see the amount of change in carbon dioxide levels that humans have caused in just the last 60 years.

Natural changes cannot explain today’s global warming.
It is true that Earth has cycled through many ice ages and warm periods in the past. Those past events have been driven by natural changes such as:

  • Variations in Earth’s orbit around the Sun
  • Solar activity cycles that produce regular shifts in the amount of energy the Sun releases
  • Volcanic eruptions that eject dust and gas into the atmosphere, which shade the planet from the Sun’s rays
  • Variations in the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere
Scientists can measure these natural changes. The warm periods that regularly occurred between the ice ages of the past million years or so can be explained by natural changes, but measurements of those changes today cannot explain the current levels of warming that we are experiencing.

The rapid warming we are experiencing today can only be explained by increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.
The link between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and rising global temperatures has been clear to scientists since the 1850s. Measurements show that there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any other time in the past 1 million years—that is, since the dawn of humankind.

I dare you to post up the error bars in their model.... You will not so I will...

It's +/- 7w/m^2 (range of 14w/m^2 at earths surface). They say that only CO2 can do anything yet the sun has increased solar output by 0.9w/m^2 (measured at surface of the earth). We know that this increase is capable of about 1 deg C warming all by itself over the last 150 years and empirical evidence shows just 0.68 deg C warming in that period.

You and your article say our warming is all man caused but I just showed you that the solar increase, all by itself, is capable of the warming. you want us to believe your model but all of the warming falls inside your error range (which means its relevance is zero). Your model is AFU and your conclusions fail the smell test....

NAS has just screwed the pooch. Their credibility is gone... No ethical scientist would make these elementary errors nor would they publish such garbage.

Billy, you ever find the mass of a mole of photons?

Go learn something...the term "massless" in relation to photons is a figure of speech.... Zero mass for photons is an ad hoc solution by physicists to make photons comparable with special relativity....all models all the way down...

by the way...if you want to calculate the mass of a photon the formula is
m = hf/c^2

What is the mass of a photon?

Gravity Probe B - Special & General Relativity Questions and Answers
I was hoping he would take some initiative and look for himself.. Thank You!

Based on Science...Climate Change Humans are Causing Global Warming


Today’s climate change is driven by human activities.

Scientists know that the warming climate is caused by human activities because:
  • They understand how heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide work in the atmosphere
  • They know why those gases are increasing in the atmosphere
  • They have ruled out other possible explanations
Human activities have increased the abundance of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. This increase is mostly due to burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Carbon dioxide has increased from a pre-industrial level of 280 parts per million to more than 410 parts per million today. Most of the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has occurred since the late 1950s. In Earth’s distant past, it would take between 5,000 to 20,000 years to see the amount of change in carbon dioxide levels that humans have caused in just the last 60 years.

Natural changes cannot explain today’s global warming.
It is true that Earth has cycled through many ice ages and warm periods in the past. Those past events have been driven by natural changes such as:

  • Variations in Earth’s orbit around the Sun
  • Solar activity cycles that produce regular shifts in the amount of energy the Sun releases
  • Volcanic eruptions that eject dust and gas into the atmosphere, which shade the planet from the Sun’s rays
  • Variations in the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere
Scientists can measure these natural changes. The warm periods that regularly occurred between the ice ages of the past million years or so can be explained by natural changes, but measurements of those changes today cannot explain the current levels of warming that we are experiencing.

The rapid warming we are experiencing today can only be explained by increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.
The link between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and rising global temperatures has been clear to scientists since the 1850s. Measurements show that there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any other time in the past 1 million years—that is, since the dawn of humankind.

I dare you to post up the error bars in their model.... You will not so I will...

It's +/- 7w/m^2 (range of 14w/m^2 at earths surface). They say that only CO2 can do anything yet the sun has increased solar output by 0.9w/m^2 (measured at surface of the earth). We know that this increase is capable of about 1 deg C warming all by itself over the last 150 years and empirical evidence shows just 0.68 deg C warming in that period.

You and your article say our warming is all man caused but I just showed you that the solar increase, all by itself, is capable of the warming. you want us to believe your model but all of the warming falls inside your error range (which means its relevance is zero). Your model is AFU and your conclusions fail the smell test....

NAS has just screwed the pooch. Their credibility is gone... No ethical scientist would make these elementary errors nor would they publish such garbage.

Billy, you ever find the mass of a mole of photons?

Go learn something...the term "massless" in relation to photons is a figure of speech.... Zero mass for photons is an ad hoc solution by physicists to make photons comparable with special relativity....all models all the way down...

by the way...if you want to calculate the mass of a photon the formula is
m = hf/c^2

What is the mass of a photon?

Gravity Probe B - Special & General Relativity Questions and Answers

So help your buddy out, post their mass.
Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

View attachment 274190

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level. I am amazed that it took some one else to find it for you..

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question. As a known mass it must act as all mass does IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one. This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

You haven't. Not even once.
Here's your chance.

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level.

Great. Post a link to this calculation.

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question.

You didn't say it was an open ended question. You said it was a fact. You lied.

As a known mass it must act as all mass does

Post the known mass.

IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one.

A "cooler photon" traveling at the speed of light will cool warmer matter? Hilarious!!!

If I fire a bullet at 0C into a sheet of steel at 20C, how much cooler will the steel get?

This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

What cooler mass is radiating into the atmosphere?
I dare you to post up the error bars in their model.... You will not so I will...

It's +/- 7w/m^2 (range of 14w/m^2 at earths surface). They say that only CO2 can do anything yet the sun has increased solar output by 0.9w/m^2 (measured at surface of the earth). We know that this increase is capable of about 1 deg C warming all by itself over the last 150 years and empirical evidence shows just 0.68 deg C warming in that period.

You and your article say our warming is all man caused but I just showed you that the solar increase, all by itself, is capable of the warming. you want us to believe your model but all of the warming falls inside your error range (which means its relevance is zero). Your model is AFU and your conclusions fail the smell test....

NAS has just screwed the pooch. Their credibility is gone... No ethical scientist would make these elementary errors nor would they publish such garbage.

Billy, you ever find the mass of a mole of photons?

Go learn something...the term "massless" in relation to photons is a figure of speech.... Zero mass for photons is an ad hoc solution by physicists to make photons comparable with special relativity....all models all the way down...

by the way...if you want to calculate the mass of a photon the formula is
m = hf/c^2

What is the mass of a photon?

Gravity Probe B - Special & General Relativity Questions and Answers

So help your buddy out, post their mass.
Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

View attachment 274190

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level. I am amazed that it took some one else to find it for you..

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question. As a known mass it must act as all mass does IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one. This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

You haven't. Not even once.
Here's your chance.

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level.

Great. Post a link to this calculation.

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question.

You didn't say it was an open ended question. You said it was a fact. You lied.

As a known mass it must act as all mass does

Post the known mass.

IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one.

A "cooler photon" traveling at the speed of light will cool warmer matter? Hilarious!!!

If I fire a bullet at 0C into a sheet of steel at 20C, how much cooler will the steel get?

This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

What cooler mass is radiating into the atmosphere?
You cant figure it out... You know the frequency of the photon. 14.9um (10^13.27) You know the power of the photon (.002eV ) and you know the speed of the photon (186,000,000/sec).. Place them in the equation you have been given and do the damn math.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe? BWHAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa What magical powers does it posses to not act within the natural laws?
Billy, you ever find the mass of a mole of photons?

Go learn something...the term "massless" in relation to photons is a figure of speech.... Zero mass for photons is an ad hoc solution by physicists to make photons comparable with special relativity....all models all the way down...

by the way...if you want to calculate the mass of a photon the formula is
m = hf/c^2

What is the mass of a photon?

Gravity Probe B - Special & General Relativity Questions and Answers

So help your buddy out, post their mass.
Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

View attachment 274190

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level. I am amazed that it took some one else to find it for you..

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question. As a known mass it must act as all mass does IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one. This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

You haven't. Not even once.
Here's your chance.

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level.

Great. Post a link to this calculation.

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question.

You didn't say it was an open ended question. You said it was a fact. You lied.

As a known mass it must act as all mass does

Post the known mass.

IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one.

A "cooler photon" traveling at the speed of light will cool warmer matter? Hilarious!!!

If I fire a bullet at 0C into a sheet of steel at 20C, how much cooler will the steel get?

This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

What cooler mass is radiating into the atmosphere?
You cant figure it out... You know the frequency of the photon. 14.9um (10^13.27) You know the power of the photon (.002eV ) and you know the speed of the photon (186,000,000/sec).. Place them in the equation you have been given and do the damn math.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe? BWHAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa What magical powers does it posses to not act within the natural laws?

You cant figure it out...

You made the claim, you post the proof.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe?

Post a list of other masses in the universe that move at the speed of light.
Go learn something...the term "massless" in relation to photons is a figure of speech.... Zero mass for photons is an ad hoc solution by physicists to make photons comparable with special relativity....all models all the way down...

by the way...if you want to calculate the mass of a photon the formula is
m = hf/c^2

What is the mass of a photon?

Gravity Probe B - Special & General Relativity Questions and Answers

So help your buddy out, post their mass.
Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

View attachment 274190

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level. I am amazed that it took some one else to find it for you..

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question. As a known mass it must act as all mass does IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one. This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

You haven't. Not even once.
Here's your chance.

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level.

Great. Post a link to this calculation.

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question.

You didn't say it was an open ended question. You said it was a fact. You lied.

As a known mass it must act as all mass does

Post the known mass.

IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one.

A "cooler photon" traveling at the speed of light will cool warmer matter? Hilarious!!!

If I fire a bullet at 0C into a sheet of steel at 20C, how much cooler will the steel get?

This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

What cooler mass is radiating into the atmosphere?
You cant figure it out... You know the frequency of the photon. 14.9um (10^13.27) You know the power of the photon (.002eV ) and you know the speed of the photon (186,000,000/sec).. Place them in the equation you have been given and do the damn math.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe? BWHAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa What magical powers does it posses to not act within the natural laws?

You cant figure it out...

You made the claim, you post the proof.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe?

Post a list of other masses in the universe that move at the speed of light.
the guy that can't post one observed piece of evidence of a cooler object warming a warm object. still waiting bubba, shouldn't be asking if you can't provide your own shit.
So help your buddy out, post their mass.
Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

View attachment 274190

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level. I am amazed that it took some one else to find it for you..

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question. As a known mass it must act as all mass does IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one. This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

You haven't. Not even once.
Here's your chance.

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level.

Great. Post a link to this calculation.

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question.

You didn't say it was an open ended question. You said it was a fact. You lied.

As a known mass it must act as all mass does

Post the known mass.

IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one.

A "cooler photon" traveling at the speed of light will cool warmer matter? Hilarious!!!

If I fire a bullet at 0C into a sheet of steel at 20C, how much cooler will the steel get?

This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

What cooler mass is radiating into the atmosphere?
You cant figure it out... You know the frequency of the photon. 14.9um (10^13.27) You know the power of the photon (.002eV ) and you know the speed of the photon (186,000,000/sec).. Place them in the equation you have been given and do the damn math.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe? BWHAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa What magical powers does it posses to not act within the natural laws?

You cant figure it out...

You made the claim, you post the proof.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe?

Post a list of other masses in the universe that move at the speed of light.
the guy that can't post one observed piece of evidence of a cooler object warming a warm object. still waiting bubba, shouldn't be asking if you can't provide your own shit.

Do you know the mass of a photon?

So help your buddy out, post their mass.
Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

View attachment 274190

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level. I am amazed that it took some one else to find it for you..

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question. As a known mass it must act as all mass does IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one. This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

You haven't. Not even once.
Here's your chance.

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level.

Great. Post a link to this calculation.

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question.

You didn't say it was an open ended question. You said it was a fact. You lied.

As a known mass it must act as all mass does

Post the known mass.

IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one.

A "cooler photon" traveling at the speed of light will cool warmer matter? Hilarious!!!

If I fire a bullet at 0C into a sheet of steel at 20C, how much cooler will the steel get?

This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

What cooler mass is radiating into the atmosphere?
You cant figure it out... You know the frequency of the photon. 14.9um (10^13.27) You know the power of the photon (.002eV ) and you know the speed of the photon (186,000,000/sec).. Place them in the equation you have been given and do the damn math.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe? BWHAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa What magical powers does it posses to not act within the natural laws?

You cant figure it out...

You made the claim, you post the proof.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe?

Post a list of other masses in the universe that move at the speed of light.
the guy that can't post one observed piece of evidence of a cooler object warming a warm object. still waiting bubba, shouldn't be asking if you can't provide your own shit.

the guy that can't post one observed piece of evidence of a cooler object warming a warm object.

Colder objects can't warm warmer objects.
If you understood the SB equation you'd know why.
Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

View attachment 274190

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level. I am amazed that it took some one else to find it for you..

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question. As a known mass it must act as all mass does IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one. This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

You haven't. Not even once.
Here's your chance.

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level.

Great. Post a link to this calculation.

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question.

You didn't say it was an open ended question. You said it was a fact. You lied.

As a known mass it must act as all mass does

Post the known mass.

IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one.

A "cooler photon" traveling at the speed of light will cool warmer matter? Hilarious!!!

If I fire a bullet at 0C into a sheet of steel at 20C, how much cooler will the steel get?

This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

What cooler mass is radiating into the atmosphere?
You cant figure it out... You know the frequency of the photon. 14.9um (10^13.27) You know the power of the photon (.002eV ) and you know the speed of the photon (186,000,000/sec).. Place them in the equation you have been given and do the damn math.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe? BWHAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa What magical powers does it posses to not act within the natural laws?

You cant figure it out...

You made the claim, you post the proof.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe?

Post a list of other masses in the universe that move at the speed of light.
the guy that can't post one observed piece of evidence of a cooler object warming a warm object. still waiting bubba, shouldn't be asking if you can't provide your own shit.

Do you know the mass of a photon?

Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

View attachment 274190

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level. I am amazed that it took some one else to find it for you..

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question. As a known mass it must act as all mass does IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one. This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

You haven't. Not even once.
Here's your chance.

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level.

Great. Post a link to this calculation.

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question.

You didn't say it was an open ended question. You said it was a fact. You lied.

As a known mass it must act as all mass does

Post the known mass.

IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one.

A "cooler photon" traveling at the speed of light will cool warmer matter? Hilarious!!!

If I fire a bullet at 0C into a sheet of steel at 20C, how much cooler will the steel get?

This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

What cooler mass is radiating into the atmosphere?
You cant figure it out... You know the frequency of the photon. 14.9um (10^13.27) You know the power of the photon (.002eV ) and you know the speed of the photon (186,000,000/sec).. Place them in the equation you have been given and do the damn math.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe? BWHAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa What magical powers does it posses to not act within the natural laws?

You cant figure it out...

You made the claim, you post the proof.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe?

Post a list of other masses in the universe that move at the speed of light.
the guy that can't post one observed piece of evidence of a cooler object warming a warm object. still waiting bubba, shouldn't be asking if you can't provide your own shit.

Do you know the mass of a photon?

you can't post an observed cooler object warming a warmer object?
Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

View attachment 274190

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level. I am amazed that it took some one else to find it for you..

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question. As a known mass it must act as all mass does IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one. This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

You haven't. Not even once.
Here's your chance.

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level.

Great. Post a link to this calculation.

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question.

You didn't say it was an open ended question. You said it was a fact. You lied.

As a known mass it must act as all mass does

Post the known mass.

IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one.

A "cooler photon" traveling at the speed of light will cool warmer matter? Hilarious!!!

If I fire a bullet at 0C into a sheet of steel at 20C, how much cooler will the steel get?

This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

What cooler mass is radiating into the atmosphere?
You cant figure it out... You know the frequency of the photon. 14.9um (10^13.27) You know the power of the photon (.002eV ) and you know the speed of the photon (186,000,000/sec).. Place them in the equation you have been given and do the damn math.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe? BWHAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa What magical powers does it posses to not act within the natural laws?

You cant figure it out...

You made the claim, you post the proof.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe?

Post a list of other masses in the universe that move at the speed of light.
the guy that can't post one observed piece of evidence of a cooler object warming a warm object. still waiting bubba, shouldn't be asking if you can't provide your own shit.

the guy that can't post one observed piece of evidence of a cooler object warming a warm object.

Colder objects can't warm warmer objects.
If you understood the SB equation you'd know why.
hey, you're the one saying the cool object radiates while next to warm objects, radiate implies heat. so I'm waiting.
Ive already posted the mass you moron.. Its based in eV which was part of this graphing:

You haven't. Not even once.
Here's your chance.

Its been in front of your face since day one and is calculated for all mater in most tables of the elements at the molecular level.

Great. Post a link to this calculation.

As SSDD's links point out, this is still a very open ended question.

You didn't say it was an open ended question. You said it was a fact. You lied.

As a known mass it must act as all mass does

Post the known mass.

IE: upon collision, a cooler mass will cool a warmer one.

A "cooler photon" traveling at the speed of light will cool warmer matter? Hilarious!!!

If I fire a bullet at 0C into a sheet of steel at 20C, how much cooler will the steel get?

This is precisely why our atmosphere can not warm, when its energy is being emitted from a cooler mass.

What cooler mass is radiating into the atmosphere?
You cant figure it out... You know the frequency of the photon. 14.9um (10^13.27) You know the power of the photon (.002eV ) and you know the speed of the photon (186,000,000/sec).. Place them in the equation you have been given and do the damn math.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe? BWHAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa What magical powers does it posses to not act within the natural laws?

You cant figure it out...

You made the claim, you post the proof.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe?

Post a list of other masses in the universe that move at the speed of light.
the guy that can't post one observed piece of evidence of a cooler object warming a warm object. still waiting bubba, shouldn't be asking if you can't provide your own shit.

the guy that can't post one observed piece of evidence of a cooler object warming a warm object.

Colder objects can't warm warmer objects.
If you understood the SB equation you'd know why.
hey, you're the one saying the cool object radiates while next to warm objects, radiate implies heat. so I'm waiting.

Yup, objects radiate.
If you could do math, you'd sound a lot less stupid.
You cant figure it out... You know the frequency of the photon. 14.9um (10^13.27) You know the power of the photon (.002eV ) and you know the speed of the photon (186,000,000/sec).. Place them in the equation you have been given and do the damn math.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe? BWHAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa What magical powers does it posses to not act within the natural laws?

You cant figure it out...

You made the claim, you post the proof.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe?

Post a list of other masses in the universe that move at the speed of light.
the guy that can't post one observed piece of evidence of a cooler object warming a warm object. still waiting bubba, shouldn't be asking if you can't provide your own shit.

the guy that can't post one observed piece of evidence of a cooler object warming a warm object.

Colder objects can't warm warmer objects.
If you understood the SB equation you'd know why.
hey, you're the one saying the cool object radiates while next to warm objects, radiate implies heat. so I'm waiting.

Yup, objects radiate.
If you could do math, you'd sound a lot less stupid.
so no observed cool object radiating toward the warm object I see. I thought not.
You cant figure it out...

You made the claim, you post the proof.

And now you say this mass must not act like all other mass in our universe?

Post a list of other masses in the universe that move at the speed of light.
the guy that can't post one observed piece of evidence of a cooler object warming a warm object. still waiting bubba, shouldn't be asking if you can't provide your own shit.

the guy that can't post one observed piece of evidence of a cooler object warming a warm object.

Colder objects can't warm warmer objects.
If you understood the SB equation you'd know why.
hey, you're the one saying the cool object radiates while next to warm objects, radiate implies heat. so I'm waiting.

Yup, objects radiate.
If you could do math, you'd sound a lot less stupid.
so no observed cool object radiating toward the warm object I see. I thought not.


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