Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Mueller even stated that there was evidence of Russia willing to help Trump during the campaign and was turned away.
Honesty at the highest level and I'm disappointed that my liberal friends won't acknowledge that.
Mueller even stated that there was evidence of Russia willing to help Trump during the campaign and was turned away.
Well, not in so many words, he didn't say "turned away." But yeah, that they didn't collude or cooperate with the Russians, despite the Russians offering them help.
And now 50% of the country knows what 50% of the country knew two years ago.


That would be nice. But I'm listening to MSNBC right now. It appears that 30% aren't going to acknowledge the findings, no matter what. They're all going with the "although the President did not commit a crime, it does not exonerate him" angle.

Haven’t seen anything to this point but a summary in a letter from Trumps Roy Cohn.

Nobody should believe anything until the full report is in.

Is that like us not believing when Comey said that Crooked Hillary had "no intent" and Obama's corrupt Justice Department agreeing?
Mueller even stated that there was evidence of Russia willing to help Trump during the campaign and was turned away.
Honesty at the highest level and I'm disappointed that my liberal friends won't acknowledge that.
Mueller even stated that there was evidence of Russia willing to help Trump during the campaign and was turned away.
Well, not in so many words, he didn't say "turned away." But yeah, that they didn't collude or cooperate with the Russians, despite the Russians offering them help.
If you want to split hairs to make it a win for you, feel free, OldLady
So NOW Muellers no
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
so now Mueller isn't a lying POS like most republicans here called him What garbage republicans are From trump his family and on down
I'm not a republican, but, I also didn't call him a liar.
I would think you would be happy that your president wasn't obstructing justice or conspiring against America.

You would be wrong. The left would starve their own kids if it ment "getting Trump "
So NOW Muellers no
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
so now Mueller isn't a lying POS like most republicans here called him What garbage republicans are From trump his family and on down
I'm not a republican, but, I also didn't call him a liar.
I would think you would be happy that your president wasn't obstructing justice or conspiring against America.
Happy ?? Disappointed is more like it The man is scum regardless of his supposed innocence of those 2 charges
TDS......he is one of the greatest POTUS ever
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Now The Donald should appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the Democratic Party, to investigate who they have Colluded with in their POLITICAL WITCH HUNT to destroy him AND his ENTIRE family, who they have Colluded with to CRAP on America's Electoral Process in their pursuit to OVERTURN the result of that Electoral Process by wanting to throw him out of the Office he was elected to BECAUSE they could NEVER accept that The Donald BEAT Hillary.
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Is it finally over? No more RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA? I am sad, the leftists will have nothing to talk about, what will happen to their butthurt now?

Still multiple investigations ongoing into the Blob as is the Stone trial.

Stay tuned.
Well of course there is, darling....all from the butthurt left. Sheesh
There was NO EXONERATION as per Barr
Did Mueller find evidence of obstruction?

Maybe. Haven’t seen the report. Did he exonerate him?

He doesn’t have to exonerate him dumbass, and if he did you would be calling him a traitor . GFY

LL doesn't deal well with defeat.

I’ve not been defeated.

You never had a chance.

If Mueller exonerates Trump I’ll admit defeat.
Did Mueller exonerate trump on obstruction?

Did Mueller find evidence of obstruction?

Maybe. Haven’t seen the report. Did he exonerate him?

He doesn’t have to exonerate him dumbass, and if he did you would be calling him a traitor . GFY

No. But your hero tweeted that he was exonerated.

That’s just today’s lie.


Next should be you shutting the fuck up while you’re waaaaaay behind

I’m cool. You seem amped up. Maybe that’s because you know your legs are shaky.
It is a special skill to be spectacularly wrong

You want a medal?

No. But a simple "Trump is my President" would suffice.

Actually I was talking to the troll. You want a medal, you're gonna have to troll on his level.

And I'm talking to you. So in light of what was released today, do you finally accept Donald J. Trump as your President?

I want to hear you say it: "Donald J. Trump won the election fair and square."

Say it!!!

Well that's a start. But you'll need a lot more irrelevant bait posts before you're in his league.

I've never maintained that the election wasn't legal or "fair". Prove me wrong.

Whilst your uh, shall we say working on that, I'll continue to wait for a finished report/link/whatever. There's no hurry.
History will judge the last 2 years as McCarthyism 2.0; spawned of course by the Democrats.
Mueller even stated that there was evidence of Russia willing to help Trump during the campaign and was turned away.
Honesty at the highest level and I'm disappointed that my liberal friends won't acknowledge that.
Mueller even stated that there was evidence of Russia willing to help Trump during the campaign and was turned away.
Well, not in so many words, he didn't say "turned away." But yeah, that they didn't collude or cooperate with the Russians, despite the Russians offering them help.
If you want to split hairs to make it a win for you, feel free, OldLady
"turned away" just sounds like a more active renunciation than the other. Barr found they didn't collude--maybe they ignored or didn't follow up or got too busy .... but
yeah, it makes me feel better to be very accurate here. I don't really consider it winning or losing, Meister. It is what it is and I'm just trying to keep some facts in play here.
Maybe. Haven’t seen the report. Did he exonerate him?

He doesn’t have to exonerate him dumbass, and if he did you would be calling him a traitor . GFY

LL doesn't deal well with defeat.

I’ve not been defeated.

You never had a chance.

If Mueller exonerates Trump I’ll admit defeat.
If there is no collusion, conspiracy, or obstruction....what is Trump supposed to be exonerated of exactly?
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Is it finally over? No more RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA? I am sad, the leftists will have nothing to talk about, what will happen to their butthurt now?

Still multiple investigations ongoing into the Blob as is the Stone trial.

Stay tuned.
Well of course there is, darling....all from the butthurt left. Sheesh
There was NO EXONERATION as per Barr

The report says that it does not conclude that Trump committed a crime, nor does it exonerate him. If there is no proof a crime even occured, there is no reason to exonerate. I suspect the report deals with the lame speculation that Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey by saying there is no evidence.
Thank God it's back to much more important things like the NCAA tourney. I was angry when they interrupted my game. Priorities.

Just stop for a moment and think of all the poor liberals tonight spending it on suicide watch at their local mental health facility.

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