Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Now The Donald should appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the Democratic Party, to investigate who they have Colluded with in their POLITICAL WITCH HUNT to destroy him AND his ENTIRE family, who they have Colluded with to CRAP on America's Electoral Process in their pursuit to OVERTURN the result of that Electoral Process by wanting to throw him out of the Office he was elected to BECAUSE they could NEVER accept that The Donald BEAT Hillary.
Go make political noise in your own country, Lucy. All this investigating is just ripping us apart.
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Now The Donald should appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the Democratic Party, to investigate who they have Colluded with in their POLITICAL WITCH HUNT to destroy him AND his ENTIRE family, who they have Colluded with to CRAP on America's Electoral Process in their pursuit to OVERTURN the result of that Electoral Process by wanting to throw him out of the Office he was elected to BECAUSE they could NEVER accept that The Donald BEAT Hillary.

You can't appoint a prosecutor or launch an investigation to find out "who they colluded with" when you have no evidence collusion even existed. Doesn't work that way.

Holy shit it's like y'all just got a delivery of crack up in here. :smoke:
Maybe. Haven’t seen the report. Did he exonerate him?

He doesn’t have to exonerate him dumbass, and if he did you would be calling him a traitor . GFY

LL doesn't deal well with defeat.

I’ve not been defeated.

You never had a chance.

If Mueller exonerates Trump I’ll admit defeat.

LOL, you think his makes you look intelligent? Determining guilt or innocence isn't his job now is it. Too funny, why do Lefty's hide behind word games.
In case anyone here is keeping score, Trump wins yet again and the lefttards lose yet again. This is a very one sided game indeed. Can it be that Trump alone is smarter than all of the dumb democommies combined? From the looks of their most recent recruits like AOC, apparently so.
Are you sure about that Dude. Only in the minds of idiots and the delusional did he win. It is far from over. He has not been exonerated. If there was a winner today, it's the American people and all those who want to restore decency and sanity to government .

You might want to read some of this Live updates: Mueller report summary is out - CNNPolitics

The American people will be winners because, now, this mess is sure to drag on to the election, disrupt and cast a cloud over the campaign and likely result in the Orange Blob's fat ass being kicked out of office along with the piece of shit known as Pence.

Wrong on EVERY count. As usual for the regressive pervert. It's OVER. You LOST. No arrest, no indictment, no removal from office. Trump wins and you lose. Right now Trump is rolling to re-election. No amount of your crying changes that. The only cloud will be over the socialist moron you idiots put up for a beating in 2020. Enjoy 6 more years of Trump you dictator wanna be.
You are, apparently as detached from reality as the Orange Blob. It ain't over Bubba. I am not crying, I am rejoicing This will dog him into the election and we will be rid of him and the shit bag Pence as well.

Everyone should have a dream. You're delusional and crying because NO evidence of collusion, NO evidence of obstruction of justice. IT IS OVER. We'll be sure to rub your face in it when Trump wins re-election. Guess what moron. Americans are disgusted with the lying people on YOUR side. Enoy the upcoming IG report which will set off investigations into the Dems illegal acts. Enoy 6 more years of Trump whiner.
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Trump is NOT clean. Mueller left it up to Rosenstein and Barr whether to charge Trump with Obstruction of Justice, and they declined, on the grounds that there was "no collusion".

In other words, Justice covered Trump's ass on the obstruction of justice charges.

How about the fact that you can't obstruct justice because their was no crime, duh?
Mueller even stated that there was evidence of Russia willing to help Trump during the campaign and was turned away.
Honesty at the highest level and I'm disappointed that my liberal friends won't acknowledge that.
Mueller even stated that there was evidence of Russia willing to help Trump during the campaign and was turned away.
Well, not in so many words, he didn't say "turned away." But yeah, that they didn't collude or cooperate with the Russians, despite the Russians offering them help.
If you want to split hairs to make it a win for you, feel free, OldLady
"turned away" just sounds like a more active renunciation than the other. Barr found they didn't collude--maybe they ignored or didn't follow up or got too busy .... but
yeah, it makes me feel better to be very accurate here. I don't really consider it winning or losing, Meister. It is what it is and I'm just trying to keep some facts in play here.

Oh but the partisan hacks do. For them this is all a football game.
Thank God it's back to much more important things like the NCAA tourney. I was angry when they interrupted my game. Priorities.

Just stop for a moment and think of all the poor liberals tonight spending it on suicide watch at their local mental health facility.
Go to hell, Admiral. You and your fantasies.

So, what time did they tell you to check in, or are the guys in the little white coats on their way with the self-hugging coat?
So NOW Muellers no
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
so now Mueller isn't a lying POS like most republicans here called him What garbage republicans are From trump his family and on down
I'm not a republican, but, I also didn't call him a liar.
I would think you would be happy that your president wasn't obstructing justice or conspiring against America.

You would be wrong. The left would starve their own kids if it ment "getting Trump "

I think they would, the Leftist's organic hatred of The Donald AND his ENTIRE family is borderline insane, there is no rational explanation WHY a crowd would HATE someone as much as they HATE The Trump's and in my opinion it is beyond politics they HATE them for other reasons also that are not political. Think what a tragic person you would have to be to HATE as much as they HATE The Trump's.
In case anyone here is keeping score, Trump wins yet again and the lefttards lose yet again. This is a very one sided game indeed. Can it be that Trump alone is smarter than all of the dumb democommies combined? From the looks of their most recent recruits like AOC, apparently so.
Are you sure about that Dude. Only in the minds of idiots and the delusional did he win. It is far from over. He has not been exonerated. If there was a winner today, it's the American people and all those who want to restore decency and sanity to government .

You might want to read some of this Live updates: Mueller report summary is out - CNNPolitics

The American people will be winners because, now, this mess is sure to drag on to the election, disrupt and cast a cloud over the campaign and likely result in the Orange Blob's fat ass being kicked out of office along with the piece of shit known as Pence.
After reading some of your crap here, I think you should be very grateful that most of the insane asylums and nut houses were closed back during the Reagan years. In fact until Trump was elected the country was on a steady downhill slide ever since. Maybe it's time to reopen the nut houses and shove all the nuts inside where they belong. We could make a great start by starting with congress, especially the house and the democratic leadership.
"Jim Comey should take the next decade off from twitter. Now that his debunked investigation has been decimated it’s time to investigate HIM. He led the Spygate debacle while running the FBI." - Dan Bongino, after Comey tweeted a picture of himself in the forest
Libs are so mad....this shit is hilarious.

No evidence, libs. You assholes have been FOS for over 2 years.

Suck it and swallow.
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Now The Donald should appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the Democratic Party, to investigate who they have Colluded with in their POLITICAL WITCH HUNT to destroy him AND his ENTIRE family, who they have Colluded with to CRAP on America's Electoral Process in their pursuit to OVERTURN the result of that Electoral Process by wanting to throw him out of the Office he was elected to BECAUSE they could NEVER accept that The Donald BEAT Hillary.
Go make political noise in your own country, Lucy. All this investigating is just ripping us apart.

Fuck off, you NEVER say that to Non-Americans who are Leftist Trump Derangement Syndrome ilk, so GTFO and STFU already. NOBODY gives a CRAP what you think and I have a RIGHT to post what I want about ANYTHING I want so deal with it or fuck off. Yes I am Non-American but WTF I am MORE Pro-American than MANY of the American Leftists like YOU who HATE America are TRAITORS to their Flag and want America to be a Third World Shit Hole.
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Is it finally over? No more RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA? I am sad, the leftists will have nothing to talk about, what will happen to their butthurt now?

Still multiple investigations ongoing into the Blob as is the Stone trial.

Stay tuned.
Well of course there is, darling....all from the butthurt left. Sheesh
There was NO EXONERATION as per Barr

There was no CRIME per Barr.
Mueller even stated that there was evidence of Russia willing to help Trump during the campaign and was turned away.
Honesty at the highest level and I'm disappointed that my liberal friends won't acknowledge that.
Mueller even stated that there was evidence of Russia willing to help Trump during the campaign and was turned away.
Well, not in so many words, he didn't say "turned away." But yeah, that they didn't collude or cooperate with the Russians, despite the Russians offering them help.
If you want to split hairs to make it a win for you, feel free, OldLady
"turned away" just sounds like a more active renunciation than the other. Barr found they didn't collude--maybe they ignored or didn't follow up or got too busy .... but
yeah, it makes me feel better to be very accurate here. I don't really consider it winning or losing, Meister. It is what it is and I'm just trying to keep some facts in play here.

Oh but the partisan hacks do. For them this is all a football game.
I know.

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