Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.
So he found crimes and ignored them? Lol that’s against the law.. he would have turned evidence over.. he has not

Wrong. He was only supposed to indict those who's crimes have to do with Russian interference. He hands off other crimes to other offices. He said from the very beginning he would not indict Trump regardless if he found something or not.
Lol what passed on tax crime to Federal prosecutors.. no American were arrested for collusion connection with Russia .. all white collar crimes.
He investigated almost everyone on taxes lol
He has nothing and if he did it would have been passed on

None of us know that until the report comes out. It has been said a million times, Mueller said he would not go against the DoJ memo that a sitting President can not be indicted.
Mueller and all associated need to prove probable cause for their investigation, or face trial for treason.
Yes and we need to see it all Not just the part the kiss ass AG wants to release

And that would be because you're better qualified? Dumbass.
The truth stinker nothing but the truth Qualified ?? The AH in our WH is qualified?

Well, appear you loons have been getting the truth, for about two years. Folks like you and Adam Schiff wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.
Mueller and all associated need to prove probable cause for their investigation, or face trial for treason.
Yes and we need to see it all Not just the part the kiss ass AG wants to release
You are literally insane. There will be in that report, people who were investigated but found innocent of any wrongdoing. You would rather expose them and violate their rights to satisfy your thirst for revenge for losing an election.

As I said, unstable mentally is what you are.
Mueller and all associated need to prove probable cause for their investigation, or face trial for treason.
Yes and we need to see it all Not just the part the kiss ass AG wants to release

And that would be because you're better qualified? Dumbass.
The truth stinker nothing but the truth Qualified ?? The AH in our WH is qualified?

Well, appear you loons have been getting the truth, for about two years. Folks like you and Adam Schiff wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.
And trump does?? How many times did the shithead say no collusion?? As many times as he said Mexico will pay for the wall?
Sorry their girl lost.

The whole bullshit was based upon a fake document by the Crooked Hillary campaign.

Just another example of how dishonest the Democrats are.

still calling her crooked Hillary I see, how about we start calling crooked Donald and family. Sounds about right.

Still bitterly clinging to your hatred of all things Trump? You are pathetic!
Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.
So he found crimes and ignored them? Lol that’s against the law.. he would have turned evidence over.. he has not

Wrong. He was only supposed to indict those who's crimes have to do with Russian interference. He hands off other crimes to other offices. He said from the very beginning he would not indict Trump regardless if he found something or not.
Lol what passed on tax crime to Federal prosecutors.. no American were arrested for collusion connection with Russia .. all white collar crimes.
He investigated almost everyone on taxes lol
He has nothing and if he did it would have been passed on

None of us know that until the report comes out. It has been said a million times, Mueller said he would not go against the DoJ memo that a sitting President can not be indicted.
They can pass on evidence or have a sealed indictment And they don’t, he said no further indictments
The saddest part of this whole fiasco was the number of mush minded people who hung on all the daily proclamations by CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the fake news cartel that "the walls are closing in on Trump" , "it's a foregone conclusion that Trump colluded with Putin" , "Trump wants this country to fail" , "Trump is only in this to benefit his company" , "Trump's whole family is evil" , "Trump is a danger to our country" , "Trump's perp walk will be happening any day now" and all the other ridiculously fabricated fantasies they obsessed on. It will be interesting to see what their new BS Trump attack will be. Trump 2020. Best President since Eisenhower.

We do not even know what is in the report, many are guilty , but maybe Mueller is of the mind they can't indict a sitting potus, or just can't prove he is guilty. They are not out of the woods yet, the SDNY is waiting for them all.

If he wanted to, he could have provided grounds for impeachment, but since the evidence only exists in the minds of the terminally bewildered, you will have the hate to keep you warm at night, because that is all you have left.
Mueller and all associated need to prove probable cause for their investigation, or face trial for treason.
Yes and we need to see it all Not just the part the kiss ass AG wants to release

And that would be because you're better qualified? Dumbass.
The truth stinker nothing but the truth Qualified ?? The AH in our WH is qualified?

Well, appear you loons have been getting the truth, for about two years. Folks like you and Adam Schiff wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.
And trump does?? How many times did the shithead say no collusion?? As many times as he said Mexico will pay for the wall?

And how is that "collusion" working for ya....dumbass.
Yes and we need to see it all Not just the part the kiss ass AG wants to release

And that would be because you're better qualified? Dumbass.
The truth stinker nothing but the truth Qualified ?? The AH in our WH is qualified?

Well, appear you loons have been getting the truth, for about two years. Folks like you and Adam Schiff wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.
And trump does?? How many times did the shithead say no collusion?? As many times as he said Mexico will pay for the wall?

And how is that "collusion" working for ya....dumbass.
Seems to me there's no answer to that yet ,,stinker
50 million for a condo for Putin ???? Must be real good pals,,,,,,,but no collusion You do know that taking help from a foreign country for help in an election is against the law stinker??
Mueller and all associated need to prove probable cause for their investigation, or face trial for treason.
Yes and we need to see it all Not just the part the kiss ass AG wants to release

And that would be because you're better qualified? Dumbass.
The truth stinker nothing but the truth Qualified ?? The AH in our WH is qualified?

Well, appear you loons have been getting the truth, for about two years. Folks like you and Adam Schiff wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.

You surely know you have absolutely no way of backing up that (highlighted) ludicrous statement. So you resort to the old standby for the 'knowledgeability challenged'...include an insult utilizing some part of the anatomy - either the sexual organs or the anus.

Jeez man - why don't you just start your response with the disclaimer:'the following response is utter gobbledygook'?

Have a nice day.
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And that would be because you're better qualified? Dumbass.
The truth stinker nothing but the truth Qualified ?? The AH in our WH is qualified?

Well, appear you loons have been getting the truth, for about two years. Folks like you and Adam Schiff wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.
And trump does?? How many times did the shithead say no collusion?? As many times as he said Mexico will pay for the wall?

And how is that "collusion" working for ya....dumbass.
Seems to me there's no answer to that yet ,,stinker

You mean you don't like the answer...dumbass.
Trimp may get by with Mueller report being in, however he will not get away with anything! We as Americans must come together as a whole and vote his raggerty ass out! WE DO HAVE THE POWER
Ever since I read 'Fear' - I realized that the report was probably going to be a HUGE disappointment for Dems who were hoping this would oust Trump.

I think in future that they HAVE to put time limits on these types of investigations. Almost two years is WAY too long to keep a POTUS in limbo. I did not like the Clinton investigation. And I did not like this one either. Both were overblown. Yeah - it threw a few slime balls in jail. Big deal. I already knew Trump was a slime ball who hired slime balls. That is not worth almost two years of the country semi-holding it's breath over it's 'leader'.

But it should be obvious by now that Trump is too stupid to skillfully collude with the Russian government. If he had done it - he would have fucked it up and gotten caught without Mueller. Trump is a liar and an idiot and is too useless to be a truly successful criminal. He is great at conning stupid people. And many of his other cons/screw-ups the NY Southern District is looking into. But he is obviously not remotely bright enough to collude with a major foreign power and get away with it...not even close.

Trump's stupidity was his greatest defense on the Mueller investigation, IMO.
According to some, the Mueller report says nothing about Trump because it can only report on people who have been indicted, and the DOJ will not indict a sitting President. So according to those people, we never should have expected anything on Trump from Mueller anyway.
50 million for a condo for Putin ???? Must be real good pals,,,,,,,but no collusion You do know that taking help from a foreign country for help in an election is against the law stinker??

Hey s0n....I told you month ago to go out and grab some KY because yesterday was coming. Knew the bumpy cucumber would be large and stingy. None of you jarheads listened and now the local CVS is plumb out of lubricant. Tough shit on you!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

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