Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Meanwhile, the Nothing-Burger Mueller Probe which the Left touted would go on for years and years ending in SHAME, DISGRACE, IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL FROM OFFICE, PROSECUTION and TIME BEHIND BARS fizzles out like a damp firecracker. Best summed up with a few political cartoons to summarize all things Democrat as usual: Lotta Talk, Never Any Meat:

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Please feel free to add your own favorites.

Good one! attempt to overthrow a sitting President who was chosen by the American people in a free and fair election as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

And, it must be dealt with as such. The coup plotters broke numerous laws in using a piece of opposition research as justification for a FISA warrant. They spied on a Presidential candidate, they spied on a Presidential transition team, and they spied on a U.S. President, all based on a warrant that was issued on false pretenses.

If we are a nation of laws, not men, then the culprits should be brought to justice.

The “Investigation” Was a Conspiracy to Oust Trump | Rush Limbaugh | 1150 WIMA
Let’s be clear: the thread premise is a ridiculous rightwing lie.

However we’re rid of Trump – impeachment or voted out of office next year – it will be done lawfully and consistent with the Constitution.

And the Mueller investigation – along with other appropriate, lawful investigations – will provide to the voters the compelling evidence as to why Trump doesn’t merit a second term.

And when he win a second term you will start crying for another investigation why Americans are so retarded and racist...

Your side will blow it again by running someone so pathetic ( Kerry in 2004 and Hillary 2016 ) and then blame everyone but your political party!
And now Biden has serious problems with foreign government payments and pay to play.... The fun is just beginning..
The truth stinker nothing but the truth Qualified ?? The AH in our WH is qualified?

Well, appear you loons have been getting the truth, for about two years. Folks like you and Adam Schiff wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.
And trump does?? How many times did the shithead say no collusion?? As many times as he said Mexico will pay for the wall?

And how is that "collusion" working for ya....dumbass.
Seems to me there's no answer to that yet ,,stinker

You mean you don't like the answer...dumbass.
Stinker I'll believe Mueller before any of the slime you support The difference is IF you don't like what he says it's lies false ,,bs IF he says no collusion I'll believe it until evidence shows up that proves there was Guess your stupid people believe the russians were talking to dump jr about adoption??
Mueller and all associated need to prove probable cause for their investigation, or face trial for treason.
Yes and we need to see it all Not just the part the kiss ass AG wants to release
He'll leave Kushner Dump jr and Ivanka for the SDNY to roll over with no pardons coming from daddy

You do know the SDNY is FEDERAL, right?
Pardons only work for federal crimes, not state crimes
First, a quick primer on presidential pardons. Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution reads in part: “[The president] shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.” That gives the president of the United States the power to pardon people convicted of federal crimes through “executive clemency.”
Okay Libs, just to let you know, that your party "LIED" to you, right to your face, "AGAIN"(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) and still you would suck the dicks of your politicians. Are you that stupid knowing full well, that they have STD's from fucking you in the ass, over and over, and loving every minute of it? Your parents should be ashamed of you, for being such morons.
1.) DJT fires comey because the DOJ said he was insubordinate and rank/file had lost faith in his leadership.....and much more.

2.) DJT at rally says "WIKI" if youre listening, release crooked hillaries missing 33K emails"

Loons run around ~3yrs. Screaming that is "obstruction of Justice" huh? You cant make this stuff up. USMB scum eat it up like pablam.

If Law enforcement has any sort of evidence of a real crime? They go after someone for that. Not 2 yrs of fishing for anything...anyone. Now is time for payback. Those who set this up must pay a huge penalty.
Well the never Trumpers on FOX are out his morning...Neil Cavuto is trying to start a recession with his know it all economic clown panel since the Mueller report vindicated not fall for it....a recession is impossible with the job numbers we have...companies are growing faster than they have in decades...the left will try to toss a wet blanket on Trump's great economy before 2020...don't fall for it.....
1.) DJT fires comey because the DOJ said he was insubordinate and rank/file had lost faith in his leadership.....and much more.

2.) DJT at rally says "WIKI" if youre listening, release crooked hillaries missing 33K emails"

Loons run around ~3yrs. Screaming that is "obstruction of Justice" huh? You cant make this stuff up. USMB scum eat it up like pablam.

If Law enforcement has any sort of evidence of a real crime? They go after someone for that. Not 2 yrs of fishing for anything...anyone. Now is time for payback. Those who set this up must pay a huge penalty.

I guess you missed Trump saying he fired Comey for the “Russia thing” (and for being mean to Hillary??)

And he asked RUSSIA “if you’re listening” not Wiki

Anything else you want to lie about?
1.) DJT fires comey because the DOJ said he was insubordinate and rank/file had lost faith in his leadership.....and much more.

2.) DJT at rally says "WIKI" if youre listening, release crooked hillaries missing 33K emails"

Loons run around ~3yrs. Screaming that is "obstruction of Justice" huh? You cant make this stuff up. USMB scum eat it up like pablam.

If Law enforcement has any sort of evidence of a real crime? They go after someone for that. Not 2 yrs of fishing for anything...anyone. Now is time for payback. Those who set this up must pay a huge penalty.

I guess you missed Trump saying he fired Comey for the “Russia thing” (and for being mean to Hillary??)

And he asked RUSSIA “if you’re listening” not Wiki

Anything else you want to lie about?
He can fire Comey for no reason at all...he can fire him for cause or no cause.... we have been telling you this for months now....
Well the never Trumpers on FOX are out his morning...Neil Cavuto is trying to start a recession with his know it all economic clown panel since the Mueller report vindicated not fall for it....a recession is impossible with the job numbers we have...companies are growing faster than they have in decades...the left will try to toss a wet blanket on Trump's great economy before 2020...don't fall for it.....
BAD news republitards The Mueller report is not the end Just the beginning
1.) DJT fires comey because the DOJ said he was insubordinate and rank/file had lost faith in his leadership.....and much more.

2.) DJT at rally says "WIKI" if youre listening, release crooked hillaries missing 33K emails"

Loons run around ~3yrs. Screaming that is "obstruction of Justice" huh? You cant make this stuff up. USMB scum eat it up like pablam.

If Law enforcement has any sort of evidence of a real crime? They go after someone for that. Not 2 yrs of fishing for anything...anyone. Now is time for payback. Those who set this up must pay a huge penalty.

I guess you missed Trump saying he fired Comey for the “Russia thing” (and for being mean to Hillary??)

And he asked RUSSIA “if you’re listening” not Wiki

Anything else you want to lie about?


After yesterday s0n, nobody cares except the unhinged. Head for the local CVS....might still be some tubes of KY though I doubt it!

Even people on the left have to admit....Mueller was beloved by so many until yesterday. Now he's a fraud because you people got a facial.

Funny shit.....:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
In effort to develop Trump Tower Moscow, they were shown around by Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov who was also close to #Mogilevich & Vyacheslav Ivankov(below), a murderous mobster who happened to be a Trump Tower resident on 5th Ave and a regular at Trump's Taj Mahal.



1.) DJT fires comey because the DOJ said he was insubordinate and rank/file had lost faith in his leadership.....and much more.

2.) DJT at rally says "WIKI" if youre listening, release crooked hillaries missing 33K emails"

Loons run around ~3yrs. Screaming that is "obstruction of Justice" huh? You cant make this stuff up. USMB scum eat it up like pablam.

If Law enforcement has any sort of evidence of a real crime? They go after someone for that. Not 2 yrs of fishing for anything...anyone. Now is time for payback. Those who set this up must pay a huge penalty.

I guess you missed Trump saying he fired Comey for the “Russia thing” (and for being mean to Hillary??)

And he asked RUSSIA “if you’re listening” not Wiki

Anything else you want to lie about?


After yesterday s0n, nobody cares except the unhinged. Head for the local CVS....might still be some tubes of KY though I doubt it!

Even people on the left have to admit....Mueller was beloved by so many until yesterday. Now he's a fraud because you people got a facial.

Funny shit.....:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
When you read his report tard you'll be laughing on the other side of your face
Well the never Trumpers on FOX are out his morning...Neil Cavuto is trying to start a recession with his know it all economic clown panel since the Mueller report vindicated not fall for it....a recession is impossible with the job numbers we have...companies are growing faster than they have in decades...the left will try to toss a wet blanket on Trump's great economy before 2020...don't fall for it.....
BAD news republitards The Mueller report is not the end Just the beginning

Indeed....if one tends to be a sucker for loose association fakery. Of course, the media, knowing those types exist will certainly persist with the reality manufacturing.....will be fun to watch like the last two years!:flirtysmile4:
Trump's stupidity was his greatest defense on the Mueller investigation, IMO.

You're confusing President Donald Trump with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Please see my signature.
One of the primary components of a leftist is intellectual dishonesty. They'll never admit black is white.
1.) DJT fires comey because the DOJ said he was insubordinate and rank/file had lost faith in his leadership.....and much more.

2.) DJT at rally says "WIKI" if youre listening, release crooked hillaries missing 33K emails"

Loons run around ~3yrs. Screaming that is "obstruction of Justice" huh? You cant make this stuff up. USMB scum eat it up like pablam.

If Law enforcement has any sort of evidence of a real crime? They go after someone for that. Not 2 yrs of fishing for anything...anyone. Now is time for payback. Those who set this up must pay a huge penalty.

I guess you missed Trump saying he fired Comey for the “Russia thing” (and for being mean to Hillary??)

And he asked RUSSIA “if you’re listening” not Wiki

Anything else you want to lie about?


After yesterday s0n, nobody cares except the unhinged. Head for the local CVS....might still be some tubes of KY though I doubt it!

Even people on the left have to admit....Mueller was beloved by so many until yesterday. Now he's a fraud because you people got a facial.

Funny shit.....:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
When you read his report tard you'll be laughing on the other side of your face away s0n! But idently you missed the further indictments. If you are unable to connect the dots, I cant help you!:hello77:

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