Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.
So he found crimes and ignored them? Lol that’s against the law.. he would have turned evidence over.. he has not

Wrong. He was only supposed to indict those who's crimes have to do with Russian interference. He hands off other crimes to other offices. He said from the very beginning he would not indict Trump regardless if he found something or not.
Lol what passed on tax crime to Federal prosecutors.. no American were arrested for collusion connection with Russia .. all white collar crimes.
He investigated almost everyone on taxes lol
He has nothing and if he did it would have been passed on

None of us know that until the report comes out. It has been said a million times, Mueller said he would not go against the DoJ memo that a sitting President can not be indicted.
They can pass on evidence or have a sealed indictment And they don’t, he said no further indictments

It doesn't say he didn't see to other groups farther evidence. It simply said the SPECIAL Prosecutor would not file any more indictments.
Stinker I'll believe Mueller before any of the slime you support The difference is IF you don't like what he says it's lies false ,,bs IF he says no collusion I'll believe it until evidence shows up that proves there was Guess your stupid people believe the russians were talking to dump jr about adoption??

You're lying. You know you lying and still, you lie! Why?

You SAY you'll believe there is no collusion, then you go on to say...UNTIL EVIDENCE SHOWS UP....

What's wrong with talking with the Russians?

Why are you so intensely opposed to the great things happening in our country?
Well the never Trumpers on FOX are out his morning...Neil Cavuto is trying to start a recession with his know it all economic clown panel since the Mueller report vindicated not fall for it....a recession is impossible with the job numbers we have...companies are growing faster than they have in decades...the left will try to toss a wet blanket on Trump's great economy before 2020...don't fall for it.....
BAD news republitards The Mueller report is not the end Just the beginning
Go ahead and bring on endless democrud investigations and lose in 2020 by a landslide.......:21:
Here's some news RAM America wants to see this report IF they don't, they'll believe the worst is what trumps boy is hiding AND if he does show it all Trump is screwed
Unfortunately yea I know you're right. Sad when people are happy when investigations are opened with no proof of a crime yet no investigation is opened for someone on the left when the proof of the crime can't be denied.
Seems to me there's no answer to that yet ,,stinker

Your depression due to great news is telling.

Why are you so sad that so many things are going great for our country? Why not just say to yourself, that "hey, this isn't the way I wanted things to go but, MAYBE I was wrong and things are pretty great.
/——/ Isn’t it amazing that libtards are sad that the president was cleared of collusion?
Well the never Trumpers on FOX are out his morning...Neil Cavuto is trying to start a recession with his know it all economic clown panel since the Mueller report vindicated not fall for it....a recession is impossible with the job numbers we have...companies are growing faster than they have in decades...the left will try to toss a wet blanket on Trump's great economy before 2020...don't fall for it.....
BAD news republitards The Mueller report is not the end Just the beginning
Go ahead and bring on endless democrud investigations and lose in 2020 by a landslide.......:21:
The most recent comparible example -- 6 years of endless, fruitless republican led investigations leading up to the election of Trump -- seems to run contrary to your big, proud declaration. How do you square your comments with what the rest of us refer to as "reality"?
But it wasn't front page and the top story every night of the week and all weekend....the media will lead the way in making sure every American watches the Trump investigations until they are sick to death of it...and they will show up on election day to put an end to it.....sit back and watch me be right again....
Imagine ranting and crying because your president is *not* a Russian agent.
Stinker I'll believe Mueller before any of the slime you support The difference is IF you don't like what he says it's lies false ,,bs IF he says no collusion I'll believe it until evidence shows up that proves there was Guess your stupid people believe the russians were talking to dump jr about adoption??

You're lying. You know you lying and still, you lie! Why?

You SAY you'll believe there is no collusion, then you go on to say...UNTIL EVIDENCE SHOWS UP....

What's wrong with talking with the Russians?

Why are you so intensely opposed to the great things happening in our country?
What's so great and what did Trump do ? A record setting gov't shut down tariffs that are killing farmers and others ,,More hate groups started since he became president deficit reaching the sky etc etc and he lies everytime he opens his mouth,,,,,,,firing Comey ?? Obstruction of justice??
And we thought we would have to wait until 2020 to see more elites crying on TV. Trump is year round winning.
Poor Chris and Rachel. They've had a rough couple of years. Oh well look on the bright side, only SIX more to go. :113:
It's like betting all your money on one horse and finding out the damn thing broke its leg in the starting gate. I'd be crying too.
"Moscow is going to be YUGE. take it from the Trumpster." - Donald Trump

i'm here. i'm still fightin. I'M STILL FIGHTIN! how can YOU defend this quote?!
The only reference I can find is in "House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia" by NYT author Craig Unger. The context is business development in Russia, the quote is supposedly from an interview with Playboy circa 1996, but unattributed/unsubstantiated. Link here.

Aside from your obvious TDS and inability to spell, what the hell is your point?
Funny that is what CNN kept saying...
No, that was the factual outcome. And you soothe tourself by blaming those farces on someone besides the people who perpetrated them. Because, if you dont craft this stupid lie, your talking point is garbage. And you know it.
Unfortunately yea I know you're right. Sad when people are happy when investigations are opened with no proof of a crime yet no investigation is opened for someone on the left when the proof of the crime can't be denied.
your proof was all bs ,,,,,bs fed to you by your lying crud in congress

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