Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

No, that was the factual outcome. And you soothe tourself by blaming those farces on someone besides the people who perpetrated them. Because, if you dont craft this stupid lie, your talking point is garbage. And you know it
Dems don't get convicted of their crimes...the media covers for them....but that is about to change....
Stinker I'll believe Mueller before any of the slime you support The difference is IF you don't like what he says it's lies false ,,bs IF he says no collusion I'll believe it until evidence shows up that proves there was Guess your stupid people believe the russians were talking to dump jr about adoption??

You're lying. You know you lying and still, you lie! Why?

You SAY you'll believe there is no collusion, then you go on to say...UNTIL EVIDENCE SHOWS UP....

What's wrong with talking with the Russians?

Why are you so intensely opposed to the great things happening in our country?
What's so great and what did Trump do ? A record setting gov't shut down tariffs that are killing farmers and others ,,More hate groups started since he became president deficit reaching the sky etc etc and he lies everytime he opens his mouth,,,,,,,firing Comey ?? Obstruction of justice??
Trump is making America great again! That's what counts. Also, White people who are nationalists like Trump are pure patriots.
No, that was the factual outcome. And you soothe tourself by blaming those farces on someone besides the people who perpetrated them. Because, if you dont craft this stupid lie, your talking point is garbage. And you know it
Dems don't get convicted of their crimes...the media covers for them....but that is about to change....
Haha, whiny nonsense. Enjoy your self soothing garbage...
"Moscow is going to be YUGE. take it from the Trumpster." - Donald Trump

i'm here. i'm still fightin. I'M STILL FIGHTIN! how can YOU defend this quote?!
The only reference I can find is in "House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia" by NYT author Craig Unger. The context is business development in Russia, the quote is supposedly from an interview with Playboy circa 1996, but unattributed/unsubstantiated. Link here.

Aside from your obvious TDS and inability to spell, what the hell is your point?
Inability to spell ?? Are you the boards spelling monitor ? You couldn't tell that was intentional?
"Moscow is going to be YUGE. take it from the Trumpster." - Donald Trump

i'm here. i'm still fightin. I'M STILL FIGHTIN! how can YOU defend this quote?!
The only reference I can find is in "House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia" by NYT author Craig Unger. The context is business development in Russia, the quote is supposedly from an interview with Playboy circa 1996, but unattributed/unsubstantiated. Link here.

Aside from your obvious TDS and inability to spell, what the hell is your point?
Trump is a traitor. that's my point. and i will fight with every fiber of my being until he is IMPEAAAAAAAAAAACHED. WE'RE STILL HERE! WE'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE! WE'RE STILL FIGHTIN! I'M STILL FIGHTIN!

"Moscow is going to be YUGE. take it from the Trumpster." - Donald Trump

i'm here. i'm still fightin. I'M STILL FIGHTIN! how can YOU defend this quote?!
The only reference I can find is in "House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia" by NYT author Craig Unger. The context is business development in Russia, the quote is supposedly from an interview with Playboy circa 1996, but unattributed/unsubstantiated. Link here.

Aside from your obvious TDS and inability to spell, what the hell is your point?
Inability to spell ?? Are you the boards spelling monitor ? You couldn't tell that was intentional?
fight with me. let's keep this fight going. you and me and Pocahontas and Crazy Bernie. we're all going to the white house, and Beto is taking us there. YEAAAAAAA!
BAD news republitards The Mueller report is not the end Just the beginning

You're probably right. If it does continue, Democrats/Progressives/Liberals are simply going to look desperate, vindictive, sour grapes. Your platform is going to continue to be, "yes, things are great, BUT, we hate Donald Trump because he is showing that great things can happen rapidly and in spite of our efforts. So, vote for us and we'll return us to the malaise we brought to you with failed former President Barack Hussein Obama. Really, we'll give you everything for FREE, FREE! HONEST, TRUST US"!
Stinker I'll believe Mueller before any of the slime you support The difference is IF you don't like what he says it's lies false ,,bs IF he says no collusion I'll believe it until evidence shows up that proves there was Guess your stupid people believe the russians were talking to dump jr about adoption??

You're lying. You know you lying and still, you lie! Why?

You SAY you'll believe there is no collusion, then you go on to say...UNTIL EVIDENCE SHOWS UP....

What's wrong with talking with the Russians?

Why are you so intensely opposed to the great things happening in our country?
What's so great and what did Trump do ? A record setting gov't shut down tariffs that are killing farmers and others ,,More hate groups started since he became president deficit reaching the sky etc etc and he lies everytime he opens his mouth,,,,,,,firing Comey ?? Obstruction of justice??
Trump is making America great again! That's what counts. Also, White people who are nationalists like Trump are pure patriots.
Yes all those white KKKers, bikers for dump ,racists haters Trump has gathered them together to form his base , and you can find them right here on this board
Just gonna note liberals also seem to be upset over the announcement of the defeat of ISIS.

With the Russia witch hunt over it will be interesting to watch how TRUMP responds to the never-TRUMP nonsense he's been putting up with from McConnell.
One of the primary components of a leftist is intellectual dishonesty. They'll never admit black is white.
Are you so dense so batshit crazy you think Mueller and his 17 experts found nothing ? In 2 years? What else did he find ?

A major component of progs is projection. The end result of the investigation proves progs are delusional, so that must mean their opponents are "dense & batshit crazy"
DOPE this is far from the end You have the SDNY and congress to overcome too Mueller hopefully laid the groundwork to give trump 2 more years of raving like the madman he is

It's not over until progs say it's over. Until then, we'll have to assume Trump is guilty of something, aka TDS.
And we thought we would have to wait until 2020 to see more elites crying on TV. Trump is year round winning.
No. One. Cried.

Yes. She. Did.

First 3 seconds of the video shows her in tears and the rest of the video is the guy consoling her. The cameraman went to the guy talking when he saw madcow crying. Hes like oh shit shes crying again! You can see the wet under her eyes. And rapid eye blinking is a common thing in someone who is getting emotional.
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