Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

What's so great and what did Trump do ? A record setting gov't shut down tariffs that are killing farmers and others ,,More hate groups started since he became president deficit reaching the sky etc etc and he lies everytime he opens his mouth,,,,,,,firing Comey ?? Obstruction of justice??

You're expanding desperation is duly noted. Why not just relax and enjoy an even greater America?

MARKLE are you telling me and others it doesn't mean anything before you vote in 2020 to know exactly what Trump did or didn't do?? You don't give a fuk??

We have the 2-year proctology exam and Mueller found nothing, zip, nada. My guess is that his name won't even be mentioned in the report.

Once again:

Why not just relax and enjoy an even greater America?
Where did anyone say Mueller found nothing?

If so...what is taking so long to release Trumps exoneration?

If Trump is exonerated why isn’t HE celebrating? Where are the Tweets, the celebratory phone calls to FOX, the gloating news conferences. Instead there’s crickets from the President.

Very telling.
However we’re rid of Trump – impeachment or voted out of office next year – it will be done lawfully and consistent with the Constitution.
1. Why would you want to rid yourself of President Trump? All he has done is usher in the greatest era of prosperity since Ronald Reagan. Why do you hate when America prospers?

2. The next time you left-wing lunatics do something that is “lawfully and consistent with the Constitution” will be the first time that has ever happened.

3. The Mueller investigation is complete and it humiliated you wing-nuts. There is nothing to “impeach”. And yet you continue with your attempt at a coup d’etat. attempt to overthrow a sitting President who was chosen by the American people in a free and fair election as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

And, it must be dealt with as such. The coup plotters broke numerous laws in using a piece of opposition research as justification for a FISA warrant. They spied on a Presidential candidate, they spied on a Presidential transition team, and they spied on a U.S. President, all based on a warrant that was issued on false pretenses.

If we are a nation of laws, not men, then the culprits should be brought to justice.

The “Investigation” Was a Conspiracy to Oust Trump | Rush Limbaugh | 1150 WIMA
That's some funny shit right there bro, tell us another one!!!!!
What's so great and what did Trump do ? A record setting gov't shut down tariffs that are killing farmers and others ,,More hate groups started since he became president deficit reaching the sky etc etc and he lies everytime he opens his mouth,,,,,,,firing Comey ?? Obstruction of justice??

You're expanding desperation is duly noted. Why not just relax and enjoy an even greater America?

MARKLE are you telling me and others it doesn't mean anything before you vote in 2020 to know exactly what Trump did or didn't do?? You don't give a fuk??

We have the 2-year proctology exam and Mueller found nothing, zip, nada. My guess is that his name won't even be mentioned in the report.

Once again:

Why not just relax and enjoy an even greater America?
Where did anyone say Mueller found nothing?

If so...what is taking so long to release Trumps exoneration?

If Trump is exonerated why isn’t HE celebrating? Where are the Tweets, the celebratory phone calls to FOX, the gloating news conferences. Instead there’s crickets from the President.

Very telling.

Is that what your tea leaves say?
Good luck with that. The NY courts are known as some of the most honorable courts in the country, given the amount of mob cases and high profile white crime cases they handle.

Sure just like the Ninth in Frisco....

Strawman. People like Guliani have worked in NY.

We're talking about the courts, not a single person.

The courts are only the sum of their parts. Not to mention, professionals at their level are supposed to be politically neutral.

They aren't neutral at all. Don't pretend they are.

In the criminal justice system you are supposed to be neutral. Whether you view them not as neutral is your opinion. The judge in the Manafort court was obviously not neutral saying that Manafort wouldn't have been tried if Mueller wasn't trying to use the case to flip him against Trump, that is why he gave him such a light sentence. Did you know that the first winner from Survivor Richard Hatch who was tried for tax evasion from not reporting his million dollar win on Survivor to 51 months, while Manafort only got 48 for cheating the government out of over $20 million in taxes.
So.....this whole, "we want to see the entire report!" narrative....

What do people hope to see as it applies to colussion? Do they think Mueller overlooked something they will find? Something that will warrant indictments?

In any case, it is clear today that for Democrats, Muellers conclusions carry zero weight. That's fine....just ratchets up the division in the country even more = big win for America.:2up:
Sure just like the Ninth in Frisco....

Strawman. People like Guliani have worked in NY.

We're talking about the courts, not a single person.

The courts are only the sum of their parts. Not to mention, professionals at their level are supposed to be politically neutral.

They aren't neutral at all. Don't pretend they are.

In the criminal justice system you are supposed to be neutral. Whether you view them not as neutral is your opinion. The judge in the Manafort court was obviously not neutral saying that Manafort wouldn't have been tried if Mueller wasn't trying to use the case to flip him against Trump, that is why he gave him such a light sentence. Did you know that the first winner from Survivor Richard Hatch who was tried for tax evasion from not reporting his million dollar win on Survivor to 51 months, while Manafort only got 48 for cheating the government out of over $20 million in taxes.

If you think they're neutral you are an idiot.
Wishful thinking, there, boys. I never needed this investigation to despise Trump but I knew we were stuck with him for four years. So except for some mild curiosity, I'm not that excited about this. Just wondering why you're all such a bunch of sadists, is all.

Because you have aligned yourself with forces represented by people like Maddow and Chris Matthews that hate this country, it's people and traditions. People who conspire daily to have our vote nullified and our people replaced. You're the enemy and there's nothing as sweet as the lamentations of your enemy.

Here’s a clue A$$hat. It is YOU who have aligned yourself with people who hate
Yes. She. Did.

First 3 seconds of the video shows her in tears and the rest of the video is the guy consoling her. The cameraman went to the guy talking when he saw madcow crying. Hes like oh shit shes crying again! You can see the wet under her eyes. And rapid eye blinking is a common thing in someone who is getting emotional.

Yup, she was definitely crying. That down turned mouth, and the furrowed brow are proof positive. I find it amusing that the Director never went back to a shot of her either. Not good having your anchor bawling on air.

Well, now that I've seen the two seconds on the elusive vid, I'm not arguing that she was emotional.
It sure makes me wonder, though, why some of the folks here get such pleasure from seeing people cry. What's that say about the folks gloating over it?

Well, she may not be crying quite as much as you are.

Wishful thinking, there, boys. I never needed this investigation to despise Trump but I knew we were stuck with him for four years. So except for some mild curiosity, I'm not that excited about this. Just wondering why you're all such a bunch of sadists, is all.

Cognitive dissonance....again.

We are speaking of a woman who is crying specifically over the failure to destroy a man.

Trump has destroyed himself with his lies, and his betrayals of everyone and everything he has ever touched.

His father left him wealth and he’s squandered it. Had his family not prevented him from selling his fathers’ holdings, he would have been broke years ago.

He cheated on all of his wives, stiffed his subtrades, cheated his investors, and left others to deal with his failures.

No one has to destroy Trump. He did it to himself. It’s up to the rest of the world to mitigate the damage caused.
Funny how you want to use the National Vote to say Hillary was more Popular but did you know Hillary National Vote win was because of California?

She won the State of California by four million votes but only won the National Vote by only Three Million votes.
California accounted for nearly three out of every four nonfarm jobs created in the U.S. during February.

Employers in the state added 14,600 nonfarm payroll jobs last month, the California Employment Development Department reported. The U.S. government reported nonfarm payrolls in the U.S. rose by just 20,000 jobs in February, or the weakest national showing since September 2017.
6 Campaign advisers GUILTY and the guy that hired them is clean???? Please
You live in your own special little world, don't you?

If Trump is exonerated why isn’t HE celebrating? Where are the Tweets, the celebratory phone calls to FOX, the gloating news conferences. Instead there’s crickets from the President.
2+ years and you still don't get it. You really don't know much about President Trump at all, but you're about to learn. attempt to overthrow a sitting President who was chosen by the American people in a free and fair election as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

And, it must be dealt with as such. The coup plotters broke numerous laws in using a piece of opposition research as justification for a FISA warrant. They spied on a Presidential candidate, they spied on a Presidential transition team, and they spied on a U.S. President, all based on a warrant that was issued on false pretenses.

If we are a nation of laws, not men, then the culprits should be brought to justice.

The “Investigation” Was a Conspiracy to Oust Trump | Rush Limbaugh | 1150 WIMA
Let’s be clear: the thread premise is a ridiculous rightwing lie.

However we’re rid of Trump – impeachment or voted out of office next year – it will be done lawfully and consistent with the Constitution.

And the Mueller investigation – along with other appropriate, lawful investigations – will provide to the voters the compelling evidence as to why Trump doesn’t merit a second term.

The investigation by the OIC uncovered several crimes and brought felons to justice.

All Americans owe Mr. Mueller a debt of gratitude for his work.

So you applaud them for doing the job the IRS is suppose to do?

And yet...Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI. This was reveled in testimony.

And the only people surprised by that are Hillary bootlickers.
And yet...Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI. This was reveled in testimony.
Are you really that brainwashed?
Most FBI agents are anti-Trump?
Why was the FBI's New York field office known as "Trumpland"?
"The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit
Hint: It’s not Peter Strzok...."

Opinion | The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit

"The F.B.I. agent corps today overwhelmingly fits the demographic profile of a Trump voter.

"During the 2016 campaign, in The Guardian, one agent said, 'The F.B.I. is Trumpland.'

"In his testimony, Mr. Strzok all but laughed out loud when committee members pressed him Thursday on whether the whole F.B.I. was made up of Democrats."

"At that time, Rudy Giuliani gave voice on television to what he called the anti-Clinton 'revolution going on inside the F.B.I....'"

"Mr. Giuliani, whose former law firm Bracewell & Giuliani represented the F.B.I. Agents Association, seemed to boast in the final days of the campaign that he knew that a twist — like the revelations of emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop — was coming about Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, referring on Fox to 'a surprise or two that you’re going to hear about in the next few days.'

"In his testimony on Thursday, Mr. Strzok said that 'it caused me great concern' that Mr. Giuliani 'had information about that — that he should not have had.'"
"Most FBI agents are anti-Trump?"​
That's not what I said, you illiterate chowderhead.

But then, you Hillary bootlickers aren't very bright. And you're dumber than most.
And yet...Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI. This was reveled in testimony.

"Most FBI agents are anti-Trump?"That's not what I said, you illiterate chowderhead.

But then, you Hillary bootlickers aren't very bright. And you're dumber than most.
You claimed (without any evidence) "Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI."

Do you find it logical "leftist stooges in the FBI would be anti-Trump, Sucker?
Read what you wrote. Of course leftist stooges would be anti-Trump, dumdum.

But I do need to correct myself. While there were indeed leftist stooges in the FBI, it was leftist stooges in DOJ who protected Hillary:

Lisa Page Admits Obama’s DOJ Ordered Stand Down On Clinton Email Prosecution
“Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page admitted under questioning from Texas Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe last summer that ‘the FBI was ordered by the Obama DOJ not to consider charging Hillary Clinton for gross negligence in the handling of classified information,’ the congressman alleged in a social media post late Tuesday, citing a newly unearthed transcript of Page’s closed-door testimony,” Fox News reports.
But I do need to correct myself. While there were indeed leftist stooges in the FBI, it was leftist stooges in DOJ who protected Hillary:
Why the obsession with a loser who was never in a position to control how DoJ responded to her misdeeds? The Obama Administration provided congress with over 800,080 pieces of information regarding Hillary, yet Republicans couldn't even manufacture an indictment in spite of controlling all three branches of government for two years.

You would appear more credible (and intelligent) if you concentrated on the corrupt clown who currently is in control of what we learn of his many RICO-like transgressions:

Opinion | The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit

"But looking at available public evidence, the New York bureau’s actions actually did influence the campaign and helped hand the presidency to Donald Trump.

In the Horowitz report, Loretta Lynch, the former attorney general, recalled a conversation with James Comey in which he said, 'it’s clear to me that there is a cadre of senior people in New York who have a deep and visceral hatred of Secretary Clinton.'

"F.B.I. agents in that office had a demonstrated propensity for leaks and arguably forced the bureau’s leadership’s hand in the final weeks of the election.

"At that time, Rudy Giuliani gave voice on television to what he called the anti-Clinton 'revolution going on inside the F.B.I.'

"Mr. Giuliani, whose former law firm Bracewell & Giuliani represented the F.B.I. Agents Association, seemed to boast in the final days of the campaign that he knew that a twist — like the revelations of emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop — was coming about Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, referring on Fox to 'a surprise or two that you’re going to hear about in the next few days.'

"In his testimony on Thursday, Mr. Strzok said that 'it caused me great concern' that Mr. Giuliani 'had information about that — that he should not have had.'"

How did that information help the Red Don, Gomer?

More than Putin did?
Who was the 8th person in Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russians? Who was the 8th person in Trump Jrs meeting with Russians? - CNNPolitics
Wishful thinking, there, boys. I never needed this investigation to despise Trump but I knew we were stuck with him for four years. So except for some mild curiosity, I'm not that excited about this. Just wondering why you're all such a bunch of sadists, is all.

Because you have aligned yourself with forces represented by people like Maddow and Chris Matthews that hate this country, it's people and traditions. People who conspire daily to have our vote nullified and our people replaced. You're the enemy and there's nothing as sweet as the lamentations of your enemy.

Here’s a clue A$$hat. It is YOU who have aligned yourself with people who hate
Yup, she was definitely crying. That down turned mouth, and the furrowed brow are proof positive. I find it amusing that the Director never went back to a shot of her either. Not good having your anchor bawling on air.
Well, now that I've seen the two seconds on the elusive vid, I'm not arguing that she was emotional.
It sure makes me wonder, though, why some of the folks here get such pleasure from seeing people cry. What's that say about the folks gloating over it?

Well, she may not be crying quite as much as you are.
Wishful thinking, there, boys. I never needed this investigation to despise Trump but I knew we were stuck with him for four years. So except for some mild curiosity, I'm not that excited about this. Just wondering why you're all such a bunch of sadists, is all.

Cognitive dissonance....again.

We are speaking of a woman who is crying specifically over the failure to destroy a man.

Trump has destroyed himself with his lies, and his betrayals of everyone and everything he has ever touched.

His father left him wealth and he’s squandered it. Had his family not prevented him from selling his fathers’ holdings, he would have been broke years ago.

He cheated on all of his wives, stiffed his subtrades, cheated his investors, and left others to deal with his failures.

No one has to destroy Trump. He did it to himself. It’s up to the rest of the world to mitigate the damage caused.
He's been a magnificent president! All Americans should swear an oath of loyalty to him.
The best defense is a good offense. As a former FBI director Mueller's loyalty probably leaned more toward the Bureau than a president his fellow democrats hated. The FBI was about to be revealed as using bogus information from unreliable sources to obtain a warrant and using illegal surveillance until Mueller stepped in and began a (phony) investigation designed to deflect attention from what amounted to an attempted political coup. There was no evidence of collusion from the very beginning but Mueller persisted until the focus was on the President and a few small fish unrelated to the initial charge rather than the treasonous radical element in the FBI. Mueller may have succeeded in tarnishing the President and vindicating the former administration and radical elements in the FBI ....or not.

Trump brought it on himself when he fired Comey
Congress opposed the idea of a President appointing the man who would investigate him

Mueller did what he was directed to do

Trump did nothing wrong by firing Comey

Here, you eternal Trump ass kisser.............................LOL

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said,....... “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

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