Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

As our board conservatives take a victory lap......are you willing to accept Muellers conclusions about Trump?

I didn’t think so

conservatives celebrate Mueller saying there is nothing them scream “fake news” about other conclusions about Trump

My guess is that Trump won't even be mentioned.

I was disconcerted when all the attorneys and investigators selected by Mueller were "Never Trumpers" but this makes the findings all that much sweeter!

This should be great news for everyone. Why are you angry that no collusion or criminal acts were found in our election? Don't you consider that to be a good thing for our country?

Why do you hate good things happening in our country? How do you justify your obstinate behavior?

I am sure the report will have much to say about the Trump campaign and actions as President

Let’s see what they have to say

Works for me! :D
What's so great and what did Trump do ? A record setting gov't shut down tariffs that are killing farmers and others ,,More hate groups started since he became president deficit reaching the sky etc etc and he lies everytime he opens his mouth,,,,,,,firing Comey ?? Obstruction of justice??

You're expanding desperation is duly noted. Why not just relax and enjoy an even greater America?

MARKLE are you telling me and others it doesn't mean anything before you vote in 2020 to know exactly what Trump did or didn't do?? You don't give a fuk??

We have the 2-year proctology exam and Mueller found nothing, zip, nada. My guess is that his name won't even be mentioned in the report.

Once again:

Why not just relax and enjoy an even greater America?
Where did anyone say Mueller found nothing?

If so...what is taking so long to release Trumps exoneration?

If Trump is exonerated why isn’t HE celebrating? Where are the Tweets, the celebratory phone calls to FOX, the gloating news conferences. Instead there’s crickets from the President.

Very telling.
He has claimed victory

Next comes the bitching about what the report says about his presidency
The report has yet to be released and Trump has been uncharacteristically SILENT
It's funny how little the Dems have learned in two years, I think they've been absorbed in their own howling.

When it comes to timing, President Trump is an expert. Even now you Dems are forming your latest wave of "Just wait, the walls are still closing in...", and when you reach your peak frenzy he'll nail you to the wall.
what makes you think Trump doesn't have kompromat on Putin? it's called the good ol' SWITCHEROO!
The best defense is a good offense. As a former FBI director Mueller's loyalty probably leaned more toward the Bureau than a president his fellow democrats hated. The FBI was about to be revealed as using bogus information from unreliable sources to obtain a warrant and using illegal surveillance until Mueller stepped in and began a (phony) investigation designed to deflect attention from what amounted to an attempted political coup. There was no evidence of collusion from the very beginning but Mueller persisted until the focus was on the President and a few small fish unrelated to the initial charge rather than the treasonous radical element in the FBI. Mueller may have succeeded in tarnishing the President and vindicating the former administration and radical elements in the FBI ....or not.

Trump brought it on himself when he fired Comey
Congress opposed the idea of a President appointing the man who would investigate him

Mueller did what he was directed to do

Trump had to fire Comey because your Messiah Obama didn't when you screamed for him to do it after the election.

Is that why Trump fired him?
Because he was mean to Hillary?
Mueller was completely unprofessional but that is not going to change the fact that investigating a baseless conspiracy theory isn’t going to create evidence that was never there
Where was Mueller unprofessional?

He never said a word...I was Trump who was tweeting every day
Sorry their girl lost.

The whole bullshit was based upon a fake document by the Crooked Hillary campaign.

Just another example of how dishonest the Democrats are.

still calling her crooked Hillary I see, how about we start calling crooked Donald and family. Sounds about right.
You've been calling him that since the day he announced.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Just a few weeks ago, Trump and his loyal cutists were calling for Mueller's head..."he should be fired," they said; "he is a RINO...he only hired democrats on his team......he wasn't really a war hero,{ etc., etc., etc.

Following the usual moronic hypocrisy by Trumpsters, today Mueller comes off as an "avenger" of Trump's clean, moral and ethical presidential history......Go figure......

However, a few factors should be considered for those Trump backers who have not ALTOGETHER lost their minds:

First, no one but Trump's acolytes have seen Mueller's final report.

Second, Mueller has done a good job....mindful that almost 3 dozen individuals have been indicted.

Third, no one with some semblance of objectivity would NOT say that Trump surrounded himself with the lowest scum of "advisers"......selfish and corrupt crooks, traitors and con-men who somehow made it to his cadre of close associates.

Fourth, NO ONE can deny that Don, Jr. Kushner and Manafort DID collude with a hostile foreign adversary, and that Trump himself DID try to cover it up.

Fifth, NO ONE should assume that Trump AND his family members are out of the woods yet......Prosecutors in the states of VA and NY,, D.C.and, the SDof NY are all looking into the shady past of the corrupt Trump cadre and the various schemes that they've pulled before and after this scourge was sworn in.

Sixth.......the old and almost trite "high crimes and misdemeanors" as grounds for impeachment by the House only follows the "definition" given and applied by that same House ......The vast majority of sane American voters could never dispute that this current administration has proven corrupt, unethical and perhaps the most spewers of LIES since the beginning of this republic.

There are 8 or 9 House committees reviewing about 25 allegations about Trump and his entourage ranging from the misuse of Foundation money to money laundering through the DB....Should be fun to watch.

As the Trump cult membership dances to what they assume is a "victory" for their cult leader, they should also remember that once Trump is cast to the curb, they will have to defend their support of this clown...and that a future democrat president can be as villainous and their right to bitch will be laughed at "apres" Trump.

The imagination in your fairy tales is simply amazing. Im duly impressed. attempt to overthrow a sitting President who was chosen by the American people in a free and fair election as prescribed by the United States Constitution.

And, it must be dealt with as such. The coup plotters broke numerous laws in using a piece of opposition research as justification for a FISA warrant. They spied on a Presidential candidate, they spied on a Presidential transition team, and they spied on a U.S. President, all based on a warrant that was issued on false pretenses.

If we are a nation of laws, not men, then the culprits should be brought to justice.

The “Investigation” Was a Conspiracy to Oust Trump | Rush Limbaugh | 1150 WIMA

Lol! Rush Limbaugh is a dumb ass. First off Trump was not elected by the American people . He was elected by the electors in the electoral college. 3 million more Americans voted for Clinton. Second Trump is not above the law. So if we are a nation of laws and the law says that if you are accused of a crime it must be investigated then it gets investigated. None of what you have said is true.

The problem is, dumbass, that Trump wasn't accused of any crime. "Collusion" is not a crime.
And yet...Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI. This was reveled in testimony.

And the only people surprised by that are Hillary bootlickers.
And yet...Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI. This was reveled in testimony.
Are you really that brainwashed?
Most FBI agents are anti-Trump?
Why was the FBI's New York field office known as "Trumpland"?
"The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit
Hint: It’s not Peter Strzok...."

Opinion | The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit

"The F.B.I. agent corps today overwhelmingly fits the demographic profile of a Trump voter.

"During the 2016 campaign, in The Guardian, one agent said, 'The F.B.I. is Trumpland.'

"In his testimony, Mr. Strzok all but laughed out loud when committee members pressed him Thursday on whether the whole F.B.I. was made up of Democrats."

"At that time, Rudy Giuliani gave voice on television to what he called the anti-Clinton 'revolution going on inside the F.B.I....'"

"Mr. Giuliani, whose former law firm Bracewell & Giuliani represented the F.B.I. Agents Association, seemed to boast in the final days of the campaign that he knew that a twist — like the revelations of emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop — was coming about Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, referring on Fox to 'a surprise or two that you’re going to hear about in the next few days.'

"In his testimony on Thursday, Mr. Strzok said that 'it caused me great concern' that Mr. Giuliani 'had information about that — that he should not have had.'"
"Most FBI agents are anti-Trump?"​
That's not what I said, you illiterate chowderhead.

But then, you Hillary bootlickers aren't very bright. And you're dumber than most.
And yet...Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI. This was reveled in testimony.

"Most FBI agents are anti-Trump?"That's not what I said, you illiterate chowderhead.

But then, you Hillary bootlickers aren't very bright. And you're dumber than most.
You claimed (without any evidence) "Hillary was protected against prosecution by leftist stooges in the FBI."

Do you find it logical "leftist stooges in the FBI would be anti-Trump, Sucker?
Read what you wrote. Of course leftist stooges would be anti-Trump, dumdum.

But I do need to correct myself. While there were indeed leftist stooges in the FBI, it was leftist stooges in DOJ who protected Hillary:

Lisa Page Admits Obama’s DOJ Ordered Stand Down On Clinton Email Prosecution
“Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page admitted under questioning from Texas Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe last summer that ‘the FBI was ordered by the Obama DOJ not to consider charging Hillary Clinton for gross negligence in the handling of classified information,’ the congressman alleged in a social media post late Tuesday, citing a newly unearthed transcript of Page’s closed-door testimony,” Fox News reports.
But I do need to correct myself. While there were indeed leftist stooges in the FBI, it was leftist stooges in DOJ who protected Hillary:
Why the obsession with a loser who was never in a position to control how DoJ responded to her misdeeds? The Obama Administration provided congress with over 800,080 pieces of information regarding Hillary, yet Republicans couldn't even manufacture an indictment in spite of controlling all three branches of government for two years.

You would appear more credible (and intelligent) if you concentrated on the corrupt clown who currently is in control of what we learn of his many RICO-like transgressions:

Opinion | The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit

"But looking at available public evidence, the New York bureau’s actions actually did influence the campaign and helped hand the presidency to Donald Trump.

In the Horowitz report, Loretta Lynch, the former attorney general, recalled a conversation with James Comey in which he said, 'it’s clear to me that there is a cadre of senior people in New York who have a deep and visceral hatred of Secretary Clinton.'

"F.B.I. agents in that office had a demonstrated propensity for leaks and arguably forced the bureau’s leadership’s hand in the final weeks of the election.

"At that time, Rudy Giuliani gave voice on television to what he called the anti-Clinton 'revolution going on inside the F.B.I.'

"Mr. Giuliani, whose former law firm Bracewell & Giuliani represented the F.B.I. Agents Association, seemed to boast in the final days of the campaign that he knew that a twist — like the revelations of emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop — was coming about Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, referring on Fox to 'a surprise or two that you’re going to hear about in the next few days.'

"In his testimony on Thursday, Mr. Strzok said that 'it caused me great concern' that Mr. Giuliani 'had information about that — that he should not have had.'"

How did that information help the Red Don, Gomer?

More than Putin did?
Who was the 8th person in Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russians? Who was the 8th person in Trump Jrs meeting with Russians? - CNNPolitics

Well speculation on this stuff at this point doesnt matter of yesterday. Indeed....having a creative imagination was an exercise in futility for 2 years but even the most optimistic person has to be feeling the sting of the big bumpy. The hyper-enraged ( ie: people still talking about Putin ) might still have hope but thankfully, their numbers are fringe.
..."Collusion" is not a crime.

But would you trust someone who conspired with a hostile foreign power in order to gain high office?

If you do, you're a damned fool, or a Russian agent-provocateur.


Legal is NOT the same as "right" or "moral" or "putting America's interests over one's own political fortunes"...

Just because one CAN do a thing does not mean that one SHOULD do a thing, eh?
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