Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

Here I go talking about the last game again, but this is relevant.

During the last game I had already been whacked by Mafia, but the town decided that Blackflag wasn't saying anything and therefore must be Mafia and should be lynched.

I was already taken out by Mafia and could not tell anyone that Blackflag was innocent after my investigation.

Therefore, not posting much isn't really an indication of being scum.

I won't vote for RD for this reason.

I do understand and agree with Wolfsister. MeBelle being so aggro out of the gate in wanting to lynch someone, anyone townie, is scummy to her and to me.

So I Vote: MeBelle. It is up to MeBelle herself to sway me to change my vote.

Regards from Rosie
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Temp Vote: CaféAuLait

There's an itch that needs scratching but I can't find the spot so I'm going general direction.
Noticed she was agreeing with alot of people. Not really adding much to the discussion, but being friendly. And I think the scum are likely going to be people who aren't being targeted initially. I admit it's mostly gut. But you can't learn anything until you make a gut call and see if any more information is revealed.

I posted I was going to thank posts because I was only on a phone until tonight. I didn't want to go over my limits, but I let you all know I was reading.

I temp. Vote =Avatar at ths point. Not retribution but here is my reasoning so far. In the last game he played as if he knew things, because he did. He is playing the same way now, manipulating with each post.

We need to take out the role blocker asap. When we kill him then our cop can work out in the open and our doc can save him each night while he investigates.

I'm not claiming to be the cop. I'm claiming that the cop should stay under cover until the role blocker is identified or killed. Then they can reveal themselves and be protected by the dr. He/she should also leave us hints about who they've investigated. None of us non-mafia should reveal our specific roles.

Sounds to me like he is trying to weed out the three more powerful townie roles

Also, let's make sure we don't lynch people too quickly for frivolous reasons.
. With a week plus to investigate, he decided in two days on a gut feeling but didnt temp. vote as agreed upon.

The mafia does know who us townies are. which is why we should be careful of when someone is being focused on.
Doth protest to much? He wasn't careful.

Might also be good to look at why someone is voting for a person. If they can't articulate a good reason...
Again, gut feeling is his articulated good reason.

He is way too smart to play dumb.
Vote Count 1.2​

No Voting (7): R.D., dblack, Ropey, Mertex, CafeAuLiat, strollingbones, AyeCantSeeYou

Ropey (2): Shaitra, manifold
Manifold (2): Mebelle60, Wolfsister77
Mebelle60 (1): RosieS
R.D. (1): Avatar4321
No Lynch (1): Grandma

~ With 14 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Will be PM'ing Mebelle60 and strollingbones soon.
~ You may @mention any player you wish.
~ Deadline is 5/28/14, @ 10pm central time zone.
Anyone else have a vote? Looks like mani and ropey are leading the votes so far.
Btw I never agreed to any temp voting so I see no reason to find me suspicious for not temp voting. I'm not afraid to cast a real vote.

Temp votes are no votes. Who benefits If we don't vote?
And I say that knowing my vote count will be going up if the people temp voting me really vote
An alternative to the temp vote could be we all vote but don't start consolidating behind anyone until we all vote for someone

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