Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

Finger of Suspicion:

dblack - has posted but hasn't added much to discussion

Mertex - seems to be defending a couple of players and generally adding to confusion

Rosie - gut reaction, I can't articulate why I am suspicious of her yet

That's all for right now.

I don't suspect you or dblack at this point, and that's based 100% on the previous game, without apology. You're posting style has done a 180 while his seems consistent to me.

I also don't expect you, him or anyone else to take my word for it. Go compare a handful of posts from game 1 and this game and you'll see what I mean.

In the mean time, I'll be comparing the posts of the other two on your list.
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] @ ting me doesn't get my attention when I'm working, afk, out having lunch with a friend, etc.
Curious term 'pseudo votes' only confuses players.

I do believe the majority of players from Mafia #1 wanted to play Mafia #2 the same, so as not to confuse players, especially the new ones. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

FWIW My weekend was spent working with my Relay 4 Life team.

I come back to Mafia and see >150 posts! :eek: That's a lot to digest.
It's especially difficult when new players have questions and new rules are set.

I've probably thanked more posts then any other player which means I AM reading.

As an example, Mani can't stand me as a board member, yet he still uses logic when he posts. Mani is a team player.

I clearly stated why I voted for Mani.

Now I'm off to get a few hours of sleep before I go earn my living.

I don't care that you voted for me.

But you're wrong if you think I can't stand you as a board member. I'm a dick to everybody, it's nothing personal.
i still think we should pile on ropey....we got to vote...he is getting near the vote needed to lynch...sometimes you just have to go with the flow
i still think we should pile on ropey....we got to vote...he is getting near the vote needed to lynch...sometimes you just have to go with the flow

I'm sticking with the Ropey vote too. We have to pick somebody and to be honest, I dave just a little too much about the idea of losing to him if he is mafia. Can you imagine the gloat fest that would ensue?
Except the temp votes don't actually count towards anyone. It just unnecessarily complicates the process. Figuring it out isn't the issue. Finding it useful, on the other hand, is.
Red herring. You avoided the discussion before, now you claim it's a reason for suspicion

You realize that when we reach the deadline and the temp votes aren't counted, no one gets lynched, right? Which means the scum get to pick someone off tonight with zero chance of us knocking one out today.
Wrong, this is not the proposed process. Pretty scummy implying its just plain stupid, or worse evil.

If you don't want to vote to lynch someone, than don't vote for them. Don't act like a mob and just vote for someone because that's the way the vote looks to be going.

Condescending and accusatory
The fact that you want to make this overly complicated seems pretty scummy to me. It seems to me that only the mafia benefit by having us jump through more hoops. If you want to temp vote, be my guest. But don't pretend as though the rest of us need to listen. And especially don't pretend as though I am somehow a problem for not following you when half the people in this town made a real vote before I did.

Again, playing dumb. Add to this acting somehow victimized over the suggestion

The way you and R.D are pushing thing, makes me think you guys are the scum. Now who is the third?

Now you articulate another reason to fit your "gut" feeling.

Nope, you're still top on my list for scum so far.
OK, I haven't used pseudo voting anyway even though I was all for it so I'm fine with dropping it and I see no reason to confuse Wake more so lets drop it. If someone is going to hammer-let us know and get a consensus. That means Wake has to count but we should be too, IMO.

I do not want to get the thread closed too early before everyone had ample time to give input. Lynching too early is a bad idea. Just like going with a no lynch on the first day is a bad idea. Anyone that wants to do either is suspect to me.

I'm not jumping on anyone's bandwagon right now unless they act more suspicious or it is getting closer to deadline. The first vote is mostly going to be a guess and we can get clues from that to continue. But I see no reason to rush. However, after today, it's less than a week and since we are all busy, I'm going to be looking for more help and input from folks and suspecting them if they don't.

I'm not really suspecting Grandma, Avatar, dblack, or Shaitra for the first round. I'll put them in the town category for now.

Now that everyone has contributed something, I'm going to look at who is the most helpful. Why? Well, town doesn't know who anyone is. They have to investigate and look for clues. I want the helpful ones around in the beginning. If you are just skating by and trying not to get noticed, it's scummy to me.

I will keep my vote on mani for now because he's no where near being hammered and it's nowhere near deadline.

This game is very difficult to figure out so I'm going to have to do some looking and yes, I will be looking at the past game. Now that Avatar is being suspected, he's getting defensive all of the sudden. But who wouldn't really? He's been playing like a townie. I think his strategy to out the Cop is flawed. He's in the I don't know camp and so is Mertex and RosieS. I don't know does not mean suspect on the first round.

As a side note, I would hope no one would vote for someone based on USBM board and what you think of them personally or what they think of you. If you do that, I'll be looking at YOU. The game is in it's own little world.

Enough already. My vote stands. I'll be looking at those who I have not mentioned for clues and any new clues that come along to figure out my final vote. And the last game too. I'm taking my time for now.

If enough want to get someone lynched, tell us why. If it's sound, I'll go along. I'd like good reasoning stated and good reasoning stated if you are defending yourself. Both can be used for clues if you die.

What I want from others, I'll do myself also. OK, that is all. I'll try to stop back in over lunch.
Mani and Avi both seem suspicious to me - but I think that's mostly due to my aforementioned distrust of 'talky' people. Persuasion is the entire point of this game, I need to stow that impulse and stick to reason.

First round just seems like a crap shoot and I don't like making up an argument for the sake of it. That said, SB and MB have weighed in and I have no excuse not to vote.

Here't the closest thing to a 'reason' i can come up with: As I mentioned, given nothing else to go on, I see value in removing players proven adept at deception. A good point was made that skillful players are needed to uncover the scum, but it's a different skillset. Avatar is a defense attorney, not a prosecutor. So if I have to make a blind stab - Vote: Avatar4321 - though certainly willing to switch for a compelling reason.
i will be in and out i was down for a couple of days and my hubby is not the cooking, cleaning, laundry type....o he is not....and right when i thought the outside world had forgotten friends have arranged a picnic and changed their plans so i can go....we were going on a major hike but they are afraid its too much for me right now.....we shall see....the area we are going has a ton of neat trails
R.D. has moved into town for me, her aggressive play style is interesting and her and Mertex convinced me to take Avatar out of town.
I really like the idea of firing off a warning post if a person intends to deliver the hammer, and giving it a decent amount of time afterward before actually delivering it. That way if a person who already voted is having doubts, they have the opportunity to unvote, and of course it also gives the person about to be lynched a last chance to defend themselves.

If you agree with this approach, please indicate by thanking this post.
I really like the idea of firing off a warning post if a person intends to deliver the hammer, and giving it a decent amount of time afterward before actually delivering it. That way if a person who already voted is having doubts, they have the opportunity to unvote, and of course it also gives the person about to be lynched a last chance to defend themselves.

If you agree with this approach, please indicate by thanking this post.

I think it's better than a bunch of temp voting strung out through the thread. And doesn't overload Wake. It won't matter much until the last couple of rounds anyway, which is when hammering bit us last time.
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] @ ting me doesn't get my attention when I'm working, afk, out having lunch with a friend, etc.
Curious term 'pseudo votes' only confuses players.

I do believe the majority of players from Mafia #1 wanted to play Mafia #2 the same, so as not to confuse players, especially the new ones. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

FWIW My weekend was spent working with my Relay 4 Life team.

I come back to Mafia and see >150 posts! :eek: That's a lot to digest.
It's especially difficult when new players have questions and new rules are set.

I've probably thanked more posts then any other player which means I AM reading.

As an example, Mani can't stand me as a board member, yet he still uses logic when he posts. Mani is a team player.

I clearly stated why I voted for Mani.

Now I'm off to get a few hours of sleep before I go earn my living.

I don't care that you voted for me.

But you're wrong if you think I can't stand you as a board member. I'm a dick to everybody, it's nothing personal.

It's true. He is a dick:)
Btw I never agreed to any temp voting so I see no reason to find me suspicious for not temp voting. I'm not afraid to cast a real vote.

Temp votes are no votes. Who benefits If we don't vote?

Temp votes give the person accused a chance to try and defend themselves.
Temp votes keep Wake from closing the thread before the deadline and not giving some of us a chance to change our vote.
So, Townies benefit if they are able to glean more information and change their vote before Wake closes the thread.

The bolded being the most important because Mafia/Scum benefit when they see that the votes are going toward another Townie, and maybe a couple of votes are going to them, and they want Wake to hurry and close the deal before some other Townie decides to change their vote to one of them.

Now, I'm really suspicious of you because you should have been able to figure that out.

Except the temp votes don't actually count towards anyone. It just unnecessarily complicates the process. Figuring it out isn't the issue. Finding it useful, on the other hand, is.
But it shows how many are leaning toward a certain person without everyone having to go and look at all the posts! Duh!

You realize that when we reach the deadline and the temp votes aren't counted, no one gets lynched, right? Which means the scum get to pick someone off tonight with zero chance of us knocking one out today.
Certainly we are all adults and we realize that a temp vote is only good to show who we are leaning toward....and everyone is aware of the deadline and that they have to show a "hard vote" before the deadline!

If you don't want to vote to lynch someone, than don't vote for them. Don't act like a mob and just vote for someone because that's the way the vote looks to be going.

I think most everyone understands that they are reading the posts to see what others are thinking, and nobody is just voting because everyone is going with a certain person, but certainly, if you are the only person voting for someone and your vote is needed to lynch someone, it's best to go with the "mob" and at least get someone as opposed to letting the mafia get off scott free.
The fact that you want to make this overly complicated seems pretty scummy to me. It seems to me that only the mafia benefit by having us jump through more hoops. If you want to temp vote, be my guest. But don't pretend as though the rest of us need to listen. And especially don't pretend as though I am somehow a problem for not following you when half the people in this town made a real vote before I did.
It's not complicated at all, you seem to be the one that wants to make it confusing, having everyone reading the posts over and over to decide who they want to vote for and would prefer that there would not be a really seem scummy now.

The way you and R.D are pushing thing, makes me think you guys are the scum. Now who is the third?

Yeah, keep trying to deflect the suspicion away from isn't going to work this time.

Vote: Avatar
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I really like the idea of firing off a warning post if a person intends to deliver the hammer, and giving it a decent amount of time afterward before actually delivering it. That way if a person who already voted is having doubts, they have the opportunity to unvote, and of course it also gives the person about to be lynched a last chance to defend themselves.

If you agree with this approach, please indicate by thanking this post.

Ok. Anything to avoid what happened last game. Sheesh Wake why didnt you tell us then? :lol:


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