Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

Btw I never agreed to any temp voting so I see no reason to find me suspicious for not temp voting. I'm not afraid to cast a real vote.

Temp votes are no votes. Who benefits If we don't vote?

You never argued against it, you just don't seem like a team player to me. Nothing to fear, votes can be changed at any time before the last vote. Seems scummy to me not to care about the townies chance to defend themselves after it appears they're a goner.

You're posts just read of constant contradictions to me. You agree silence isnt suspect, but suspect the silent. There is little value in discussing the last game, yet you discuss it a great deal. You want rational reasons for votes, but go on your gut feelings.

Silence isn't suspect if the person isn't around. If they are lurking on the other hand...
Btw I never agreed to any temp voting so I see no reason to find me suspicious for not temp voting. I'm not afraid to cast a real vote.

Temp votes are no votes. Who benefits If we don't vote?

Temp votes give the person accused a chance to try and defend themselves.
Temp votes keep Wake from closing the thread before the deadline and not giving some of us a chance to change our vote.
So, Townies benefit if they are able to glean more information and change their vote before Wake closes the thread.

The bolded being the most important because Mafia/Scum benefit when they see that the votes are going toward another Townie, and maybe a couple of votes are going to them, and they want Wake to hurry and close the deal before some other Townie decides to change their vote to one of them.

Now, I'm really suspicious of you because you should have been able to figure that out.
Avatar seems to be trying to confuse us on purpose. And here I thought he was town all along. Now I wonder.
I'm going to re-read the thread. Maybe I'll vote.

It would help a great deal if Strollingbones and the wallflowers would post.
If the majority of players is in favor of it, I'll not count pseudo-votes. You may bold them, too.

Vote Count 1.2​

No Voting (7): R.D., dblack, Ropey, Mertex, CafeAuLiat, strollingbones, AyeCantSeeYou

Ropey (2): Shaitra, manifold
Manifold (2): Mebelle60, Wolfsister77
Mebelle60 (1): RosieS
R.D. (1): Avatar4321
No Lynch (1): Grandma

~ With 14 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Will be PM'ing Mebelle60 and strollingbones soon.
~ You may @mention any player you wish.
~ Deadline is 5/28/14, @ 10pm central time zone.

[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] My whole idea for psuedo vote was for you to include them when you reported the votes, but once again I appear to be invisible, since you didn't count my vote. I submitted a "Temp vote for Mebelle" but you are showing me as a no vote. Also, RD submitted a temp vote for Avatar. And Grandma submitted a "no vote" not a "no lynch" which I would think would count with the "no voting".
If I'm wrong, please point it out to me.

This is what I counted:

No Voting:dblack, CafeAuLait, Strollingbones, AyeCan'tSeeYou, Grandma
Mebelle (2):Mertex, Rosie
Manifold (2):Mebelle, Wolfsister
Ropey (2):Shaitra, Manifold
Avatar (1):RD
RD (1):Avatar
CafeAuLait (1):Ropey

And, you will not take our votes and close the thread until you have 8 hard votes, right?
I was going to ask Wake about my vote being counted that way. But maybe it doesn't matter since I will definitely be voting soon.

I'd count the pseudo votes, but separately. I wouldn't want someone to think a bunch of pseudo votes were hard votes and then "jump on the bandwagon" with a hard vote.
Btw I never agreed to any temp voting so I see no reason to find me suspicious for not temp voting. I'm not afraid to cast a real vote.

Temp votes are no votes. Who benefits If we don't vote?

Temp votes give the person accused a chance to try and defend themselves.
Temp votes keep Wake from closing the thread before the deadline and not giving some of us a chance to change our vote.
So, Townies benefit if they are able to glean more information and change their vote before Wake closes the thread.

The bolded being the most important because Mafia/Scum benefit when they see that the votes are going toward another Townie, and maybe a couple of votes are going to them, and they want Wake to hurry and close the deal before some other Townie decides to change their vote to one of them.

Now, I'm really suspicious of you because you should have been able to figure that out.

Except the temp votes don't actually count towards anyone. It just unnecessarily complicates the process. Figuring it out isn't the issue. Finding it useful, on the other hand, is.

You realize that when we reach the deadline and the temp votes aren't counted, no one gets lynched, right? Which means the scum get to pick someone off tonight with zero chance of us knocking one out today.

If you don't want to vote to lynch someone, than don't vote for them. Don't act like a mob and just vote for someone because that's the way the vote looks to be going.

The fact that you want to make this overly complicated seems pretty scummy to me. It seems to me that only the mafia benefit by having us jump through more hoops. If you want to temp vote, be my guest. But don't pretend as though the rest of us need to listen. And especially don't pretend as though I am somehow a problem for not following you when half the people in this town made a real vote before I did.

The way you and R.D are pushing thing, makes me think you guys are the scum. Now who is the third?
Btw I never agreed to any temp voting so I see no reason to find me suspicious for not temp voting. I'm not afraid to cast a real vote.

Temp votes are no votes. Who benefits If we don't vote?

You never argued against it, you just don't seem like a team player to me. Nothing to fear, votes can be changed at any time before the last vote. Seems scummy to me not to care about the townies chance to defend themselves after it appears they're a goner.

You're posts just read of constant contradictions to me. You agree silence isnt suspect, but suspect the silent. There is little value in discussing the last game, yet you discuss it a great deal. You want rational reasons for votes, but go on your gut feelings.


I see, because I didn't argue against it I am for it? Where did that rule come into play. And why is it despite the fact that we have 5 other people doing real votes rather than temp votes, am I the one who is suspicious for casting a real vote?

If you guys want me to stop talking about the previous game, stop bringing it up. The scum know I am not one of them. And I am not completely foolish so I am a threat to them. If you want to keep our town alive and find them, you aren't going to want to do their job for them. But if you don't, I think you've exposed yourself.
In addition to the pseudo/temp votes, Wake had already posted a couple other ways to list players

"FoS." The Finger of Suspicion. You can vote for someone, and point your finger at one or more other players you suspect. Finger of Suspicion: Larry, or FoS: Larry.

The Reads List. You make a list of the players you find Towniest to Scummiest. Magic happens when Townies make and compare their Reads Lists to come to better conclusions.

With that in mind, here are my lists:

Finger Of Suspicion:

Avatar - Wanting to "out" the cop, suggesting we kill the mafia roleblocker. How are we supposed to kill the mafia roleblocker???And why the roleblocker, why not any one of the scum? He hasn't yet said anything to defend himself. He's has tripped several players' warning bells, then throws suspicion on every one that stated suspicion of him (DBlack, Bones, RD, Mertex, Rosie, Wolfsister, me).

Aye Cant See You - Doesn't want previous game brought up despite the advantages of doing so. Keeps going on about Bones' absence.

Manifold - for choosing Ropey. Mani knows Ropey pretty well by now. Ropey hasn't done anything to incriminate himself. Mani even said it was a shot in the dark, inspired by Shaitra.

Shaitra - See: Mani. She's calling the quiet ones scummy. Can't seem to decide between Ropey and Mani. Doesn't want to talk about the other game.

MeBelle - Not a lot of posts, and she randomly goes after Mani, doesn't change her vote, not being helpful.

CafeAuLait - Acts confused, but folowed the last game well enough. Hasn't made any helpful contributions.

The Reads List:
(In no particular order)






That leaves me undecided about



Day-um, Grandma!

I am never playing a game of Clue with you!

Well done and kudos!

Regards from Rosie
CaféAuLait;9123242 said:
Potential Scum

strollingbones - has not posted since the game began

RosieS - for making excuses for strollingbones, even though strollingbones has been posting in other parts of the forum

Mertex - for trying to distract players by bringing up the previous game

I'll have more later, since I've been doing this from work.

Well I brought up the previous game as well. I don't think that is an indicator. In fact many have brought up the previous game speaking about Avatar.

I have read this thread and I have ideas of who the scum are... not sure if I want to post yet or if I should post it yet, Ill wait a few more days and keep reading.

You should let us know who you are suspecting and why. This way if you are killed in the night, we will know who you suspected which will give us a place to start on day 2.
Finger of Suspicion:

dblack - has posted but hasn't added much to discussion

Mertex - seems to be defending a couple of players and generally adding to confusion

Rosie - gut reaction, I can't articulate why I am suspicious of her yet

That's all for right now.
good morning.....sorry for the delay in getting here....let me review the thread and vote...

Vote: ropey
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[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] My whole idea for psuedo vote was for you to include them when you reported the votes, but once again I appear to be invisible, since you didn't count my vote. I submitted a "Temp vote for Mebelle" but you are showing me as a no vote. Also, RD submitted a temp vote for Avatar. And Grandma submitted a "no vote" not a "no lynch" which I would think would count with the "no voting".
If I'm wrong, please point it out to me.

This is what I counted:

No Voting:dblack, CafeAuLait, Strollingbones, AyeCan'tSeeYou, Grandma
Mebelle (2):Mertex, Rosie
Manifold (2):Mebelle, Wolfsister
Ropey (2):Shaitra, Manifold
Avatar (1):RD
RD (1):Avatar
CafeAuLait (1):Ropey

And, you will not take our votes and close the thread until you have 8 hard votes, right?

Good morning everyone,

I apologize for not responding sooner to this post, and you are most certainly not invisible, Mertex. :D On the issue of pseudo-votes, the host counting pseudo-votes hasn't been done before. To be frank, my grapefruit has enough trouble as it is tallying normal votes, and I suspect I would end up confused trying to count them as well. When I first started playing Mafia we'd cast pseudo-votes, but we'd try to count and tally them ourselves. If you feel it is absolutely necessary, we can do this; if it helps it helps. Should it be alright with you guys, I'll comb through and include pseudo-votes as well.

The Day only ever ends when a majority vote is reached, the deadline expires, or someone gets modkilled. This is why it's so important to not rush things. In the games I've played, casting the final vote is known as hammering. And, to hammer someone quickly with the consent of the majority is known as quickhammering. Doing that tends to make the general playerbase angry, and I've seen my fair share of players getting strung up the next Day because they ended up quickhammering the Town Doctor or Cop.

Side Note: Some mild flaming is alright, if it's meant to get better reactions out of players. :lol:
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Avatar is always the most logical in the game or was in the past one.....but i am suspicious of wolf..she is just too innocent for me...and why does cafe' know much about how the game is set up?
but i will stick with voting: Ropey

thanks for holding my place...avatar pmed me and told me yall were holding my place...thanks guys sorry i got distracted and then forgot....but i got my note pad...(gives Avatar a sweet innocent smile) and i know how to find the thread...for now....

we have to vote..the first vote is always the biggest chance vote.....we just go with the person who is close to the vote needed on first vote...i cant vote for mani i just dont think he is smart enough to be anything but a townie...i am not flaming ...merely pointing out it would take his mind off the important things in life..himself ...okay that was flaming....
i would not go by the number of posts or anything like that....Avatar posts a lot but he also thinks about hard it does seem.....some people lurk and dont post that much...i protested my innocent to hell and back and they killed me off ....with laughter and glee
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] @ ting me doesn't get my attention when I'm working, afk, out having lunch with a friend, etc.
Curious term 'pseudo votes' only confuses players.

I do believe the majority of players from Mafia #1 wanted to play Mafia #2 the same, so as not to confuse players, especially the new ones. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

FWIW My weekend was spent working with my Relay 4 Life team.

I come back to Mafia and see >150 posts! :eek: That's a lot to digest.
It's especially difficult when new players have questions and new rules are set.

I've probably thanked more posts then any other player which means I AM reading.

As an example, Mani can't stand me as a board member, yet he still uses logic when he posts. Mani is a team player.

I clearly stated why I voted for Mani.

Now I'm off to get a few hours of sleep before I go earn my living.

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