Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

I am off lunch now... We had our state and corporate audit in the last two weeks, and today the pharmacy showed up to do their audit. So I can't post probably most of the day... No it's not because I am scum.
If I was town why wouldn't I vote for Mertex?

You did vote for Mertex, and unless Aye is playing me like a fiddle, you're not town.

We all know you are good at playing games, yet you keep mentioning how bad you are?

If I were good at this game, I would've voted for you instead of Mertex and the town would be in much better shape right now.

I am guessing Aye is playing you like a fiddle then. Vote me out and there will only be three townies left.

I'm not playing anyone. I have no reason to do that.
Making a note for myself and all the other townies:

As of 5:13am this morning, TN has yet to say anything else after his vote for the no lynch and trying to get us to go along with it. Seems to me he could care less as long as we don't vote for scum.

How is everyone else seeing that?
I would like to see TN come and give his reads on people. We are at a critical stage and need everyone to participate.
RD, I see you thanked TN for post 3000. Does that mean you are in favor of a no lynch?
That post was further explanation of post 2997 tn pointd out If we mislynch, it is game over. That is why this phase of the game is called "MyLo", or "Mislynch and Lose". But why is it like that, you ask?

We get it wrong tonight, we lose. Mafia win conditionn You win when the Town is eliminated and at least one Mafia-aligned player is still alive, or nothing can prevent the same.
So... 4T - 1T(bad lynch) = 3T. One of those 3 dies in the NK = 2T and 2Mafia where 3 votes wins.

I think I got that right :lol:
Oh, der, yes if we can't be sure I'm in favor of a no lynch to buy another day.

One will die in a NK, but we will be 3T to 2mafia and still have a chance.
Scum wins if their numbers equal or exceed that of Town's.
Oh, der, yes if we can't be sure I'm in favor of a no lynch to buy another day.

One will die in a NK, but we will be 3T to 2mafia and still have a chance.

I do see what you are saying, but I think I'd rather go down swinging.
Making a note for myself and all the other townies:

As of 5:13am this morning, TN has yet to say anything else after his vote for the no lynch and trying to get us to go along with it. Seems to me he could care less as long as we don't vote for scum.

How is everyone else seeing that?

I only log in twice a day, as far as im concerned all of the posts you're talking about appeared at once.
My previous experience has taught me that taking control of towns is the absolute best way to get night-killed, so I'm more content to stay in the background and point things out occasionally.
I'm trying to give us all time to figure out who one of the scum is. I still strongly suspect Mani, but don't want us to jump too fast without considering others.

If you're really town, which I suspect you are, then the most important thing you need to be asking yourself today is who do you think is more suspicious, manifold or Luissa, and vote for that person. If you're really town, then you have to know based on the 2 early votes for me that at least one of us is scum. If all three of us were town, then the two scum would have hammered me and won the game before you unvoted. The only real options are that I'm scum and Luissa is town, or I'm town and Luissa is scum. So go back and compare the two of us and go with your gut. I know that I've poured my heart and soul into trying to ferret out scum and Luissa has not. And not only that, she also appeared to take waaaaaay too much offense to Mertex' honest to goodness townie interrogation. Go back and read their exchange and ask yourself as a townie whether you would have (over)reacted like that?

I've been pondering this post since Mani put it up and I can't find any holes in his logic. I'm happy with where my vote is.

At this point in the game, if the cop is already known and has revealed all of his findings so far are innocent, where only 2 players have yet to be investigated, and one was you, what would you suggest town do at that point?
I'll be offline between 8:15am and 7pm central time tomorrow due to a sudden change in work. With luck VCs will be added before and after that timeframe.

what is a vc?
oh duh, never mind.

vote count lol

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