Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

Been rethinking it again. I am still leaning to my top four R.D., Mertex, Rosie, and Grandma.

Shaitra, if Ropey is the town priest it could explain why this town is going to hell;)
My reads list so far...

Avatar4321 - (FOS) based on the red flags I posted earlier. The reply didn't convince me either way.

Wolfsister77 - Mostly a townie vibe, but at the same time I'd suspect mafia to avoid confrontation on day 1 as much as possible.

AyeCantSeeYou - (FOS) Still thinks I'm gunning for Ropey despite multiple posts to the contrary. That suggests s/he isn't really paying close attention. Like I said before, if you have less to figure out, you're more inclined to pay less attention.

strollingbones - Townie vibe. I know bones posting style well and have not picked up on anything out of the ordinary.

Mertex - Heated bickering with Avatar gives me pause, but otherwise picking up a Townie vibe since his/her posting is very similar to game one.

R.D. - Ditto.

Ropey - Whatever the analogy to a poker face is in this game, he's got it. But like I said earlier, I'm leaning toward changing my vote to someone else, I just haven't decided who yet.

dblack - Townie vibe since posting is very similar to game one.

Shaitra - Townie vibe since posting is completely different to game one.

Grandma - Another player with a good poker face (i.e. can't get a read)

RosieS - Good poker face

MeBelle60 - Townie vibe. No offense intended, but I just don't think she's smart enough not to give herself away if she was mafia.

Luissa - Nothing yet to go on.

PS: In this game FOS stands for Finger of Suspicion, not Full of Shit. :D
We're all easy targets.

Avatars defense is that only scum would doubt him despite all the evidence used to back up why he appear suspicious. Add to that, his scum picks are solely based on those who picked him, except me. He voted to lynch me early on, on a gut feeling and it just snowballed to fit his pick.

Those who follow him around thanking him are not doing themselves any favors either.

I don't go on gut feelings because I don't get gut feelings. I've posted many times why I suspect him based on his posts alone. Not one of them being because he picked me.

Except you keep claiming all this evidence that doesn't actually exist if we analyze it, which i did a few posts up.

Trying to scare others away from defending me? Seems kind of scummy to me.

And your only evidence against me is that I'm coming after you, strongly.

I still think Avatar, Mebelle and either Manifold or Strollingbones are the Mafia....I'm leaning toward SB being the one.

I think Ropey, RD, Myself, Wolfsister, Luissa, Rosie, dblack, and Grandma are all townies.

AyeCantSeeYou sounds suspicious but maybe because she's new she's throwing out all these nonsensical clues. I'm not sure about her at this time. She sides with Avatar but it may be that he is suckering her in with his being innocent comments.

Shaitra is probably Townie, thinks Avatar is Townie because she was under his wing the last time and she believes everything he says. She is going with R.D. because Avatar went with him....Avatar knows how to sucker people in.
Avatar brought up something that I hadn’t been factoring in to my scum analysis so far. Wake said this is a theme game and everyone had been assigned a role. If Ropey is playing his role (which I don’t know what that role would be) that could account for the way he is reacting to being targeted. Ropey could be the town priest. Avatar keeps talking about the kids so he could be the town teacher.

So far no one else’s game play suggests a role to me. And because of the way R.D. is playing right now, I’m changing my vote.

Unvote. Vote: R.D.

Been rethinking it again. I am still leaning to my top four R.D., Mertex, Rosie, and Grandma.

Shaitra, if Ropey is the town priest it could explain why this town is going to hell;)
This is interesting. The roles are clearly outlined on the first page.

Town Cop, Town Doctor, Town Jailkeeper,Town Bodyguard and Vanilla Townie or
Mafia Godfather, Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon

Why are you two trying to confuse the matter? Or did I miss the memo?
We're all easy targets.

Avatars defense is that only scum would doubt him despite all the evidence used to back up why he appear suspicious. Add to that, his scum picks are solely based on those who picked him, except me. He voted to lynch me early on, on a gut feeling and it just snowballed to fit his pick.

Those who follow him around thanking him are not doing themselves any favors either.

I don't go on gut feelings because I don't get gut feelings. I've posted many times why I suspect him based on his posts alone. Not one of them being because he picked me.

Except you keep claiming all this evidence that doesn't actually exist if we analyze it, which i did a few posts up.

Trying to scare others away from defending me? Seems kind of scummy to me.

And your only evidence against me is that I'm coming after you, strongly.

I still think Avatar, Mebelle and either Manifold or Strollingbones are the Mafia....I'm leaning toward SB being the one.

I think Ropey, RD, Myself, Wolfsister, Luissa, Rosie, dblack, and Grandma are all townies.

AyeCantSeeYou sounds suspicious but maybe because she's new she's throwing out all these nonsensical clues. I'm not sure about her at this time. She sides with Avatar but it may be that he is suckering her in with his being innocent comments.

Shaitra is probably Townie, thinks Avatar is Townie because she was under his wing the last time and she believes everything he says. She is going with R.D. because Avatar went with him....Avatar knows how to sucker people in.

Ive stepped back vote wise. Though R.D is still at the top of my lists.

And the other evidence I see is you trying to complicate the game with the psuedo votes and your willingness to misrepresent what I've been saying by claiming I am rushing to a vote. Townies don't need to lie.
Avatar brought up something that I hadn’t been factoring in to my scum analysis so far. Wake said this is a theme game and everyone had been assigned a role. If Ropey is playing his role (which I don’t know what that role would be) that could account for the way he is reacting to being targeted. Ropey could be the town priest. Avatar keeps talking about the kids so he could be the town teacher.

So far no one else’s game play suggests a role to me. And because of the way R.D. is playing right now, I’m changing my vote.

Unvote. Vote: R.D.

Been rethinking it again. I am still leaning to my top four R.D., Mertex, Rosie, and Grandma.

Shaitra, if Ropey is the town priest it could explain why this town is going to hell;)
This is interesting. The roles are clearly outlined on the first page.

Town Cop, Town Doctor, Town Jailkeeper,Town Bodyguard and Vanilla Townie or
Mafia Godfather, Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon

Why are you two trying to confuse the matter? Or did I miss the memo?

Tells me you are either scum or one of the specialized townies.
Avatar brought up something that I hadn’t been factoring in to my scum analysis so far. Wake said this is a theme game and everyone had been assigned a role. If Ropey is playing his role (which I don’t know what that role would be) that could account for the way he is reacting to being targeted. Ropey could be the town priest. Avatar keeps talking about the kids so he could be the town teacher.

So far no one else’s game play suggests a role to me. And because of the way R.D. is playing right now, I’m changing my vote.

Unvote. Vote: R.D.

Been rethinking it again. I am still leaning to my top four R.D., Mertex, Rosie, and Grandma.

Shaitra, if Ropey is the town priest it could explain why this town is going to hell;)
This is interesting. The roles are clearly outlined on the first page.

Town Cop, Town Doctor, Town Jailkeeper,Town Bodyguard and Vanilla Townie or
Mafia Godfather, Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon

Why are you two trying to confuse the matter? Or did I miss the memo?

Tells me you are either scum or one of the specialized townies.

So, you two fibbing tells you something about me?
This is interesting. The roles are clearly outlined on the first page.

Town Cop, Town Doctor, Town Jailkeeper,Town Bodyguard and Vanilla Townie or
Mafia Godfather, Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon

Why are you two trying to confuse the matter? Or did I miss the memo?

Tells me you are either scum or one of the specialized townies.

So, you two fibbing tells you something about me?

But we aren't fibbing. At least some of the Vanilla townies got theme positions. Those positions don't affect what we can do in the game. But they got them. Assuming wake gave them out to all the vanilla's. Check your Role PM.

Which means if you don't know about them, you probably aren't a vanilla townie. You are either the scum or the specialized townies.
Tells me you are either scum or one of the specialized townies.

So, you two fibbing tells you something about me?

But we aren't fibbing. At least some of the Vanilla townies got theme positions. Those positions don't affect what we can do in the game. But they got them. Assuming wake gave them out to all the vanilla's. Check your Role PM.

Which means if you don't know about them, you probably aren't a vanilla townie. You are either the scum or the specialized townies.

So I missed the memo :lol:
Vote Count 1.6​
“Analysis is soul of thought and ghost of wit.”

Not Voting (3): Ropey, Luissa, Mebelle60

Avatar4321 (4): Mertex, R.D., dblack, Grandma
Ropey (3): manifold, strollingbones, Wolfsister77
AyeCantSeeYou (1): AyeCantSeeYou
R.D. (2): Shaitra, Avatar4321
strollingbones (1): RosieS

~ With 14 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 5/28/14, @ 10pm central time zone.
~ Players may vote for themselves, but it's bad play. Some hosts punish it, too.
~ Stirring up players' emotions is another effective way to get good reads. :badgrin:
~ Activity is very good in Mafia games. Usually, games contain 4,000 posts minimum. Others dwarf that. [MENTION=8806]manifold[/MENTION]
~ Reads Lists are crucial in Mafia. Best to compare notes.
~ Scum always needs Town paranoid, in order for Town to do its work for them.
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Finger of Suspicion R.D. and here's why.

More aggressive playstyle this game, does not know about role descriptions, targeting Avatar hard who would be a threat to scum this game

Avatar has got to be town-knows role descriptions, giving very good reasons and analysis for all his thinking, not targeting anyone too strongly, careful voting pattern, seems to be willing to share strategy that scum or town would use, friendly

I'll keep my vote the same for the time being but this will very likely change.
Avatar brought up something that I hadn’t been factoring in to my scum analysis so far. Wake said this is a theme game and everyone had been assigned a role. If Ropey is playing his role (which I don’t know what that role would be) that could account for the way he is reacting to being targeted. Ropey could be the town priest. Avatar keeps talking about the kids so he could be the town teacher.

So far no one else’s game play suggests a role to me. And because of the way R.D. is playing right now, I’m changing my vote.

Unvote. Vote: R.D.

Been rethinking it again. I am still leaning to my top four R.D., Mertex, Rosie, and Grandma.

Shaitra, if Ropey is the town priest it could explain why this town is going to hell;)
This is interesting. The roles are clearly outlined on the first page.

Town Cop, Town Doctor, Town Jailkeeper,Town Bodyguard and Vanilla Townie or
Mafia Godfather, Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon

Why are you two trying to confuse the matter? Or did I miss the memo?

Go back and read your pm. Mine mentioned something other than the town ones listed above. Maybe Wake can clarify what's going on with that?
Avatar brought up something that I hadn’t been factoring in to my scum analysis so far. Wake said this is a theme game and everyone had been assigned a role. If Ropey is playing his role (which I don’t know what that role would be) that could account for the way he is reacting to being targeted. Ropey could be the town priest. Avatar keeps talking about the kids so he could be the town teacher.

So far no one else’s game play suggests a role to me. And because of the way R.D. is playing right now, I’m changing my vote.

Unvote. Vote: R.D.

Been rethinking it again. I am still leaning to my top four R.D., Mertex, Rosie, and Grandma.

Shaitra, if Ropey is the town priest it could explain why this town is going to hell;)
This is interesting. The roles are clearly outlined on the first page.

Town Cop, Town Doctor, Town Jailkeeper,Town Bodyguard and Vanilla Townie or
Mafia Godfather, Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon

Why are you two trying to confuse the matter? Or did I miss the memo?

Go back and read your pm. Mine mentioned something other than the town ones listed above. Maybe Wake can clarify what's going on with that?

Mine also had a different role than those above.

Looks like I have another reason to suspect R.D. I suggest all of us townies take note.
Hello everyone,

To clarify, this game is mildly themed. In addition to having Game Roles such as those mentioned in the OP, everyone was also given a profession, a flavor, which has no bearing on the game. Just flavor text. If Moonglow were playing as a Vanilla Townie, he'd also be called the Town Carpenter, etc.
I'm very confident Shaitra is a townie now. Even if I haven't figured out her role.

It should be obvious to the other townies that I am as well.

I'm pegging R.D as one of the scum. I am also thinking Rosie is one as well. Earlier she said this:

My own postings reveal what I am not. I am not an important role playing townie this time, just a plain Vanilla one. The thing that scum does not know is if I am bulletproof or not.

Thing is, there isn't a bulletproof townie in our town. And I think she was saying that for the town, not the scum. If there is a chance she was bullet proof than only the town could kill her through lynching. The mafia couldn't lay a hand on her.

And yet despite that, not a hint at her townie role. She even threw the hints i was leaving up to try to implicate me acting as though she had know clue why I would be hinting. It's highly suspicious.
Hello everyone,

To clarify, this game is mildly themed. In addition to having Game Roles such as those mentioned in the OP, everyone was also given a profession, a flavor, which has no bearing on the game. Just flavor text. If Moonglow were playing as a Vanilla Townie, he'd also be called the Town Carpenter, etc.

Were the town scum given professions as well?
This is interesting. The roles are clearly outlined on the first page.

Town Cop, Town Doctor, Town Jailkeeper,Town Bodyguard and Vanilla Townie or
Mafia Godfather, Mafia Roleblocker, Mafia Goon

Why are you two trying to confuse the matter? Or did I miss the memo?

Go back and read your pm. Mine mentioned something other than the town ones listed above. Maybe Wake can clarify what's going on with that?

Mine also had a different role than those above.

Looks like I have another reason to suspect R.D. I suggest all of us townies take note.

Yes, it does appear that R.D. doesn't know about the theme and makes me suspect she is not town, but is scum.

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