Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

I don't consider gut reactions this early in the game frivolous. Besides, it got you talking which was informative to all and reinforced my vote.

I'm going to reevaluate my thinking. I misremembered what mertex said and it has me second guessing myself.

As for focusing on the role blocker asap, that was who we should target, not that we should rush a lynching. I thought that was obvious from the context as I don't know who that is. I'm rethinking everything but r.d and mertex keep making me suspicious when they ignore context and attack me on poor reasoning while pretending to rely on sound. I don't have a problem admitting my mistakes. Yet they are doubling down

This post contains two red flags IMO.

First, there is less of an incentive for mafia to read every post thoroughly since there is less for them to figure out, especially on day one. Confusing one player with another definitely does not indicate a dedicated effort to trying to figure out who is who.

And second, making suggestions that are not practical at this point in the game strikes me as an attempt at obfuscation.

FOS: Avatar

Actually, the mafia has the most incentive to study everything anyone says since they are trying to kill everyone, divert suspicion and not get caught. At least if they are playing to win. Im far more laid back this game than i was the last.
okay hang avatar if you must.....but you are making a mistake...simple as that....i dont see how yo u cannot see thru the smoke screen...offering to vote for himself...knowing he cannot? that is the rumor i am going with....dont fall for it....avatar is not scum....


Yep, keep going with that rumor.
I don't consider gut reactions this early in the game frivolous. Besides, it got you talking which was informative to all and reinforced my vote.

I'm going to reevaluate my thinking. I misremembered what mertex said and it has me second guessing myself.

As for focusing on the role blocker asap, that was who we should target, not that we should rush a lynching. I thought that was obvious from the context as I don't know who that is. I'm rethinking everything but r.d and mertex keep making me suspicious when they ignore context and attack me on poor reasoning while pretending to rely on sound. I don't have a problem admitting my mistakes. Yet they are doubling down

This post contains two red flags IMO.

First, there is less of an incentive for mafia to read every post thoroughly since there is less for them to figure out, especially on day one. Confusing one player with another definitely does not indicate a dedicated effort to trying to figure out who is who.

And second, making suggestions that are not practical at this point in the game strikes me as an attempt at obfuscation.

FOS: Avatar

As for the second, i was suggesting long term strategy from the beginning. R.D. questioned it and so I have readdressed it. At this point I havent been making any headway in suggesting we use our tools wisely.

Everyone is super paranoid this game and this round is going no where fast. But then that's part of the fun i guess:)
i got up expecting a vote ......and a lynching by now.....

my vote remains:

Vote: ropey

Why are you being this way? You've been told over and over the final vote is not due until the middle of next week.

People are saying that those who push for an early vote are likely Mafia, because
Mafia benefits most from a rush to lynch.

You must remember during the last game that Syrenn acted just like this with a major push to vote fast - and she was blue Mafia!

In the face of all the opposing evidence that is out there you are still acting the same as Syrenn did, so I am changing my vote.

Vote: Strollingbones

Regards from Rosie

She was pushing hard for me like this last game. It's why we lynched her second round.

Turns out she was right.
They are allowed but it is a really bad idea.

Aye and Ropey-knock that off. Don't vote yourself-anyone.

Play to win.

Play to have the scum found out first. If one townie can be used by himself to take out a scum.

The probabilities rise significantly towards the townies.

I can vote myself. Wake doesn't want me to, but from what I read, I sure can.

If it's a rule I can't, then fine. Otherwise, you're commanding and that's what scum do...
I wonder how good of a strategy it is for everyone to be so paranoid? This game is tough in the beginning and I'm running out of ideas to figure out where to go from here.

Someone needs to lay out a good case for lynching Avatar or Ropey and/or give us some more reads lists. I will do a reads list also. I don't have a compelling case on lynching anyone at the moment which is why I am willing to go along with the group on the first kill IF there is a good reason to do so.
They are allowed but it is a really bad idea.

Aye and Ropey-knock that off. Don't vote yourself-anyone.

Play to win.

Play to have the scum found out first. If one townie can be used by himself to take out a scum.

The probabilities rise significantly towards the townies.

I can vote myself. Wake doesn't want me to, but from what I read, I sure can.

If it's a rule I can't, then fine. Otherwise, you're commanding and that's what scum do...

There's no rule against it. Your willingness to sacrifice yourself doesn't sit well with me and it doesn't with Aye doing it either.

I'm just being bossy and/or crabby. ;)
If I'm correct, the night is over and now the scum have had full time to discuss.

If that's the case, there might well be some significant changes in the avenues of discussion today.

If I'm not correct about the scum having last 'night' to discuss, would someone correct me please?
I think if Avatar is not scum, he's too good of a player to vote off the first round.

His Cop/Dr. strategy is flawed because if the Dr. gets killed, the Cop is known and the Dr. can get killed at any time due to no one knowing who it is. Then the Cop is going down. I do not think revealing power roles this early is a good idea.

He keeps talking about the kids and teaching the adults, is he the town teacher?

Going with this logic, how good is he that he seems so suspect to at least 4 of us?

His reasoning that all 3 scum are going after him right off the bat is just silly.
Luissa replaces CafeAuLait effective immediately.
I wonder how good of a strategy it is for everyone to be so paranoid? This game is tough in the beginning and I'm running out of ideas to figure out where to go from here.

Someone needs to lay out a good case for lynching Avatar or Ropey and/or give us some more reads lists. I will do a reads list also. I don't have a compelling case on lynching anyone at the moment which is why I am willing to go along with the group on the first kill IF there is a good reason to do so.

Why don't you give us a list of who you think is scum and who you think are town, with reasons why.

I've given one already. When I have time, I'll do another.
I think if Avatar is not scum, he's too good of a player to vote off the first round.

His Cop/Dr. strategy is flawed because if the Dr. gets killed, the Cop is known and the Dr. can get killed at any time due to no one knowing who it is. Then the Cop is going down. I do not think revealing power roles this early is a good idea.

He keeps talking about the kids and teaching the adults, is he the town teacher?

Going with this logic, how good is he that he seems so suspect to at least 4 of us?

His reasoning that all 3 scum are going after him right off the bat is just silly.

Good point, duly noted.
I wonder how good of a strategy it is for everyone to be so paranoid? This game is tough in the beginning and I'm running out of ideas to figure out where to go from here.

Someone needs to lay out a good case for lynching Avatar or Ropey and/or give us some more reads lists. I will do a reads list also. I don't have a compelling case on lynching anyone at the moment which is why I am willing to go along with the group on the first kill IF there is a good reason to do so.

Why don't you give us a list of who you think is scum and who you think are town, with reasons why.

I've given one already. When I have time, I'll do another.

I already said I was going to and have given plenty of input. Your first read list was garbage. Get cracking and do something useful besides vote yourself and annoy me.
why wouldnt i protest lynching a townie? i dont think avatar is sum.....

You would only know that if you were Mafia. All the clues point to Avatar, and your hard push for Ropey (without any real clues) makes you look suspicious.

All clues? Really? Because Im still waiting for you to give one real clue. So far the reasoning I've seen:

1) I've opposed psuedo voting. A process which confuses and complicates the process. Anything that complicates the process benefits the scum.

2) I've recommended a long term strategy of using the cop and doctor more effectively to provide us with more information to use against the scum.

3) I am actually playing my theme role and that somehow makes me suspicious because scum care about children. (not true, they only care about their children. They'll kill the others). It's not my fault if no one else seems to be playing their role. Doesn't mean I am not going to be doing my best to educate everyone. In fact, if we were all playing our roles it would be very helpful in determining who is innocent and who is not.

4) I've been accused of rushing the vote despite not doing so in the least. I mean hello, I am the only person voting for R.D. Does that seem like I'm rushing anything? If I was scum I would have jumped behind Ropey by now. I am willing to switch if I thought he was scum but I am not sure he is anymore.

Now Mertex and R.D keep making my suspicions for them stronger. They've got a weak case against me. But they are clearly working together to push my lynch. why? Because I am a threat to the scum and because they can use the groups general fear of me to deflect suspicion from them.

Rosie and Grandma are on my list too just because of their lack of desire for long term strategy and the repeatedly acting as though my strategy to catch the scum somehow benefits them.

Wolfsister I've moved back to I don't know status. The way she was going along with r.d and mertex had me suspicious but she has backed off so I don't know.

my bet though, one of those four is scum.
I think if Avatar is not scum, he's too good of a player to vote off the first round.

His Cop/Dr. strategy is flawed because if the Dr. gets killed, the Cop is known and the Dr. can get killed at any time due to no one knowing who it is. Then the Cop is going down. I do not think revealing power roles this early is a good idea.

He keeps talking about the kids and teaching the adults, is he the town teacher?

Going with this logic, how good is he that he seems so suspect to at least 4 of us?

His reasoning that all 3 scum are going after him right off the bat is just silly.

Really? cause it seems to me I'm an easy target this round. I am not one of them. Seems logical they dont want one of their own to get killed in round 1.
I wonder how good of a strategy it is for everyone to be so paranoid? This game is tough in the beginning and I'm running out of ideas to figure out where to go from here.

Someone needs to lay out a good case for lynching Avatar or Ropey and/or give us some more reads lists. I will do a reads list also. I don't have a compelling case on lynching anyone at the moment which is why I am willing to go along with the group on the first kill IF there is a good reason to do so.

Why don't you give us a list of who you think is scum and who you think are town, with reasons why.

I've given one already. When I have time, I'll do another.

I agree. Id love to see your list Wolf.

I am going to have to reevaluate mine.
I think if Avatar is not scum, he's too good of a player to vote off the first round.

His Cop/Dr. strategy is flawed because if the Dr. gets killed, the Cop is known and the Dr. can get killed at any time due to no one knowing who it is. Then the Cop is going down. I do not think revealing power roles this early is a good idea.

He keeps talking about the kids and teaching the adults, is he the town teacher?

Going with this logic, how good is he that he seems so suspect to at least 4 of us?

His reasoning that all 3 scum are going after him right off the bat is just silly.

BTW 3 out of the 4 scum last game took out MG first round. I bet it would have been 4 of 4 if MG wasnt the fourth.
I wonder how good of a strategy it is for everyone to be so paranoid? This game is tough in the beginning and I'm running out of ideas to figure out where to go from here.

Someone needs to lay out a good case for lynching Avatar or Ropey and/or give us some more reads lists. I will do a reads list also. I don't have a compelling case on lynching anyone at the moment which is why I am willing to go along with the group on the first kill IF there is a good reason to do so.

Why don't you give us a list of who you think is scum and who you think are town, with reasons why.

I've given one already. When I have time, I'll do another.

I already said I was going to and have given plenty of input. Your first read list was garbage. Get cracking and do something useful besides vote yourself and annoy me.

Id like to see both of you post lists.

Forum List
