Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

Why don't you give us a list of who you think is scum and who you think are town, with reasons why.

I've given one already. When I have time, I'll do another.

I already said I was going to and have given plenty of input. Your first read list was garbage. Get cracking and do something useful besides vote yourself and annoy me.

Id like to see both of you post lists.

I'll have another soon. It's kinda hard to get all I want into it while at work. But, soon, as time at work allows (meaning my boss isn't looking over my shoulder while I'm cussing out an architect).
Now Mertex and R.D keep making my suspicions for them stronger. They've got a weak case against me. But they are clearly working together to push my lynch. why? Because I am a threat to the scum and because they can use the groups general fear of me to deflect suspicion from them.

I've already said that the bickering going on between the three of you makes you all look a bit suspect, but I'd guess that at most only one of you is mafia, possibly none. It would be really foolish for two or three mafia to join forces to target a townie this early in the game. I don't think anyone here is that foolish. I suppose it could be a kind of double bluff, but it would be really risky so I doubt that is the case. The best play for mafia IMO would be to get townies at each other's throats and avoid the fray themselves as much as possible, especially this early in the game.
I'd like to see EVERYONE'S list and yes I need to provide one.

Luissa-who the hell knows-welcome

Mebelle-don't know

Mani-town vibe, he's giving some good input and suggestions

dblack-town vibe, very good input and suggestions

Grandma-my strongest town read

RosieS-I believe her when she said her role but I wish she wouldn't of, town

Shaitra-don't know, she's busy and won't be around much but what she has said is leaning townie for me

Mertex and R.D.-both very aggressively pushing for Avatar-I am suspicious they are targeting their biggest threat-suspicious

Avatar-I think he's town-my gut

Ropey-my vote stands but he's given off NO scum vibes so I don't feel comfortable with it, his self sacrificial comments lead me to believe he's the bodyguard

Strollingbones-her push for Ropey seems like USMB stuff and not game stuff but she strikes me as town

Aye-why am I letting her annoy me off so much? I have no idea. Suspicious-but it's mostly gut

So there you have it. I think everyone is town except ACSY, Mertex, RD, Luissa, and mebelle. Luissa and mebelle I don't know. So my team of 3 guess is ACSY, Mertex, and RD.

So OK, I put my neck on the line. The rest of you should as well.

I'm only leaving my vote on Ropey because I'm not sure who to switch it to of the suspicious ones yet and he's nowhere near a lynch.
Top four are Mertex, Rosie, R.D. And Grandma. No particular order.

Don't think mebelle or mani are.

Im leaning against Ropey being scum at the moment just because he seems generally ignorant of how the scum operate.

The others im suspicious but nothing jumping out. Of the bunch I have my eye on Shaitra the most. she's very crafty.
If I'm correct, the night is over and now the scum have had full time to discuss.

If that's the case, there might well be some significant changes in the avenues of discussion today.

If I'm not correct about the scum having last 'night' to discuss, would someone correct me please?

The first day ends at 10/28 10 p.m. Central, the first night hasn't occurred yet. The first night starts after the first lynch, that generally lasts two days real life time, that's when the scum get to scheme and pick someone off. The death scene will ensue.

How can you not know this already at this point in the game?
We're all easy targets.

Avatars defense is that only scum would doubt him despite all the evidence used to back up why he appear suspicious. Add to that, his scum picks are solely based on those who picked him, except me. He voted to lynch me early on, on a gut feeling and it just snowballed to fit his pick.

Those who follow him around thanking him are not doing themselves any favors either.

I don't go on gut feelings because I don't get gut feelings. I've posted many times why I suspect him based on his posts alone. Not one of them being because he picked me.
If I'm correct, the night is over and now the scum have had full time to discuss.

If that's the case, there might well be some significant changes in the avenues of discussion today.

If I'm not correct about the scum having last 'night' to discuss, would someone correct me please?

The first day ends at 10/28 10 p.m. Central, the first night hasn't occurred yet. The first night starts after the first lynch, that generally lasts two days real life time, that's when the scum get to scheme and pick someone off. The death scene will ensue.

How can you not know this already at this point in the game?

Either ignorance on how the game is played. Quite possible for a newbie. or he is the scum trying to throw our suspicion by playing ignorant.
We're all easy targets.

Avatars defense is that only scum would doubt him despite all the evidence used to back up why he appear suspicious. Add to that, his scum picks are solely based on those who picked him, except me. He voted to lynch me early on, on a gut feeling and it just snowballed to fit his pick.

Those who follow him around thanking him are not doing themselves any favors either.

I don't go on gut feelings because I don't get gut feelings. I've posted many times why I suspect him based on his posts alone. Not one of them being because he picked me.

Except you keep claiming all this evidence that doesn't actually exist if we analyze it, which i did a few posts up.

Trying to scare others away from defending me? Seems kind of scummy to me.
We're all easy targets.

Avatars defense is that only scum would doubt him despite all the evidence used to back up why he appear suspicious. Add to that, his scum picks are solely based on those who picked him, except me. He voted to lynch me early on, on a gut feeling and it just snowballed to fit his pick.

Those who follow him around thanking him are not doing themselves any favors either.

I don't go on gut feelings because I don't get gut feelings. I've posted many times why I suspect him based on his posts alone. Not one of them being because he picked me.

Except you keep claiming all this evidence that doesn't actually exist if we analyze it, which i did a few posts up.

Trying to scare others away from defending me? Seems kind of scummy to me.

Simply not the case.

Thanking you is not defending you, it's agreeing with you. Different things completely. Others claiming they think you're town carries no more weight than my believing you're not at this point.

Only 3 know for certain, my best guess is you are one of the 3
We're all easy targets.

Avatars defense is that only scum would doubt him despite all the evidence used to back up why he appear suspicious. Add to that, his scum picks are solely based on those who picked him, except me. He voted to lynch me early on, on a gut feeling and it just snowballed to fit his pick.

Those who follow him around thanking him are not doing themselves any favors either.

I don't go on gut feelings because I don't get gut feelings. I've posted many times why I suspect him based on his posts alone. Not one of them being because he picked me.

Except you keep claiming all this evidence that doesn't actually exist if we analyze it, which i did a few posts up.

Trying to scare others away from defending me? Seems kind of scummy to me.

Simply not the case.

Thanking you is not defending you, it's agreeing with you. Different things completely. Others claiming they think you're town carries no more weight than my believing you're not at this point.

Only 3 know for certain, my best guess is you are one of the 3

And you're one of my best guesses.

But I said I was going to rethink things nonetheless. I don't see how this back and forth between us is leading anywhere.

Vote: Unvote

Going back to neutral position at the moment. Our fighting is getting too emotional and I want to reevaluate from an rational position. The emotion can blind reason sometimes.
I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but at the rate we're going we'll have more posts on day 1 than we had for the entire previous game.
Who Posted?
Total Posts: 456

Avatar4321 111
Wolfsister77 52
AyeCantSeeYou 37
strollingbones 34
Mertex 33
R.D. 29
Ropey 28
manifold 24
dblack 21
Shaitra 21
Grandma 20
Wake 15
RosieS 15
MeBelle60 8
CaféAuLait 7
Luissa 1
Avatar brought up something that I hadn’t been factoring in to my scum analysis so far. Wake said this is a theme game and everyone had been assigned a role. If Ropey is playing his role (which I don’t know what that role would be) that could account for the way he is reacting to being targeted. Ropey could be the town priest. Avatar keeps talking about the kids so he could be the town teacher.

So far no one else’s game play suggests a role to me. And because of the way R.D. is playing right now, I’m changing my vote.

Unvote. Vote: R.D.
Some of what I think so far:

Ropey - not presenting himself as a threat up to this point. has no real beef with anyone yet.

Avatar - is thinking along the lines of a townie. has not pushed for a lynch yet as far as I have seen. has been 'ganged' up on by a few others, which brings attention to those and puts Avatar in a defensive mode.

Strollingbones - appears to have it out for Ropey and doesn't seem to read the other posts in this thread.

Luissa - hasn't posted anything worth noting yet, so can't give any input on her yet.

RosieS - has pretty much stayed in the background. hasn't given any indication she's scum. needs to post a little more.

Mertex - off the bat, made a comment about Avatar and that she would vote him out. following post pretty much insisted on players adding a temp vote and hasn't dropped it. when anyone claims they don't like it and that it's confusing, mertex goes back to the song-and-dance routine of having it in place, adding confusion and chaos - something scum would want to happen.

Wolfsister77 - said on page 2 she didn't want to lynch too quickly, then on page 6 - the following day - put in a hard vote, contradicting that she didn't want to lynch too fast. also seems to go along with the general consensus

Grandma - in no hurry, not posting a whole lot to get a good reading on, need more info

Mebelle60 - comes across so far as a townie

manifold - wants to go after Ropey for no reason

R.D. - seems to have it out for Avatar, has said a "townie will die tonight" - how can R.D. say that with such conviction unless he is scum?

dblack - far too quiet, but doesn't mean he's scum - could just be waiting for something solid to go by

Shaitra - suspicious - will keep an eye on, but no reason to think she's scum

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