Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

Are we playing or eating?

Hope the mafia doesn't poison the food.
Are we playing or eating?

Hope the mafia doesn't poison the food.

We're doing both at once.

Speaking of mafia, who's the town's life insurance salesperson? Seems to me that would be a good themed role for a game full of death.:lol:
I will reiterate; temp votes are a waste of time.

The rules clearly state votes can be changed any time.
By casting a vote players DO get a somewhat clear stance as to where everyone who voted stands.

Temp votes are an unnecessary step in the process.

No they can't if it has reached a majority and Wake closes the thread. You seem not to be able to understand that.

Temp votes show who we are voting for but not allowing Wake to close it until we, the Townies are ready. If you are Mafia, of course you would want Wake to close the thread as soon as there were enough votes, so us Townies could not change our mind. Or, you just don't understand how it works.
That's what the scum's goal is - to distract and confuse those of us that are townies. If someone isn't sure of who they are going to vote for and the deadline isn't near, what's the big deal? It sure as hell doesn't bother me that they don't throw a name out just to pacify a few. We still have several days before the deadline. For those wanting to rush a vote out, why are you in such a hurry? Do ya'll have something to hide?

I don't understand why you find the Temp Vote so was intended to help Townies come together on who they want to lynch instead of having everyone throwing out different names. By making them "temp" votes, Wake can't run with a lynch until they become hard votes, it was just a way of trying to get a consensus.

The last time, we were making hard votes and then if we had to be away from the Forum, others made hard votes that amounted to a majority and Wake was able to close the thread and do a lynch. I came back with the intention of switching my vote after thinking it over and reading over some of the posts made while I was gone, only to find out it was too late and Wake had already lynched another Townie.

Maybe as this game progresses you will see what I mean and understand that it isn't intended to confuse. The only ones pushing for a quick vote was Avatar, which made me suspicious of him.

MeBelle also cast a hard vote right out of nowhere, which also smells of scum. I may be wrong, but we'll find out after the first lynching.
I gave a reason for my vote.

If Avatar and MeBelle make it through the first lynch and I'm killed that night, you'll see that I was right.

That makes no sense.
If you're a Townie the Doc could put in a good word for you.

So what if we have to be away from the computer?
It's part of the game.

Why should a soft vote hold up the game?
It reminds me of BlackFlag, from Mafia #1, who didn't post after his first few posts. He held up the game while Wake prodded him.

Because Wake can't close the thread and do the lynch if all he has are soft votes! Geez...
I don't understand why you find the Temp Vote so was intended to help Townies come together on who they want to lynch instead of having everyone throwing out different names. By making them "temp" votes, Wake can't run with a lynch until they become hard votes, it was just a way of trying to get a consensus.

The last time, we were making hard votes and then if we had to be away from the Forum, others made hard votes that amounted to a majority and Wake was able to close the thread and do a lynch. I came back with the intention of switching my vote after thinking it over and reading over some of the posts made while I was gone, only to find out it was too late and Wake had already lynched another Townie.

Maybe as this game progresses you will see what I mean and understand that it isn't intended to confuse. The only ones pushing for a quick vote was Avatar, which made me suspicious of him.

I gave a reason for my vote.

If Avatar and MeBelle make it through the first lynch and I'm killed that night, you'll see that I was right.

That makes no sense.
If you're a Townie the Doc could put in a good word for you.

So what if we have to be away from the computer?
It's part of the game.

Why should a soft vote hold up the game?
It reminds me of BlackFlag, from Mafia #1, who didn't post after his first few posts. He held up the game while Wake prodded him.

Because Wake can't close the thread and do the lynch if all he has are soft votes! Geez...

But what do "soft votes" really mean? They seem like another opportunity for deceptive players (i.e. scum) to manipulate consensus without commItting.

Again, it's only the votes beyond those that subject us to hammering that we need to be careful with. Currently any vote that pushes the total to five puts us at risk. Up to that point it doesn't really matter.
I'd like to see EVERYONE'S list and yes I need to provide one.

Luissa-who the hell knows-welcome

Mebelle-don't know

Mani-town vibe, he's giving some good input and suggestions

dblack-town vibe, very good input and suggestions

Grandma-my strongest town read

RosieS-I believe her when she said her role but I wish she wouldn't of, town

Shaitra-don't know, she's busy and won't be around much but what she has said is leaning townie for me

Mertex and R.D.-both very aggressively pushing for Avatar-I am suspicious they are targeting their biggest threat-suspicious

Avatar-I think he's town-my gut

Ropey-my vote stands but he's given off NO scum vibes so I don't feel comfortable with it, his self sacrificial comments lead me to believe he's the bodyguard

Strollingbones-her push for Ropey seems like USMB stuff and not game stuff but she strikes me as town

Aye-why am I letting her annoy me off so much? I have no idea. Suspicious-but it's mostly gut

So there you have it. I think everyone is town except ACSY, Mertex, RD, Luissa, and mebelle. Luissa and mebelle I don't know. So my team of 3 guess is ACSY, Mertex, and RD.

So OK, I put my neck on the line. The rest of you should as well.

I'm only leaving my vote on Ropey because I'm not sure who to switch it to of the suspicious ones yet and he's nowhere near a lynch.

You're falling for Avatar's clever accusations, he's very good at it. I found out the hard way.
I'd like to see EVERYONE'S list and yes I need to provide one.

Luissa-who the hell knows-welcome

Mebelle-don't know

Mani-town vibe, he's giving some good input and suggestions

dblack-town vibe, very good input and suggestions

Grandma-my strongest town read

RosieS-I believe her when she said her role but I wish she wouldn't of, town

Shaitra-don't know, she's busy and won't be around much but what she has said is leaning townie for me

Mertex and R.D.-both very aggressively pushing for Avatar-I am suspicious they are targeting their biggest threat-suspicious

Avatar-I think he's town-my gut

Ropey-my vote stands but he's given off NO scum vibes so I don't feel comfortable with it, his self sacrificial comments lead me to believe he's the bodyguard

Strollingbones-her push for Ropey seems like USMB stuff and not game stuff but she strikes me as town

Aye-why am I letting her annoy me off so much? I have no idea. Suspicious-but it's mostly gut

So there you have it. I think everyone is town except ACSY, Mertex, RD, Luissa, and mebelle. Luissa and mebelle I don't know. So my team of 3 guess is ACSY, Mertex, and RD.

So OK, I put my neck on the line. The rest of you should as well.

I'm only leaving my vote on Ropey because I'm not sure who to switch it to of the suspicious ones yet and he's nowhere near a lynch.

You're falling for Avatar's clever accusations, he's very good at it. I found out the hard way.

You guys really do help me make my arguments. But i am confident wolf can make her own decisions.

Only difference this time is I am trying to teach the scum a lesson.
I don't understand why you find the Temp Vote so was intended to help Townies come together on who they want to lynch instead of having everyone throwing out different names. By making them "temp" votes, Wake can't run with a lynch until they become hard votes, it was just a way of trying to get a consensus.

The last time, we were making hard votes and then if we had to be away from the Forum, others made hard votes that amounted to a majority and Wake was able to close the thread and do a lynch. I came back with the intention of switching my vote after thinking it over and reading over some of the posts made while I was gone, only to find out it was too late and Wake had already lynched another Townie.

Maybe as this game progresses you will see what I mean and understand that it isn't intended to confuse. The only ones pushing for a quick vote was Avatar, which made me suspicious of him.

I gave a reason for my vote.

If Avatar and MeBelle make it through the first lynch and I'm killed that night, you'll see that I was right.

That makes no sense.
If you're a Townie the Doc could put in a good word for you.

So what if we have to be away from the computer?
It's part of the game.

Why should a soft vote hold up the game?
It reminds me of BlackFlag, from Mafia #1, who didn't post after his first few posts. He held up the game while Wake prodded him.

Because Wake can't close the thread and do the lynch if all he has are soft votes! Geez...

A soft vote is like sitting on the fence.

The primaries are coming up in my state soon.
Should I check a box and write beside it 'maybe'?
The Division of Elections would just throw away my 'vote', period.
Are we playing or eating?

Hope the mafia doesn't poison the food.

First you complain I do not have a role and am not playing it.

Then when I play my role and people like it, you complain that I am playing the role and not the game.

Which makes you a hypocritical liar.

By your own protestations, liar are Scum.

Therefore, your lies catch you out and Mertex has been telling us the truth about you all game long.

So in honor of Mertex's truth and your made up BS lies, I

Vote: Avatar

Now as to the other Scum, Bones caught herself out by writing "we".

For the third, I would like more assurances from.Manifold that he isn't Scum.

I temporarily am putting Aye in the third slot, for Scum, depending upon what Mani has to say.

Regards from Rosie
think about this....i get here late.....the vote is going 4 for ropey...4 for of course i vote for ropey...has nothing to with outside the game.....according to wake, we leave that at the door....
now really you think i am stupid enough to go 'we' without knowing what i am doing....i am trying to keep yall from killing off the townies..which yall seem determined to do....
This game seems to be proceeding faster than I had imagined it would.
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