Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

That makes no sense.
If you're a Townie the Doc could put in a good word for you.

So what if we have to be away from the computer?
It's part of the game.

Why should a soft vote hold up the game?
It reminds me of BlackFlag, from Mafia #1, who didn't post after his first few posts. He held up the game while Wake prodded him.

Because Wake can't close the thread and do the lynch if all he has are soft votes! Geez...

A soft vote is like sitting on the fence.

The primaries are coming up in my state soon.
Should I check a box and write beside it 'maybe'?
The Division of Elections would just throw away my 'vote', period.

If you were voting to lynch someone and they could be taken away to be lynched as soon as a certain amount of votes were reached, and you weren't sure who the villain was and didn't want to lynch an innocent person, but you were not able to talk to the other people in the town about it except through public media....yeah, maybe you would, to see how many else felt the same way, but I see that you are unable to understand the reason for it, so another explanation for you would just be a waste. We get don't get it....:eek:
And now....I must go tend to hungry people....geez, I hate my job.
o crap i forgot the muffins......they are almond meal muffins.....original recipe is really healthy....i added raisins, honey and a banana...i may need some advice on the baking....i got the nutrients down pat
Guys-I'm going to be away from the computer most of the day.

When I get back I'll have a list and I'll be extracting some information to get to the root of the problem.

i wished you were preaching to the choir aye.....

i think we need to seriously look at who could be scum....

seems aye is the town

i hate to see litter....i really encourage people not to use plastics or use fast foods....

I was thinking garbage collector. Kind of a scummy job. Throw bodies in the back of the truck and take it away... just saying.

Nope, not on garbage detail. I could mop up their mess left behind though.

So you say.;)
Guys-I'm going to be away from the computer most of the day.

When I get back I'll have a list and I'll be extracting some information to get to the root of the problem.


Sounds good. We will try not to start the lynchings without you.

So we all agree it's wolf, right? jk

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