Official USMB Mafia Game #2: Enter the Godfather

Vote Count 1.7​
“You know my method. It is founded upon the observation of trifles.”

Not Voting (4): Ropey, Luissa, Mebelle60, AyeCantSeeYou

Avatar4321 (5): Mertex, R.D., dblack, Grandma, RosieS
Ropey (3): manifold, strollingbones, Wolfsister77
R.D. (1): Shaitra
RosieS (1): Avatar4321

~ With 14 players, it takes 8 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 5/28/14, @ 10pm central time zone.
~ Please lmk if votes were missed. ;)
~ I'm intentionally not "thanking" most posts because it could affect our game.
~ Editing posts is definitely against the rules, because clever Scum could abuse it, or clever Town. Normally all players cannot edit, but here we can even though it's not fine. I can also view every edit. If it's not too much trouble, please don't edit your posts. I won't modkill you for it, but please don't make it a habit everyone. No worries. Thank you for your patience. [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION] [MENTION=8806]manifold[/MENTION]
~ Also, you don't need to post: "Vote: Unvote." All you need to do to take back your vote is one "Unvote." :smiliehug: [MENTION=43888]AyeCantSeeYou[/MENTION]
~ You may do that, or make it large, or anything you think will make sure I notice it. An @mention would be fine, too. Also, Luissa, if you have any questions please ask in-thread; we'll fill you in on how the game works as best we can. :eusa_clap: [MENTION=11865]Luissa[/MENTION]
~ Reads Lists are crucial in Mafia. Best to compare notes.
~ Scum always needs Town paranoid, in order for Town to do its work for them.
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i have to go out...we need 'honey bee healthy' for tomorrow.....but i still do not think avatar is scum...
Ok... read list time:

Probably Town: no reason for suspicion

Neutral: vaguely shifty, but everybody is worried about getting lynched.

Got me wondering:
Strollingbones (the 'we' gaff may have just been a mistake, or a telling slip)
Rosie (likewise with the roles mixup)
manifold - seems to be siding with Avi and SB, but that could be paranoia.. if they join avi in voting for Rosie, or likewise Avi joins them in voting for Ropey, my 'wondering' might get louder.
Avatar - this was my first vote and I've seen no reason to swap, but I'm by no means sure. He sings like a townie. But then, he does do that. ;)
AyeCantSeeYou - not sure what the self-voting business was all about.

Probably Scum:
no one qualifies yet.
i have to go out...we need 'honey bee healthy' for tomorrow.....but i still do not think avatar is scum...

Well, you shouldn't think I am scum. Because I am not.

I just to teach the scum a lesson and make sure our children grow up wiser than we did.
Ok... read list time:

Probably Town: no reason for suspicion

Neutral: vaguely shifty, but everybody is worried about getting lynched.

Got me wondering:
Strollingbones (the 'we' gaff may have just been a mistake, or a telling slip)
Rosie (likewise with the roles mixup)
manifold - seems to be siding with Avi and SB, but that could be paranoia.. if they join avi in voting for Rosie, or likewise Avi joins them in voting for Ropey, my 'wondering' might get louder.
Avatar - this was my first vote and I've seen no reason to swap, but I'm by no means sure. He sings like a townie. But then, he does do that. ;)
AyeCantSeeYou - not sure what the self-voting business was all about.

Probably Scum:
no one qualifies yet.

If the mob goes toward Ropey, I might consider voting for him if they give me a good reason. My inclination is not at the moment.

You are playing this well, much like last time. You weren't scum before, but maybe...
his tready posting.....note he doesnt really post that much and has revealed nothing about his townie role..why cause he is scum
his tready posting.....note he doesnt really post that much and has revealed nothing about his townie role..why cause he is scum

The LAST thing we want to do is reveal our townie roles. That would pretty much hand the game to the scum. At the very least we don't want any townie roles acknowledged until after the roleblocker is lynched. Otherwise, we'll be dead in the water.
mob psychology?

Among other things.

So there are 5 people voting for me right now. Four of them I've pointed out are my top 4 choices. Not sure if that had any influence. But with 5 of our targeting me, what do you think the odds are that at least one of them is the scum? More than 1/3 chance at least one of them is scum.
I have to say, this game is a fascinating study in psychology.

From wikipedia:

Dmitry Davidoff (Russian: Дми́трий Давы́дов, Dmitriy Davydov) is generally acknowledged as the game's creator. He dates the first game to spring 1986 at the Psychology Department of Moscow State University, spreading to classrooms, dorms, and summer camps of Moscow University.[4][Note 1] Wired attributes the creation to Davidoff but dates the first game to 1987,[5] with 1986 being the year in which Davidoff was starting the work which would produce Mafia. He developed the game to combine psychology research with his duties teaching high school students.
if i dont go get this...he will kill has a calming effect on bees and they are removing a hive from a soffitt?

everyone can pretend to be something..after all its a town.....
his tready posting.....note he doesnt really post that much and has revealed nothing about his townie role..why cause he is scum

The LAST thing we want to do is reveal our townie roles. That would pretty much hand the game to the scum. At the very least we don't want any townie roles acknowledged until after the roleblocker is lynched. Otherwise, we'll be dead in the water.

I agree. I think i've probably revealed to much, but i thought I caught someone. I was wrong then.

It's precisely this reasoning that made me start suspecting rosie. She revealed herself to be a vanilla townie early on and hinted she could be bulletproof (there are no bulletproofs this game, but I had to double check that before i realized that myself).

Why hint you may be bullet proof? It's not to get the scum not to target you. It's to get the townies not to lynch you.

I may be wrong, but it just doesn't jive with me.
his tready posting.....note he doesnt really post that much and has revealed nothing about his townie role..why cause he is scum

and could also be ignoring most of our posts.


I changed my vote this morning.

VOTE:No Vote
I've told you guys my reasoning for Rosie at the moment. Anyone got a reason why I shouldn't vote for her and instead vote for someone else? Im all ears. I want to vote for the scum. Persuade me if you think she isn't. And if she is, then why not join the vote?
Also, so you know. I fully expect to be dead relatively quickly in this game. Either because you guys lynch me or because the scum kills me. I am playing to win it for the townies, but I am aware of the distrust some have for me. If I am wrong about Rosie, either the scum will take me out tonight or you guys will likely lynch me tomorrow. But I can promise you, I am not the scum.

If I am wrong about Rosie and you do waste your lynch on me tomorrow (assuming you dont lynch me today), I fear the scum will have an advantage on us. Unless someone else can provide a good candidate for lynching.
mob psychology?

Among other things.

So there are 5 people voting for me right now. Four of them I've pointed out are my top 4 choices. Not sure if that had any influence. But with 5 of our targeting me, what do you think the odds are that at least one of them is the scum? More than 1/3 chance at least one of them is scum.

Unless you're mafia, then it's close to a zero percent chance.
o crap i forgot the muffins......they are almond meal muffins.....original recipe is really healthy....i added raisins, honey and a banana...i may need some advice on the baking....i got the nutrients down pat

Hmmmm, sounds just like what a Mafia Scum might say. I hear they love muffins, hmmmm.

That little note about "needing advice on the baking" sounds like code talk, to me...hmmm.

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