Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

Btw my top three choices for the scum now are grandma, aye, and cafe.

Just a note in case you lynch me before I can.

I'm also more suspicious of r.d. Now.
Avatar is at L-1 now.

I said I'd change my vote to him this afternoon, but now that means I'll be the hammer.

I'll wait until around 5pm, that's 4 hours hence.

Holy crap, I have barely had a chance to post for today and we are already at a hammer!

Today is moving too quickly.
Avatar is at L-1 now.

I said I'd change my vote to him this afternoon, but now that means I'll be the hammer.

I'll wait until around 5pm, that's 4 hours hence.

Holy crap, I have barely had a chance to post for today and we are already at a hammer!

Today is moving too quickly.

Rd backed down so you have time. The scum are probably already voting for me
I'd love to hear what mertex, mebelle, Shaitra, FA, and Tn have to think about this rush lynch.

It is way to fast but I also think you are scum. I would vote for you right now if not for the fact that would put you back at L-1 and I dont want to see us lose out on the time to ferret out your partners.

You have been all over the place in your accusations, Cafe gave an excellent synopsis on your history regarding mani's wagon that you have been desperately trying to downplay that borderlines lies, you keep throwing out poor logic (something I am not accustomed to from you) and seem all around like you are not playing to towns interest this game.

This overly fast wagon has been the result of your posts in all honesty. I dont think it is in towns best interest to lynch so damn quickly though. You are going to flip scum IMHO.

FoS Avatar
Btw my top three choices for the scum now are grandma, aye, and cafe.

Just a note in case you lynch me before I can.

I'm also more suspicious of r.d. Now.

Why? Because we refuse to sit back and let you make accusations without us saying a word in our defense? Funny how you swear up and down you're town when questioned or called out on something, then try and turn it around and say to anyone that defends themselves that they are scum. I guess you're pretty much saying there's 1 town in this game with that logic. Good luck with it.
Btw my top three choices for the scum now are grandma, aye, and cafe.

Just a note in case you lynch me before I can.

I'm also more suspicious of r.d. Now.

Why? Because we refuse to sit back and let you make accusations without us saying a word in our defense? Funny how you swear up and down you're town when questioned or called out on something, then try and turn it around and say to anyone that defends themselves that they are scum. I guess you're pretty much saying there's 1 town in this game with that logic. Good luck with it.

Quoting myself to add:

This is the reason town has lost more games than we've won:

Unable to cooperate with other townies and throwing mud into the kettle under the fire.

If you really are town, then stop with the bs.
Cafe's post about those claiming VT has prompted me to do a search through the game looking to see who has claimed to be townie or not. It looks like every player except 3 has made a town aligned claim.

There are only 5 VT slots left.

Grandma, Cafe, Mertex, and FA have all claimed to be VT.

Rosie, Aye, Mebelle, and I have all made non-specific townie claims. Meaning we have said we are town, but not specified vanilla.

R.D., Shaitra, and TN have not made town claims whatsoever. I don't think that means they are scum, they could be Vanilla and just wise enough not to claim. They could also be masons and trying not to lie.

Now, while Rosie, Aye, and Mebelle have not explicitly said they were vanilla, It was highly implied that they were.

If they are claiming vanilla, that will leave at least 2 (more accurately 3) people falsely claiming to be vanilla. The question is why are they lying? is it because they are scum falsely claiming, or because they are masons falsely claiming VT?

Since you guys can't figure out my crumbs and it looks like the cards are all out on the table, and it also looks like you are highly likely to lynch me today, I will say that I am a vanilla townie. If you need to lynch me to verify, then do so, I'm going to fight you on it, but it might be the best way for you to take my analysis seriously.

Ill even throw you my crumbs in a bit though they were pretty subtle.

I'm doing this for the masons to be well armed later in the game. I don't know who you are. But if I dead, you will have four vanilla townies left. And if the scum miss you guys, you will have 3 vanillas, 3 masons, and 3 scum. Use the information wisely.

My guess is that there is at least 2 scum among those claiming to be town:

Cafe, Grandma, mertex, FA, Mebelle, Rosie, or Aye

Now let the fireworks begin:)
This also seems very scummy to me. You have been claiming for SEVERAL pages that it is not in towns best interest to claim, refusing to claim for several posts (though no one has really asked you to claim, just questioned your 'crumbs' statements) and then you follow all that with a synopsis of all the claims tied up in a nice package for scum to glean from....

Why would you demand that claims are bad for town (truth) and then suddenly point out and highlight all those claims? It looks like you don't want your scum buddies to miss your analysis of who might be mason...
Avatar is at L-1 now.

I said I'd change my vote to him this afternoon, but now that means I'll be the hammer.

I'll wait until around 5pm, that's 4 hours hence.

Holy crap, I have barely had a chance to post for today and we are already at a hammer!

Today is moving too quickly.

Rd backed down so you have time. The scum are probably already voting for me
Backed down :lol:

You are a piece of work. I throw you a life line, very town according to your ramblings, and you become antagonistic. Oy
I said earlier that I was going to change my vote to you. There were only 2 or 3 votes then.

Doesn't change the fact that this day just started and you seem very eager to hammer.

You can lynch me all you want, but shouldn't you at least wait until we get closer to the deadline and allow the other people who aren't saying much chime in?

We still haven't heard from TN. Shaitra said she was going to catch up and say something.

Seriously people, if you don't see the scum pushing this wagon, they are going to win again this game because you can't see it.

Shaitra said the same thing yesterday.
TN has been AWOL for 5 days.

Post 606, at 8:58 am I said I'd switch my vote unless someone offered a good defense for you.
That didn't happen.

Your OMGUS vote isn't helping.

I was still on V/LA yesterday. Today I am home and back at work. Sorry, work takes priority over the game.

But I have had the game up in the background most of the day reading when I can.

I'm not totally convinced Avatar is scum yet. It seems some of you have been tunneling on him since the beginning of the game. But several of his posts do seem suspicious and I know he is good at spinning things to clear himself.

Since the game is early on day 2, it does seem strange, even scummy for Grandma to be rushing the lynch.
"All the rest" = Cafe.

You isolated one whole Townie?


Did you overlook R.D.? Rosie? and me? Hmmmm, I wonder why you would not consider them? And me? All are still playing. That makes 4.

If tn turns out to be Scum, then you would be Town and vice versa making it 5, unless I decide to make either one of you FOS. Either your math skills suck, or you didn't consider Rosie/R.D. because they are Scum along with you and it was a mafia slip?

Because you, R.D., and Rosie are a single entity this game - a 3-headed monster - and that entity sure as hell isn't Town.

Well, I see you haven't gained any experience in picking out Scum, unless, of course, you are Scum this go -round. I certainly am not Scum, but you coming after me so intensely only means that I must be's you, MeBelle and FA, isn't it?

No wonder you wouldn't cast a vote for FA. MeBelle, one of your team members, thought she would just vote for one of her teammates and not appear suspicious, that is, until several of us started voting for him, then she started sweating that FA was going to be lynched, so she quickly withdrew her vote....of course you weren't going to replace her...Scum doesn't go after their own.
The bolded is not true. The two dead VTcombined with those claiming VT does not approach #VT- #Masons.

Scum does not have enuff info to distinguish VT from Mason, despite Avatar's crummy hints.

Lynch all liars is basic Mafia Town strategy.

Regards from Rosie.

You do realize that would mean you'd be lynched this game wouldn't it?

Nope, because you cannot point to my lying even once in this game.

Cafe worked very hard to list your myriad lies during this game.

That, for her, combined with my refutation of your lies throughout this game, opens both her and I to being Scum NK.

It is only a matter of in which order you Scum want to off us.

Regards from Rosie

You claimed I said I would suffer if FA was lynched when it was R.D. who said I would suffer if FA was lynched and I blatantly denied it.
You do realize that would mean you'd be lynched this game wouldn't it?

Nope, because you cannot point to my lying even once in this game.

Cafe worked very hard to list your myriad lies during this game.

That, for her, combined with my refutation of your lies throughout this game, opens both her and I to being Scum NK.

It is only a matter of in which order you Scum want to off us.

Regards from Rosie

You claimed I said I would suffer if FA was lynched when it was R.D. who said I would suffer if FA was lynched and I blatantly denied it.

You did Mr. sarcasm. Remember? Just dayam, I gave you a lifeline then too, and you refused it :lol:
I'd love to hear what mertex, mebelle, Shaitra, FA, and Tn have to think about this rush lynch.

It is way to fast but I also think you are scum. I would vote for you right now if not for the fact that would put you back at L-1 and I dont want to see us lose out on the time to ferret out your partners.

You have been all over the place in your accusations, Cafe gave an excellent synopsis on your history regarding mani's wagon that you have been desperately trying to downplay that borderlines lies, you keep throwing out poor logic (something I am not accustomed to from you) and seem all around like you are not playing to towns interest this game.

This overly fast wagon has been the result of your posts in all honesty. I dont think it is in towns best interest to lynch so damn quickly though. You are going to flip scum IMHO.

FoS Avatar

I'm going to flip town, not matter how badly any of you are going to want to justify your votes. You say it's my own fault. Maybe it is. I naively thought people actually wanted to hunt scum and I've been pointing out inconsistencies. People don't like that. We have townies making revenge votes, we have townies advocating we lie, and decieve.

The truth sets us free. If the scum win it will only because the town is so corrupt it can't see what's right in front of them.
Btw my top three choices for the scum now are grandma, aye, and cafe.

Just a note in case you lynch me before I can.

I'm also more suspicious of r.d. Now.

Why? Because we refuse to sit back and let you make accusations without us saying a word in our defense? Funny how you swear up and down you're town when questioned or called out on something, then try and turn it around and say to anyone that defends themselves that they are scum. I guess you're pretty much saying there's 1 town in this game with that logic. Good luck with it.

Really? Where have I even attempted to silence you? Where have you been prevented from putting up a defense.

It's only logical that if 8 people are claiming to be vanilla town and there are 5 vanilla town spots left that some of them are lying. It's basic mathematics.

The question is why is pointing out the obvious upsetting you so much?
Holy crap, I have barely had a chance to post for today and we are already at a hammer!

Today is moving too quickly.

Rd backed down so you have time. The scum are probably already voting for me
Backed down :lol:

You are a piece of work. I throw you a life line, very town according to your ramblings, and you become antagonistic. Oy

So you call unvoting because you find pleasure in making me squirm as throwing me a line?

Exactly how town is it to take pleasure in making a townie suffer?
Nope, because you cannot point to my lying even once in this game.

Cafe worked very hard to list your myriad lies during this game.

That, for her, combined with my refutation of your lies throughout this game, opens both her and I to being Scum NK.

It is only a matter of in which order you Scum want to off us.

Regards from Rosie

You claimed I said I would suffer if FA was lynched when it was R.D. who said I would suffer if FA was lynched and I blatantly denied it.

You did Mr. sarcasm. Remember? Just dayam, I gave you a lifeline then too, and you refused it :lol:

You mean when you falsely claimed I misspoke when I didn't?

That's not a lifeline.

You guys do realize that when I get flipped town you are going to look really scummy, right?
Doesn't change the fact that this day just started and you seem very eager to hammer.

You can lynch me all you want, but shouldn't you at least wait until we get closer to the deadline and allow the other people who aren't saying much chime in?

We still haven't heard from TN. Shaitra said she was going to catch up and say something.

Seriously people, if you don't see the scum pushing this wagon, they are going to win again this game because you can't see it.

Shaitra said the same thing yesterday.
TN has been AWOL for 5 days.

Post 606, at 8:58 am I said I'd switch my vote unless someone offered a good defense for you.
That didn't happen.

Your OMGUS vote isn't helping.

I was still on V/LA yesterday. Today I am home and back at work. Sorry, work takes priority over the game.

But I have had the game up in the background most of the day reading when I can.

I'm not totally convinced Avatar is scum yet. It seems some of you have been tunneling on him since the beginning of the game. But several of his posts do seem suspicious and I know he is good at spinning things to clear himself.

Since the game is early on day 2, it does seem strange, even scummy for Grandma to be rushing the lynch.

Tunneling is an understatement.

R.D, Aye, and Grandma all wanted to jump on after i made the post pointing out that everyone claiming to be VT can't be. I find the timing interesting.
Cafe's post about those claiming VT has prompted me to do a search through the game looking to see who has claimed to be townie or not. It looks like every player except 3 has made a town aligned claim.

There are only 5 VT slots left.

Grandma, Cafe, Mertex, and FA have all claimed to be VT.

Rosie, Aye, Mebelle, and I have all made non-specific townie claims. Meaning we have said we are town, but not specified vanilla.

R.D., Shaitra, and TN have not made town claims whatsoever. I don't think that means they are scum, they could be Vanilla and just wise enough not to claim. They could also be masons and trying not to lie.

Now, while Rosie, Aye, and Mebelle have not explicitly said they were vanilla, It was highly implied that they were.

If they are claiming vanilla, that will leave at least 2 (more accurately 3) people falsely claiming to be vanilla. The question is why are they lying? is it because they are scum falsely claiming, or because they are masons falsely claiming VT?

Since you guys can't figure out my crumbs and it looks like the cards are all out on the table, and it also looks like you are highly likely to lynch me today, I will say that I am a vanilla townie. If you need to lynch me to verify, then do so, I'm going to fight you on it, but it might be the best way for you to take my analysis seriously.

Ill even throw you my crumbs in a bit though they were pretty subtle.

I'm doing this for the masons to be well armed later in the game. I don't know who you are. But if I dead, you will have four vanilla townies left. And if the scum miss you guys, you will have 3 vanillas, 3 masons, and 3 scum. Use the information wisely.

My guess is that there is at least 2 scum among those claiming to be town:

Cafe, Grandma, mertex, FA, Mebelle, Rosie, or Aye

Now let the fireworks begin:)
This also seems very scummy to me. You have been claiming for SEVERAL pages that it is not in towns best interest to claim, refusing to claim for several posts (though no one has really asked you to claim, just questioned your 'crumbs' statements) and then you follow all that with a synopsis of all the claims tied up in a nice package for scum to glean from....

Why would you demand that claims are bad for town (truth) and then suddenly point out and highlight all those claims? It looks like you don't want your scum buddies to miss your analysis of who might be mason...

It became apparent that with as many townies claiming VT that some were obviously lying. And since their claims are all a matter of public record at this point, it didn't make any sense not to bring this to everyone's attention. Nor did it seem to be any point to hide what I was considering you guys were well on the way of lynching me before I did it.

It also seemed probable that I would get a reaction from the scum. I think i did with you, R.D., and Grandma all jumping on the Avatar wagon. One of you might be town, but the odds of all three of you being town are extremely low.

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