Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

Cafe's post about those claiming VT has prompted me to do a search through the game looking to see who has claimed to be townie or not. It looks like every player except 3 has made a town aligned claim.

There are only 5 VT slots left.

Grandma, Cafe, Mertex, and FA have all claimed to be VT.

Rosie, Aye, Mebelle, and I have all made non-specific townie claims. Meaning we have said we are town, but not specified vanilla.

R.D., Shaitra, and TN have not made town claims whatsoever. I don't think that means they are scum, they could be Vanilla and just wise enough not to claim. They could also be masons and trying not to lie.

Now, while Rosie, Aye, and Mebelle have not explicitly said they were vanilla, It was highly implied that they were.

If they are claiming vanilla, that will leave at least 2 (more accurately 3) people falsely claiming to be vanilla. The question is why are they lying? is it because they are scum falsely claiming, or because they are masons falsely claiming VT?

Since you guys can't figure out my crumbs and it looks like the cards are all out on the table, and it also looks like you are highly likely to lynch me today, I will say that I am a vanilla townie. If you need to lynch me to verify, then do so, I'm going to fight you on it, but it might be the best way for you to take my analysis seriously.

Ill even throw you my crumbs in a bit though they were pretty subtle.

I'm doing this for the masons to be well armed later in the game. I don't know who you are. But if I dead, you will have four vanilla townies left. And if the scum miss you guys, you will have 3 vanillas, 3 masons, and 3 scum. Use the information wisely.

My guess is that there is at least 2 scum among those claiming to be town:

Cafe, Grandma, mertex, FA, Mebelle, Rosie, or Aye

Now let the fireworks begin:)

Seriously? Because I'm telling everyone I'm town (along with the others above) you suspect me? I've been trying my best to not let your accusations get to me, but there comes a point when it needs to stop. Since me saying I'm a townie means as much to you as you saying the same right now, and the fact that I'm reading posts and trying to figure out who scum is (which means nothing to you):

VOTE: Avatar

I've given you multiple other reasons why I suspect you Aye. The fact that there are 8 people claiming VT and 5 slots remaining tells us some of you are lying.

The question is are you lying scum or lying masons?
Avatar is at L-1 now.

I said I'd change my vote to him this afternoon, but now that means I'll be the hammer.

I'll wait until around 5pm, that's 4 hours hence.

So you're going to hammer a townie when the day just started? That doesn't seem very townish. Why the rush to lynch?

I said earlier that I was going to change my vote to you. There were only 2 or 3 votes then.
I'm here and reading. I just got back last night from V/LA. I was going to post that I was out for the weekend in the thread on Friday but it was locked by the time I got to it. Anyway, I need to look at some things before putting in my two cents.

You better hurry. The scum may lynch before you get a chance.

BTW considering grandma's desire to rush lynch me I am switching my vote.

Avatar is at L-1 now.

I said I'd change my vote to him this afternoon, but now that means I'll be the hammer.

I'll wait until around 5pm, that's 4 hours hence.

So you're going to hammer a townie when the day just started? That doesn't seem very townish. Why the rush to lynch?

I said earlier that I was going to change my vote to you. There were only 2 or 3 votes then.

Doesn't change the fact that this day just started and you seem very eager to hammer.

You can lynch me all you want, but shouldn't you at least wait until we get closer to the deadline and allow the other people who aren't saying much chime in?

We still haven't heard from TN. Shaitra said she was going to catch up and say something.

Seriously people, if you don't see the scum pushing this wagon, they are going to win again this game because you can't see it.
I'm here and reading. I just got back last night from V/LA. I was going to post that I was out for the weekend in the thread on Friday but it was locked by the time I got to it. Anyway, I need to look at some things before putting in my two cents.

You better hurry. The scum may lynch before you get a chance.

BTW considering grandma's desire to rush lynch me I am switching my vote.



OMGUS much?
I'd love to hear what mertex, mebelle, Shaitra, FA, and Tn have to think about this rush lynch.
I'm here and reading. I just got back last night from V/LA. I was going to post that I was out for the weekend in the thread on Friday but it was locked by the time I got to it. Anyway, I need to look at some things before putting in my two cents.

You better hurry. The scum may lynch before you get a chance.

BTW considering grandma's desire to rush lynch me I am switching my vote.



OMGUS much?

if you haven't noticed there are many people voting for me. Why do you think I focused on you? It's because you've declared to hammer when the second day just started. You seem eager to lynch me when any rational townie would be questioning how fast this wagon is moving and would want to hear more from the others.
I was expecting fireworks, but i wasn't expecting it like this.

I highly suggest the masons and the rest of the VT pay attention here. We might be able to win after all if you do.

I want to see Avi squirm some more :badgrin:

Honestly, Avi digging his hole this fast deprives the others :D

I want to see Avi squirm some more :badgrin:

Honestly, Avi digging his hole this fast deprives the others :D

You seem to be taking an awful lot of pleasure in lynching a townie.

But you at least saw the wisdom of not rushing a lynch.
So you're going to hammer a townie when the day just started? That doesn't seem very townish. Why the rush to lynch?

I said earlier that I was going to change my vote to you. There were only 2 or 3 votes then.

Doesn't change the fact that this day just started and you seem very eager to hammer.

You can lynch me all you want, but shouldn't you at least wait until we get closer to the deadline and allow the other people who aren't saying much chime in?

We still haven't heard from TN. Shaitra said she was going to catch up and say something.

Seriously people, if you don't see the scum pushing this wagon, they are going to win again this game because you can't see it.

Shaitra said the same thing yesterday.

TN has been AWOL for 5 days.

Post 606, at 8:58 am I said I'd switch my vote unless someone offered a good defense for you.
That didn't happen.

Your OMGUS vote isn't helping.
VC incoming (went on an adventure today). :D
I said earlier that I was going to change my vote to you. There were only 2 or 3 votes then.

Doesn't change the fact that this day just started and you seem very eager to hammer.

You can lynch me all you want, but shouldn't you at least wait until we get closer to the deadline and allow the other people who aren't saying much chime in?

We still haven't heard from TN. Shaitra said she was going to catch up and say something.

Seriously people, if you don't see the scum pushing this wagon, they are going to win again this game because you can't see it.

Shaitra said the same thing yesterday.

TN has been AWOL for 5 days.

Post 606, at 8:58 am I said I'd switch my vote unless someone offered a good defense for you.
That didn't happen.

Your OMGUS vote isn't helping.

I don't think you understand what omgus voting is.
Avi, this isn't a rush vote. You convinced a bunch of people that you're scum and they all voted for you.

It's not like anyone needed encouragement, although there was some of that going on.

Look at the bright side, R.D. pulled her vote of you, for now at least.
Vote Count: 2.2

Avatar4321 (4): CafeAuLait♀, RosieS♀, MeBelle60♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀
Grandma (1): Avatar4321♂
tn5421 (1): Grandma♀

Not Voting (5): FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀, tn5421♂, R.D.♀, Mertex♀

~ With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/3/14, @ 4pm central.

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10
OMGUS stands for "Oh My God, You Suck (for voting for me)!". it is sometimes used as a shorthand to indicate that you are voting for someone primarily because they voted for you.


1. You haven't voted for me.

2. That isn't why I voted for you. I'd be voting for you for wanting to hammer so early in the day no matter who you wanted to hammer. Rush lynching is anti town

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