Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

CaféAuLait;9527011 said:
Which brings me to Question #2:

TN - Why were you so focused on Mani?

That's a good question, so I will ask you the same, you sat right by TN as second vote on Mani, and seemed to be just as focused as TN as well. Why?

You said in one post, it was because Mani asked how VT and Masons were to work together ( a valid question) and because he said something to the effect of him wondering how town was supposed to work together as a team and he still did not understand how town can do this after he played for three games. I think both were valid observations TBH.

This may only be my second partial game, but I don't see town working together, I see many at each others throats I also wonder the same as Mani.

That a question along those lines was asked here in the game as opposed to out in the Mafia Discussion thread was bad enough, but the way he worded it gave me the creeps.

Mani's played 4 games here - why was he acting like such a wide-eyed noob?

And there's more - In the real MafiaScum games the experienced players wind up lynching a Townie 9 times out of 10 on Day 1. Since it's so likely that a Townie will be mislynched, it's best to go with a policy lynch - a low-volume, low-content player or one that seems anti-town.

Our low-volume players were FA, Mani, MeBelle, Shaitra, and TN.

FA didn't seem suspicious to me. However, Mertex and R.D. were all over him. Those two were pinging my scumdar with anti-town posts, so I thought they might be setting him up as a convenient sacrifice/mislynch.

MeBelle gave me next to nothing to work with. But she has some kind of magic bubble around her, she manages to avoid getting lynched. Mani bailing her out in Game 2 was one for the books. I saw no point in going after her, it's like the magic fairies will keep her safe from lynches.

Shaitra's low-volume, but she's a good player. I wanted to hear more from her. (Unfortunately I haven't heard much yet...)

TN... the odds against him being scum yet again are ridiculous, but then ridiculous odds are overcome every day, aren't they? Plus I was mad at him for laying low and hiding himself as scum in the other games. But since the odds of him being scum were so low, it was doubtful anyone would vote for him.

My main choice for scum was Mertex, but I wanted to be sure her crazy play wasn't just some sort of Day 1 bizarro, like the lunacy Ropey pulled in Game 3. Mani went just a bit further off the deep end, so I switched my vote.
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] - Please cattleprod TN or consider replacing him, he hasn't been heard from since the 24th.
I find it very interesting that Mertex and R.D. are so over-the-top gung-ho for lynching Avi, but they aren't voting for him.


I think he's scum, and I think they're scum.

Are they playing against each other to avoid suspicion?

Why were Avi and Rosie so sure they'd be NK'ed Night 1? Or were they trying to appear Townie?

Why throw shit at me for hard-claiming VT? EVERYONE should claim VT, even those that aren't. Some of you seem to think that the Masons are obligated to claim their actual role, or that only the VT's will claim theirs.

If ALL Townies claim VT, then Scum won't know who the Masons are, right??!

So why is Avi crumbing Mason and then saying he isn't?
I find it very interesting that Mertex and R.D. are so over-the-top gung-ho for lynching Avi, but they aren't voting for him.


I think he's scum, and I think they're scum.

Are they playing against each other to avoid suspicion?

Why were Avi and Rosie so sure they'd be NK'ed Night 1? Or were they trying to appear Townie?

Why throw shit at me for hard-claiming VT? EVERYONE should claim VT, even those that aren't. Some of you seem to think that the Masons are obligated to claim their actual role, or that only the VT's will claim theirs.

If ALL Townies claim VT, then Scum won't know who the Masons are, right??!

So why is Avi crumbing Mason and then saying he isn't?

There have been many players claiming VT. In fact, I also stated such. I am surprised Avatar has not seen those posts- espically given the main person he was fighting with - Mertex, claimed VT in several posts- how did he miss it? I can't figure why he honed in on your statement though.
At this point in time my vote's on TN, just because he's been AWOL for 5 RL days.

Unless some very convincing defense for Avi is posted over the next few hours I'll be switching to Avi this afternoon.
did you overlook r.d.? Rosie? And me? Hmmmm, i wonder why you would not consider them? And me? All are still playing. That makes 4.

If tn turns out to be scum, then you would be town and vice versa making it 5, unless i decide to make either one of you fos. Either your math skills suck, or you didn't consider rosie/r.d. Because they are scum along with you and it was a mafia slip?
nope. I am just forgettable :lol:

^^^^not a very useful b---- :d ^^^^


"All the rest" = Cafe.

You isolated one whole Townie?


Did you overlook R.D.? Rosie? and me? Hmmmm, I wonder why you would not consider them? And me? All are still playing. That makes 4.

If tn turns out to be Scum, then you would be Town and vice versa making it 5, unless I decide to make either one of you FOS. Either your math skills suck, or you didn't consider Rosie/R.D. because they are Scum along with you and it was a mafia slip?

Because you, R.D., and Rosie are a single entity this game - a 3-headed monster - and that entity sure as hell isn't Town.

You care to back that up? I am not going to make my point again about my FA vote, you didn't care then you wont care now. You are just stinging because I bundled you in with my suspicion at the time.

Regarding Avi, why vote now? His partners are who I am interested in at the moment.

Everyone claiming Mani's play was scum tell were wrong imo. His play this game was the same as his play in game 2 not 3 when he was scum. Game 3 he was ever so helpful...or so I was conned into believing :evil:

You claim I'm scummy for somehow being with Mertex on FA and because I'm over the top with her about Avi claiming somehow they are both scum we are willing to bus? You've got one too many scum there.

There is defiately one team at work here as far as I think I can gleen, but I am stopping short of naming it because the could be masons.

My FOS right now is most definately Ave.
TN, not postng again and soley focused on Mani.
Shaitra, quiet.
Grandma, not as focused as usual.
CaféAuLait;9528032 said:
Mebelle's bail on FA is what caused the FA wagon to collapse. I didn't move my vote till the wagon evaporated completely. I was trying to avoid a no lynch situation.

And I pointed out that mebelle's departure made FA and Mani equal in votes to the claim that mani didn't have as many votes as the other wagons. I don't see how telling the truth about that makes me scum.

You seem pretty gung ho for me this round cafe. You realize that you are going to be under more scrutiny when i turn out not to be the scum, right?

I am still not sure if you are scum or just misguided town.

Of course I will be under scrutiny Avatar if you are lynched and flip town, I have already thought about this. Who is it you think is scum and why and if you believe they are scum, would you be pushing your thoughts on them? Of course you should be, yes?

You pushed the Mani wagon but did so with precision and in a very subtle manner. It was almost like watching a maestro conducting a symphony.

The others I see as pushing this wagon was Grandma, she was second on Mani vote for a long time. She was also very outspoken in stating she wanted everyone to switch their vote to Mani and mentioned time constraints telling Mertex she did not believe 6 people would switch their vote to you. Grandma then told Mertex she would switch her vote to Mertex if the 'dark horse" (Mani's) wagon did not move towards lynch by the next night.

Then you started with your reasoning, and how its better to mis-lynch than a no-lynch then hammered within an hour of announcing.

Your hammer does not really get to me as much as your "conducting" does. This is not how you played in game 3. Game 3 you were more so going with the flow, etc. Your game is different thus my suspicion.

I already gave you a list of what I thought of everyone. You told me you don't believe it.

If i was subtly pushing for mani's lynch, how is it everyone seems to know about it? The fact is I wasn't pushing for mani's lynch. I was suggesting we need to build a consensus lynch. Unfortunately for mani, that became him when mebelle jumped off FA, Rosie jumped on him, and then Aye jumped off Mertex. Why? Because mani's wagon became the only one not losing people.

As I stated earlier, If aye had stayed on mertex, I would have had a better argument for lynching her. But with her wagon down to 3 players, and mani's up at 5 when mertex also joined, it would have been a much tougher sell at that point. I picked mani rather than allowing a no lynch. Tell me who else should have been lynched at that point when the two other wagons fell apart?

You seem to be very familiar with what happened for someone who wasn't here, and yet you didn't know about Rosie's unvote. You really are making me think i need to keep my eye on you.

I said I did not believe you claiming or seeming to suggest you were a mason. I'm not the only one to see or point out those posts.

Obviously I went back and reread since I supplied the correct post when we ( you me and Rosie) were discussing Rosie trying to unvote Mani. It is several pages back now. Come on Avatar.
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] - Please cattleprod TN or consider replacing him, he hasn't been heard from since the 24th.

I second this! [MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION]

It isn't fair to either side when a player doesn't actively participate.

I'd consider a PL on TN if enough townies were for it. If he isn't posting, he isn't helping.
nope. I am just forgettable :lol:

^^^^not a very useful b---- :d ^^^^


Did you overlook R.D.? Rosie? and me? Hmmmm, I wonder why you would not consider them? And me? All are still playing. That makes 4.

If tn turns out to be Scum, then you would be Town and vice versa making it 5, unless I decide to make either one of you FOS. Either your math skills suck, or you didn't consider Rosie/R.D. because they are Scum along with you and it was a mafia slip?

Because you, R.D., and Rosie are a single entity this game - a 3-headed monster - and that entity sure as hell isn't Town.

You care to back that up? I am not going to make my point again about my FA vote, you didn't care then you wont care now. You are just stinging because I bundled you in with my suspicion at the time.

Regarding Avi, why vote now? His partners are who I am interested in at the moment.

Everyone claiming Mani's play was scum tell were wrong imo. His play this game was the same as his play in game 2 not 3 when he was scum. Game 3 he was ever so helpful...or so I was conned into believing :evil:

You claim I'm scummy for somehow being with Mertex on FA and because I'm over the top with her about Avi claiming somehow they are both scum we are willing to bus? You've got one too many scum there.

There is defiately one team at work here as far as I think I can gleen, but I am stopping short of naming it because the could be masons.

My FOS right now is most definately Ave.
TN, not postng again and soley focused on Mani.
Shaitra, quiet.
Grandma, not as focused as usual.

If I am correct about Avatar being scum, then I believe I know who his partners are. The one person I mentioned in my post a few posts back Avatar never fingered as being suspicious, FOSed or voted for. He fingered all other players except that one person. I have not named that person yet. And also the one person Avatar soft claimed as being scum.
I find it very interesting that Mertex and R.D. are so over-the-top gung-ho for lynching Avi, but they aren't voting for him.


I think he's scum, and I think they're scum.

Are they playing against each other to avoid suspicion?

Why were Avi and Rosie so sure they'd be NK'ed Night 1? Or were they trying to appear Townie?

Why throw shit at me for hard-claiming VT? EVERYONE should claim VT, even those that aren't. Some of you seem to think that the Masons are obligated to claim their actual role, or that only the VT's will claim theirs.

If ALL Townies claim VT, then Scum won't know who the Masons are, right??!

So why is Avi crumbing Mason and then saying he isn't?

Not too sure mertex is gung ho about lynching me. I have no doubt she suspects me. but from the posts today she seems to be looking for other possibilities as well. She can clarify more.

Why i was certain I was going to be night killed? I wasn't certain, but when you piss off half the board it's likely to include scum. And I am not exactly a shabby player when it comes to mafia so far. It would make sense for the scum to knock off a competent player. But I am guessing they probably thought they could have me mislynched today instead.

Other players might not be able to speak for why Rosie would think she would be, but it's probably because she has been frequently.

To your argument that everyone claims to be VT, if we did that, then at least some people would be lying. Townies are not supposed to lie. Lying is a scummy action.

Very many of you are making assumptions about what I have crumbed. If you found my clues you would know, because I've made the clues as clear as I can without being blatant. I am not claiming to be a mason. I am not claiming not to be. To claim I was a mason, if i was one, would make me a bigger target from the scum and hurt the town. To claim i wasn't would eliminate me from the contention of being one and then help narrow down who the true masons were. Some of you want me to declare. I will not. You will have to lynch me to find out if you can't follow my clues. But if you can read what's in front of you, you will know what I am. That's all I will say on the matter. And if you do figure it out, keep it to yourself, the scum might not have figured it out.
nope. I am just forgettable :lol:

^^^^not a very useful b---- :d ^^^^


Did you overlook R.D.? Rosie? and me? Hmmmm, I wonder why you would not consider them? And me? All are still playing. That makes 4.

If tn turns out to be Scum, then you would be Town and vice versa making it 5, unless I decide to make either one of you FOS. Either your math skills suck, or you didn't consider Rosie/R.D. because they are Scum along with you and it was a mafia slip?

Because you, R.D., and Rosie are a single entity this game - a 3-headed monster - and that entity sure as hell isn't Town.

You care to back that up? I am not going to make my point again about my FA vote, you didn't care then you wont care now. You are just stinging because I bundled you in with my suspicion at the time.

Regarding Avi, why vote now? His partners are who I am interested in at the moment.

Everyone claiming Mani's play was scum tell were wrong imo. His play this game was the same as his play in game 2 not 3 when he was scum. Game 3 he was ever so helpful...or so I was conned into believing :evil:

You claim I'm scummy for somehow being with Mertex on FA and because I'm over the top with her about Avi claiming somehow they are both scum we are willing to bus? You've got one too many scum there.

There is defiately one team at work here as far as I think I can gleen, but I am stopping short of naming it because the could be masons.

My FOS right now is most definately Ave.
TN, not postng again and soley focused on Mani.
Shaitra, quiet.
Grandma, not as focused as usual.

Mani was scum in game 2, not 3.
CaféAuLait;9529427 said:
CaféAuLait;9528032 said:
Of course I will be under scrutiny Avatar if you are lynched and flip town, I have already thought about this. Who is it you think is scum and why and if you believe they are scum, would you be pushing your thoughts on them? Of course you should be, yes?

You pushed the Mani wagon but did so with precision and in a very subtle manner. It was almost like watching a maestro conducting a symphony.

The others I see as pushing this wagon was Grandma, she was second on Mani vote for a long time. She was also very outspoken in stating she wanted everyone to switch their vote to Mani and mentioned time constraints telling Mertex she did not believe 6 people would switch their vote to you. Grandma then told Mertex she would switch her vote to Mertex if the 'dark horse" (Mani's) wagon did not move towards lynch by the next night.

Then you started with your reasoning, and how its better to mis-lynch than a no-lynch then hammered within an hour of announcing.

Your hammer does not really get to me as much as your "conducting" does. This is not how you played in game 3. Game 3 you were more so going with the flow, etc. Your game is different thus my suspicion.

I already gave you a list of what I thought of everyone. You told me you don't believe it.

If i was subtly pushing for mani's lynch, how is it everyone seems to know about it? The fact is I wasn't pushing for mani's lynch. I was suggesting we need to build a consensus lynch. Unfortunately for mani, that became him when mebelle jumped off FA, Rosie jumped on him, and then Aye jumped off Mertex. Why? Because mani's wagon became the only one not losing people.

As I stated earlier, If aye had stayed on mertex, I would have had a better argument for lynching her. But with her wagon down to 3 players, and mani's up at 5 when mertex also joined, it would have been a much tougher sell at that point. I picked mani rather than allowing a no lynch. Tell me who else should have been lynched at that point when the two other wagons fell apart?

You seem to be very familiar with what happened for someone who wasn't here, and yet you didn't know about Rosie's unvote. You really are making me think i need to keep my eye on you.

I said I did not believe you claiming or seeming to suggest you were a mason. I'm not the only one to see or point out those posts.

Obviously I went back and reread since I supplied the correct post when we ( you me and Rosie) were discussing Rosie trying to unvote Mani. It is several pages back now. Come on Avatar.

Since I've never claimed or suggested I was, there was nothing to disbelieve.
CaféAuLait;9529551 said:
^^^^not a very useful b---- :d ^^^^


Because you, R.D., and Rosie are a single entity this game - a 3-headed monster - and that entity sure as hell isn't Town.

You care to back that up? I am not going to make my point again about my FA vote, you didn't care then you wont care now. You are just stinging because I bundled you in with my suspicion at the time.

Regarding Avi, why vote now? His partners are who I am interested in at the moment.

Everyone claiming Mani's play was scum tell were wrong imo. His play this game was the same as his play in game 2 not 3 when he was scum. Game 3 he was ever so helpful...or so I was conned into believing :evil:

You claim I'm scummy for somehow being with Mertex on FA and because I'm over the top with her about Avi claiming somehow they are both scum we are willing to bus? You've got one too many scum there.

There is defiately one team at work here as far as I think I can gleen, but I am stopping short of naming it because the could be masons.

My FOS right now is most definately Ave.
TN, not postng again and soley focused on Mani.
Shaitra, quiet.
Grandma, not as focused as usual.

If I am correct about Avatar being scum, then I believe I know who his partners are. The one person I mentioned in my post a few posts back Avatar never fingered as being suspicious, FOSed or voted for. He fingered all other players except that one person. I have not named that person yet. And also the one person Avatar soft claimed as being scum.

But you aren't correct about me being scum.

You are also not correct about me not being suspicious of everyone. I most certainly am. Because at this point I am not 100% sure who the scum is.
I find it very interesting that Mertex and R.D. are so over-the-top gung-ho for lynching Avi, but they aren't voting for him.


I think he's scum, and I think they're scum.

Are they playing against each other to avoid suspicion?

Why were Avi and Rosie so sure they'd be NK'ed Night 1? Or were they trying to appear Townie?

Why throw shit at me for hard-claiming VT? EVERYONE should claim VT, even those that aren't. Some of you seem to think that the Masons are obligated to claim their actual role, or that only the VT's will claim theirs.

If ALL Townies claim VT, then Scum won't know who the Masons are, right??!

So why is Avi crumbing Mason and then saying he isn't?

Not too sure mertex is gung ho about lynching me. I have no doubt she suspects me. but from the posts today she seems to be looking for other possibilities as well. She can clarify more.

Why i was certain I was going to be night killed? I wasn't certain, but when you piss off half the board it's likely to include scum. And I am not exactly a shabby player when it comes to mafia so far. It would make sense for the scum to knock off a competent player. But I am guessing they probably thought they could have me mislynched today instead.

Other players might not be able to speak for why Rosie would think she would be, but it's probably because she has been frequently.

To your argument that everyone claims to be VT, if we did that, then at least some people would be lying. Townies are not supposed to lie. Lying is a scummy action.

Very many of you are making assumptions about what I have crumbed. If you found my clues you would know, because I've made the clues as clear as I can without being blatant. I am not claiming to be a mason. I am not claiming not to be. To claim I was a mason, if i was one, would make me a bigger target from the scum and hurt the town. To claim i wasn't would eliminate me from the contention of being one and then help narrow down who the true masons were. Some of you want me to declare. I will not. You will have to lynch me to find out if you can't follow my clues. But if you can read what's in front of you, you will know what I am. That's all I will say on the matter. And if you do figure it out, keep it to yourself, the scum might not have figured it out.

Townies are supposed to play to their win condition.

You are not playing for a Town win.
^^^^not a very useful b---- :d ^^^^


Because you, R.D., and Rosie are a single entity this game - a 3-headed monster - and that entity sure as hell isn't Town.

You care to back that up? I am not going to make my point again about my FA vote, you didn't care then you wont care now. You are just stinging because I bundled you in with my suspicion at the time.

Regarding Avi, why vote now? His partners are who I am interested in at the moment.

Everyone claiming Mani's play was scum tell were wrong imo. His play this game was the same as his play in game 2 not 3 when he was scum. Game 3 he was ever so helpful...or so I was conned into believing :evil:

You claim I'm scummy for somehow being with Mertex on FA and because I'm over the top with her about Avi claiming somehow they are both scum we are willing to bus? You've got one too many scum there.

There is defiately one team at work here as far as I think I can gleen, but I am stopping short of naming it because the could be masons.

My FOS right now is most definately Ave.
TN, not postng again and soley focused on Mani.
Shaitra, quiet.
Grandma, not as focused as usual.

Mani was scum in game 2, not 3.

Small mistake.

. Townies are not supposed to lie.

Huge mistake. If a mistake at all :doubt:
I find it very interesting that Mertex and R.D. are so over-the-top gung-ho for lynching Avi, but they aren't voting for him.


I think he's scum, and I think they're scum.

Are they playing against each other to avoid suspicion?

Why were Avi and Rosie so sure they'd be NK'ed Night 1? Or were they trying to appear Townie?

Why throw shit at me for hard-claiming VT? EVERYONE should claim VT, even those that aren't. Some of you seem to think that the Masons are obligated to claim their actual role, or that only the VT's will claim theirs.

If ALL Townies claim VT, then Scum won't know who the Masons are, right??!

So why is Avi crumbing Mason and then saying he isn't?

Not too sure mertex is gung ho about lynching me. I have no doubt she suspects me. but from the posts today she seems to be looking for other possibilities as well. She can clarify more.

Why i was certain I was going to be night killed? I wasn't certain, but when you piss off half the board it's likely to include scum. And I am not exactly a shabby player when it comes to mafia so far. It would make sense for the scum to knock off a competent player. But I am guessing they probably thought they could have me mislynched today instead.

Other players might not be able to speak for why Rosie would think she would be, but it's probably because she has been frequently.

To your argument that everyone claims to be VT, if we did that, then at least some people would be lying. Townies are not supposed to lie. Lying is a scummy action.

Very many of you are making assumptions about what I have crumbed. If you found my clues you would know, because I've made the clues as clear as I can without being blatant. I am not claiming to be a mason. I am not claiming not to be. To claim I was a mason, if i was one, would make me a bigger target from the scum and hurt the town. To claim i wasn't would eliminate me from the contention of being one and then help narrow down who the true masons were. Some of you want me to declare. I will not. You will have to lynch me to find out if you can't follow my clues. But if you can read what's in front of you, you will know what I am. That's all I will say on the matter. And if you do figure it out, keep it to yourself, the scum might not have figured it out.

Townies are supposed to play to their win condition.

You are not playing for a Town win.

By refusing to lie? By hunting scum? That's a pretty bold accusation.

You care to back that up? I am not going to make my point again about my FA vote, you didn't care then you wont care now. You are just stinging because I bundled you in with my suspicion at the time.

Regarding Avi, why vote now? His partners are who I am interested in at the moment.

Everyone claiming Mani's play was scum tell were wrong imo. His play this game was the same as his play in game 2 not 3 when he was scum. Game 3 he was ever so helpful...or so I was conned into believing :evil:

You claim I'm scummy for somehow being with Mertex on FA and because I'm over the top with her about Avi claiming somehow they are both scum we are willing to bus? You've got one too many scum there.

There is defiately one team at work here as far as I think I can gleen, but I am stopping short of naming it because the could be masons.

My FOS right now is most definately Ave.
TN, not postng again and soley focused on Mani.
Shaitra, quiet.
Grandma, not as focused as usual.

Mani was scum in game 2, not 3.

Small mistake.

. Townies are not supposed to lie.

Huge mistake. If a mistake at all :doubt:

You're confessing to a huge mistake?

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