Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

First of all, RIP Mani and Scarlet.

Day 2 is shaping up to be more confusing than Day 1, so I have some questions.

Question #1 - R.D., why do you think Scarlet would have been today's lynch? Surely there has to be more to your reasoning than her policy lynching Mani.

Mebelle and tn posted less than mani. Mani did in fact post content to try to survive and she blew it off. She claimed to distrust all trains, except the one she began...she pushed for Mani, not just a mention. Then this post just made no sense.

I honestly thought she was scum after that last post, no way a mason

I was wondering that myself, I probably would have been focusing more on scarlet if she was still alive. i didn't necessarily think that excluded her being mason though.
Responding to Post 558 -

Yes, I noticed your first hint and didn't want to call attention to it for obvious reasons - we need town to stay alive in this game as long as possible. Notice I haven't put a vote in for you?

I had suspected SR, mostly due to her post already mentioned by others. It struck me as odd.

Grandma is null for me right now. I need to see more posts to get a better read on her. Nothing stands out from what she's posted so far. Leaning town.

TN - FOS - He hasn't posted much at all, and that is in line with him being scum in previous games. I know he's mentioned being busy, but I at least expected a few more posts than what we've seen.

FA - leaning town

Rosie - is posting like I've always seen her do when she's been town. She is good at getting people riled up when it's needed. She digs for info, and people don't even realize they're giving it to us when they respond to her.

Mertex - FOS - I could go either way on her right now. I know she's really good at fitting in with town when she's got a scum role.

Shaitra - FOS - Same as Mertex. She can fit in with us and we'd never suspect her.

MeBelle - null read - need to see more posts to get a good feel of where she is
First of all, RIP Mani and Scarlet.

Day 2 is shaping up to be more confusing than Day 1, so I have some questions.

Question #1 - R.D., why do you think Scarlet would have been today's lynch? Surely there has to be more to your reasoning than her policy lynching Mani.

Mebelle and tn posted less than mani. Mani did in fact post content to try to survive and she blew it off. She claimed to distrust all trains, except the one she began...she pushed for Mani, not just a mention. Then this post just made no sense.

I honestly thought she was scum after that last post, no way a mason

I was wondering that myself, I probably would have been focusing more on scarlet if she was still alive. i didn't necessarily think that excluded her being mason though.

Thanks, R.D. and Avi.

The way I saw it, Scarlet was lost. She doesn't get the USMB meta and didn't know how to read most of us. She does know TN, and he was locked onto Mani from votes 1.1 all the way to the lynch. I'm guessing she saw Mani as being as safe a low-volume PL as anyone.
My reads based on the Mani vote....

I know I am Town, and Miss Scarlet is history, that leaves the following people who voted for Mani:

tn, Grandma, Rosie, AyeCantSeeYou and Avatar.

MeBelle and R.D. didn't vote.

Shaitra and FA voted for me.

Cafe voted for Rosie.

One in the Mani wagon has got to be Scum. I'm leaning tn or Grandma.

MeBelle, because she didn't vote and didn't give out much to go on, and the fact that she pulled her vote from FA at the time when it was looking like it was picking up makes me suspicious that she didn't want FA going down, so I'm going to say she seems Scummy.

My last one has got to be FA. MeBelle pulling her vote off him just too suspicious to be overlooked.

So, my Scum read:

tn or Grandma, MeBelle, FA

FOS: Aye/Shaitra/Avatar

Town: All the rest I think are Town.
First, your link doesn't work.

Second, I am not claiming to be a mason. I am not claiming any role. I am saying I am town aligned.

Why do you want me to make a role claim at this point? The only people who benefit are the scum.

It's working for me:

I don't want you giving out your role, but you said you've given hints as to what it is. Why say that?

Aye, all your links go to the last page for me. Can you post the number with the links?

Post 537

I am not having a problem, your link takes me directly to post #537.
My reads based on the Mani vote....

I know I am Town, and Miss Scarlet is history, that leaves the following people who voted for Mani:

tn, Grandma, Rosie, AyeCantSeeYou and Avatar.

MeBelle and R.D. didn't vote.

Shaitra and FA voted for me.

Cafe voted for Rosie.

One in the Mani wagon has got to be Scum. I'm leaning tn or Grandma.

MeBelle, because she didn't vote and didn't give out much to go on, and the fact that she pulled her vote from FA at the time when it was looking like it was picking up makes me suspicious that she didn't want FA going down, so I'm going to say she seems Scummy.

My last one has got to be FA. MeBelle pulling her vote off him just too suspicious to be overlooked.

So, my Scum read:

tn or Grandma, MeBelle, FA

FOS: Aye/Shaitra/Avatar

Town: All the rest I think are Town.

"All the rest" = Cafe.

You isolated one whole Townie?

My reads based on the Mani vote....

I know I am Town, and Miss Scarlet is history, that leaves the following people who voted for Mani:

tn, Grandma, Rosie, AyeCantSeeYou and Avatar.

MeBelle and R.D. didn't vote.

Shaitra and FA voted for me.

Cafe voted for Rosie.

One in the Mani wagon has got to be Scum. I'm leaning tn or Grandma.

MeBelle, because she didn't vote and didn't give out much to go on, and the fact that she pulled her vote from FA at the time when it was looking like it was picking up makes me suspicious that she didn't want FA going down, so I'm going to say she seems Scummy.

My last one has got to be FA. MeBelle pulling her vote off him just too suspicious to be overlooked.

So, my Scum read:

tn or Grandma, MeBelle, FA

FOS: Aye/Shaitra/Avatar

Town: All the rest I think are Town.

"All the rest" = Cafe.

You isolated one whole Townie?


Did you overlook R.D.? Rosie? and me? Hmmmm, I wonder why you would not consider them? And me? All are still playing. That makes 4.

If tn turns out to be Scum, then you would be Town and vice versa making it 5, unless I decide to make either one of you FOS. Either your math skills suck, or you didn't consider Rosie/R.D. because they are Scum along with you and it was a mafia slip?
My reads based on the Mani vote....

I know I am Town, and Miss Scarlet is history, that leaves the following people who voted for Mani:

tn, Grandma, Rosie, AyeCantSeeYou and Avatar.

MeBelle and R.D. didn't vote.

Shaitra and FA voted for me.

Cafe voted for Rosie.

One in the Mani wagon has got to be Scum. I'm leaning tn or Grandma.

MeBelle, because she didn't vote and didn't give out much to go on, and the fact that she pulled her vote from FA at the time when it was looking like it was picking up makes me suspicious that she didn't want FA going down, so I'm going to say she seems Scummy.

My last one has got to be FA. MeBelle pulling her vote off him just too suspicious to be overlooked.

So, my Scum read:

tn or Grandma, MeBelle, FA

FOS: Aye/Shaitra/Avatar

Town: All the rest I think are Town.

I think this leads to a very interesting question:

Mebelle, why did you leave the FA wagon?
My reads based on the Mani vote....

I know I am Town, and Miss Scarlet is history, that leaves the following people who voted for Mani:

tn, Grandma, Rosie, AyeCantSeeYou and Avatar.

MeBelle and R.D. didn't vote.

Shaitra and FA voted for me.

Cafe voted for Rosie.

One in the Mani wagon has got to be Scum. I'm leaning tn or Grandma.

MeBelle, because she didn't vote and didn't give out much to go on, and the fact that she pulled her vote from FA at the time when it was looking like it was picking up makes me suspicious that she didn't want FA going down, so I'm going to say she seems Scummy.

My last one has got to be FA. MeBelle pulling her vote off him just too suspicious to be overlooked.

So, my Scum read:

tn or Grandma, MeBelle, FA

FOS: Aye/Shaitra/Avatar

Town: All the rest I think are Town.

"All the rest" = Cafe.

You isolated one whole Townie?


Did you overlook R.D.? Rosie? and me? Hmmmm, I wonder why you would not consider them? And me? All are still playing. That makes 4.

If tn turns out to be Scum, then you would be Town and vice versa making it 5, unless I decide to make either one of you FOS. Either your math skills suck, or you didn't consider Rosie/R.D. because they are Scum along with you and it was a mafia slip?
Nope. I am just forgettable :lol:
My reads based on the Mani vote....

I know I am Town, and Miss Scarlet is history, that leaves the following people who voted for Mani:

tn, Grandma, Rosie, AyeCantSeeYou and Avatar.

MeBelle and R.D. didn't vote.

Shaitra and FA voted for me.

Cafe voted for Rosie.

One in the Mani wagon has got to be Scum. I'm leaning tn or Grandma.

MeBelle, because she didn't vote and didn't give out much to go on, and the fact that she pulled her vote from FA at the time when it was looking like it was picking up makes me suspicious that she didn't want FA going down, so I'm going to say she seems Scummy.

My last one has got to be FA. MeBelle pulling her vote off him just too suspicious to be overlooked.

So, my Scum read:

tn or Grandma, MeBelle, FA

FOS: Aye/Shaitra/Avatar

Town: All the rest I think are Town.

I think this leads to a very interesting question:

Mebelle, why did you leave the FA wagon?

She has already said that she "felt sorry for him" - a rather lame and suspicious reason. Nobody feels sorry for someone they think is Scum in "Mafia".....:lol:

She has no other explanation, which in my opinion sounds very scummy.
My reads based on the Mani vote....

I know I am Town, and Miss Scarlet is history, that leaves the following people who voted for Mani:

tn, Grandma, Rosie, AyeCantSeeYou and Avatar.

MeBelle and R.D. didn't vote.

Shaitra and FA voted for me.

Cafe voted for Rosie.

One in the Mani wagon has got to be Scum. I'm leaning tn or Grandma.

MeBelle, because she didn't vote and didn't give out much to go on, and the fact that she pulled her vote from FA at the time when it was looking like it was picking up makes me suspicious that she didn't want FA going down, so I'm going to say she seems Scummy.

My last one has got to be FA. MeBelle pulling her vote off him just too suspicious to be overlooked.

So, my Scum read:

tn or Grandma, MeBelle, FA

FOS: Aye/Shaitra/Avatar

Town: All the rest I think are Town.

I think this leads to a very interesting question:

Mebelle, why did you leave the FA wagon?

She has already said that she "felt sorry for him" - a rather lame and suspicious reason. Nobody feels sorry for someone they think is Scum in "Mafia".....:lol:

She has no other explanation, which in my opinion sounds very scummy.

I Remember but I was hoping she had a better explanation
My reads based on the Mani vote....

I know I am Town, and Miss Scarlet is history, that leaves the following people who voted for Mani:

tn, Grandma, Rosie, AyeCantSeeYou and Avatar.

MeBelle and R.D. didn't vote.

Shaitra and FA voted for me.

Cafe voted for Rosie.

One in the Mani wagon has got to be Scum. I'm leaning tn or Grandma.

MeBelle, because she didn't vote and didn't give out much to go on, and the fact that she pulled her vote from FA at the time when it was looking like it was picking up makes me suspicious that she didn't want FA going down, so I'm going to say she seems Scummy.

My last one has got to be FA. MeBelle pulling her vote off him just too suspicious to be overlooked.

So, my Scum read:

tn or Grandma, MeBelle, FA

FOS: Aye/Shaitra/Avatar

Town: All the rest I think are Town.

I think this leads to a very interesting question:

Mebelle, why did you leave the FA wagon?

She has already said that she "felt sorry for him" - a rather lame and suspicious reason. Nobody feels sorry for someone they think is Scum in "Mafia".....:lol:

She has no other explanation, which in my opinion sounds very scummy.

She went onto say in a different post that FA was not defending himself, that is why she felt sorry for him AND he was getting googly eyed over SR. Something to that effect.

Either way it still sounds strange.
CaféAuLait;9526840 said:
I think this leads to a very interesting question:

Mebelle, why did you leave the FA wagon?

She has already said that she "felt sorry for him" - a rather lame and suspicious reason. Nobody feels sorry for someone they think is Scum in "Mafia".....:lol:

She has no other explanation, which in my opinion sounds very scummy.

She went onto say in a different post that FA was not defending himself, that is why she felt sorry for him AND he was getting googly eyed over SR. Something to that effect.

Either way it still sounds strange.

MeBelle IS strange. The woman ain't normal.

'Nuff said.

Regards from Rosie
Which brings me to Question #2:

TN - Why were you so focused on Mani?

That's a good question, so I will ask you the same, you sat right by TN as second vote on Mani, and seemed to be just as focused as TN as well. Why?

You said in one post, it was because Mani asked how VT and Masons were to work together ( a valid question) and because he said something to the effect of him wondering how town was supposed to work together as a team and he still did not understand how town can do this after he played for three games. I think both were valid observations TBH.

This may only be my second partial game, but I don't see town working together, I see many at each others throats I also wonder the same as Mani.
First, your link doesn't work.

Second, I am not claiming to be a mason. I am not claiming any role. I am saying I am town aligned.

Why do you want me to make a role claim at this point? The only people who benefit are the scum.

It's working for me:

Not a contradiction because masons are townies as well. Both masons and vanilla townies are townies.

If you were paying attention I have given crumbs for my role. But there are many who want to jump on the wagon without much thought. Thank you for not being one of them.

I don't want you giving out your role, but you said you've given hints as to what it is. Why say that?

Because I have. I was hoping some observant town aligned players would notice that and not lynch me without the scum noticing it. I knew it was a long shot.

I have a town aligned role. I will not be more specific than that at this point. That's what the scum know already, that's all I'm willing to give.

Is there anything else you want to know? And anyone else you suspect? Because if you aren't scum, I'd like to know who else I should be looking at right now. and since no one else seems to be going after anyone but me right now, we aren't really getting anywhere.

[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] does TN know the new day started? I know how he seems to not remember.

We should look at the people who voted for mani, I can't imagine there isn't at least one scum there.


I know that I am not scum. That doesn't really help the rest of you at this point. But I know I am not. And scarlet is dead.

So for me, it seems logical that TN, grandma, Rosie, Mertex and Aye are suspect.

I said I would step back and reevaluate things if mani was town using the information we have. So despite suspecting Mertex day 1, i am going to focus on the others. She is playing similar to the games where she wasn't scum. And I want to make sure I am not just tunneling her.

TN - hasn't given us alot to go with yet.
Grandma - is not radically different but is a bit suspicious to me. The fact that she revealed her role outright bothers me, but she has also explained that.
Rosie - she is acting alot like she was in game 2, but she also acted similar in game 3. Which means she could simply be Rosie being Rosie.
Aye - Dropping off mertex when we could have pushed to lynched her is suspicious to me. Jumping on to mani after I said I was willing to switch my vote and then making the statement of the person who hammers him being "torn to pieces". I understand your explanation Aye, but it makes me suspicious.

Mebelle jumping off the FA wagon makes me suspicious too. But other than that I haven't seen much from her indicating scum

Cafe - was making suspicious but the fact that she was unaware of Rosie's attempted unvote turned down the suspicions for me. I know some are of the opinion that if you are scum you don't have to pay attention to what's going on. I tend to agree with mani on this that if you are scum, you pay much more attention. That at least was my experience game 1 with Shaitra. But then we do know from game 3 that some don't pay attention. I'm keeping my eye on cafe.

Shaitra is kind of a null for me. I lean town on her but she is good at hiding if she is scum.

FA is still a null for me as well. I haven't decided yet.

R.D. is a tough read. Jumping off a wagon to avoid craziness makes me question, but i tend to think she is town this game. I could reevaluate that though.

Sorry, Avatar, this comes up as hog-wash.

Seriously, you just can't say I'm town? So you saying "I'm town aligned " is supposed to protect you from the scum but give us townies a clue you are a mason? If you are a mason and you speaking to others right now, maybe they can tell you how foolish that move was just then.
Avatar said:
R.D. is a tough read. Jumping off a wagon to avoid craziness makes me question, but i tend to think she is town this game. I could reevaluate that though.

Wrong. There was no wagon, I was the only vote on FA at the time, gave a reason at the time and later when you asked me directly

I'm think you know I'm town, I just need to weed out your partners

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