Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

My reads based on the Mani vote....

I know I am Town, and Miss Scarlet is history, that leaves the following people who voted for Mani:

tn, Grandma, Rosie, AyeCantSeeYou and Avatar.

MeBelle and R.D. didn't vote.

Shaitra and FA voted for me.

Cafe voted for Rosie.

One in the Mani wagon has got to be Scum. I'm leaning tn or Grandma.

MeBelle, because she didn't vote and didn't give out much to go on, and the fact that she pulled her vote from FA at the time when it was looking like it was picking up makes me suspicious that she didn't want FA going down, so I'm going to say she seems Scummy.

My last one has got to be FA. MeBelle pulling her vote off him just too suspicious to be overlooked.

So, my Scum read:

tn or Grandma, MeBelle, FA

FOS: Aye/Shaitra/Avatar

Town: All the rest I think are Town.

"All the rest" = Cafe.

You isolated one whole Townie?


Did you overlook R.D.? Rosie? and me? Hmmmm, I wonder why you would not consider them? And me? All are still playing. That makes 4.

If tn turns out to be Scum, then you would be Town and vice versa making it 5, unless I decide to make either one of you FOS. Either your math skills suck, or you didn't consider Rosie/R.D. because they are Scum along with you and it was a mafia slip?

Things that make you go hummmmmmmmmm.....
My reads based on the Mani vote....

I know I am Town, and Miss Scarlet is history, that leaves the following people who voted for Mani:

tn, Grandma, Rosie, AyeCantSeeYou and Avatar.

MeBelle and R.D. didn't vote.

Shaitra and FA voted for me.

Cafe voted for Rosie.

One in the Mani wagon has got to be Scum. I'm leaning tn or Grandma.

MeBelle, because she didn't vote and didn't give out much to go on, and the fact that she pulled her vote from FA at the time when it was looking like it was picking up makes me suspicious that she didn't want FA going down, so I'm going to say she seems Scummy.

My last one has got to be FA. MeBelle pulling her vote off him just too suspicious to be overlooked.

So, my Scum read:

tn or Grandma, MeBelle, FA

FOS: Aye/Shaitra/Avatar

Town: All the rest I think are Town.

I think this leads to a very interesting question:

Mebelle, why did you leave the FA wagon?

I would like the answer to that as well, aside from her saying he was not defending himself, but wasn't it her leaving the FA wagon where you said this gave you more reason to vote Mani? You said:

More reason for me to either stay with mertex or move to mani

You segued off of Me Belles bail to move your vote, and in fact you mentioned it almost as if to take suspicion off your upcoming vote for Mani. :doubt:
Mebelle's bail on FA is what caused the FA wagon to collapse. I didn't move my vote till the wagon evaporated completely. I was trying to avoid a no lynch situation.

And I pointed out that mebelle's departure made FA and Mani equal in votes to the claim that mani didn't have as many votes as the other wagons. I don't see how telling the truth about that makes me scum.

You seem pretty gung ho for me this round cafe. You realize that you are going to be under more scrutiny when i turn out not to be the scum, right?

I am still not sure if you are scum or just misguided town.
Avatar said:
R.D. is a tough read. Jumping off a wagon to avoid craziness makes me question, but i tend to think she is town this game. I could reevaluate that though.

Wrong. There was no wagon, I was the only vote on FA at the time, gave a reason at the time and later when you asked me directly

I'm think you know I'm town, I just need to weed out your partners

Well, ill save you the trouble, i don't have partners.
I didnt push a damn thing. I didn't even encourage anyone to vote for mani. I only suggested that we have make a decision about the vote because we had less than a day. I was hoping we would get behind mertex, but when it became obvious that wasn't going to happen i told you I would switch to mani.

Interesting how you did a 180 since yesterday though. Had some time to talk it over last night?

[MENTION=854]Avatar4321[/MENTION] I've never seen you use a swear word before, not that I've read all of your posts... seems very defensive to me.

I've used damn many times before. I don't usually think of it as a swear word though it is a bad habit of mine. What can I say? It's been a bad few weeks and now I'm being falsely accused of leading a lynch I jumped in at the end of because I suggested we had to make a vote for one of the three top wagons to avoid a no lynch.

It's very frustrating to try to persuade the rest of the town to stop doing the things that cause us to lose only to have you guys accuse me of being scum and doing exactly what I am trying to prevent.

I want this town to win one for a change. If you guys are going to mislynch me, then I'm going to fight it because when I do the scum slip up.

I performed a board search on [MENTION=854]Avatar4321[/MENTION] and 'damn'.
I received 479 hits back...over ten years of posting.

A sampling of 10% of the hits was mostly you quoting others using the word 'damn'.
The remainder of the sample were all in Mafia games :eek:
My reads based on the Mani vote....

I know I am Town, and Miss Scarlet is history, that leaves the following people who voted for Mani:

tn, Grandma, Rosie, AyeCantSeeYou and Avatar.

MeBelle and R.D. didn't vote.

Shaitra and FA voted for me.

Cafe voted for Rosie.

One in the Mani wagon has got to be Scum. I'm leaning tn or Grandma.

MeBelle, because she didn't vote and didn't give out much to go on, and the fact that she pulled her vote from FA at the time when it was looking like it was picking up makes me suspicious that she didn't want FA going down, so I'm going to say she seems Scummy.

My last one has got to be FA. MeBelle pulling her vote off him just too suspicious to be overlooked.

So, my Scum read:

tn or Grandma, MeBelle, FA

FOS: Aye/Shaitra/Avatar

Town: All the rest I think are Town.


I've already stated why I pulled my vote off of FAQ...he appeared 'taken' by the Rose.

Emo can get in the way of :rolleyes:

Now that SR is out of the picture (RIP) perhaps FAQ's logic will return.

I'm a townie and scum know this, Mertex
Mebelle's bail on FA is what caused the FA wagon to collapse. I didn't move my vote till the wagon evaporated completely. I was trying to avoid a no lynch situation.

And I pointed out that mebelle's departure made FA and Mani equal in votes to the claim that mani didn't have as many votes as the other wagons. I don't see how telling the truth about that makes me scum.

You seem pretty gung ho for me this round cafe. You realize that you are going to be under more scrutiny when i turn out not to be the scum, right?

I am still not sure if you are scum or just misguided town.

Of course I will be under scrutiny Avatar if you are lynched and flip town, I have already thought about this. Who is it you think is scum and why and if you believe they are scum, would you be pushing your thoughts on them? Of course you should be, yes?

You pushed the Mani wagon but did so with precision and in a very subtle manner. It was almost like watching a maestro conducting a symphony.

The others I see as pushing this wagon was Grandma, she was second on Mani vote for a long time. She was also very outspoken in stating she wanted everyone to switch their vote to Mani and mentioned time constraints telling Mertex she did not believe 6 people would switch their vote to you. Grandma then told Mertex she would switch her vote to Mertex if the 'dark horse" (Mani's) wagon did not move towards lynch by the next night.

Then you started with your reasoning, and how its better to mis-lynch than a no-lynch then hammered within an hour of announcing.

Your hammer does not really get to me as much as your "conducting" does. This is not how you played in game 3. Game 3 you were more so going with the flow, etc. Your game is different thus my suspicion.
"All the rest" = Cafe.

You isolated one whole Townie?


Did you overlook R.D.? Rosie? and me? Hmmmm, I wonder why you would not consider them? And me? All are still playing. That makes 4.

If tn turns out to be Scum, then you would be Town and vice versa making it 5, unless I decide to make either one of you FOS. Either your math skills suck, or you didn't consider Rosie/R.D. because they are Scum along with you and it was a mafia slip?
Nope. I am just forgettable :lol:

^^^^Not a very useful b---- :D ^^^^
[MENTION=854]Avatar4321[/MENTION] I've never seen you use a swear word before, not that I've read all of your posts... seems very defensive to me.

I've used damn many times before. I don't usually think of it as a swear word though it is a bad habit of mine. What can I say? It's been a bad few weeks and now I'm being falsely accused of leading a lynch I jumped in at the end of because I suggested we had to make a vote for one of the three top wagons to avoid a no lynch.

It's very frustrating to try to persuade the rest of the town to stop doing the things that cause us to lose only to have you guys accuse me of being scum and doing exactly what I am trying to prevent.

I want this town to win one for a change. If you guys are going to mislynch me, then I'm going to fight it because when I do the scum slip up.

I performed a board search on [MENTION=854]Avatar4321[/MENTION] and 'damn'.
I received 479 hits back...over ten years of posting.

A sampling of 10% of the hits was mostly you quoting others using the word 'damn'.
The remainder of the sample were all in Mafia games :eek:

Okay, now you need to break it down further, was he scum or town when he used that word? :D:D
My reads based on the Mani vote....

I know I am Town, and Miss Scarlet is history, that leaves the following people who voted for Mani:

tn, Grandma, Rosie, AyeCantSeeYou and Avatar.

MeBelle and R.D. didn't vote.

Shaitra and FA voted for me.

Cafe voted for Rosie.

One in the Mani wagon has got to be Scum. I'm leaning tn or Grandma.

MeBelle, because she didn't vote and didn't give out much to go on, and the fact that she pulled her vote from FA at the time when it was looking like it was picking up makes me suspicious that she didn't want FA going down, so I'm going to say she seems Scummy.

My last one has got to be FA. MeBelle pulling her vote off him just too suspicious to be overlooked.

So, my Scum read:

tn or Grandma, MeBelle, FA

FOS: Aye/Shaitra/Avatar

Town: All the rest I think are Town.


I've already stated why I pulled my vote off of FAQ...he appeared 'taken' by the Rose.

Emo can get in the way of :rolleyes:

Now that SR is out of the picture (RIP) perhaps FAQ's logic will return.

I'm a townie and scum know this, Mertex

I think this leads to a very interesting question:

Mebelle, why did you leave the FA wagon?

Answered. :D
CaféAuLait;9528053 said:
I've used damn many times before. I don't usually think of it as a swear word though it is a bad habit of mine. What can I say? It's been a bad few weeks and now I'm being falsely accused of leading a lynch I jumped in at the end of because I suggested we had to make a vote for one of the three top wagons to avoid a no lynch.

It's very frustrating to try to persuade the rest of the town to stop doing the things that cause us to lose only to have you guys accuse me of being scum and doing exactly what I am trying to prevent.

I want this town to win one for a change. If you guys are going to mislynch me, then I'm going to fight it because when I do the scum slip up.

I performed a board search on [MENTION=854]Avatar4321[/MENTION] and 'damn'.
I received 479 hits back...over ten years of posting.

A sampling of 10% of the hits was mostly you quoting others using the word 'damn'.
The remainder of the sample were all in Mafia games :eek:

Okay, now you need to break it down further, was he scum or town when he used that word? :D:D

Oh crap!

I just closed that search...will reopen, thanks!
CaféAuLait;9526840 said:
She has already said that she "felt sorry for him" - a rather lame and suspicious reason. Nobody feels sorry for someone they think is Scum in "Mafia".....:lol:

She has no other explanation, which in my opinion sounds very scummy.

She went onto say in a different post that FA was not defending himself, that is why she felt sorry for him AND he was getting googly eyed over SR. Something to that effect.

Either way it still sounds strange.

MeBelle IS strange. The woman ain't normal.

'Nuff said.

Regards from Rosie


I'd rep that comment if I could! :D
I have two posts please feel free to ask me any questions. They are about Avatar, his soft claim of Mason and then the Mani Vote and his claim he did not lead the wagon on Mani.

Avatar is suggesting IMO he is a Mason or telling people he was "crumbing" so "smart townies" might pick up on his role.

He suggests such early in the game he may be a mason, post 71, in fact. He then says later the point "is not to be read” but then again suggests he is a mason later. Contradicting posts to be sure.

I just painstakingly read through his posts.

Avatar has either voted for, or called almost every player scum or Fos'ed every single player, and or said they were suspicious, except 1. ( who I believe may be scum)

I don't find this mason like behavior at all. The way I thought masons were supposed to be -they are be speaking in the background and trying to figure the game out- lead us if you will. I see no leading except to the lynch of a townie, I’ll explain that in my next post.

I believe you to be scum Avatar, I am not hiding my intentions or trying to be sly about any vote for you. It's out there and I hope a vote to lynch continues.

Please anyone else weigh in on this, thanks for any input. If this is how masons are supposed to play please let me know. Next post is the Mani Lynch.
About Mani

Avatar keeps insisting he did not lead the wagon, but while re-reading I found Avatar suggesting or 'crumbing" Mani was scum before SR AND Grandma voted for Mani. See post 246. Avatars wagon on Mertex had stalled. There were four votes for FA and four for Mertex and one for Mani when Avatar made post 246.

This is long, read it or not but it shows Avatar DID lead the wagon on Mani, not SR.

VC before the drive on Mani: Mertex 4 votes, FA 4 votes and Mani 1 vote.

post 246 Avatar suggests Mani is scum here as he is working his Mertex wagon which has stalled:

Post 251 Avatar states Mani just wants to coast through the game and Mani does not sound very townish.

Then grandma votes for Mani 279

SR votes Mani post 329

Avatar immediately jumps on SR vote in post 331 asking why Mani to SR? All the while his wagon on Mertex is stalled.

He then asks for a vote count mentioning top three, Mertex (4), FA(4) and now Mani(3). Wake supplies such in VC1.7

Then Avatar immediately points out we have about two days left and asks if we all should vote one of top three 334 immediately after Wake post the VC

SR responds to Avatars question in post 331 (above) and SR states in post 336 Mani is a policy lynch and safe.

Post 340 Avatar responds her points make sense and he is willing to vote for Mani.

(somewhere around here TN states Avatar is a liar and I point out he did not lie)

(Mebelle unvotes FA post 378)

Post 383 Avatar states he will be willing to switch his vote to Mani (again) Mertex wagon still stalled.

Post 384 Avatar tells Mani he sounds like scum

Post 385 Avatar states MeBelle's unvote on FA gives Avatar even more reason to vote for Mani

Post 387 Avatar recommends “Rosie and Cafe make a choice on the top three and mebelle make another vote and we see where we stand at that point”. This is important to me, Avatar knows Rosie already has it in for Mani.

Rosie jumps on it in post 388 and votes Mani

Avatar's post 339 less than a minute later (not noting Rosies vote) he "mentions" @ me, rosie and mebelle in post and says we have to plan to get a lynch quoting the VC for the second time in a few short posts.

Post 390 Avatar quotes rosies vote for Mani.

Posst 395 Avatar states again Mani’s game is the same as it was when Mani was scum


Post 402, Avatar Mentions Mani might be scum one more time but also says Mertex and FA may be scum too, ( weird because Avatar had been against a FA vote and fighting Mertex on voting for FA because she had no reason to vote for FA according to Avatar, but now Avatar suddenly thinks FA may be scum? This is weird to me because I believe FA to be scum. Explained in a later post this one is already too long.

Post 416 Avatar states he is thinking about switching his vote to Mani ( mertex wagon still stalled)

Post 426 Avatar speaks to Mani and points out he is thinking of voting Mani again.

Post 432 Avatar addresses Mani and tells him he would prefer if people would have joined his mertex wagon.

Post 439 Avatar is arguing with Aye (about a hammer comment Aye made), and states Mani is the only possible vote now because Aye just voted for Mani, but Avatar has yet to vote for Mani.

Post 445 Avatar declares he will hammer Mani in about an hour

Post 449 Avatar hammers.

Post 473 Avatar says he did not lead the wagon on Mani.

Anyone else have any other input here? This sure looks like Avatar drove the wagon on Mani after his Mertex wagon stalled out.
CaféAuLait;9528032 said:
Mebelle's bail on FA is what caused the FA wagon to collapse. I didn't move my vote till the wagon evaporated completely. I was trying to avoid a no lynch situation.

And I pointed out that mebelle's departure made FA and Mani equal in votes to the claim that mani didn't have as many votes as the other wagons. I don't see how telling the truth about that makes me scum.

You seem pretty gung ho for me this round cafe. You realize that you are going to be under more scrutiny when i turn out not to be the scum, right?

I am still not sure if you are scum or just misguided town.

Of course I will be under scrutiny Avatar if you are lynched and flip town, I have already thought about this. Who is it you think is scum and why and if you believe they are scum, would you be pushing your thoughts on them? Of course you should be, yes?

You pushed the Mani wagon but did so with precision and in a very subtle manner. It was almost like watching a maestro conducting a symphony.

The others I see as pushing this wagon was Grandma, she was second on Mani vote for a long time. She was also very outspoken in stating she wanted everyone to switch their vote to Mani and mentioned time constraints telling Mertex she did not believe 6 people would switch their vote to you. Grandma then told Mertex she would switch her vote to Mertex if the 'dark horse" (Mani's) wagon did not move towards lynch by the next night.

Then you started with your reasoning, and how its better to mis-lynch than a no-lynch then hammered within an hour of announcing.

Your hammer does not really get to me as much as your "conducting" does. This is not how you played in game 3. Game 3 you were more so going with the flow, etc. Your game is different thus my suspicion.

I already gave you a list of what I thought of everyone. You told me you don't believe it.

If i was subtly pushing for mani's lynch, how is it everyone seems to know about it? The fact is I wasn't pushing for mani's lynch. I was suggesting we need to build a consensus lynch. Unfortunately for mani, that became him when mebelle jumped off FA, Rosie jumped on him, and then Aye jumped off Mertex. Why? Because mani's wagon became the only one not losing people.

As I stated earlier, If aye had stayed on mertex, I would have had a better argument for lynching her. But with her wagon down to 3 players, and mani's up at 5 when mertex also joined, it would have been a much tougher sell at that point. I picked mani rather than allowing a no lynch. Tell me who else should have been lynched at that point when the two other wagons fell apart?

You seem to be very familiar with what happened for someone who wasn't here, and yet you didn't know about Rosie's unvote. You really are making me think i need to keep my eye on you.
My reads based on the Mani vote....

I know I am Town, and Miss Scarlet is history, that leaves the following people who voted for Mani:

tn, Grandma, Rosie, AyeCantSeeYou and Avatar.

MeBelle and R.D. didn't vote.

Shaitra and FA voted for me.

Cafe voted for Rosie.

One in the Mani wagon has got to be Scum. I'm leaning tn or Grandma.

MeBelle, because she didn't vote and didn't give out much to go on, and the fact that she pulled her vote from FA at the time when it was looking like it was picking up makes me suspicious that she didn't want FA going down, so I'm going to say she seems Scummy.

My last one has got to be FA. MeBelle pulling her vote off him just too suspicious to be overlooked.

So, my Scum read:

tn or Grandma, MeBelle, FA

FOS: Aye/Shaitra/Avatar

Town: All the rest I think are Town.

"All the rest" = Cafe.

You isolated one whole Townie?


Did you overlook R.D.? Rosie? and me? Hmmmm, I wonder why you would not consider them? And me? All are still playing. That makes 4.

If tn turns out to be Scum, then you would be Town and vice versa making it 5, unless I decide to make either one of you FOS. Either your math skills suck, or you didn't consider Rosie/R.D. because they are Scum along with you and it was a mafia slip?

Because you, R.D., and Rosie are a single entity this game - a 3-headed monster - and that entity sure as hell isn't Town.
CaféAuLait;9528937 said:
I have two posts please feel free to ask me any questions. They are about Avatar, his soft claim of Mason and then the Mani Vote and his claim he did not lead the wagon on Mani.

Avatar is suggesting IMO he is a Mason or telling people he was "crumbing" so "smart townies" might pick up on his role.

He suggests such early in the game he may be a mason, post 71, in fact. He then says later the point "is not to be read” but then again suggests he is a mason later. Contradicting posts to be sure.

I just painstakingly read through his posts.

Avatar has either voted for, or called almost every player scum or Fos'ed every single player, and or said they were suspicious, except 1. ( who I believe may be scum)

I don't find this mason like behavior at all. The way I thought masons were supposed to be -they are be speaking in the background and trying to figure the game out- lead us if you will. I see no leading except to the lynch of a townie, I’ll explain that in my next post.

I believe you to be scum Avatar, I am not hiding my intentions or trying to be sly about any vote for you. It's out there and I hope a vote to lynch continues.

Please anyone else weigh in on this, thanks for any input. If this is how masons are supposed to play please let me know. Next post is the Mani Lynch.

Stop lying and saying I am suggesting I am a mason. I'm specifically not telling you what my role is? Why? Because if i am a mason, it makes the scum want to kill me, either by talking you townies into it, or through a night kill. If i am not a mason, it tells the scum who is likely to be a mason and helps direct their kills.

That's just bad play. Considering I've had the same policy of not being specific in roles specifically for that purpose every game except the first one, it should hardly come as a surprise. In fact, it was Rosie telling everyone she is a vanilla townie when we were all recommending that we keep roles secret that started tipping herself off as scum in game 2.

It's also one of the reasons I've stated I am suspicious of Grandma this game.
CaféAuLait;9528952 said:
About Mani

Avatar keeps insisting he did not lead the wagon, but while re-reading I found Avatar suggesting or 'crumbing" Mani was scum before SR AND Grandma voted for Mani. See post 246. Avatars wagon on Mertex had stalled. There were four votes for FA and four for Mertex and one for Mani when Avatar made post 246.

This is long, read it or not but it shows Avatar DID lead the wagon on Mani, not SR.

VC before the drive on Mani: Mertex 4 votes, FA 4 votes and Mani 1 vote.

post 246 Avatar suggests Mani is scum here as he is working his Mertex wagon which has stalled:

Post 251 Avatar states Mani just wants to coast through the game and Mani does not sound very townish.

Then grandma votes for Mani 279

SR votes Mani post 329

Avatar immediately jumps on SR vote in post 331 asking why Mani to SR? All the while his wagon on Mertex is stalled.

He then asks for a vote count mentioning top three, Mertex (4), FA(4) and now Mani(3). Wake supplies such in VC1.7

Then Avatar immediately points out we have about two days left and asks if we all should vote one of top three 334 immediately after Wake post the VC

SR responds to Avatars question in post 331 (above) and SR states in post 336 Mani is a policy lynch and safe.

Post 340 Avatar responds her points make sense and he is willing to vote for Mani.

(somewhere around here TN states Avatar is a liar and I point out he did not lie)

(Mebelle unvotes FA post 378)

Post 383 Avatar states he will be willing to switch his vote to Mani (again) Mertex wagon still stalled.

Post 384 Avatar tells Mani he sounds like scum

Post 385 Avatar states MeBelle's unvote on FA gives Avatar even more reason to vote for Mani

Post 387 Avatar recommends “Rosie and Cafe make a choice on the top three and mebelle make another vote and we see where we stand at that point”. This is important to me, Avatar knows Rosie already has it in for Mani.

Rosie jumps on it in post 388 and votes Mani

Avatar's post 339 less than a minute later (not noting Rosies vote) he "mentions" @ me, rosie and mebelle in post and says we have to plan to get a lynch quoting the VC for the second time in a few short posts.

Post 390 Avatar quotes rosies vote for Mani.

Posst 395 Avatar states again Mani’s game is the same as it was when Mani was scum


Post 402, Avatar Mentions Mani might be scum one more time but also says Mertex and FA may be scum too, ( weird because Avatar had been against a FA vote and fighting Mertex on voting for FA because she had no reason to vote for FA according to Avatar, but now Avatar suddenly thinks FA may be scum? This is weird to me because I believe FA to be scum. Explained in a later post this one is already too long.

Post 416 Avatar states he is thinking about switching his vote to Mani ( mertex wagon still stalled)

Post 426 Avatar speaks to Mani and points out he is thinking of voting Mani again.

Post 432 Avatar addresses Mani and tells him he would prefer if people would have joined his mertex wagon.

Post 439 Avatar is arguing with Aye (about a hammer comment Aye made), and states Mani is the only possible vote now because Aye just voted for Mani, but Avatar has yet to vote for Mani.

Post 445 Avatar declares he will hammer Mani in about an hour

Post 449 Avatar hammers.

Post 473 Avatar says he did not lead the wagon on Mani.

Anyone else have any other input here? This sure looks like Avatar drove the wagon on Mani after his Mertex wagon stalled out.

I drove the lynch for mani after the mertex wagon stalled, you mean after there were 5 votes for mani and 3 or less votes for the other wagons and when we had less than a day left? That's when i declared that I would vote for mani, when I would have been the 6th vote. Why? Because it was the only wagon left and we didn't need a no lynch.

I would hardly call joining at the end leading.

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