Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

yeah I did @ you. To see where you'd go. Then Mebelle jumped off FA. And Aye jumped off Mertex when Rosie jumped on Mani putting him higher.

BTW Still FOS at Rosie for trying to jump ship after the hammer despite having plenty of advanced notice.

That doesn't make any sense. If Rosie was Scum, she wouldn't have even tried to jump off the ship on Mani, one Townie to Scum is as good as any. I think Scum know better than to make a move at the last minute that would draw attention to them, so that idea of yours doesn't fly. And besides, there was only one minute difference between your post and hers, hardly enough time to read, evaluate, make a decision and post.

Or the page had not been refreshed and she was writing her post as he posted his hammer. I don't think she would have done something to bring so much attention to herself, at that state in the game.
yeah I did @ you. To see where you'd go. Then Mebelle jumped off FA. And Aye jumped off Mertex when Rosie jumped on Mani putting him higher.

BTW Still FOS at Rosie for trying to jump ship after the hammer despite having plenty of advanced notice.

That doesn't make any sense. If Rosie was Scum, she wouldn't have even tried to jump off the ship on Mani, one Townie to Scum is as good as any. I think Scum know better than to make a move at the last minute that would draw attention to them, so that idea of yours doesn't fly. And besides, there was only one minute difference between your post and hers, hardly enough time to read, evaluate, make a decision and post.

This looks more like a move by Avatar to take the heat off herself. Typically avatar is more thought out than that and throwing out accusations that don't make any sense make her look rather scummy....

This and also claiming that she did not push Mani's wagon (even if SR started it).
I didn't push mani's wagon. What i did do is suggest we get behind one of the top three wagons before the day was over and we had a no lynch. Mebelle and Aye unvoting for the other wagons and Rosie voting for mani are pretty much what pushed mani.
yeah I did @ you. To see where you'd go. Then Mebelle jumped off FA. And Aye jumped off Mertex when Rosie jumped on Mani putting him higher.

BTW Still FOS at Rosie for trying to jump ship after the hammer despite having plenty of advanced notice.

That doesn't make any sense. If Rosie was Scum, she wouldn't have even tried to jump off the ship on Mani, one Townie to Scum is as good as any. I think Scum know better than to make a move at the last minute that would draw attention to them, so that idea of yours doesn't fly. And besides, there was only one minute difference between your post and hers, hardly enough time to read, evaluate, make a decision and post.

This looks more like a move by Avatar to take the heat off herself. Typically avatar is more thought out than that and throwing out accusations that don't make any sense make her look rather scummy....

This and also claiming that she did not push Mani's wagon (even if SR started it).

Im sorry but having over an hour notice of the hammer and waiting until after i hammer to unvote is a bit suspicious.

And you know very well I was pushing for Mertex. You were on the wagon with me. And like you I concluded a mani lynch was better than a no lynch.
when i tried to get your attention yesterday, we had three potential wagons. Mebelle jumped off FA. which made FA and Mani equal in votes. I thought, looks like we may lynch mertex. Rosie then jumped on mani citing revenge.

After mertex failed to get a wagon against me started, she also jumped on the mani wagon. I am not sure if that was before or after Aye shifted from a mertex vote to a no vote. At that point, I realized mani had 5 votes for him and it was getting close to the deadline within the next day, I said I was considering shifting to mani. Why? Because I didn't want a no lynch and the other two wagons were pretty much falling apart at that point. However, before I actually voted, I wanted a vote count since I wasn't sure if it was 5 or 6 votes at that point since alot of people had been switching. While I was waiting for the vote count Aye jumped on mani.

That point mani at L1. I had already said I was willing to vote, Aye made some comment that anyone who votes to hammer will be number one on the lynch list tomorrow. I found that to be an odd comment and said so. Shortly after that I said I was willing to be the hammer vote because I have no problem being questioned. being as though I am innocent. I said I would hammer an hour or so after that when I was at the end of the work day if no one had an issue with it.

After i finished worked, I checked, had several people say they were fine with the hammer. No one had jumped off, and so i hammered. A minute later Rosie tried to unvote.

That is not what I said. You tried to say that after my vote as well, but I gave you the post to what I actually said then, and now I'm having to point out you being wrong again.

The post where I told you the first time you wrong in what I said:

And it still stands as this:

Here is what you said:

No, but whoever hammers you will be torn to pieces on Day 2 if you're found out to be town. Will it be Avi, as he claimed he'd switch to vote for you, or not?

You backpedaled when I called you on it.

I just find it interesting after you abandoned the mertex wagon I openly started talking about switching to mani. If i had immediately switched I would have been the sixth vote. Instead, you quickly jump on as number six and make this statement, then backpedal when I call you on it.

You realized that since i already intended to switch, I'd look suspicious if i didnt hammer.

As much as I find the others behavior odd, this is downright scummy.

Vote: Aye.
R.D. wanted to ask, why did you complete unvote before the end? I understand you didn't want to vote for Mani, but you could have stayed on FA and no one would have given it a second thought. But you didn't. So I'm curious.

Here is what you said:

No, but whoever hammers you will be torn to pieces on Day 2 if you're found out to be town. Will it be Avi, as he claimed he'd switch to vote for you, or not?

You backpedaled when I called you on it.

I just find it interesting after you abandoned the mertex wagon I openly started talking about switching to mani. If i had immediately switched I would have been the sixth vote. Instead, you quickly jump on as number six and make this statement, then backpedal when I call you on it.

You realized that since i already intended to switch, I'd look suspicious if i didnt hammer.

As much as I find the others behavior odd, this is downright scummy.

Vote: Aye.

NO, I didn't backpedal on anything. Nice try, again, on trying to take people's suspicions off of you though. I posted the links, people can read and see what was said and why.
It's obvious that there is a town inclination to lynch me today. I have no doubt the scum are egging that on. And they clearly thought getting rid of scarlet would help because she had a tendency to slow down wagons.

I don't plan on giving up. I am innocent and many of you know that as well, particularly the three of you who want to frame me. and while I'd prefer not to be lynched, if i end up being lynched I am going to make sure the town has as much information to know where to look for the scum. I am not going to roll over like some townies would
I didnt push a damn thing. I didn't even encourage anyone to vote for mani. I only suggested that we have make a decision about the vote because we had less than a day. I was hoping we would get behind mertex, but when it became obvious that wasn't going to happen i told you I would switch to mani.

Interesting how you did a 180 since yesterday though. Had some time to talk it over last night?

[MENTION=854]Avatar4321[/MENTION] I've never seen you use a swear word before, not that I've read all of your posts... seems very defensive to me.
I didnt push a damn thing. I didn't even encourage anyone to vote for mani. I only suggested that we have make a decision about the vote because we had less than a day. I was hoping we would get behind mertex, but when it became obvious that wasn't going to happen i told you I would switch to mani.

Interesting how you did a 180 since yesterday though. Had some time to talk it over last night?

[MENTION=854]Avatar4321[/MENTION] I've never seen you use a swear word before, not that I've read all of your posts... seems very defensive to me.

Careful! He'll be calling you scum and voting for you before you know it. :)

It seems defending ourselves, pointing out inconsistencies, and giving links to what we actually said is grounds for being scum. And here I am, thinking those of us that are town are going to defend ourselves and try to figure out who scum are this time around. Scum are probably sitting back, reading all this, and laughing. It's an easy win for them if we keep lynching our own.
R.D. wanted to ask, why did you complete unvote before the end? I understand you didn't want to vote for Mani, but you could have stayed on FA and no one would have given it a second thought. But you didn't. So I'm curious.

Simple. As RV I admitted several times I had no clue, going forward I dont want that vote used as evidence of anything. It was a fishing expedition.

Scum ain't too bright this game. She went after Mani hard, she led the train. I have almost no doubt she would have been the next lynch. If they thought she was a mason they are nuts

Why were you so sure she wasn't a mason? I didn't have an indication one way or another.

I don't know if she would have been the next lynch, but you are right, she did pretty much start the mani wagon. before she voted for him, there wasnt much look at mani.

It was clear she was doing her best to avoid the masons being detected. Her vote for mani was policy not that he was scum, others played that card. As a VT she was expendable.

The point is not to be read. I'll I'm willing to say is I'm not scum. Something they already know.

No point saying more at this point

This game is very weird.

And it's completely demonstrating that us townies aren't very good at unifying. I say that because I find it unlikely that everyone who is involved in the craziness that's going on is scum.

If these two contradictory quotes don't read scum-anti town I don't know what does.

You're not lawyering yourself very well.

Vote Avatar

Give me something to change my mind.
Hmmmm, Rosie falsely claims FA ship has sailed after Mebellle bails then mani then jumps to a vote that's pretty much useless.

This game is very weird.

And it's completely demonstrating that us townies aren't very good at unifying. I say that because I find it unlikely that everyone who is involved in the craziness that's going on is scum.

Means I am going to rethink things in day two if I survive tonight.

I'm addressing this again.

You asked why I unvoted, but here use the word I used for the reasoon I unvoted ...crazy. You also take the occasion to try to defend those who voted Mani as not all scum, pointing out the obvious.
R.D. wanted to ask, why did you complete unvote before the end? I understand you didn't want to vote for Mani, but you could have stayed on FA and no one would have given it a second thought. But you didn't. So I'm curious.

Simple. As RV I admitted several times I had no clue, going forward I dont want that vote used as evidence of anything. It was a fishing expedition.

Why were you so sure she wasn't a mason? I didn't have an indication one way or another.

I don't know if she would have been the next lynch, but you are right, she did pretty much start the mani wagon. before she voted for him, there wasnt much look at mani.

It was clear she was doing her best to avoid the masons being detected. Her vote for mani was policy not that he was scum, others played that card. As a VT she was expendable.

The point is not to be read. I'll I'm willing to say is I'm not scum. Something they already know.

No point saying more at this point

This game is very weird.

And it's completely demonstrating that us townies aren't very good at unifying. I say that because I find it unlikely that everyone who is involved in the craziness that's going on is scum.

If these two contradictory quotes don't read scum-anti town I don't know what does.

Not a contradiction because masons are townies as well. Both masons and vanilla townies are townies.

If you were paying attention I have given crumbs for my role. But there are many who want to jump on the wagon without much thought. Thank you for not being one of them.
Don't thank me yet. Alienating those you claim to be teammates with is bad manners at best, anti town.

Not to being able to be 'read' is a scum tell not a mason tell.
I didnt push a damn thing. I didn't even encourage anyone to vote for mani. I only suggested that we have make a decision about the vote because we had less than a day. I was hoping we would get behind mertex, but when it became obvious that wasn't going to happen i told you I would switch to mani.

Interesting how you did a 180 since yesterday though. Had some time to talk it over last night?

[MENTION=854]Avatar4321[/MENTION] I've never seen you use a swear word before, not that I've read all of your posts... seems very defensive to me.

I've used damn many times before. I don't usually think of it as a swear word though it is a bad habit of mine. What can I say? It's been a bad few weeks and now I'm being falsely accused of leading a lynch I jumped in at the end of because I suggested we had to make a vote for one of the three top wagons to avoid a no lynch.

It's very frustrating to try to persuade the rest of the town to stop doing the things that cause us to lose only to have you guys accuse me of being scum and doing exactly what I am trying to prevent.

I want this town to win one for a change. If you guys are going to mislynch me, then I'm going to fight it because when I do the scum slip up.
R.D. wanted to ask, why did you complete unvote before the end? I understand you didn't want to vote for Mani, but you could have stayed on FA and no one would have given it a second thought. But you didn't. So I'm curious.

Simple. As RV I admitted several times I had no clue, going forward I dont want that vote used as evidence of anything. It was a fishing expedition.

It was clear she was doing her best to avoid the masons being detected. Her vote for mani was policy not that he was scum, others played that card. As a VT she was expendable.

This game is very weird.

And it's completely demonstrating that us townies aren't very good at unifying. I say that because I find it unlikely that everyone who is involved in the craziness that's going on is scum.

If these two contradictory quotes don't read scum-anti town I don't know what does.

Not a contradiction because masons are townies as well. Both masons and vanilla townies are townies.

If you were paying attention I have given crumbs for my role. But there are many who want to jump on the wagon without much thought. Thank you for not being one of them.

So you are claiming to be a Mason....

Regards from Rosie

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