Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

I guess that should read SRs "NK", not "lynch" as I wrote above. Sorry about that.

I also just noted she thought RD was scummy after SR voted for me- she moved on to RD. At the time I thought she was testing the water to see how people responded to her throwing votes out there- I may be totally off though, perhaps there was more to her thinking process I did not see. I am going back to read more carefully to see what else I forgot or missed.
I didnt push a damn thing. I didn't even encourage anyone to vote for mani. I only suggested that we have make a decision about the vote because we had less than a day. I was hoping we would get behind mertex, but when it became obvious that wasn't going to happen i told you I would switch to mani.

Interesting how you did a 180 since yesterday though. Had some time to talk it over last night?
I have a theory of why SR was targeted. It's because she is an experienced player and the scum knew if they were going to be pushing to wagon certain players, myself included, they didn't need someone questioning them.

Don't you find it odd that Cafe was supposedly supporting me yesterday and this day just starts and she already has turned on me. It's convenient. The only question is it because you are a mason or scum? I'm leaning toward the latter.

Why? Because it's also convenient that cafe didn't vote for any of the top 3. She voted for for Rosie. Someone no one else was voting for. Kind of like mani did in game 2.

FOS - Cafe.

I still suspect Mertex, but as I said at the end of last round, if mani wasn't scum I would take a step back and do some reevaluating. And because is playing more like previous games than game 3 whens she was scum.

I plan on keeping my eye on a number of you this round though. But Cafe is definitely sending up some red flags.
A 180 with what there Avatar?

I already stated I thought many were piling on you and it reminded me of what happened to me in game 3 with misstatements. I also said I was not sure you were not scum when I made my post and at the time, you were reading town, and I believed we needed to point out inconsistencies- which I did. I mentioned it above. Then I left the game for about 7 or 8 hours and came back to Mani being lynched. I was like WTF just happened.

Heck, I came back to the game an you @@ me to pick someone to lynch but the game had already been closed because a lynch had occurred.

But there you go again, pointing the scum finger when someone points out the stuff you were doing they found suspicious. What was that called? Oh yeah, OMGUS! :doubt:
Hmm, that is an interesting turn of events. I will need to review a bunch before giving my opinion on what I think the NK means. I am currently V/LA but should be back Monday night.
yeah I did @ you. To see where you'd go. Then Mebelle jumped off FA. And Aye jumped off Mertex when Rosie jumped on Mani putting him higher.

BTW Still FOS at Rosie for trying to jump ship after the hammer despite having plenty of advanced notice.
And yes I find it suspicious that you keep your vote on Rosie and then do a 180 against me today.

It's highly suspicious. Especially since it looks like you've been thinking about this quite a while with your posts.
I think I missed that, do you have a post number Avatar re changing vote after hammer?

Keeping my vote on Rosie was nothing. She is still on my FOS/HOS list. I did not have a chance to change my vote. I came back to the game and you had @@ me but the game was closed because a lynch had occurred.

The Mani vote and wagon started after I left the game ( IIRC there was only one vote for him when I left, there may have been two) and Mertex was trying to get a wagon on you somewhere around that time too when I had several RL things to do.

I was gone for about 7-8 hours IIRC. When I returned I saw the @@ from you and also saw the thread closed. I assumed FA or Mertex had been lynched before I opened the thread. I was shocked to see Mani was lynched and read and saw you pushing his wagon.

Which brings me to the my other FOS MeBelle jumping off the FA vote after he made the statement he was one of the top to be possibly lynched.
CaféAuLait;9521603 said:
I think I missed that, do you have a post number Avatar re changing vote after hammer?

Keeping my vote on Rosie was nothing. She is still on my FOS/HOS list. I did not have a chance to change my vote. I came back to the game and you had @@ me but the game was closed because a lynch had occurred.

The Mani vote and wagon started after I left the game ( IIRC there was only one vote for him when I left, there may have been two) and Mertex was trying to get a wagon on you somewhere around that time too when I had several RL things to do.

I was gone for about 7-8 hours IIRC. When I returned I saw the @@ from you and also saw the thread closed. I assumed FA or Mertex had been lynched before I opened the thread. I was shocked to see Mani was lynched and read and saw you pushing his wagon.

Which brings me to the my other FOS MeBelle jumping off the FA vote after he made the statement he was one of the top to be possibly lynched.

when i tried to get your attention yesterday, we had three potential wagons. Mebelle jumped off FA. which made FA and Mani equal in votes. I thought, looks like we may lynch mertex. Rosie then jumped on mani citing revenge.

After mertex failed to get a wagon against me started, she also jumped on the mani wagon. I am not sure if that was before or after Aye shifted from a mertex vote to a no vote. At that point, I realized mani had 5 votes for him and it was getting close to the deadline within the next day, I said I was considering shifting to mani. Why? Because I didn't want a no lynch and the other two wagons were pretty much falling apart at that point. However, before I actually voted, I wanted a vote count since I wasn't sure if it was 5 or 6 votes at that point since alot of people had been switching. While I was waiting for the vote count Aye jumped on mani.

That point mani at L1. I had already said I was willing to vote, Aye made some comment that anyone who votes to hammer will be number one on the lynch list tomorrow. I found that to be an odd comment and said so. Shortly after that I said I was willing to be the hammer vote because I have no problem being questioned. being as though I am innocent. I said I would hammer an hour or so after that when I was at the end of the work day if no one had an issue with it.

After i finished worked, I checked, had several people say they were fine with the hammer. No one had jumped off, and so i hammered. A minute later Rosie tried to unvote.
Let me know if that link works cafe. it should.

The fact that you didn't even know rosie tried to unvote after the hammer actually makes me alittle less suspicious. I can't imagine the scum didn't talk about that.
CaféAuLait;9521603 said:
I think I missed that, do you have a post number Avatar re changing vote after hammer?

Keeping my vote on Rosie was nothing. She is still on my FOS/HOS list. I did not have a chance to change my vote. I came back to the game and you had @@ me but the game was closed because a lynch had occurred.

The Mani vote and wagon started after I left the game ( IIRC there was only one vote for him when I left, there may have been two) and Mertex was trying to get a wagon on you somewhere around that time too when I had several RL things to do.

I was gone for about 7-8 hours IIRC. When I returned I saw the @@ from you and also saw the thread closed. I assumed FA or Mertex had been lynched before I opened the thread. I was shocked to see Mani was lynched and read and saw you pushing his wagon.

Which brings me to the my other FOS MeBelle jumping off the FA vote after he made the statement he was one of the top to be possibly lynched.

I will give you the post number: #486.

I am not ashamed ...I had doubt that I did the right thing and offered to get past my revenge vote and change it. Read it for yourself.

Avatar is just resentful that I almost spoiled his glee at hammering Mani but for a few seconds.

Maturity has never been Avatar's forte.

Regards from Rosie
Whatevs, Avatar. You still remain the SCUMMIEST.

Regards from Rosie

So you guys say. I'm playing exactly like I did in game 2. Except I didn't have a wagon on me this game, yet.

It's weird though, i'm even arguing with the same three of you.

I am suspicious of alot of you, that's true. But im not being paranoid since there are a number of you trying to kill me. You being one of the main ones rosie. I still havent decided if it's because you are scummy or just because you tunnel like crazy.
CaféAuLait;9521603 said:
I think I missed that, do you have a post number Avatar re changing vote after hammer?

Keeping my vote on Rosie was nothing. She is still on my FOS/HOS list. I did not have a chance to change my vote. I came back to the game and you had @@ me but the game was closed because a lynch had occurred.

The Mani vote and wagon started after I left the game ( IIRC there was only one vote for him when I left, there may have been two) and Mertex was trying to get a wagon on you somewhere around that time too when I had several RL things to do.

I was gone for about 7-8 hours IIRC. When I returned I saw the @@ from you and also saw the thread closed. I assumed FA or Mertex had been lynched before I opened the thread. I was shocked to see Mani was lynched and read and saw you pushing his wagon.

Which brings me to the my other FOS MeBelle jumping off the FA vote after he made the statement he was one of the top to be possibly lynched.

I will give you the post number: #486.

I am not ashamed ...I had doubt that I did the right thing and offered to get past my revenge vote and change it. Read it for yourself.

Avatar is just resentful that I almost spoiled his glee at hammering Mani but for a few seconds.

Maturity has never been Avatar's forte.

Regards from Rosie

Weird, cause I don't resent you at all. Nor did i take glee in hammering Mani. We needed to avoid a no lynch, he had made some suspicious moves, and then Aye went ahead and said whomever would be hammered would be number one suspect to be lynched today. At that point I didn't think anyone would have the guts to hammer him leaving us in a no lynch situation.

Not to mention I gave you well over an hour to switch your vote. Not to mention you could have changed your vote any time prior to me announcing my intent. Not to mention the mani wagon wouldn't have even taken off if you hadn't jumped on mani for the revenge vote to begin with and people hadn't jumped off the other wagons.

There is still a huge question you need to answer Rosie. Why did you vote for Mani when you thought he was innocent and not vote for FA who you thought was scum when he had more votes at the time?
The more I think about it, i am wondering if Rosie was trying to get the mani vote going and them jump off at the last minute with the hopes that someone else would add a 7th vote and mani would still get lynched just without her vote.

Of course, I may just be overanalyzing.
CaféAuLait;9521603 said:
I think I missed that, do you have a post number Avatar re changing vote after hammer?

Keeping my vote on Rosie was nothing. She is still on my FOS/HOS list. I did not have a chance to change my vote. I came back to the game and you had @@ me but the game was closed because a lynch had occurred.

The Mani vote and wagon started after I left the game ( IIRC there was only one vote for him when I left, there may have been two) and Mertex was trying to get a wagon on you somewhere around that time too when I had several RL things to do.

I was gone for about 7-8 hours IIRC. When I returned I saw the @@ from you and also saw the thread closed. I assumed FA or Mertex had been lynched before I opened the thread. I was shocked to see Mani was lynched and read and saw you pushing his wagon.

Which brings me to the my other FOS MeBelle jumping off the FA vote after he made the statement he was one of the top to be possibly lynched.

I will give you the post number: #486.

I am not ashamed ...I had doubt that I did the right thing and offered to get past my revenge vote and change it. Read it for yourself.

Avatar is just resentful that I almost spoiled his glee at hammering Mani but for a few seconds.

Maturity has never been Avatar's forte.

Regards from Rosie

I just went back and read it is actually post 450 where you withdraw your post after Avatar's hammer, seconds in-between the hammer and your withdraw of your vote. Which tells me you most likely did not know Mani had been hammered when Avatar did so.

I know you play in the past, and that is not something to slam you with, it is just anti-town, or very anti-town IMO. But you know I still love ya, :smiliehug: even if I find you suspicious for playing in that manner and still do- something I believed you to be using this game to play scummy and get away with it. :eek:

I don't think Avatar is "resentful" about your "almost spoiling his glee", I think Avatar is highlighting it to take suspicion off of him and redirect it to you. So, the question is, are you town and finally saw your past vengeance hurts us as town, or is Avatar trying to bus one of his own? :eek::eek:

I think your candor about the Mani situation and your vote withdraw might make me lean more town - for now.
CaféAuLait;9521603 said:
I think I missed that, do you have a post number Avatar re changing vote after hammer?

Keeping my vote on Rosie was nothing. She is still on my FOS/HOS list. I did not have a chance to change my vote. I came back to the game and you had @@ me but the game was closed because a lynch had occurred.

The Mani vote and wagon started after I left the game ( IIRC there was only one vote for him when I left, there may have been two) and Mertex was trying to get a wagon on you somewhere around that time too when I had several RL things to do.

I was gone for about 7-8 hours IIRC. When I returned I saw the @@ from you and also saw the thread closed. I assumed FA or Mertex had been lynched before I opened the thread. I was shocked to see Mani was lynched and read and saw you pushing his wagon.

Which brings me to the my other FOS MeBelle jumping off the FA vote after he made the statement he was one of the top to be possibly lynched.

I will give you the post number: #486.

I am not ashamed ...I had doubt that I did the right thing and offered to get past my revenge vote and change it. Read it for yourself.

Avatar is just resentful that I almost spoiled his glee at hammering Mani but for a few seconds.

Maturity has never been Avatar's forte.

Regards from Rosie

Weird, cause I don't resent you at all. Nor did i take glee in hammering Mani. We needed to avoid a no lynch, he had made some suspicious moves, and then Aye went ahead and said whomever would be hammered would be number one suspect to be lynched today. At that point I didn't think anyone would have the guts to hammer him leaving us in a no lynch situation.

Not to mention I gave you well over an hour to switch your vote. Not to mention you could have changed your vote any time prior to me announcing my intent. Not to mention the mani wagon wouldn't have even taken off if you hadn't jumped on mani for the revenge vote to begin with and people hadn't jumped off the other wagons.

There is still a huge question you need to answer Rosie. Why did you vote for Mani when you thought he was innocent and not vote for FA who you thought was scum when he had more votes at the time?

I already answered that. As Scum, you don't have to read, do ya.

When MeBelle went UNVOTE, FA went to 3 votes and two others had 4. As I also correctly pointed out to R.D.

At that point, the ship had sailed to lynch FA. As I said at the time when asked.

If hammering Mani was no big deal to you, why did you alert Cafe with mentions?

You better NOT put me in a mention to come here and vote. I will consider it harassment.

Like I said, maturity is not your forte.

Regards from Rosie
The more I think about it, i am wondering if Rosie was trying to get the mani vote going and them jump off at the last minute with the hopes that someone else would add a 7th vote and mani would still get lynched just without her vote.

Of course, I may just be overanalyzing.

I don't buy it, it would bring too much attention to her if she really is scum- unless that is what she was counting on.

And why would she have to worry about getting the "Mani vote going" when it's obvious it was full bore ahead at 7 votes and only needed a hammer- which you so kindly supplied?
CaféAuLait;9521908 said:
CaféAuLait;9521603 said:
I think I missed that, do you have a post number Avatar re changing vote after hammer?

Keeping my vote on Rosie was nothing. She is still on my FOS/HOS list. I did not have a chance to change my vote. I came back to the game and you had @@ me but the game was closed because a lynch had occurred.

The Mani vote and wagon started after I left the game ( IIRC there was only one vote for him when I left, there may have been two) and Mertex was trying to get a wagon on you somewhere around that time too when I had several RL things to do.

I was gone for about 7-8 hours IIRC. When I returned I saw the @@ from you and also saw the thread closed. I assumed FA or Mertex had been lynched before I opened the thread. I was shocked to see Mani was lynched and read and saw you pushing his wagon.

Which brings me to the my other FOS MeBelle jumping off the FA vote after he made the statement he was one of the top to be possibly lynched.

I will give you the post number: #486.

I am not ashamed ...I had doubt that I did the right thing and offered to get past my revenge vote and change it. Read it for yourself.

Avatar is just resentful that I almost spoiled his glee at hammering Mani but for a few seconds.

Maturity has never been Avatar's forte.

Regards from Rosie

I just went back and read it is actually post 450 where you withdraw your post after Avatar's hammer, seconds in-between the hammer and your withdraw of your vote. Which tells me you most likely did not know Mani had been hammered when Avatar did so.

I know you play in the past, and that is not something to slam you with, it is just anti-town, or very anti-town IMO. But you know I still love ya, :smiliehug: even if I find you suspicious for playing in that manner and still do- something I believed you to be using this game to play scummy and get away with it. :eek:

I don't think Avatar is "resentful" about your "almost spoiling his glee", I think Avatar is highlighting it to take suspicion off of him and redirect it to you. So, the question is, are you town and finally saw your past vengeance hurts us as town, or is Avatar trying to bus one of his own? :eek::eek:

I think your candor about the Mani situation and your vote withdraw might make me lean more town - for now.

I seriously doubt anyone would bus me, seeing as I do not let it go. I gnaw on being bussed like a bone and do not forgive it.

Nor did I let Mani forget it. I made it too much of a hassle to try it again.

I am Town this time, and I play the way I play. I do not ask anyone to adopt my ways, and I will not play as anyone else tells me I should.

So that oughta be that.

Regards from Rosie
yeah I did @ you. To see where you'd go. Then Mebelle jumped off FA. And Aye jumped off Mertex when Rosie jumped on Mani putting him higher.

BTW Still FOS at Rosie for trying to jump ship after the hammer despite having plenty of advanced notice.

That doesn't make any sense. If Rosie was Scum, she wouldn't have even tried to jump off the ship on Mani, one Townie to Scum is as good as any. I think Scum know better than to make a move at the last minute that would draw attention to them, so that idea of yours doesn't fly. And besides, there was only one minute difference between your post and hers, hardly enough time to read, evaluate, make a decision and post.

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