Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

There was no wagon on me until you fingered me, then it took off like a bat outta hell.

Except I didn't lead a wagon. All I did was suggest that we seek a compromise from the three existing wagons.

Am I the only person who sees Avatar as leading my wagon?

I am really flattered that you see me as this all powerful person who can somehow create a wagon, while voting for someone else, and then convince people vote for it while waiting till the last possible second to join it.

I mean I know I can be persuasive in some instances, but even i don't believe my powers are this great.
Not properly -autoincorrect- but probably.

I am almost always second to the Dead Zone.

At least it will not be riding a bus.

Regards from Rosie
Scum would hammer Town. Scum does not say - oops, this is a mislynch going on here.,

I will properly be the NK anyway and it's too bad.

I tried, at least.

You know Avatar is the scum, Mani.....I have no doubt of it, too

Regards from Rosie

I feel like we've had a similar discussion in a previous game. Namely game 2. Can you remind me who was town and who was scum then?


Mani, if you are town, we'll be looking at those that led the way for you to be put outside.

Why do you seem to think you are immune from investigation if he flips town? I find the fact that you jumped in for the sixth vote when I said I was considering it and waiting for a vote count odd. And then you pronounced that we should suspect the person who hammers as scum immediately afterwards.

Don't think I am not keeping an aye on you.

What makes you think I'd assume I'm immune to anything in this game? I've never said I was, nor have I implied that I am. You waiting on a vote count has nothing to do with who or when I decide to vote for someone. I unvoted earlier in the day, saying I'd be looking at Mani's posts to see whether or not I should vote for him. I don't recall you saying that you'd specifically be the sixth voter either. I also never said we should suspect the one that hammers as being scum. I said this:

Avi, don't twist words around when it's easy for us to post what was actually said.
Scum would hammer Town. Scum does not say - oops, this is a mislynch going on here.,

I will properly be the NK anyway and it's too bad.

I tried, at least.

You know Avatar is the scum, Mani.....I have no doubt of it, too

Regards from Rosie

I feel like we've had a similar discussion in a previous game. Namely game 2. Can you remind me who was town and who was scum then?

What was the word you used? Delusional. We have had no such discussion before.

Regards from Rosie
Vote Count: 1.10

Manifold (LYNCH!): tn5421♂, Grandma♀, ScarletRage♀, RosieS♀, Mertex♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀, Avatar4321♂
Mertex (2): FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀
Avatar4321 (1): Manifold♂
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀

Not Voting (2): MeBelle60♀, R.D.♀

~ With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 7/26/14, @ 3pm central.

A majority vote has been reached!

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9
"Oh HELL no!," manifold screamed as the Town descended upon him.

"You've got me ALL WRONG," he pleaded, "I would NEVER be capable of clever deviousness! You've GOT to believe me!

The crowd was undeterred, hell-bent on lynching this clever little trickster. "Someone's got to die," they said, "and it may as well be you, 'cause you're clever."


Up high upon the gallows, manifold searched for the words it would take to get them to spare his life. "It's, no, seriously, it's not me. Look at THAT person! Look at that grin! The GRINNN!!! OH %#$@ NO—!!!"


Manifold, Vanilla Townie, has perished.


Night 2 begins.

Mason/Scum QT threads now open!

Please submit your Night Actions via PM.

Deadline ends 7/27/14, @ 4pm central time.
Last edited:

Late in the hazy darkness of Night, a scream pierced the sleepy silence.

ScarletRage, Vanilla Townie, has been murdered!

It is now Day 2.

With 11 alive, it take 6 to lynch!

Deadline expires 8/3/14, 4pm central.
So why kill scarlet? Did she piss off one of the scum? Is it because they didn't think they could lynch her? Because she is an experienced player? Or some other reason?
So why kill scarlet? Did she piss off one of the scum? Is it because they didn't think they could lynch her? Because she is an experienced player? Or some other reason?

Why don't you tell us, Avatar?
Scum ain't too bright this game. She went after Mani hard, she led the train. I have almost no doubt she would have been the next lynch. If they thought she was a mason they are nuts
Scum ain't too bright this game. She went after Mani hard, she led the train. I have almost no doubt she would have been the next lynch. If they thought she was a mason they are nuts

Why were you so sure she wasn't a mason? I didn't have an indication one way or another.

I don't know if she would have been the next lynch, but you are right, she did pretty much start the mani wagon. before she voted for him, there wasnt much look at mani.
Scum ain't too bright this game. She went after Mani hard, she led the train. I have almost no doubt she would have been the next lynch. If they thought she was a mason they are nuts

Why were you so sure she wasn't a mason? I didn't have an indication one way or another.

I don't know if she would have been the next lynch, but you are right, she did pretty much start the mani wagon. before she voted for him, there wasnt much look at mani.

No, she did not "start" the Mani wagon, she just voted along with others, YOU drove it, even if subtly.


That was fabulous Avatar, (snark) the show you put on was amazing, so much so, I felt badly for you, as if everyone was piling on you, and I pointed out some misstatements.

Post 334 Avatar asks will it be one of the top three who will be lynched as points out the time constraints, (vote 1.7) Manifold had 3 votes, while FA had 4 and Mertex had 4.

FA_Q2 (4): Manifold♂, MeBelle60♀, R.D.♀, Mertex♀
Mertex (4): Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀
Manifold (3): tn5421♂, Grandma♀,ScarletRage♀

FA pops in and says well it will probably be “one of us three”, meaning the top three up for lynch. Post 335.

Then the vote starts to change to Mani.

Avatar asks SR why she voted Mani and she said it was a PL, Avatar agrees with SR and says Mani isn’t speaking “townish”. 340

Mertex asks how many are willing to switch to Avatar, she and he have been arguing for a lot of the game. 341, but then votes for Mani in post 411, she says it is because there was not much response to vote for Avatar, and there was not. Grandma kinda redirected her going for Avatar, wondering if Mertex could get 6 to change their votes.

Avatar announces he is considering changing his vote to Mani, still pushing the wagon, ever so inconceivably. 416

There is more...

Avatar is scum IMO.

MeBelle (for her removal of her vote for FA when he could have been lynched)

VOTE: Avatar
SR lynch IMO.

1.She told everyone to stop claiming they were VT, thereby exposing possible Masons. Scum may have assumed she was a Mason for pointing that out. She also kept asking people “will you be my mason” (I had no clue what she meant there) bringing even more attention to the mason aspect of the game.

2.Scum also picked her IMO because she would not have given them up. She was a bit quiet and did not have too many opinions on who scum was. Except she was after Grandma- and if I recall Avatar in one post, I may have misremembered that, there may have been a few more I missed, feel free to add.

We can go back to see who she was suspicious of but the way I read scum QTs they are not going to lynch the person who they may think will point to them, or the most outspoken against them- they will pick someone who is a bit quieter, SR is outspoken but did not have too many opinions on who was scum, unless I missed it. I am thinking Scum thought she may be a mason because of the comments above. Or she may have noted something which I totally missed. This is a hasty response, I may have missed a lot.
Yeah, Avatar is Scum.

Someone asked me how I know Mertex is not Scum. She reacted as strongly, and as irritably, to the notion of being Scum just because she was in the prior game.

I felt the exact same irritability and frustration of being suspect just for being Scum in game #2.

The reaction is so honest that Mertex is not Scum this time.

But Avatar's diverting of suspicion to everyone but Avatar is telling. He offers no explanation for his contradictions, just saying that everyone has no proof.

Yeah, right.

Vote: Avatar

Regards from Rosie

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