Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

You mistyped when.

No, but whoever hammers you will be torn to pieces on Day 2 if you're found out to be town. Will it be Avi, as he claimed he'd switch to vote for you, or not?

So whomever hammers mani is scum if he is town. odd statement considering I wouldn't have been the possible hammer if you hadn't jumped on the wagon while I was waiting for a vote count.

No, it does not mean that person is scum. It does mean that the person that hammers him will be questioned by all us townies come Day 2, as has happened in past games.
VOTE: Manifold

If Mani is lynched and flips town, I'll be looking very closely at Avi come Day 2.

based on what exactly? I haven't told a person to vote for mani. In fact, we'd have a much better case for a mertex wagon if you hadn't jumped off it.

How so, in your opinion?

Until you jumped off both mani and mertex had the same amount of votes. You pushed the mani vote count up. We could have persuaded people either way, at this point mani is the only likely lynch.
Mertex would have had 4 votes if I stayed on her, and Mani had 5 at that point. My vote put him at 6. They did not have the same amount of votes.
Hmmmm, Rosie falsely claims FA ship has sailed after Mebellle bails then mani then jumps to a vote that's pretty much useless.

This game is very weird.

And it's completely demonstrating that us townies aren't very good at unifying. I say that because I find it unlikely that everyone who is involved in the craziness that's going on is scum.

Means I am going to rethink things in day two if I survive tonight.
I'm declaring my intent to vote for mani. If anyone has reasons why I shouldn't let me know.

You guys are going to question me anyway. I've got nothing to hide because I'm not scum.

I'm leaving work in about an hour or so. I'll hammer before I leave if there are no objections
Well, I still think we should be lynching Mertex – she seems the scummiest to me and the only real logic for voting mani is that he is not posting much – something that I think is a standard for him. A lynch for mani is better than a no lunch though so I don’t have any objections. I will likely be away until after the hammer but I might be able to monitor the thread on my phone.
Vote Count: 1.9

Manifold (L-1): tn5421♂, Grandma♀, ScarletRage♀, RosieS♀, Mertex♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀
Mertex (3): Avatar4321♂, FA_Q2♂, Shaitra♀,
Avatar4321 (1): Manifold♂
RosieS (1): CafeAuLait♀

Not Voting (2): MeBelle60♀,R.D.♀

~ With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 7/26/14, @ 3pm central.

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8
Of the top 3 vote-getters Mani's still my #1 scum bet, then you, with FA a distant third.

So if I change my vote tomorrow evening it will be to you, Mertex.

That's a losing bet.

They usually are when there is no substantiation.

Mani just wants to be the vig ;)

^^^Starting to feel sad for FAQ2^^^


Wow, MeBelle, that is such a scummy move.

Scum sometimes vote for their own in the hopes that it will be noticed that they are not associated with that person and that nobody else will vote for that person. The fact that FA is in danger of being lynched would cause Scum to worry....and removing their vote is a likely thing they would do.

You don't remove your vote because you are feeling sorry for someone you thought was Scum....sorry, I'm not buying that.

I hope others are able to see your scummy move.

I think you may have a point about mebelle. She hasn't added much content either.

I should have elaborated. NOT elaborating doesn't make me scum.

I pulled my vote because I didn't see where FAQ was defending himself much.

The lack of defence, plus his drooling all over SR, is what made me feel sad for him.

I'm declaring my intent to vote for mani. If anyone has reasons why I shouldn't let me know.

You guys are going to question me anyway. I've got nothing to hide because I'm not scum.

I'm leaving work in about an hour or so. I'll hammer before I leave if there are no objections

No objection...I ain't hammering this time.

Every time I hammer I have to face a sh!tstorm after.
Dammit....everything Mani posted about Avatar is true.

Gotta back off. I have a conscience, ya know.

Close enuff Manifold. I will call it even without being part of a mislynch

Vote: Avatar.

Now don't ride my butt......if you wanna lynch Mani he is at L-2 without me.

Win condition is voting for scum. Avatar is scum this time.

Regards from Rosie
Dammit....everything Mani posted about Avatar is true.

Gotta back off. I have a conscience, ya know.

Close enuff Manifold. I will call it even without being part of a mislynch

Vote: Avatar.

Now don't ride my butt......if you wanna lynch Mani he is at L-2 without me.

Win condition is voting for scum. Avatar is scum this time.

Regards from Rosie

Rosie, Avi's vote hammered Mani. You changing your vote changes nothing where the lynch is concerned. It was too late.
Just highlight something before nightfall, why has no one called out my lack of content other than to say Mani is not posting content and reaction fishing?

It's hammered now, so naught can be done but damn... I'm getting a sense of being labeled as town for breathing.
Dammit....everything Mani posted about Avatar is true.

Gotta back off. I have a conscience, ya know.

Close enuff Manifold. I will call it even without being part of a mislynch

Vote: Avatar.

Now don't ride my butt......if you wanna lynch Mani he is at L-2 without me.

Win condition is voting for scum. Avatar is scum this time.

Regards from Rosie

so you wait till after I hammer?
Dammit....everything Mani posted about Avatar is true.

Gotta back off. I have a conscience, ya know.

Close enuff Manifold. I will call it even without being part of a mislynch

Vote: Avatar.

Now don't ride my butt......if you wanna lynch Mani he is at L-2 without me.

Win condition is voting for scum. Avatar is scum this time.

Regards from Rosie

so you wait till after I hammer?

It's clear you two were typing at the same time and posted within seconds of eachother :eusa_hand:
Dammit....everything Mani posted about Avatar is true.

Gotta back off. I have a conscience, ya know.

Close enuff Manifold. I will call it even without being part of a mislynch

Vote: Avatar.

Now don't ride my butt......if you wanna lynch Mani he is at L-2 without me.

Win condition is voting for scum. Avatar is scum this time.

Regards from Rosie

so you wait till after I hammer?

I caught that too, Avi. There wasn't just one or two posts in between the vote count Wake put up, but several - enough to make me wonder if Rosie even read the posts or paid attention to what was going on.
Dammit....everything Mani posted about Avatar is true.

Gotta back off. I have a conscience, ya know.

Close enuff Manifold. I will call it even without being part of a mislynch

Vote: Avatar.

Now don't ride my butt......if you wanna lynch Mani he is at L-2 without me.

Win condition is voting for scum. Avatar is scum this time.

Regards from Rosie

so you wait till after I hammer?

It's clear you two were typing at the same time and posted within seconds of eachother :eusa_hand:

Maybe. maybe not. it's a minutes difference.

I did give her over an hour to do it.
Well, I still think we should be lynching Mertex – she seems the scummiest to me and the only real logic for voting mani is that he is not posting much – something that I think is a standard for him. A lynch for mani is better than a no lunch though so I don’t have any objections. I will likely be away until after the hammer but I might be able to monitor the thread on my phone.

Yeah, well I think we should be lynching you. The fact that you and AVi have been like siamese twins sure doesn't ring Town. And I noticed you waited until the last hour to make your scummy is that?
BTW Rosie, mani is telling the truth about me convincing you to vote for him? How exactly did I do that?
Well, I still think we should be lynching Mertex – she seems the scummiest to me and the only real logic for voting mani is that he is not posting much – something that I think is a standard for him. A lynch for mani is better than a no lunch though so I don’t have any objections. I will likely be away until after the hammer but I might be able to monitor the thread on my phone.

Yeah, well I think we should be lynching you. The fact that you and AVi have been like siamese twins sure doesn't ring Town. And I noticed you waited until the last hour to make your scummy is that?

Siamese twins? seriously?

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