Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

Grandma, I know one of the reasons I feel FA is scummy is the way he popped in at the beginning of today (game day) when Avatar had been ran up to L-1 and exclaimed that he hadn't even had time to post yet. The next two posts were about Avatar being scummy. Sheep much anyone? Then he disappeared again. I even posted that it seemed weird that FA would post like that and disappear.

He's not the only one that's done that, though. Popped in and out with not much to say, I mean.

It doesn't compare to the havoc the 3 heads are wreaking. However, like I said, I think only 2 of them are scum and one is a misguided (anti) Town. So yeah, they have to have a partner somewhere. I don't think it's FA, and I'm beginning to think it's not Avi, so who is it? I dunno. Yet.

Yes, I agree he isn't the only one that has done it. And I also agree that it does appear that some people are working together, whether they are or not.

I'm not convinced that either you or Avatar are scum. But I will vote for either of you if that is the only way to avoid a no lynch.

I'm certainly not crazy about the idea of a no lynch. But nothing can be learned by lynching Town.

I read through the posts re: Mani's lynch and they're ridiculous. 7 people voted for Mani, and everyone analyzing the lynch assumes as fact that at least one, if not all 3 Scum voted for him. They offer no evidence that Scum was involved, they ignore that 6 people didn't vote for Mani.

Did anyone analyze Scarlet's NK? No. A few came up with ideas that eventually were passed along as fact, but NO ONE looked at other players' interactions with her.

In other words, they manipulated what little info there was to suit their own viewpoint - or their own storyline.

If a Townie is lynched (and surely one will be NK'd) this day, the exact same thing will happen on Day 3. We will be just as confused as ever, while the loudest players try to out yell each other.


Look at what reasons were given by the voters that lynched Mani.

Look at what reasons were given by those that didn't vote for Mani.

Study how each player interacted with Scarlet.

Study how the players interact with each other.

Then each of you decide who YOU think is the scummiest and vote for that person - and give your reason(s) for doing it in one or two paragraphs.

By tomorrow afternoon we should have a good short list. Those on it can offer defense, and votes can be changed accordingly once or twice.

We're less than 48 hours away from the deadline, but there's plenty of time for everyone to do that. We're far more likely to get Scum that way, and if we fail, at least we'll have some real info to work with.
Grandma, I know one of the reasons I feel FA is scummy is the way he popped in at the beginning of today (game day) when Avatar had been ran up to L-1 and exclaimed that he hadn't even had time to post yet. The next two posts were about Avatar being scummy. Sheep much anyone? Then he disappeared again. I even posted that it seemed weird that FA would post like that and disappear.
I thought, and still do, that avatar is scummy but that didn't mean I wanted a lynch 2 days into the week. I am in and out because I am in CA for vacation for several weeks. I can't always post. I am responding to this on my phone as a matter of fact.

As far as this problem rosie seems to have, she has been after me for because of a perceived slight last game. She is angry after I called her BS out last game. I guess that she didn't like being called out after insulting me and acting superior to everyone else. Contrary to her comments, I certainly never backstabbed her or ever been two faced. I had not commented on this and will not comment on it again because drama, in fighting, and grudges only serves to hurt town.

As much as I see rosie playing anti town it is her MO and I belive she is town.

Uh huh. BS and insulting and "acting superior". But FA doesn't believe in bringing the drama or infighting. Riiiiight.

Ask him and he'll tell you he doesn't gossip, either, but Grandma came flying in like a Valkyrie out of nowhere concerning defending him. When nothing was going on concerning FA!

FA would have you believe he doesn't backstab or act two-faced.

Based on this post - see how truthful he ain't.

If I have something to say, I will say it openly. And I don't have others come fight my battles.

Especially when no battle is currently under way.

Such a liar needs lynching! I found out how he is on being stuck in a neighborhood with him.

The rest of you will no doubt get your dose of his narcissistic lies about you and others in due course. Today me - you next.

Lynch All Liars.

Regards from Rosie

Exactly what IN THIS GAME has FA done that indicates he's scum?

As yet, you haven't given any evidence whatsoever.

Read my previous post.
What makes you think I don't already have my vote on the person I think is scummiest?

And I disagree. We can learn quite a bit when town lynches town. It's not our goal to lynch town but it does allow us to see who is voting for who and who is not voting.

The scum are Trying to hide who they are. The speed of wagons, the way they jump to different wagons, the way they jump off all tells us things.
I thought, and still do, that avatar is scummy but that didn't mean I wanted a lynch 2 days into the week. I am in and out because I am in CA for vacation for several weeks. I can't always post. I am responding to this on my phone as a matter of fact.

As far as this problem rosie seems to have, she has been after me for because of a perceived slight last game. She is angry after I called her BS out last game. I guess that she didn't like being called out after insulting me and acting superior to everyone else. Contrary to her comments, I certainly never backstabbed her or ever been two faced. I had not commented on this and will not comment on it again because drama, in fighting, and grudges only serves to hurt town.

As much as I see rosie playing anti town it is her MO and I belive she is town.

Uh huh. BS and insulting and "acting superior". But FA doesn't believe in bringing the drama or infighting. Riiiiight.

Ask him and he'll tell you he doesn't gossip, either, but Grandma came flying in like a Valkyrie out of nowhere concerning defending him. When nothing was going on concerning FA!

FA would have you believe he doesn't backstab or act two-faced.

Based on this post - see how truthful he ain't.

If I have something to say, I will say it openly. And I don't have others come fight my battles.

Especially when no battle is currently under way.

Such a liar needs lynching! I found out how he is on being stuck in a neighborhood with him.

The rest of you will no doubt get your dose of his narcissistic lies about you and others in due course. Today me - you next.

Lynch All Liars.

Regards from Rosie

Exactly what IN THIS GAME has FA done that indicates he's scum?

As yet, you haven't given any evidence whatsoever.

Read my previous post.

I have said it before. You are being a hypocrite when criticizing TN for lack of content when FA provides exactly nothing. Only complaining about Avatar and only copying what others said about Avatar.

All air and sugar and calories but no nutrition. I said exactly this b4. I am saying it again for your benefit so you can drop the pretense that I have no reason. More reason than you now have against TN to be sure....for the same exact things.

That phoning it in is what Scum do. TN did just this exactly Game 2.

My reason for voting for Mani was spelled out. I have next to no interaction with Scarlet. She plays her way and I mine.

Scummy most to least:


Regards from Rosie
Avi, what did we learn from Day 1?

Not a goddamned thing, that's what.

Doing the identical thing on Day 2 won't help at all. It will hurt Town.

Rosie, you're stubbornness isn't helping.

Who NK'd Scarlet?

How many Scum voted for Mani?
Avi, what did we learn from Day 1?

Not a goddamned thing, that's what.

Doing the identical thing on Day 2 won't help at all. It will hurt Town.


I learned quite a bit from day one. Mostly about myself. I think this has been the best game so far.

May I suggest you pick one person and not jump around so much. It's hard to take you seriously when you change your votes every few posts.
Rosie, you're stubbornness isn't helping.

Who NK'd Scarlet?

How many Scum voted for Mani?

I don't know who killed Scarlet! She gets killed early same as I do - strong playing!

At least two of three Scum took out Mani. That is just the statistics for 13 players. If it was only one, than one Scum is really really paranoid.

Regards from Rosie
Grandma, I know one of the reasons I feel FA is scummy is the way he popped in at the beginning of today (game day) when Avatar had been ran up to L-1 and exclaimed that he hadn't even had time to post yet. The next two posts were about Avatar being scummy. Sheep much anyone? Then he disappeared again. I even posted that it seemed weird that FA would post like that and disappear.

It's funny, I saw those post and I thought the opposite, he actually slowed Avatar's wagon with his posts, and that added to my suspicion of FA. FA stated (in post 666 ironically), the wagon was going too fast and was not good for town. But did follow up with his reason why he thought Avatar was scummy. I thought it was weird too, but FOR avatar not against him.

With that said, I have had FA on my scum list for sometime now. I am not sure what, aside from his seemingly different posting style he is scum this time. However, with that said, my vote is still on Avatar.

Avatar and the reasons he has given for changing his posts come off scummy to me, us to Avatar: "Hey Avatar you are scum". Avatar: "Oh okay duly noted, Ill change up how I post". He has posted other games and has never come off so confrontational before. as he did Day1 and a tiny bit into Day 2. He has always offered reasoned posts along with logic, basically how he has been posting the last 3-4 pages. The last thing that got to me was his claiming he did not lead the Mani wagon when he did indeed.
Rosie, you're stubbornness isn't helping.

Who NK'd Scarlet?

How many Scum voted for Mani?

( emphasis added)

The Mani vote is what got to me about Avatar, there were two up for lynch, Mertex and FA, with 4 votes a piece.

07-25-2014, 11:44 AM Mani had a total of 3 votes (VC 1.8.) Mertex and FA still with 4 a piece.

07-25-2014, 12:15 PM Avatar Hammered.

Avatar started pushing for Mani even if subtly mention him over and over. Votes started moving and dropping in the next 10 hours and about 20 hours in Mani was at L-2, then L-1. For several days the vote had been stalled at 4 and 4.

I was shocked when I came back and saw the thread locked, a lynching and mentions from Avatar to pick someone to vote for- the shocking part was how quick it had happened. Mani was not even on the radar really, until something like 20 -23hours before his lynch.

As far as the SR vote, I believe I commented on it. she kept mention masons and I believe scum took a note to such and she even warned us all after I said I was VT that we would out masons to scum. Her experience is most likely something else which may have scared scum. I also think one of her goals was to teach us. She was throwing votes out there then explaining why she did such, she was asking us to think about things and try to reason out why we were doing what we were.
Sorry the first time stamp above should be 07-24-2014, 06:21 PM. I put the wrong timesamp up.
Again people need to ask themselves why both FA and Grandma are popping up as Whack-a-Moles as to FA when FA was not even being voted for - especially by me! Why should I have to deal with Moles popping up (and FA has againdisappeared since) when I am playing Town and was working with everyone else about lynching Avatar?

Narcissistic much, FA?

Seriously - other than Grandma, who gave a flying fig about FA? I had other Town things I was doing. Grandma cared about fellow Scum and defended him for no particular reason at all.

Remember, my votes went to Mani and Avatar only.

Nobody is gonna bus me again in any game without serious repercussions. Everyone ought to understand fully by now that in the future, don't even THINK of bussing me.

It will not be worth it.

Future tense.

Regards from Rosie

You've been obsessed with FA all along. MeBelle took a lot of shit for taking her vote off him on Day 1. I asked why you guys thought he was scummy and you still refuse to answer. And since I started asking, the 3-headed monster has labeled me as scum.

You guys have a severe hard-on for him, and for any Townie that wants to work with him.

Maybe that's just your way of dividing Town.

I answered. I called FA cotton candy. Shaitra thanked that post. 're-read and quit distracting.

When it comes to saying I did not answer, you do not know why you are talking about.

And YOU are in danger of lynching, so why are you insisting on discussing FA? Mr. Narcissistic isn't even here. You are wasting my time.

I know best of all what bussing is since I am the only one who ever HAS been bussed.

I really don't care if people don't like my revenge over being bussed. Mani has been lynched.
If dblack comes back I will revenge lynch him, too.

I have no problem, never have had, with TN. You again don't know what you are talking about.

I cannot be bussed in this game. I dang well never ever will be, again. Period.

Are we thru with Grandma's desperate distractions, yet?

Let's be, already.

Regards from Rosie

And this is exactly why I say you are playing and do play anti-town. Past game behavior should NOT influence voting this time.
Good evening guys. I'll have a VC up in a minute. Got called in this morning to work a straight shift until Monday morning; haven't had the time to even look at a computer. My laptop just went completely dead, so my client's family graciously allowed me to use their computer. Sorry for any inconveniences. Will aim to have at least one VC per day during this work period. :)
CaféAuLait;9552988 said:
You've been obsessed with FA all along. MeBelle took a lot of shit for taking her vote off him on Day 1. I asked why you guys thought he was scummy and you still refuse to answer. And since I started asking, the 3-headed monster has labeled me as scum.

You guys have a severe hard-on for him, and for any Townie that wants to work with him.

Maybe that's just your way of dividing Town.

I answered. I called FA cotton candy. Shaitra thanked that post. 're-read and quit distracting.

When it comes to saying I did not answer, you do not know why you are talking about.

And YOU are in danger of lynching, so why are you insisting on discussing FA? Mr. Narcissistic isn't even here. You are wasting my time.

I know best of all what bussing is since I am the only one who ever HAS been bussed.

I really don't care if people don't like my revenge over being bussed. Mani has been lynched.
If dblack comes back I will revenge lynch him, too.

I have no problem, never have had, with TN. You again don't know what you are talking about.

I cannot be bussed in this game. I dang well never ever will be, again. Period.

Are we thru with Grandma's desperate distractions, yet?

Let's be, already.

Regards from Rosie

And this is exactly why I say you are playing and do play anti-town. Past game behavior should NOT influence voting this time.

Too bad. Policy lynches are legit. Complaining does nothing but waste photons. Again.

Regards from Rosie
Vote Count: 2.6

Avatar4321 (3): CafeAuLait♀, tn5421♂, FA_Q2♂
Grandma (4): Mertex♀, Avatar4321♂, RosieS♀, R.D.♀

Not Voting (4): AyeCantSeeYou♀, MeBelle60♀, Grandma♀, Shaitra♀

~ With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/3/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Aye, take as much time as you want with your son. :smiliehug:

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5
Last edited:
CaféAuLait;9552988 said:
I answered. I called FA cotton candy. Shaitra thanked that post. 're-read and quit distracting.

When it comes to saying I did not answer, you do not know why you are talking about.

And YOU are in danger of lynching, so why are you insisting on discussing FA? Mr. Narcissistic isn't even here. You are wasting my time.

I know best of all what bussing is since I am the only one who ever HAS been bussed.

I really don't care if people don't like my revenge over being bussed. Mani has been lynched.
If dblack comes back I will revenge lynch him, too.

I have no problem, never have had, with TN. You again don't know what you are talking about.

I cannot be bussed in this game. I dang well never ever will be, again. Period.

Are we thru with Grandma's desperate distractions, yet?

Let's be, already.

Regards from Rosie

And this is exactly why I say you are playing and do play anti-town. Past game behavior should NOT influence voting this time.

Too bad. Policy lynches are legit. Complaining does nothing but waste photons. Again.

Regards from Rosie

I think you have it confused what a policy lynch is. A policy lynch is not getting revenge for past game play.

This is one reason you read scummy to me one of my last reads. It does nothing but hurt us if you are playing in the past.
Rosie, you're stubbornness isn't helping.

Who NK'd Scarlet?

How many Scum voted for Mani?

I don't know who killed Scarlet! She gets killed early same as I do - strong playing!

At least two of three Scum took out Mani. That is just the statistics for 13 players. If it was only one, than one Scum is really really paranoid.

Regards from Rosie

No. You can't go by statistics. You must go by the actual, real facts. 6 people did not vote for Mani. It's entirely possible that all 3 Scum didn't vote for him.

The votes need to be analyzed carefully, not brushed away without a second thought, as statistics.

Re: Post 871, I'm not asking for reasons why Scarlet was NK'd. Only Scum know why. What I want is the names of the scum that killed her based on the players' interactions with her on Day 1.

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