Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

I missed that TN had already voted for Avatar. Right now either way we go with the two current wagons should yield some good information for town. I'm suspicious of both Avatar and Grandma. I don't think they are both scum, but I feel one of them is.

I don't know if grandma is scum. I know that I am not scum though. And she's been acting different this game. I don't know if it's because she isn't feeling good as she claims or because she is scum.

I honestly didn't expect the grandma wagon to take off when I voted for her. I was at L1 and I didn't want to not vote if I got lynched. I was suspecting grandma. I wanted my vote on record in case I was lynched.

If she isn't scum, the scum this game are doing a pretty good job at distracting us all and hiding.

Being sick did affect my game. I'm getting over it, so I'm more alert and far less of a bitch today. I'm sorry about that '57 Chevy comment.

You're still on the list, but you're down to #4. I just can't decide which of the other 3 is the scummiest, they're trying so hard to outdo each other.
Again people need to ask themselves why both FA and Grandma are popping up as Whack-a-Moles as to FA when FA was not even being voted for - especially by me! Why should I have to deal with Moles popping up (and FA has againdisappeared since) when I am playing Town and was working with everyone else about lynching Avatar?

Narcissistic much, FA?

Seriously - other than Grandma, who gave a flying fig about FA? I had other Town things I was doing. Grandma cared about fellow Scum and defended him for no particular reason at all.

Remember, my votes went to Mani and Avatar only.

Nobody is gonna bus me again in any game without serious repercussions. Everyone ought to understand fully by now that in the future, don't even THINK of bussing me.

It will not be worth it.

Future tense.

Regards from Rosie
Rosie, i think a problem some people are having is you keep using bus. That's a term when scum throw a fellow scum under the bus. I was using it inappropriately before as well.

I think Rosie is town btw
Rosie, i think a problem some people are having is you keep using bus. That's a term when scum throw a fellow scum under the bus. I was using it inappropriately before as well.

I think Rosie is town btw

She knows exactly what bus means - in Game 2 TN and Mani bused her.
Again people need to ask themselves why both FA and Grandma are popping up as Whack-a-Moles as to FA when FA was not even being voted for - especially by me! Why should I have to deal with Moles popping up (and FA has againdisappeared since) when I am playing Town and was working with everyone else about lynching Avatar?

Narcissistic much, FA?

Seriously - other than Grandma, who gave a flying fig about FA? I had other Town things I was doing. Grandma cared about fellow Scum and defended him for no particular reason at all.

Remember, my votes went to Mani and Avatar only.

Nobody is gonna bus me again in any game without serious repercussions. Everyone ought to understand fully by now that in the future, don't even THINK of bussing me.

It will not be worth it.

Future tense.

Regards from Rosie

You've been obsessed with FA all along. MeBelle took a lot of shit for taking her vote off him on Day 1. I asked why you guys thought he was scummy and you still refuse to answer. And since I started asking, the 3-headed monster has labeled me as scum.

You guys have a severe hard-on for him, and for any Townie that wants to work with him.

Maybe that's just your way of dividing Town.
Grandma trying so hard to convince everyone about a three headed monster...then voting, and unvoting and voting and unvoting Avi, makes me think that the other two heads might just be town too.
Again people need to ask themselves why both FA and Grandma are popping up as Whack-a-Moles as to FA when FA was not even being voted for - especially by me! Why should I have to deal with Moles popping up (and FA has againdisappeared since) when I am playing Town and was working with everyone else about lynching Avatar?

Narcissistic much, FA?

Seriously - other than Grandma, who gave a flying fig about FA? I had other Town things I was doing. Grandma cared about fellow Scum and defended him for no particular reason at all.

Remember, my votes went to Mani and Avatar only.

Nobody is gonna bus me again in any game without serious repercussions. Everyone ought to understand fully by now that in the future, don't even THINK of bussing me.

It will not be worth it.

Future tense.

Regards from Rosie

You've been obsessed with FA all along. MeBelle took a lot of shit for taking her vote off him on Day 1. I asked why you guys thought he was scummy and you still refuse to answer. And since I started asking, the 3-headed monster has labeled me as scum.

You guys have a severe hard-on for him, and for any Townie that wants to work with him.

Maybe that's just your way of dividing Town.

I answered. I called FA cotton candy. Shaitra thanked that post. 're-read and quit distracting.

When it comes to saying I did not answer, you do not know why you are talking about.

And YOU are in danger of lynching, so why are you insisting on discussing FA? Mr. Narcissistic isn't even here. You are wasting my time.

I know best of all what bussing is since I am the only one who ever HAS been bussed.

I really don't care if people don't like my revenge over being bussed. Mani has been lynched.
If dblack comes back I will revenge lynch him, too.

I have no problem, never have had, with TN. You again don't know what you are talking about.

I cannot be bussed in this game. I dang well never ever will be, again. Period.

Are we thru with Grandma's desperate distractions, yet?

Let's be, already.

Regards from Rosie
Grandma, I know one of the reasons I feel FA is scummy is the way he popped in at the beginning of today (game day) when Avatar had been ran up to L-1 and exclaimed that he hadn't even had time to post yet. The next two posts were about Avatar being scummy. Sheep much anyone? Then he disappeared again. I even posted that it seemed weird that FA would post like that and disappear.
Oh, that's right, it was dblack and Mani that bused you. Don't know why I thought it was TN.

My apologies.
Grandma, I know one of the reasons I feel FA is scummy is the way he popped in at the beginning of today (game day) when Avatar had been ran up to L-1 and exclaimed that he hadn't even had time to post yet. The next two posts were about Avatar being scummy. Sheep much anyone? Then he disappeared again. I even posted that it seemed weird that FA would post like that and disappear.

He's not the only one that's done that, though. Popped in and out with not much to say, I mean.

It doesn't compare to the havoc the 3 heads are wreaking. However, like I said, I think only 2 of them are scum and one is a misguided (anti) Town. So yeah, they have to have a partner somewhere. I don't think it's FA, and I'm beginning to think it's not Avi, so who is it? I dunno. Yet.
Grandma, I know one of the reasons I feel FA is scummy is the way he popped in at the beginning of today (game day) when Avatar had been ran up to L-1 and exclaimed that he hadn't even had time to post yet. The next two posts were about Avatar being scummy. Sheep much anyone? Then he disappeared again. I even posted that it seemed weird that FA would post like that and disappear.

He's not the only one that's done that, though. Popped in and out with not much to say, I mean.

It doesn't compare to the havoc the 3 heads are wreaking. However, like I said, I think only 2 of them are scum and one is a misguided (anti) Town. So yeah, they have to have a partner somewhere. I don't think it's FA, and I'm beginning to think it's not Avi, so who is it? I dunno. Yet.

Yes, I agree he isn't the only one that has done it. And I also agree that it does appear that some people are working together, whether they are or not.

I'm not convinced that either you or Avatar are scum. But I will vote for either of you if that is the only way to avoid a no lynch.

I won't be on as much as the past week for a few days. I haven't seen my son in 3 years due to him being overseas with the Air Force. He walked in the door a few days ago and is home for 2 weeks, then back to his home base. I'll be reading and responding, so bear with me. I'll be staying up tonight to catch up on posts from the past couple of days, but will not respond to them all.
Yes, I agree he isn't the only one that has done it. And I also agree that it does appear that some people are working together, whether they are or not.

I'm not convinced that either you or Avatar are scum. But I will vote for either of you if that is the only way to avoid a no lynch.
Um, of course some are working together. We have scum, masons and then town.

Not the three Grandam keeps hinting at, thats a promise. The paranoia that there is more to it than that is nuts imo.

I won't be on as much as the past week for a few days. I haven't seen my son in 3 years due to him being overseas with the Air Force. He walked in the door a few days ago and is home for 2 weeks, then back to his home base. I'll be reading and responding, so bear with me. I'll be staying up tonight to catch up on posts from the past couple of days, but will not respond to them all.

Enjoy/savor your visit, Aye....two weeks can go by really fast.
Grandma, I know one of the reasons I feel FA is scummy is the way he popped in at the beginning of today (game day) when Avatar had been ran up to L-1 and exclaimed that he hadn't even had time to post yet. The next two posts were about Avatar being scummy. Sheep much anyone? Then he disappeared again. I even posted that it seemed weird that FA would post like that and disappear.
I thought, and still do, that avatar is scummy but that didn't mean I wanted a lynch 2 days into the week. I am in and out because I am in CA for vacation for several weeks. I can't always post. I am responding to this on my phone as a matter of fact.

As far as this problem rosie seems to have, she has been after me for because of a perceived slight last game. She is angry after I called her BS out last game. I guess that she didn't like being called out after insulting me and acting superior to everyone else. Contrary to her comments, I certainly never backstabbed her or ever been two faced. I had not commented on this and will not comment on it again because drama, in fighting, and grudges only serves to hurt town.

As much as I see rosie playing anti town it is her MO and I belive she is town.
Grandma, I know one of the reasons I feel FA is scummy is the way he popped in at the beginning of today (game day) when Avatar had been ran up to L-1 and exclaimed that he hadn't even had time to post yet. The next two posts were about Avatar being scummy. Sheep much anyone? Then he disappeared again. I even posted that it seemed weird that FA would post like that and disappear.

He's not the only one that's done that, though. Popped in and out with not much to say, I mean.

It doesn't compare to the havoc the 3 heads are wreaking. However, like I said, I think only 2 of them are scum and one is a misguided (anti) Town. So yeah, they have to have a partner somewhere. I don't think it's FA, and I'm beginning to think it's not Avi, so who is it? I dunno. Yet.

Yes, I agree he isn't the only one that has done it. And I also agree that it does appear that some people are working together, whether they are or not.

I'm not convinced that either you or Avatar are scum. But I will vote for either of you if that is the only way to avoid a no lynch.
We're not there yet though so if not them, who is your top pick?
Grandma, I know one of the reasons I feel FA is scummy is the way he popped in at the beginning of today (game day) when Avatar had been ran up to L-1 and exclaimed that he hadn't even had time to post yet. The next two posts were about Avatar being scummy. Sheep much anyone? Then he disappeared again. I even posted that it seemed weird that FA would post like that and disappear.
I thought, and still do, that avatar is scummy but that didn't mean I wanted a lynch 2 days into the week. I am in and out because I am in CA for vacation for several weeks. I can't always post. I am responding to this on my phone as a matter of fact.

As far as this problem rosie seems to have, she has been after me for because of a perceived slight last game. She is angry after I called her BS out last game. I guess that she didn't like being called out after insulting me and acting superior to everyone else. Contrary to her comments, I certainly never backstabbed her or ever been two faced. I had not commented on this and will not comment on it again because drama, in fighting, and grudges only serves to hurt town.

As much as I see rosie playing anti town it is her MO and I belive she is town.

Uh huh. BS and insulting and "acting superior". But FA doesn't believe in bringing the drama or infighting. Riiiiight.

Ask him and he'll tell you he doesn't gossip, either, but Grandma came flying in like a Valkyrie out of nowhere concerning defending him. When nothing was going on concerning FA!

FA would have you believe he doesn't backstab or act two-faced.

Based on this post - see how truthful he ain't.

If I have something to say, I will say it openly. And I don't have others come fight my battles.

Especially when no battle is currently under way.

Such a liar needs lynching! I found out how he is on being stuck in a neighborhood with him.

The rest of you will no doubt get your dose of his narcissistic lies about you and others in due course. Today me - you next.

Lynch All Liars.

Regards from Rosie

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