Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

R.D. is trying to spin out of her own tangled web. But I'll deal with that nonsense and her other 2 heads later.

vote: Avatar

Two other heads?

That would make 4 scum if your vote for Avatar is town friendly


You didn't read my big long list Part 3.

There are 4 people I'm looking at as scum. Only 3 can be scum. I'm guessing there are 2 scum and 2 anti-towns within that group.

Avi did say he's change his posting style - but that could go either way. Is he a Townie and he's seen the light, or is he scum and trying to fit in better?

Is the antagonism between him and the 3 heads real, or is it a scam?

He seems as scummy as the other 3, so I flipped a coin.

Funny the amount of shit I get when I vote for him - but everyone else can vote as they please. Except MeBelle.

3 heads? Not sure what you mean by that.
Nah Grandma. The shit you get is because of the shit you slung. Pretty simple, really.

Regards from Rosie

I gave 9 hours notice that I was going to vote for Avi. At that time there were only 3 votes on him.

I have to wonder, then, why the two that jumped line ahead of me (R.D. and Aye) didn't get any trouble for voting for him.
Two other heads?

That would make 4 scum if your vote for Avatar is town friendly


You didn't read my big long list Part 3.

There are 4 people I'm looking at as scum. Only 3 can be scum. I'm guessing there are 2 scum and 2 anti-towns within that group.

Avi did say he's change his posting style - but that could go either way. Is he a Townie and he's seen the light, or is he scum and trying to fit in better?

Is the antagonism between him and the 3 heads real, or is it a scam?

He seems as scummy as the other 3, so I flipped a coin.

Funny the amount of shit I get when I vote for him - but everyone else can vote as they please. Except MeBelle.

3 heads? Not sure what you mean by that.

Mertex, R.D., and Rosie. They're like Siamese triplets.
You didn't read my big long list Part 3.

There are 4 people I'm looking at as scum. Only 3 can be scum. I'm guessing there are 2 scum and 2 anti-towns within that group.

Avi did say he's change his posting style - but that could go either way. Is he a Townie and he's seen the light, or is he scum and trying to fit in better?

Is the antagonism between him and the 3 heads real, or is it a scam?

He seems as scummy as the other 3, so I flipped a coin.

Funny the amount of shit I get when I vote for him - but everyone else can vote as they please. Except MeBelle.

3 heads? Not sure what you mean by that.

Mertex, R.D., and Rosie. They're like Siamese triplets.

You're flailing, now. Show where we have been in synch any different than you, FA and MeBelle? I don't account for anyone but myself, unlike you, who jumps in to defend your partners in crime. You're Scum and you're fretting because the heat is on you, and once you are discovered, the rest will be easy and we can finally have a Town win.....:eusa_whistle:
The current (unofficial) vote count:

Avatar4321 (4): CafeAuLait, tn5421, FA_Q2, Grandma

Grandma (4): Mertex, Avatar4321, RosieS, R.D.

Not Voting (3): AyeCantSeeYou, MeBelle60, Shaitra

Notice who's voting for me.
3 heads? Not sure what you mean by that.

Mertex, R.D., and Rosie. They're like Siamese triplets.

You're flailing, now. Show where we have been in synch any different than you, FA and MeBelle? I don't account for anyone but myself, unlike you, who jumps in to defend your partners in crime. You're Scum and you're fretting because the heat is on you, and once you are discovered, the rest will be easy and we can finally have a Town win.....:eusa_whistle:

Instead of empty accusations, list the posts where the offenses occurred.

Oh wait, you can't. 'Cause they never happened.
The current (unofficial) vote count:

Avatar4321 (4): CafeAuLait, tn5421, FA_Q2, Grandma

Grandma (4): Mertex, Avatar4321, RosieS, R.D.

Not Voting (3): AyeCantSeeYou, MeBelle60, Shaitra

Notice who's voting for me.

And notice who is voting for and FA. And of course, MeBelle remains unattached, she thinks.....

She's probably in a quandary. If she votes for Avatar, it will be pretty obvious all the Scum are in synch. If she votes for you, she would be voting for one of her own....tsk, tsk....

How much does anyone want to bet she won't vote for anyone?

That will pretty much tell you what you want to know.
Mertex, R.D., and Rosie. They're like Siamese triplets.

You're flailing, now. Show where we have been in synch any different than you, FA and MeBelle? I don't account for anyone but myself, unlike you, who jumps in to defend your partners in crime. You're Scum and you're fretting because the heat is on you, and once you are discovered, the rest will be easy and we can finally have a Town win.....:eusa_whistle:

Instead of empty accusations, list the posts where the offenses occurred.

Oh wait, you can't. 'Cause they never happened.

I have already. Obviously you didn't read them, because you already know I'm Town and you're just fighting for self-preservation. After all, Scum only has three of loss can be fatal.
I missed that TN had already voted for Avatar. Right now either way we go with the two current wagons should yield some good information for town. I'm suspicious of both Avatar and Grandma. I don't think they are both scum, but I feel one of them is.
I lay out my cases against Avi, Mertex, R.D., and Rosie in posts 771, 772, and 773.

All of you can read them and decide for yourself.

So far the only rebuttal was from R.D., post 784.

All of you can read that too and decide for yourself.

I'd like to hear what everyone thinks.
R.D. is trying to spin out of her own tangled web. But I'll deal with that nonsense and her other 2 heads later.

vote: Avatar

Two other heads?

That would make 4 scum if your vote for Avatar is town friendly


You didn't read my big long list Part 3.

There are 4 people I'm looking at as scum. Only 3 can be scum. I'm guessing there are 2 scum and 2 anti-towns within that group.

Avi did say he's change his posting style - but that could go either way. Is he a Townie and he's seen the light, or is he scum and trying to fit in better?

Is the antagonism between him and the 3 heads real, or is it a scam?

He seems as scummy as the other 3, so I flipped a coin.

Funny the amount of shit I get when I vote for him - but everyone else can vote as they please. Except MeBelle.

Oh I read it. It was the one where you criticized me for my vote for FA with eenie meenie minie moe. I guesss flipping a coin is so much more reliable :rolleyes:
I lay out my cases against Avi, Mertex, R.D., and Rosie in posts 771, 772, and 773.

All of you can read them and decide for yourself.

So far the only rebuttal was from R.D., post 784.

All of you can read that too and decide for yourself.

I'd like to hear what everyone thinks.

Why are you so desperate, Grandma? If you were to be town, which you're not, you should be okay with being revealed as a Town and putting those you accuse in jeopardy, but, you're fighting for your life, because once we find out you are Scum, which is obvious, your team will fall apart.

It could be that Aye and MeBelle are the other two members of Grandma's Mafia team, and not FA as I thought. Neither is voting and they are both worried that either vote will put them at risk of being suspect. Vote Avatar and two scum are voting for same person, vote Grandma and they'll be voting against their win condition.

I think one of them will vote for Avatar.
I missed that TN had already voted for Avatar. Right now either way we go with the two current wagons should yield some good information for town. I'm suspicious of both Avatar and Grandma. I don't think they are both scum, but I feel one of them is.

I don't know if grandma is scum. I know that I am not scum though. And she's been acting different this game. I don't know if it's because she isn't feeling good as she claims or because she is scum.

I honestly didn't expect the grandma wagon to take off when I voted for her. I was at L1 and I didn't want to not vote if I got lynched. I was suspecting grandma. I wanted my vote on record in case I was lynched.

If she isn't scum, the scum this game are doing a pretty good job at distracting us all and hiding.
I lay out my cases against Avi, Mertex, R.D., and Rosie in posts 771, 772, and 773.

All of you can read them and decide for yourself.

So far the only rebuttal was from R.D., post 784.

All of you can read that too and decide for yourself.

I'd like to hear what everyone thinks.

Yup.That is where you revealed your gossip with FA.

I changed my vote from FA to Mani. Then voted Avatar after Mani was lynched.

I had nothing to do with FA all that time.

Literally HUNDREDS of posts later YOU come up with I am butthurt at FA and revenge voting.

And he pops in playing Mr. Above It All.. After an absence and still now absent.

By the vote count it is really obvious that Town does not think you are talking to each other in Mason QT..

Nope - Scum nite chat is where you got your FA gossip.

He backstabs and plays nicey nicey publically.

Eventually everyone will be subject to FA backstabs if he does not quit the game first.

Oops, Grandma - you revealed gossip and blew it!

Regards from Rosie
I lay out my cases against Avi, Mertex, R.D., and Rosie in posts 771, 772, and 773.

All of you can read them and decide for yourself.

So far the only rebuttal was from R.D., post 784.

All of you can read that too and decide for yourself.

I'd like to hear what everyone thinks.

Why are you so desperate, Grandma? If you were to be town, which you're not, you should be okay with being revealed as a Town and putting those you accuse in jeopardy, but, you're fighting for your life, because once we find out you are Scum, which is obvious, your team will fall apart.

It could be that Aye and MeBelle are the other two members of Grandma's Mafia team, and not FA as I thought. Neither is voting and they are both worried that either vote will put them at risk of being suspect. Vote Avatar and two scum are voting for same person, vote Grandma and they'll be voting against their win condition.

I think one of them will vote for Avatar.

Why won't you cite posts to back up your wackadoodle accusations?
I lay out my cases against Avi, Mertex, R.D., and Rosie in posts 771, 772, and 773.

All of you can read them and decide for yourself.

So far the only rebuttal was from R.D., post 784.

All of you can read that too and decide for yourself.

I'd like to hear what everyone thinks.

Why are you so desperate, Grandma? If you were to be town, which you're not, you should be okay with being revealed as a Town and putting those you accuse in jeopardy, but, you're fighting for your life, because once we find out you are Scum, which is obvious, your team will fall apart.

It could be that Aye and MeBelle are the other two members of Grandma's Mafia team, and not FA as I thought. Neither is voting and they are both worried that either vote will put them at risk of being suspect. Vote Avatar and two scum are voting for same person, vote Grandma and they'll be voting against their win condition.

I think one of them will vote for Avatar.

You may be right. But I have decided I am not going to guess who is going to vote for whom. Game 4 has been very weird in my opinion. Votes and alliances have shifted quite a bit throughout the game. I am not sure if the factions are clearly mason v scum or a mixture of town based factions.

I think I've learned more this particular game then all the previous ones.
I lay out my cases against Avi, Mertex, R.D., and Rosie in posts 771, 772, and 773.

All of you can read them and decide for yourself.

So far the only rebuttal was from R.D., post 784.

All of you can read that too and decide for yourself.

I'd like to hear what everyone thinks.

Yup.That is where you revealed your gossip with FA.

I changed my vote from FA to Mani. Then voted Avatar after Mani was lynched.

I had nothing to do with FA all that time.

Literally HUNDREDS of posts later YOU come up with I am butthurt at FA and revenge voting.

And he pops in playing Mr. Above It All.. After an absence and still now absent.

By the vote count it is really obvious that Town does not think you are talking to each other in Mason QT..

Nope - Scum nite chat is where you got your FA gossip.

He backstabs and plays nicey nicey publically.

Eventually everyone will be subject to FA backstabs if he does not quit the game first.

Oops, Grandma - you revealed gossip and blew it!

Regards from Rosie

What the fuck are you talking about?

You are butthurt over FA. You've been calling him slime since the game started, and calling him slime has been your only accusation for him. None of the heads can point out anything he did that was slimy. Or scummy.

And we aren't chatting offsite anywhere. VTs don't get QTs.

This is the third game in a row where you've accused others of talking offsite. The last 2 times you claimed players were cheating. And you were wrong. You're wrong about this game, too.
Rosie, I think your "gossip" accusation stems from your Moonglow slip:

CaféAuLait;9521908 said:
I will give you the post number: #486.

I am not ashamed ...I had doubt that I did the right thing and offered to get past my revenge vote and change it. Read it for yourself.

Avatar is just resentful that I almost spoiled his glee at hammering Mani but for a few seconds.

Maturity has never been Avatar's forte.

Regards from Rosie

I just went back and read it is actually post 450 where you withdraw your post after Avatar's hammer, seconds in-between the hammer and your withdraw of your vote. Which tells me you most likely did not know Mani had been hammered when Avatar did so.

I know you play in the past, and that is not something to slam you with, it is just anti-town, or very anti-town IMO. But you know I still love ya, :smiliehug: even if I find you suspicious for playing in that manner and still do- something I believed you to be using this game to play scummy and get away with it. :eek:

I don't think Avatar is "resentful" about your "almost spoiling his glee", I think Avatar is highlighting it to take suspicion off of him and redirect it to you. So, the question is, are you town and finally saw your past vengeance hurts us as town, or is Avatar trying to bus one of his own? :eek::eek:

I think your candor about the Mani situation and your vote withdraw might make me lean more town - for now.

I seriously doubt anyone would bus me, seeing as I do not let it go. I gnaw on being bussed like a bone and do not forgive it.

Nor did I let Mani forget it. I made it too much of a hassle to try it again.

I am Town this time, and I play the way I play. I do not ask anyone to adopt my ways, and I will not play as anyone else tells me I should.

So that oughta be that.

Regards from Rosie

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