Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

Rosie, your comment to Avatar about voting for Grandma first and adding txhat FA is her scum partner reads to me that you no longer believe Avatar is scum. Is that the case? If so, why?

Yes. I was the first one to unvote Avatar. I honestly believe he has had a 'come to Jesus' moment based on us dogpiling him and really will change his ways.

If it is an act, it is a very good one. But I don't think so.

I only uncovered Grandma tangential to FA's pretense of not being threatened by my being aware of his cutting me down after I was killed in our neighborhood game - so since Avatar and Mertex pegged Grandma earlier, I offer the option to vote their way first.

FA will not be changing HIS spots anytime soon, so I can wait.

Regards from Rosie
CaféAuLait;9542009 said:
Thats rather ironic coming from you rosie as you have not really put out much content yourself. You vote based entirely on previous slights from other games. Your vote pursuit to lynch me has been consistent for me this entire game based on the fact that you didn't like what I posted about your suspicions on game 3. Mani was another one of your revenge votes and we know how that turned out.

The bad part about this is that you are playing anti town but I actually think that you are town anyway. Revenge votes simply seem part of your MO and you don't seem to care if town is damaged because of it.

Oh well, I am going to try and lynch scum rather than focus on drama created by previous games and your need to get 'revenge.' I can only hope that the rest of town will see through your games.

Cafe could see in the neighborhood that you were Two-Faced. U wanna play Mr. Holier -Than-Thou now.

You are coming off as you are: Mr. Fake Ass.

Try not to gossip in front of Grandma any more. She repeats every tidbit she hears.

Avatar: I will switch to Grandma first, but FA is her Scum partner and needs lynching, too.

Regards from Rosie

Woah! Rosie, I never stated anything like that and did not think FA was "two-faced" I thought he may be scum, as none of us knew who to trust, please don't insert thoughts or words into my mouth.

I'm not even sure where that came from. You know I "heart" ya, but lets not let a game, (that's all this is) hurt us or hang onto the past.

So I gave you too much credit for discernment. I will try not to do that as to you ever again.

Have a nice day!

Regards from Rosie
Don't mess with Garlic Jr. /s

While i do recognize that he is immortal, he was beaten twice. once by a baby and again by the same youth a few years later. Not terribly worried about him;)

I am definitely going to have to do some reevaluating for future games if my natural town investigation attitude is creating a desire to lynch me in so many people.

I'll go through the posts later when i have more than two minutes to make sure there isnt anything else I'd like to respond to.
Grandma said:
Post 141 She thinks Aye or myself are possible scum on the TN wagon - even though I explained that mine was a RVS OMGUS vote over the reset. No idea how she figured Aye was Scum.

You're misrepresenting this. My reply was to a very pointed question and I made that clear
Post 240 - AFTER R.D. says RV votes are random and meaningless:
Avi and FA voted Metex with Shaitra and Grandma pointing to her as scum
At least one of those four are scum I think. With only two having votes so far ...
...and she votes for FA. (eenie, meenie, miney, moe...)

Shaitra asks her why R.D. thinks she's scum, R.D. says it's because the 4 of us are piling on Mertex. Shaitra points out that she didn't vote for Mertex. R.D. pretty much says that pointing a finger counts as piling on.?
My reasoning was self explanatory. I replied to Shaitra I never said she voted for Mertex, and the bolded above proves that.
Note - R.D. is defending Mertex AFTER raising hell with Avi for defending TN.
This is more distortion. Not voting for her is not defending her. I said I didn't know she wasn't scum and I still beleive Avi, one of the four who FOS her is scum
Post 324, R.D. has accused Avi of being inconsistent. Avi says " guys can't cite any inconsistencies..." and R.D. replies "Won't cite, not can't."

Why not?
Because at that point it was just going in the same circles. I already had, many times. So had others.
In Post 327 she says Avi will suffer greatly if FA is lynched. Later, when that sentence is attributed to Avi, she does not correct the mistake.

Nope that was still 324. And again you're misrepresenting what was said and wrong because I did try to defend the accusaton Avi was a liar for claiming he never said it in fact he did, and later got all pissy about my defense )
Post 350, Avi says he'd vote for FA if he were given good reason. R.D. claims she gave good reason (she hasn't) and refuses to link to it.
This is now just a replay from the beginning of your post
Post 381 R.D. says she isn't sure that Mertex isn't scum. So why go after FA for RV voting for Mertex?
Really? Again we covered this already in this post.
Posts 392 through 420 she tries to keep Rosie's vote on the FA wagon. Post 423 she notes that Mani left the FA wagon.
Simply untrue. I pointed out why Mani when she claimed to believed to be others scum

I think I only make 4 or 5 posts in the 28 window you cited...hmmmmm
Post 436 R.D. unvotes, claiming it was to get away from the crazy.
What crazy? R.D. refuses to elaborate when asked.
Note that R.D. voted for no one in the final VC. Laying low?
Yes I did. Avatar asked me directly and I answered

This post of yours looks like you aren't paying attention, but I think you are. You're playing a lot like Avi, thats why you're suspicious to me.
I did ask R.D. why she voted for no one, she did answer. What you make of her answer is up to you all, but it was asked and answered.
With 24 hours left, you should have waited half of that to lynch. I believe that you knew rosie was about to unvote and therefore rushed to hammer.

Read through again, this is the only thing I feel I need to address. It seems like most of the other points have already been brought up by others which have been addressed.

In hindsight, I think should have waited to hammer mani. I was concerned about the possibility of a no lynch, but you are right, 12 hours wouldn't have hurt too much.

I had no clue Rosie was going to unvote. If I had, I would have waited and let her. I provided my intent to hammer over an hour before I did. It was precisely to give people time. Both mebelle and FA stated they had no objections. I saw no objections from anyone at the time I made my vote.

I'll have to keep this in mind for future games.
The lack of content and trying to skate by causes FA to stick out as Scum. Grandma defending that as "leaning Town" makes her a mere refusal to bus FA.

Grandma was so furious at TN. Now there is content and more content from TN but does Grandma then direct her fury at FA for the same reason? No....she is a hypocrite and EXCUSES the very same behavior because it is FA that does it.

That sure lets both Shaitra and Mertex off the hook and puts Grandma squarely on it for rejecting my perfectly valid reasoning why FA is Scum.

Vote: FA_Q2 Tut

When he flips Scum; Grandma is obvious Scum.

Regards from Rosie
Thats rather ironic coming from you rosie as you have not really put out much content yourself. You vote based entirely on previous slights from other games. Your vote pursuit to lynch me has been consistent for me this entire game based on the fact that you didn't like what I posted about your suspicions on game 3. Mani was another one of your revenge votes and we know how that turned out.

The bad part about this is that you are playing anti town but I actually think that you are town anyway. Revenge votes simply seem part of your MO and you don't seem to care if town is damaged because of it.

Oh well, I am going to try and lynch scum rather than focus on drama created by previous games and your need to get 'revenge.' I can only hope that the rest of town will see through your games.

Cafe could see in the neighborhood that you were Two-Faced. U wanna play Mr. Holier -Than-Thou now.

You are coming off as you are: Mr. Fake Ass.

Try not to gossip in front of Grandma any more. She repeats every tidbit she hears.

Avatar: I will switch to Grandma first, but FA is her Scum partner and needs lynching, too.

Regards from Rosie

Rosie, you don't need my permission to vote for whomever you want. I'm not currently voting for anyone at the moment because I want to reevaluate some things. And it also seemed only right to me that if some people are going to give me a second chance, I should give grandma a chance as well. Just vote for whomever you think is scum.

"Friends and enemies" seems to be an apt name for this game, because it seems that our friends and enemies are fluid this game.

My first red flag was her revenge vote on Mani. The minute's difference between

Avi's hammer and Rosie's vote change bothers me because she had 6 days to

change her mind.

This stuck out as I was reading, Grandma. Only because Rosie didn't have her vote on Mani all six days. She got off mani a while ago and was voting for me until we narrowed it down to the top three wagons. Then she got back on Mani. I believe that was actually earlier the morning of the hammer. Until Rosie got back on Mani had 3 votes: TN, you, and Scarlet. Rosie got on board, then mertex, then aye, and I hammered right before she tried to get off.

Not sure if you just missed that or what.
Thats rather ironic coming from you rosie as you have not really put out much content yourself. You vote based entirely on previous slights from other games. Your vote pursuit to lynch me has been consistent for me this entire game based on the fact that you didn't like what I posted about your suspicions on game 3. Mani was another one of your revenge votes and we know how that turned out.

The bad part about this is that you are playing anti town but I actually think that you are town anyway. Revenge votes simply seem part of your MO and you don't seem to care if town is damaged because of it.

Oh well, I am going to try and lynch scum rather than focus on drama created by previous games and your need to get 'revenge.' I can only hope that the rest of town will see through your games.

Cafe could see in the neighborhood that you were Two-Faced. U wanna play Mr. Holier -Than-Thou now.

You are coming off as you are: Mr. Fake Ass.

Try not to gossip in front of Grandma any more. She repeats every tidbit she hears.

Avatar: I will switch to Grandma first, but FA is her Scum partner and needs lynching, too.

Regards from Rosie

Rosie, you don't need my permission to vote for whomever you want. I'm not currently voting for anyone at the moment because I want to reevaluate some things. And it also seemed only right to me that if some people are going to give me a second chance, I should give grandma a chance as well. Just vote for whomever you think is scum.

"Friends and enemies" seems to be an apt name for this game, because it seems that our friends and enemies are fluid this game.

I offer the option because if you and Mertex think a Grandma wagon should be assembled first, I will.opt for it.

If Shaitra and Mertex opt for an FA wagon to rumble ahead first, I will go that way then.

I am attempting co-operative voting. Yeah, a political impossibility, but perhaps the Mafia game can have co-operative entities form and dissolve.

We are not used to that as political junkies, however.

Regards from Rosie
Vote Count: 2.4

Avatar4321 (4): CafeAuLait♀, R.D.♀, tn5421♂, FA_Q2♂
Grandma (1): Mertex♀
FA_Q2 (1): RosieS♀

Not Voting (5): Shaitra♀, AyeCantSeeYou♀, MeBelle60♀, Grandma♀, Avatar4321♂

~ With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/3/14, @ 4pm central.

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3
CaféAuLait;9539959 said:
As far as Avatar he says he realizes his "scum hunting" came off as scummy and announced his intent to change his posting style since he had over half of the players voting for him.

When has Avatar ever done anything like this?

This is his 4 or 5th game on this forum, he stated in game 3 game he was playing Mafia Scum on another forum as well. Avatar is not a newbie to this game, Avatar knows EXACTLY what he is doing and now he has changed things to apologizing, thanking people and being kind. So unlike anything I have ever seen from him.

Its weird, very weird and scummy IMO.

I wasn't sure whether I was going to respond to this, I've decided I will.

I do realize my scum hunting has come off as scummy and I announced I would change my posting style. You guys were ready to string me up a day into day 2. You guys did string me up day 1 in game 2. Being a townie, if I get strung up hunting scum, that's one less lynch we have to take down the scum. So if I kept pushing you guys and you guys lynched me, I would end up working against my win condition of eliminating all threats to the town.

Not to mention I've always lived by the philosophy that if everyone thinks you are doing something wrong, you may be doing something wrong. That's true in or out of the game. I would hardly be true to myself if I didn't notice something wrong and attempt to make the correction.

You guys may still lynch me. That is up to you guys. But lynching me is not going to help the town win at this point, so I had to make a decision. I could keep acting the way I did and guarantee the town mislynches me. Or I could attempt to make some changes and see if we can actually find some scum instead of wasting a lynch on me.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I thought I'd try to do something different and see if we could win.
Walls of information, perfect...NOT!
I'll bbl, I have a function to attend.

Behave y'all!!
CaféAuLait;9539959 said:
As far as Avatar he says he realizes his "scum hunting" came off as scummy and announced his intent to change his posting style since he had over half of the players voting for him.

When has Avatar ever done anything like this?

This is his 4 or 5th game on this forum, he stated in game 3 game he was playing Mafia Scum on another forum as well. Avatar is not a newbie to this game, Avatar knows EXACTLY what he is doing and now he has changed things to apologizing, thanking people and being kind. So unlike anything I have ever seen from him.

Its weird, very weird and scummy IMO.

I wasn't sure whether I was going to respond to this, I've decided I will.

I do realize my scum hunting has come off as scummy and I announced I would change my posting style. You guys were ready to string me up a day into day 2. You guys did string me up day 1 in game 2. Being a townie, if I get strung up hunting scum, that's one less lynch we have to take down the scum. So if I kept pushing you guys and you guys lynched me, I would end up working against my win condition of eliminating all threats to the town.

Not to mention I've always lived by the philosophy that if everyone thinks you are doing something wrong, you may be doing something wrong. That's true in or out of the game. I would hardly be true to myself if I didn't notice something wrong and attempt to make the correction.

You guys may still lynch me. That is up to you guys. But lynching me is not going to help the town win at this point, so I had to make a decision. I could keep acting the way I did and guarantee the town mislynches me. Or I could attempt to make some changes and see if we can actually find some scum instead of wasting a lynch on me.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I thought I'd try to do something different and see if we could win.

Game 2, I was not there and had nothing to do with your vote. I've read that game and you and I both know you were lynched because you were sxum Game 1, people were leery of you. People are new and spooked and not playing the game correctly. Not to mention Mani was a smooth talker. Your game play, game three and your Micro stayed the same, reasoned and measured

So this doing the same "thing over and over" stuff does not make sense. I have to run, I have not read all the responses.
I did ask R.D. why she voted for no one, she did answer. What you make of her answer is up to you all, but it was asked and answered.

She said it was to remove herself from the crazy.

There was NO crazy. She was just pissed off that the FA wagon stalled.
R.D. is trying to spin out of her own tangled web. But I'll deal with that nonsense and her other 2 heads later.

vote: Avatar
That puts me at L1 again.

Next vote for me is a hammer.

I may as will make my vote so I'm on record. Sorry grandma. I'm still suspicious of you.

Vote: grandma

I could be wrong. But I can make this vote with a clear conscience.
Well, that makes my waiting pointless, too.

Vote: Grandma

Regards from Rosie
If you want people to jump on that wagon, you'll have to convince them that I'm scum.

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