Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

CaféAuLait;9539627 said:
( emphasis added)

Since when do we need to give a warning to vote if not the hammer? Is this something I am unfamiliar with about the game? Additionally, if Avatar is "screaming scum" as you say, I am wondering why the vote for Mertex?

No matter what else goes on and who else seems scummy, Mertex is by far the scummiest.

And my vote warning came up because everyone's been making such a huge deal out of every wagon - with a "wagon" involving as few as two votes.

I'd love for everyone in the game to very closely scrutinize all of my posts and decide whether I really seem scummy or if they're being influenced by the squeaky wheels.

You're just upset because I've found you out, and you hate that your Scum team is in danger of being completely exposed and lynched......:eusa_boohoo:

Who else do you think is on this scum team Mertex?
CaféAuLait;9539989 said:
No matter what else goes on and who else seems scummy, Mertex is by far the scummiest.

And my vote warning came up because everyone's been making such a huge deal out of every wagon - with a "wagon" involving as few as two votes.

I'd love for everyone in the game to very closely scrutinize all of my posts and decide whether I really seem scummy or if they're being influenced by the squeaky wheels.

You're just upset because I've found you out, and you hate that your Scum team is in danger of being completely exposed and lynched......:eusa_boohoo:

Who else do you think is on this scum team Mertex?

It's here in my post:

Notice how she defends FA and MaBelle. Everyone is expected to defend themselves when being called Scum, but we can't very well defend others, because unless one is Scum, we really don't know for sure who is and who isn't. I've been accused of being partners with Rosie and R.D., and I have defended myself by claiming I am Town, but I don't defend Rosie are R.D. because I really don't what makes Grandma so sure that FA and MeBelle are Town? Lynch the liars....:)

From here I just don't know. I am more unsure.

I feel that FA is more than a little slimy, which is a Scum tell.

Perhaps he is the next wagon to roll out?

Regards from Rosie

I'm just not seeing it. What makes FA stand out for you?

I don't know, but they seem Town to me.

If Grandma/FA and MaBelle turn out to be Town, I'd be willing to sacrifice myself

We already have 2 dead Townies. Add 3 more, that makes 5 dead Townies.

Leaving 5 Townies against 3 Scum. Those aren't very good odds.

Further, as a Townie, you aren't so valuable that 3 others should put themselves on the block for you.

Ultimately, the goal is to find scum and as yet you've made zero effort towards that end.

How do you know mebelle and FA are not scum? I am not saying they are, but I don't understand how you can be sure that they are not.
CaféAuLait;9539989 said:
You're just upset because I've found you out, and you hate that your Scum team is in danger of being completely exposed and lynched......:eusa_boohoo:

Who else do you think is on this scum team Mertex?

It's here in my post:

Notice how she defends FA and MaBelle. Everyone is expected to defend themselves when being called Scum, but we can't very well defend others, because unless one is Scum, we really don't know for sure who is and who isn't. I've been accused of being partners with Rosie and R.D., and I have defended myself by claiming I am Town, but I don't defend Rosie are R.D. because I really don't what makes Grandma so sure that FA and MeBelle are Town? Lynch the liars....:)

We already have 2 dead Townies. Add 3 more, that makes 5 dead Townies.

Leaving 5 Townies against 3 Scum. Those aren't very good odds.

Further, as a Townie, you aren't so valuable that 3 others should put themselves on the block for you.

Ultimately, the goal is to find scum and as yet you've made zero effort towards that end.

How do you know mebelle and FA are not scum? I am not saying they are, but I don't understand how you can be sure that they are not.

Well, with the way this game is set up, I too have noted factions, but I don't want to say who they are given they could be masons.

Right now I trying to figure out the good guys from the bad guys. Which team is which.
CaféAuLait;9539627 said:
( emphasis added)

Since when do we need to give a warning to vote if not the hammer? Is this something I am unfamiliar with about the game? Additionally, if Avatar is "screaming scum" as you say, I am wondering why the vote for Mertex?

No matter what else goes on and who else seems scummy, Mertex is by far the scummiest.

And my vote warning came up because everyone's been making such a huge deal out of every wagon - with a "wagon" involving as few as two votes.

I'd love for everyone in the game to very closely scrutinize all of my posts and decide whether I really seem scummy or if they're being influenced by the squeaky wheels.

You're just upset because I've found you out, and you hate that your Scum team is in danger of being completely exposed and lynched......:eusa_boohoo:

Wait until I post my reads list.
Btw it was rd who said I'd suffer if we lynched FA

Incorrect, see my big post above this one, you liar.

Not incorrect at all. In fact you also quoted the post where rd said it. I responded sarcastically that clearly I am willing to switch my vote if they give me a reason to because I'd be suffering oh so much

I see you didn't address the underlying point. If you don't /s or [/sarcasm] I'm going to assume you're being serious.


CaféAuLait;9504222 said:
I'll add my 2 cents on Avatar. This whole thing seemed to start, because he said we should not lynch TN based on the PMs which reset the game ( which was a lot of my fault, since I did not know the game had been reset) . Then, it somehow morphed into Avatar defending TN, and then FA was brought into the convo since both Avatar and FA had a vote on Mertex IIRC. I have FA on my scum list, I don't have a solid reason, except, his posts seems a lot different this game.

I think many were pushing Avatar as scum initially, because of his resistance to vote without cause for TN, in fact, I saw this as town like behavior. SR even thought the wagon developed too soon on TN and then said she thought scum was on that wagon. Therefore kinda stating the same Avatar stated, but a hell of a lot more succinctly.

As far as defense of a player I have also been the recipient of Avatar defending me, he did so in game 3, when a few kept calling me scum, he asked for reasons and said I was not scum, so I don't see this as something new at all-defending players. I also don't see his wanting to ensure we have scum lynched as scummy, I think this is town like.

Mani asked earlier how town is supposed to act together, I am unsure, but if we have our own reads that people are not scum- but then one is accused of being scum while defending or agreeing with another player, I am unsure how we are supposed to find scum and come together as a town team.

I read Wake last night in a thread, and he said town in general loses because we allow ourselves to get caught up in the mayhem/drama instead of trying to focus on our mission of finding scum.

Defending others as town seems to be something that Avatar does. It is my primary reason for not being as suspicious of him as I should be.


CaféAuLait;9504616 said:
Incorrect, see my big post above this one, you liar.

This is a good enuff reason. Lynch him for being a big, fat liar.

We can get the Boy in his hidey-hole (Manifold) later.

Regards from Rosie

He did not lie, RD did say it here in post 324.

Avatar repeated it here in post 325

This is the same crap that was happening to me in game 3. I suppose this will be considered defending Avatar and it might have my head in a noose, but I don't care. We need to either speak out when we see inconsistencies or false claims. Stating Avatar lied when he did not and pointing out the evidence is just the facts.

We need facts to work with here. Somehow there must be a way to work together to find scum. I feel this may be achieved if and when we support those who appear to be town to expose those who may be scum. I am not 100 percent sure Avatar is town, but his actions, so far, seem to be that of town to me.

Yeah, but post 324 could be masons trying to cover for each other, where 325 comes off as self-defense.


CaféAuLait;9504616 said:
He did not lie, RD did say it here in post 324.

Avatar repeated it here in post 325

This is the same crap that was happening to me in game 3. I suppose this will be considered defending Avatar and it might have my head in a noose, but I don't care. We need to either speak out when we see inconsistencies or false claims. Stating Avatar lied when he did not and pointing out the evidence is just the facts.

We need facts to work with here. Somehow there must be a way to work together to find scum. I feel this may be achieved if and when we support those who appear to be town to expose those who may be scum. I am not 100 percent sure Avatar is town, but his actions, so far, seem to be that of town to me.
Avi stepped in it, but I agree he simply misspoke not lied responding to my observation.

I also agree speaking up with what you notice is not defending it's simply sharing thoughts. But it's Avi himself who makes the accusation that's its scummy to do so when it suits him, that's one of the inconsistencies with him. To me that's anti town.

Except I didn't misspeak at all. I blatantly pointed out your accusation is absurd because I would not be willing to jump on the FA, if convinced, if I was suffering so much from him as a choice. The fact that I chose my method of execution as sarcasm doesn't mean I misspoke.

I've been inviting you guys to make a case for him. But you guys really aren't even trying. In fact, I am willing to vote for any of the wagons right now. Though I am more inclined to switch to Mani if i need to switch. He is sounding alot like he did in game two.

If a mani lynch cannot be achieved today, Mertex is the next best suspect on my list. Her defense is all OMGUS and not much substance.


^^^Starting to feel sad for FAQ2^^^


More reason for me to either stay with mertex or move to mani.

MeBelle removing her vote at the prospect of FA becoming the lynched seems rather scummy to me.

Scum votes for their own in the hopes of not appearing like Scum, but when it starts heating up, they either have to hope no one else jumps on the wagon, or they end up removing themselves.

I think MeBelle's actions says a lot.

Anything to avoid lynching scum, eh?


^^^Starting to feel sad for FAQ2^^^


Wow, MeBelle, that is such a scummy move.

Scum sometimes vote for their own in the hopes that it will be noticed that they are not associated with that person and that nobody else will vote for that person. The fact that FA is in danger of being lynched would cause Scum to worry....and removing their vote is a likely thing they would do.

You don't remove your vote because you are feeling sorry for someone you thought was Scum....sorry, I'm not buying that.

I hope others are able to see your scummy move.

This isn't exactly what is happening here. All I see is Mertex in her full scumpainting glory.

If you had made an argument on the basis of non-posting, I would be with you.



Mani has taken his vote off FA, and funny MeBelle did too, like what a coincidence.....hmmmm
doesn't look like that wagon is going anywhere, and I don't want to participate in a NL.

I think MeBelle's action was a scummy move. I wasn't suspecting Mani nor her, but this has made me suspicious. Both of them taking their vote off FA.

Okay, I'll throw in my vote for Mani, too, only because some of you are seeing him as Scum, and his non-participation is a detriment to town. If he turns out to be Town, MeBelle, Avatar and FA are my suspects.


This feels off to me, but I'm not sure if its my confirmation bias in suspecting Mertex as scum or legitimate.


^^^Starting to feel sad for FAQ2^^^


Wow, MeBelle, that is such a scummy move.

Scum sometimes vote for their own in the hopes that it will be noticed that they are not associated with that person and that nobody else will vote for that person. The fact that FA is in danger of being lynched would cause Scum to worry....and removing their vote is a likely thing they would do.

You don't remove your vote because you are feeling sorry for someone you thought was Scum....sorry, I'm not buying that.

I hope others are able to see your scummy move.

Damn, any thing that anybody does is "scummy" to you. It's getting old.

Playing mafia is scummy. /s



Mani has taken his vote off FA, and funny MeBelle did too, like what a coincidence.....hmmmm
doesn't look like that wagon is going anywhere, and I don't want to participate in a NL.

I think MeBelle's action was a scummy move. I wasn't suspecting Mani nor her, but this has made me suspicious. Both of them taking their vote off FA.

Okay, I'll throw in my vote for Mani, too, only because some of you are seeing him as Scum, and his non-participation is a detriment to town. If he turns out to be Town, MeBelle, Avatar and FA are my suspects.



Sad thing about that is you're probably town. :lol:

I am Town, but when I asked if anyone was willing to switch over to Avatar, nobody use in voting for someone that nobody else votes for and ending up with a NL.

That didn't stop you in game 2, when you were town.


Dammit....everything Mani posted about Avatar is true.

Gotta back off. I have a conscience, ya know.

Close enuff Manifold. I will call it even without being part of a mislynch

Vote: Avatar.

Now don't ride my butt......if you wanna lynch Mani he is at L-2 without me.

Win condition is voting for scum. Avatar is scum this time.

Regards from Rosie

Too little, too late.


Rosie has hedged her vote by saying she believes I'm townie, which suggests she might believe it because she knows it.

Note taken!

Belated revenge for game 2. Outside of game motivation. Not alignment indicative.


dang scarlet died? That sucks.

That doesn't tell us much of anything does it?:(

We can ISO her posts and treat her as conftown. I'd say that's more than 'much of anything'.


CaféAuLait;9521223 said:
SR lynch IMO.

1.She told everyone to stop claiming they were VT, thereby exposing possible Masons. Scum may have assumed she was a Mason for pointing that out. She also kept asking people “will you be my mason” (I had no clue what she meant there) bringing even more attention to the mason aspect of the game.

2.Scum also picked her IMO because she would not have given them up. She was a bit quiet and did not have too many opinions on who scum was. Except she was after Grandma- and if I recall Avatar in one post, I may have misremembered that, there may have been a few more I missed, feel free to add.

We can go back to see who she was suspicious of but the way I read scum QTs they are not going to lynch the person who they may think will point to them, or the most outspoken against them- they will pick someone who is a bit quieter, SR is outspoken but did not have too many opinions on who was scum, unless I missed it. I am thinking Scum thought she may be a mason because of the comments above. Or she may have noted something which I totally missed. This is a hasty response, I may have missed a lot.

The 'will you be my mason' thing is a joke that started between her and I on skype. Try not to get too bent out of shape. /s


I didnt push a damn thing. I didn't even encourage anyone to vote for mani. I only suggested that we have make a decision about the vote because we had less than a day. I was hoping we would get behind mertex, but when it became obvious that wasn't going to happen i told you I would switch to mani.

Interesting how you did a 180 since yesterday though. Had some time to talk it over last night?

Wrong. You did, in fact, subtly encourage people to switch their votes to mani.


yeah I did @ you. To see where you'd go. Then Mebelle jumped off FA. And Aye jumped off Mertex when Rosie jumped on Mani putting him higher.

BTW Still FOS at Rosie for trying to jump ship after the hammer despite having plenty of advanced notice.

That doesn't make any sense. If Rosie was Scum, she wouldn't have even tried to jump off the ship on Mani, one Townie to Scum is as good as any. I think Scum know better than to make a move at the last minute that would draw attention to them, so that idea of yours doesn't fly. And besides, there was only one minute difference between your post and hers, hardly enough time to read, evaluate, make a decision and post.

This looks more like a move by Avatar to take the heat off herself. Typically avatar is more thought out than that and throwing out accusations that don't make any sense make her look rather scummy....

This and also claiming that she did not push Mani's wagon (even if SR started it).

If you want to get real technical, SR and I started it. I logged in an hour too late to move my vote and haven't been back until now.


It's obvious that there is a town inclination to lynch me today. I have no doubt the scum are egging that on. And they clearly thought getting rid of scarlet would help because she had a tendency to slow down wagons.

I don't plan on giving up. I am innocent and many of you know that as well, particularly the three of you who want to frame me. and while I'd prefer not to be lynched, if i end up being lynched I am going to make sure the town has as much information to know where to look for the scum. I am not going to roll over like some townies would

I thought you said you didn't know what the scum motivation is?


Simple. As RV I admitted several times I had no clue, going forward I dont want that vote used as evidence of anything. It was a fishing expedition.

It was clear she was doing her best to avoid the masons being detected. Her vote for mani was policy not that he was scum, others played that card. As a VT she was expendable.

If these two contradictory quotes don't read scum-anti town I don't know what does.

Not a contradiction because masons are townies as well. Both masons and vanilla townies are townies.

If you were paying attention I have given crumbs for my role. But there are many who want to jump on the wagon without much thought. Thank you for not being one of them.

So you are claiming to be a Mason....

Regards from Rosie

No comment necessary.


Avi, would you please explain why you are indicating you're a mason here

We don't have any PR roles to protect you from a NK, so why bring attention to your role as a mason? All we can do now is hope we get one of the scum lynched and hope they don't believe your hints. If they do believe you and target you, there's a chance we'll be down 2 more townies come Day 3 if we mislynch.

RosieS, what's your thought on this?

Not directed at me, but I'll answer.

He's hoping a real mason will counterclaim him so scum can NK them.

Avi, would you please explain why you are indicating you're a mason here

We don't have any PR roles to protect you from a NK, so why bring attention to your role as a mason? All we can do now is hope we get one of the scum lynched and hope they don't believe your hints. If they do believe you and target you, there's a chance we'll be down 2 more townies come Day 3 if we mislynch.

RosieS, what's your thought on this?

First, your link doesn't work.

Second, I am not claiming to be a mason. I am not claiming any role. I am saying I am town aligned.

Why do you want me to make a role claim at this point? The only people who benefit are the scum.

Such hedge. Address my point about attempting to make a mason counterclaim you please. And don't hide behind 'i didnt definitively roleclaim' because everyone can tell you're implying that you rolled mason.


Aye, all your links go to the last page for me. Can you post the number with the links?

That was the problem I was having too.

I was clicking on the 'permalink' next to the post # to get the link. I wonder why they don't show up right.

The bit at the end of the url has to be intact. It looks like this:

That's what focuses the page on the specific post.


Which brings me to Question #2:

TN - Why were you so focused on Mani?

I voted and forgot about it. When I checked back it was an hour after the hammer and so obviously couldn't remove it.

He seemed scummy to me at the time of my vote.


CaféAuLait;9528952 said:
About Mani

Avatar keeps insisting he did not lead the wagon, but while re-reading I found Avatar suggesting or 'crumbing" Mani was scum before SR AND Grandma voted for Mani. See post 246. Avatars wagon on Mertex had stalled. There were four votes for FA and four for Mertex and one for Mani when Avatar made post 246.

This is long, read it or not but it shows Avatar DID lead the wagon on Mani, not SR.

VC before the drive on Mani: Mertex 4 votes, FA 4 votes and Mani 1 vote.

post 246 Avatar suggests Mani is scum here as he is working his Mertex wagon which has stalled:

Post 251 Avatar states Mani just wants to coast through the game and Mani does not sound very townish.

Then grandma votes for Mani 279

SR votes Mani post 329

Avatar immediately jumps on SR vote in post 331 asking why Mani to SR? All the while his wagon on Mertex is stalled.

He then asks for a vote count mentioning top three, Mertex (4), FA(4) and now Mani(3). Wake supplies such in VC1.7

Then Avatar immediately points out we have about two days left and asks if we all should vote one of top three 334 immediately after Wake post the VC

SR responds to Avatars question in post 331 (above) and SR states in post 336 Mani is a policy lynch and safe.

Post 340 Avatar responds her points make sense and he is willing to vote for Mani.

(somewhere around here TN states Avatar is a liar and I point out he did not lie)

(Mebelle unvotes FA post 378)

Post 383 Avatar states he will be willing to switch his vote to Mani (again) Mertex wagon still stalled.

Post 384 Avatar tells Mani he sounds like scum

Post 385 Avatar states MeBelle's unvote on FA gives Avatar even more reason to vote for Mani

Post 387 Avatar recommends “Rosie and Cafe make a choice on the top three and mebelle make another vote and we see where we stand at that point”. This is important to me, Avatar knows Rosie already has it in for Mani.

Rosie jumps on it in post 388 and votes Mani

Avatar's post 339 less than a minute later (not noting Rosies vote) he "mentions" @ me, rosie and mebelle in post and says we have to plan to get a lynch quoting the VC for the second time in a few short posts.

Post 390 Avatar quotes rosies vote for Mani.

Posst 395 Avatar states again Mani’s game is the same as it was when Mani was scum


Post 402, Avatar Mentions Mani might be scum one more time but also says Mertex and FA may be scum too, ( weird because Avatar had been against a FA vote and fighting Mertex on voting for FA because she had no reason to vote for FA according to Avatar, but now Avatar suddenly thinks FA may be scum? This is weird to me because I believe FA to be scum. Explained in a later post this one is already too long.

Post 416 Avatar states he is thinking about switching his vote to Mani ( mertex wagon still stalled)

Post 426 Avatar speaks to Mani and points out he is thinking of voting Mani again.

Post 432 Avatar addresses Mani and tells him he would prefer if people would have joined his mertex wagon.

Post 439 Avatar is arguing with Aye (about a hammer comment Aye made), and states Mani is the only possible vote now because Aye just voted for Mani, but Avatar has yet to vote for Mani.

Post 445 Avatar declares he will hammer Mani in about an hour

Post 449 Avatar hammers.

Post 473 Avatar says he did not lead the wagon on Mani.

Anyone else have any other input here? This sure looks like Avatar drove the wagon on Mani after his Mertex wagon stalled out.

I drove the lynch for mani after the mertex wagon stalled, you mean after there were 5 votes for mani and 3 or less votes for the other wagons and when we had less than a day left? That's when i declared that I would vote for mani, when I would have been the 6th vote. Why? Because it was the only wagon left and we didn't need a no lynch.

I would hardly call joining at the end leading.

And yet you don't actually alleviate any of the concern towards yourself.


I am caught up to page 15. Doing 15-20...
I'm trying to avoid a mastin sized post, after all...
[MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] - Please cattleprod TN or consider replacing him, he hasn't been heard from since the 24th.

Please don't cattleprod me. I don't need a branded mark on my ass, thanks.
I don't like your vote on me but I understand it.


I find it very interesting that Mertex and R.D. are so over-the-top gung-ho for lynching Avi, but they aren't voting for him.


I think he's scum, and I think they're scum.

Are they playing against each other to avoid suspicion?

Why were Avi and Rosie so sure they'd be NK'ed Night 1? Or were they trying to appear Townie?

Why throw shit at me for hard-claiming VT? EVERYONE should claim VT, even those that aren't. Some of you seem to think that the Masons are obligated to claim their actual role, or that only the VT's will claim theirs.

If ALL Townies claim VT, then Scum won't know who the Masons are, right??!

So why is Avi crumbing Mason and then saying he isn't?

As I have stated in part 1 of my catchup post, it is because he is baiting a mason claim, and leaving himself an out of 'I didnt claim mason' to avoid counterclaim drama.


nope. I am just forgettable :lol:

^^^^not a very useful b---- :d ^^^^


Did you overlook R.D.? Rosie? and me? Hmmmm, I wonder why you would not consider them? And me? All are still playing. That makes 4.

If tn turns out to be Scum, then you would be Town and vice versa making it 5, unless I decide to make either one of you FOS. Either your math skills suck, or you didn't consider Rosie/R.D. because they are Scum along with you and it was a mafia slip?

Because you, R.D., and Rosie are a single entity this game - a 3-headed monster - and that entity sure as hell isn't Town.

You care to back that up? I am not going to make my point again about my FA vote, you didn't care then you wont care now. You are just stinging because I bundled you in with my suspicion at the time.

Regarding Avi, why vote now? His partners are who I am interested in at the moment.

Everyone claiming Mani's play was scum tell were wrong imo. His play this game was the same as his play in game 2 not 3 when he was scum. Game 3 he was ever so helpful...or so I was conned into believing :evil:

You claim I'm scummy for somehow being with Mertex on FA and because I'm over the top with her about Avi claiming somehow they are both scum we are willing to bus? You've got one too many scum there.

There is defiately one team at work here as far as I think I can gleen, but I am stopping short of naming it because the could be masons.

My FOS right now is most definately Ave.
TN, not postng again and soley focused on Mani.
Shaitra, quiet.
Grandma, not as focused as usual.

Are you guys really going to keep misrepresenting my goals like this or what?


BTW does anyone really think the scum aren't behind this rush lynch?

If you flip town, I'll definitely consider it. I am quite certain you are scum, however.

Putting this here...

Btw my top three choices for the scum now are grandma, aye, and cafe.

Just a note in case you lynch me before I can.

I'm also more suspicious of r.d. Now.


VC incoming (went on an adventure today). :D

I may be going on one shortly to the dead zone

Don't mess with Garlic Jr. /s


This from the guy that only gave 1 hours' notice.

When we had less than 24 hrs left in the day. Not at the very beginning of the day.

You're upset because I called you on scummy behavior.

With 24 hours left, you should have waited half of that to lynch. I believe that you knew rosie was about to unvote and therefore rushed to hammer.


Btw my top three choices for the scum now are grandma, aye, and cafe.

Just a note in case you lynch me before I can.

I'm also more suspicious of r.d. Now.

Why? Because we refuse to sit back and let you make accusations without us saying a word in our defense? Funny how you swear up and down you're town when questioned or called out on something, then try and turn it around and say to anyone that defends themselves that they are scum. I guess you're pretty much saying there's 1 town in this game with that logic. Good luck with it.

Quoting myself to add:

This is the reason town has lost more games than we've won:

Unable to cooperate with other townies and throwing mud into the kettle under the fire.

If you really are town, then stop with the bs.

Putting fire above the kettle probably has something to do with that /s


Cafe's post about those claiming VT has prompted me to do a search through the game looking to see who has claimed to be townie or not. It looks like every player except 3 has made a town aligned claim.

There are only 5 VT slots left.

Grandma, Cafe, Mertex, and FA have all claimed to be VT.

Rosie, Aye, Mebelle, and I have all made non-specific townie claims. Meaning we have said we are town, but not specified vanilla.

R.D., Shaitra, and TN have not made town claims whatsoever. I don't think that means they are scum, they could be Vanilla and just wise enough not to claim. They could also be masons and trying not to lie.

Now, while Rosie, Aye, and Mebelle have not explicitly said they were vanilla, It was highly implied that they were.

If they are claiming vanilla, that will leave at least 2 (more accurately 3) people falsely claiming to be vanilla. The question is why are they lying? is it because they are scum falsely claiming, or because they are masons falsely claiming VT?

Since you guys can't figure out my crumbs and it looks like the cards are all out on the table, and it also looks like you are highly likely to lynch me today, I will say that I am a vanilla townie. If you need to lynch me to verify, then do so, I'm going to fight you on it, but it might be the best way for you to take my analysis seriously.

Ill even throw you my crumbs in a bit though they were pretty subtle.

I'm doing this for the masons to be well armed later in the game. I don't know who you are. But if I dead, you will have four vanilla townies left. And if the scum miss you guys, you will have 3 vanillas, 3 masons, and 3 scum. Use the information wisely.

My guess is that there is at least 2 scum among those claiming to be town:

Cafe, Grandma, mertex, FA, Mebelle, Rosie, or Aye

Now let the fireworks begin:)
This also seems very scummy to me. You have been claiming for SEVERAL pages that it is not in towns best interest to claim, refusing to claim for several posts (though no one has really asked you to claim, just questioned your 'crumbs' statements) and then you follow all that with a synopsis of all the claims tied up in a nice package for scum to glean from....

Why would you demand that claims are bad for town (truth) and then suddenly point out and highlight all those claims? It looks like you don't want your scum buddies to miss your analysis of who might be mason...

Indeed. I don't have anything much to add to this post though.


Did you overlook R.D.? Rosie? and me? Hmmmm, I wonder why you would not consider them? And me? All are still playing. That makes 4.

If tn turns out to be Scum, then you would be Town and vice versa making it 5, unless I decide to make either one of you FOS. Either your math skills suck, or you didn't consider Rosie/R.D. because they are Scum along with you and it was a mafia slip?

Because you, R.D., and Rosie are a single entity this game - a 3-headed monster - and that entity sure as hell isn't Town.

Well, I see you haven't gained any experience in picking out Scum, unless, of course, you are Scum this go -round. I certainly am not Scum, but you coming after me so intensely only means that I must be's you, MeBelle and FA, isn't it?

No wonder you wouldn't cast a vote for FA. MeBelle, one of your team members, thought she would just vote for one of her teammates and not appear suspicious, that is, until several of us started voting for him, then she started sweating that FA was going to be lynched, so she quickly withdrew her vote....of course you weren't going to replace her...Scum doesn't go after their own.

You're really in love with saying "I'm not scum" this game, aren't you?


Shaitra said the same thing yesterday.
TN has been AWOL for 5 days.

Post 606, at 8:58 am I said I'd switch my vote unless someone offered a good defense for you.
That didn't happen.

Your OMGUS vote isn't helping.

I was still on V/LA yesterday. Today I am home and back at work. Sorry, work takes priority over the game.

But I have had the game up in the background most of the day reading when I can.

I'm not totally convinced Avatar is scum yet. It seems some of you have been tunneling on him since the beginning of the game. But several of his posts do seem suspicious and I know he is good at spinning things to clear himself.

Since the game is early on day 2, it does seem strange, even scummy for Grandma to be rushing the lynch.

Tunneling is an understatement.

R.D, Aye, and Grandma all wanted to jump on after i made the post pointing out that everyone claiming to be VT can't be. I find the timing interesting.

This post is pretty blatantly anti-town. You've pretty much earned my vote.
The only reason I haven't is because I don't know your status.


I was still on V/LA yesterday. Today I am home and back at work. Sorry, work takes priority over the game.

But I have had the game up in the background most of the day reading when I can.

I'm not totally convinced Avatar is scum yet. It seems some of you have been tunneling on him since the beginning of the game. But several of his posts do seem suspicious and I know he is good at spinning things to clear himself.

Since the game is early on day 2, it does seem strange, even scummy for Grandma to be rushing the lynch.

Tunneling is an understatement.

R.D, Aye, and Grandma all wanted to jump on after i made the post pointing out that everyone claiming to be VT can't be. I find the timing interesting.

I've been saying since early on that everyone should claim VT. If they did, we'd have 13 people claiming VT. Now we'd have 11.

Do you think I can't do the fucking math, Avatar?

It's bad play for anyone to claim anything except during lylo in this setup.


I hate not being able to edit!!

What special powers do Masons have?

From page one:

Town Mason

Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Mason, along with your partners, [Player Name] and [Player Name].

Factional communication: During the night phase you may talk with your partners here [QuickTopic link].
You are confirmed town to your partners, and them to you.

Win condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

It sez Masons talk during the night. Basically at the same time Scum talks.


Regards from Rosie


From here I just don't know. I am more unsure.

I feel that FA is more than a little slimy, which is a Scum tell.

Perhaps he is the next wagon to roll out?

Regards from Rosie

I'm just not seeing it. What makes FA stand out for you?

The best he can do is repeat what others have said already about Avatar?

And then his reads list approves of everyone and suspects no one?

Too slick by half. Pretending to be helpful but adding nothing at all.

FA is cotton candy - air and sugar and calories and no nutritive value at all.

I don't get why Mertex - if you have been Scum and then not, it is irritating to say "This time I am Town" over and over.

Perhaps since you have not been there, done that it strikes you as too much - but actually isn't. I went thru the identical thing she is going thru and reacted the same.

Regards from Rosie

Avatar isn't helping town; Mertex doth protest too much.


We all good :D

...they clearly thought getting rid of scarlet would help because she had a tendency to slow down wagons.

II am innocent and many of you know that as well, particularly the three of you who want to frame me.

Your reason for why SR was lynched sounds too self serving and far fetched She didn't slow down the mani wagon

Particualarly = Crumbing mason and here

Here you justify not giving our your role. and here

Later you gave your role as VT and claimed you have been all along, if we were smart enough to figure it out.

You have too many contradictions, and even more non-responsive defensie replies. I do think you led the mani train. Your hammer was speedy we had another day. Not wanting to repeat all thats been already posted I think you're scum.

It looks like Grandma is one of your partners and you both orchestrated a bizarre defense to take the heat off.



Now that I have confirmed that he isn't at L-1
It's good to see you again.

You're more succinct than I am, my long reads list is coming out soon.

The bit about claiming VT - there were some that thought we were given our original roles during the reset. I came out and hard claimed VT to set them straight. Wouldn't have happened were it not for the craziness around the reset.
CaféAuLait;9539627 said:
( emphasis added)

Since when do we need to give a warning to vote if not the hammer? Is this something I am unfamiliar with about the game? Additionally, if Avatar is "screaming scum" as you say, I am wondering why the vote for Mertex?

No matter what else goes on and who else seems scummy, Mertex is by far the scummiest.

And my vote warning came up because everyone's been making such a huge deal out of every wagon - with a "wagon" involving as few as two votes.

I'd love for everyone in the game to very closely scrutinize all of my posts and decide whether I really seem scummy or if they're being influenced by the squeaky wheels.

You're just upset because I've found you out, and you hate that your Scum team is in danger of being completely exposed and lynched......:eusa_boohoo:

Stay away from the brown acid.
My Long List Part 1

Day 1 was a hot mess and Day 2 is going the same way. We need to get

organized and on the right track.

How someone played in this game or that when we've only had 3 previous games

is almost meaningless. Maybe after a dozen games we'll be better able to pick

up on someone's meta, but don't think your noob asses can do it right now.

The helpful hints on the Wiki page are a lot more helpful if you read them all the

way through to the disclaimer - the one that says "as of (date) this doesn't work

anymore" because players catch on to each others' tricks and gambits. Some

players do the things that out them as PRs, VTs, or Scum, some don't. For

example, the hammer voter isn't necessarily scum, nor are voters 3 & 4 on a


Who did the voting doesn't mean much, btw. Certainly Scum will jump in if it looks like their intended victim might escape a lynching, but sometimes there's no need for Scum to participate.

The way I look for scum is I isolate and read each player's posts as if they are

Town. Sometimes the posts are reasonable. Some players' posts just don't read

Town. Try as I might, there's just no way I can fit the Town label on them. They

get catagorized by how un - Town they seem. Then I re-read the posts and try to pin them down as scum. Look at things from both sides.

So - my reads:




Both seem to be thinking independently yet are willing to work with others.

They're in the game and paying attention, asking questions and calling out

questionable posts.

Leaning Town



Both are interacting and keeping up with the game. However, I'd like to see more

content from both of them.




I'm not getting a read on them, I need to see more.
My Long List Part 2



188 posts to wade through. That's more than 12 pages. The vast majority of those posts include multiquotes that are re-quoted in his subsequent posts. In other words, his posts are onerus and difficult to read - a damn good scumtrick. One can appear to be a very Townie type, on top of things, but only the most intrepid Scum-hunters can wade through the mess to pick up clues and slips.

Post 302:
Quote: Originally Posted by Grandma
2 days until deadline.
Who's the scummiest person on your lists, you guys?

Quote: Originally Posted by Avatar
Which is plenty of time for a lynch, why the rush? Plans this weekend or simply because you want one of the two leader lynched?

One bit of USMB Mafia meta that's been established is that we've always reached the hammer well ahead of deadline. I was nervous that we were so close, and to me it seemed that he was hoping for a no-lynch, perhaps because he was one of those being considered.

Post 303 he says that he doesn't think FA is scum. He says it again Post 344. But in Post 402 he lists FA as leaning scum. Why?

Post 320 he first mentions that he'll probably be NK'd. Anyone asserting that they're targets without having claimed a PR reads Scum to me.

Post 413 he agrees with Mertex that MeBelle's unvote from FA is scummy, and adds that she hasn't posted much content. Throughout this game Avi - and others - have been comparing players to other games. MeBelle has consistently been a low-volume poster, and she wasn't Scum in the first 3 games.

There's his "encouragement" towards the Manifold lynch wagon.

Post 445 Avi gives only an hour's warning before the hammer. We're on and off at all hours, much more notice is needed for everyone to get a chance to change their minds.

Post 476, Avi says to ACSY:
I find the fact that you jumped in for the sixth vote when I said I was considering it and waiting for a vote count odd.
Yet 2 people jumping in on my vote for Avi was fine - as long as I couldn't hammer.

Post 645 he claims that I was ready to hammer early in the morning. But there were only 3 other votes for him then. Mine would have been the 4th. He again claims that I tried to hammer him early in the day in Post 648.

And there's his weirdness over the role claiming, ultimately ending with his statement that Townies can't lie.
Sure they can, Masons can say they're VT, and Vanillas can claim Mason (or PR in other game) sacrificing themselves to save a Townie with a higher role.
This is after he soft claims Mason then says he didn't, while berating other players that claim VT.

He's pegged just about everyone as scum or suspicious. There are only 3 scum, not 12. Well, 10 now.

Post 611: I'm quoted as wondering why Mertex and R.D. are so into getting Avi lynched, but they wouldn't vote for him. Curious. Avi replies that Mertex isn't so gung-ho for him and seems to be looking for other possibilities.

That set off the warning bells. She was after him, why would he not hit her with one of his usual FoS's or a vote?

From Post 706:

As for mertex, I was pushing for her day 1. She was pushing for me too. We now have more substantial information after mani flipped town and the NK. She is playing much like she did in earlier games when she was town. And she didn't jump on the wagon despite the fact that I know she is suspicious of me. That makes me read town.

We have damn near nothing to go on regarding Mani and Scarlet. Whatever we might have hasn't been analyzed. And Mertex isn't playing at all like in previous games, as Scum or Town. She's changed her meta.

Funny that those two are so suspicious of each other, yet won't vote for one another.


Post 95, talking about TN:
...he's the only one that I know asked for a QT....but, he could be a Mason.
Good job trying to out the Mason

Post 101, she claims to have not seen the NEW role PM, and may have deleted it.

Post 121 her OMGUS vote on Shaitra.

Post 179 Mertex claims that Shaitra was the one that OMGUS'd. And she rewrites history:
Someone then suggested that maybe Wake didn't really reassign the roles, and I couldn't remember if I had deleted my initial role pm....since the only one I remember seeing said I was Town. It made sense at the time, (that tn was scum) now, I'm not so sure.

Oh, so now TN was scum and he's not currently a Mason. Good to know.

Post 181:
Not only that, FA and Avi are both voting for me, what a coincidence. Scum wanting to start a wagon

She hasn't shown any reason to suspect them, but yet they're scum.

Post 204, Shaitra doesn't read Avi and FA as scum, so Mertex decides that Shaitra's scum.

Post 278:

You hunt for scum in your own way, and I'll hunt for scum my way. I have been reading all the posts and based on my previous game (when I was Scum and I could see the way that Town was pointing at other Townies as Scum) and the way that they were evaluating why they thought someone was Scum and I'm applying some of that in my choice. You obviously are not doing a very good job, because I happen to be Town, so your analysis is failing somehow. And your claim that I'm not hunting scum is lame.

Yes, I want to remain in the game, after all, that is our Win condition, to try and stay alive and lynch Scum. If I die, at least I hope that those who voted for me will not be overlooked by the rest of the Town, because obviously, some will be Scum. And, right now, I'm thinking that FA and Avatar are sounding a lot like Scum, and since FA already has several others thinking that he is Scum, I'm going to switch my vote to him.

Mertex hasn't been hunting for scum at all. Every time any player posts or votes in a way that displeases her she declares them to be scum. And where she says others suspect FA - it's because she and R.D. have been cheerleading for his lynching, and others fell for the - what was that word Rosie used? Oh yeah, bunkum. They fell for R.D. and Mertex's bunkum.

Post 282, I say I don't see anything scummy about FA. Mertex claims she voted for FA because he RVS voted for R.D.

So? He needs to seek her approval for his Random Vote? Really?

And then the post descends into You Were Told Not To Eat The Brown Acid Land:

On his second post, he gives Cafe a "not Scum" pass just because she gave him some advice on how to get rid of ads with Adfender.
On his 3rd post he uses your confusion on the roles being re-randomized to make a statement that Wake is affirming that Aye and Myself are Scum, but he doesn't explain how he comes up with that conclusion.
On his next post he admits that his first impression was not correct, that we did indeed get new role pms, but not the PMs between tn and Wake. He then admits that all votes submitted are RVS, that there isn't much to go on other than voting for people and then seeing their reaction, but he then jumps on Avatar's switching his vote from you (Grandma), to me and uses the lame excuse that because of my OMGUS vote on Shaitra.

Avatar's first vote was for you.....of course if you three are Scum, he knew it was a safe time as he could change it later, and what a perfect opportunity for him to distance himself from you with a meaningless vote. And change he did. He changed his vote to me giving the lame explanation that I was voting for tn because he was Scum in the last game. That was totally untrue, and I had already given an explanation as to why I was voting for tn. It had to do with the re-randomizing issue, and because someone claimed that tn had outed himself as Scum when he asked for the QT, and then there was discussion that maybe the roles weren't reassigned, which would have left tn as Scum. Obviously Avatar didn't read my posts where I explained it, because he keeps insisting that I was voting for tn simply because he was Scum in the last game. He also made another mistake when he said that you and I were on the tn Wagon, and posted that on 7/21/14 at 12:14 p.m, but Wake had posted Vote Count 1.2 on 7/21/14 at 11:33 a.m. that clearly shows I was no longer voting for tn. How could he possibly miss that?

What the hell did that second paragraph have to do with FA? Or reality in general? Note that she said that since Avi RVS voted for me that means he and I are both scum partners. That's a regular theme with her.

Post 371, She wants everyone to vote for Avatar - knowing that the FA wagon had stalled. I point out that it's unlikely she can get 6 people to vote for Avi with the deadline so near. So she decides that Avi, FA, and I are scum because...why?

Posts 407 and 409 she declares MeBelle scum for taking her vote off FA.

After all, we're only allowed to vote for Mertex's approved scum candidates.

Post 411, since Mani took his vote off FA around the same time as MeBelle did, mertex decides that they're a scum team. If Mani flips Town, then MeBelle, FA, And Avi are the scum team.

By post 567 she's decided that the Scum are TN, me, MeBelle, FA, Aye, Shaitra, and Avatar. 7 players. "All the rest are town." All the rest amounts to Cafe, as Mertex and RD were surgically grafted together from the start and Rosie got attached as well, making those three a pseudo hydra.

When I call her out on it, Mertex accuses R.D. and Rosie of being scum, Post 570.

So Mertex and Cafe aren't scum. Good to know.

Post 704
... No wonder the big bad wolf, pretending to be Grandma, is accusing me of being Scum, I'm getting to close for comfort pointing the finger at her.

Cafe came after me regarding the sanfu at the beginning of the game which I missed and didn't know what everyone that was posting was talking about, but amazingly, she overlooked Grandma's little act.....if she was one of the ones that were sent the mysterious PMs, that I and others didn't get, why was she acting like she didn't know what was going on? Obviously if she got the PMs, she was aware of what went down, unlike me, who got accused of being Scum because I really didn't know what was happening, didn't get the PMs, and was accused of lying about it.

Also, she's been gunning for tn, which may very well be Town. She voted for him on Day1 until she saw the Mani lynch was more appealing, since tn's wagon fell apart, but like Scum who don't want to attract attention by voting for someone that may then come after them, she waited and didn't vote until Mani's wagon was well underway. True that tn's lack of effort is anti-town, but killing a townie is anti-town, and if we have an idea who is Scum, why not go after Scum? We can get Wake to do a mod-kill on tn if he doesn't make an appearance later, but Grandma's rush to lynch Avatar, and pushing for a tn kill surely should raise some red flags.....anyone?

This is too out there. It reads like a post in the Conspiracy Theory forum.

Who thinks she can help us win this game? I certainly don't.


Post 141 She thinks Aye or myself are possible scum on the TN wagon - even though I explained that mine was a RVS OMGUS vote over the reset. No idea how she figured Aye was Scum.

Post 240 - AFTER R.D. says RV votes are random and meaningless:
Avi and FA voted Metex with Shaitra and Grandma pointing to her as scum
At least one of those four are scum I think. With only two having votes so far ...
...and she votes for FA. (eenie, meenie, miney, moe...)

Shaitra asks her why R.D. thinks she's scum, R.D. says it's because the 4 of us are piling on Mertex. Shaitra points out that she didn't vote for Mertex. R.D. pretty much says that pointing a finger counts as piling on.

Note - R.D. is defending Mertex AFTER raising hell with Avi for defending TN.

Post 324, R.D. has accused Avi of being inconsistent. Avi says " guys can't cite any inconsistencies..." and R.D. replies "Won't cite, not can't."

Why not?

In Post 327 she says Avi will suffer greatly if FA is lynched. Later, when that sentence is attributed to Avi, she does not correct the mistake.

Post 350, Avi says he'd vote for FA if he were given good reason. R.D. claims she gave good reason (she hasn't) and refuses to link to it.

Post 381 R.D. says she isn't sure that Mertex isn't scum. So why go after FA for RV voting for Mertex?

Posts 392 through 420 she tries to keep Rosie's vote on the FA wagon. Post 423 she notes that Mani left the FA wagon.

Post 436 R.D. unvotes, claiming it was to get away from the crazy.
What crazy? R.D. refuses to elaborate when asked.
Note that R.D. voted for no one in the final VC. Laying low?

Post 496
Scum ain't too bright this game. She (Scarlet) went after Mani hard, she led the train. I have almost no doubt she would have been the next lynch. If they thought she was a mason they are nuts

How is R.D. so sure she wasn't a mason? Because "It was clear she was doing her best to avoid the masons being detected."

Scarlet wouldn't have to do that on Day 1. The NK is as much a crapshoot for Scum as the lynch is for Town.

But in Post 555 she changes her story
Mebelle and tn posted less than mani. Mani did in fact post content to try to survive and she blew it off. She claimed to distrust all trains, except the one she began...she pushed for Mani, not just a mention. Then this post (x-link) just made no sense.

I honestly thought she was scum after that last post, no way a mason

Post 604 I notice that as badly as Mertex and R.D. want Avi lynched, neither one is voting for him.

Post 746 R.D. claims that Avi and I are scum partners - even though I very nearly hammered him.


My first red flag was her revenge vote on Mani. The minute's difference between

Avi's hammer and Rosie's vote change bothers me because she had 6 days to

change her mind.

Post 106 she focuses on FA over something he said in Game 3. Being all butthurt

is anti-Town.

In agreement with R.D. she doesn't want Avatar to defend TN, yet Rosie defends

Mertex and R.D.

Post 343 - She accuses Avi of saying he would suffer if FA were lynched. See

Post 327, R.D. actually says it first and Avi mocks her. She then calls him a liar

when he corrects her.

Ultimately she declares FA scum without giving any clear reason. She also

asserts that Mertex "is Town, for real, for true" without giving reason.

She daves about being NK'd.

And then there's Post 519:

Cafe asks:
So, the question is, are you town and finally saw your past vengeance

hurts us as town, or is Avatar trying to bus one of his own?

Rosie replies:
I seriously doubt anyone would bus me, seeing as I do not let it go. I

gnaw on being bussed like a bone and do not forgive it.

Is that a MoonGlow slip? She doubts anyone would bus her and makes a veiled

threat against those who would? Why would Bussing even concern her if she's

My Long List Part 3

So I listed 4 Scummies. This game has only 3.

Of the 4 - Avi, Mertex, R.D., and Rosie - one isn't scum but is Anti-Town. At least one, actually. Maybe 2 of 'em are Anti-Town.

So which 2 are the Scum? It's been known to happen where a Scum will buddy up to a Townie in order to hide in plain sight, and to gain a valuable friend. I can't tell which of the 3 heads is/are scum. And then there's Avi. For someone that puts a lot of stock in meta, he isn't playing like he did in Game 2.

At this point I cant think of a more scummy player to vote for than Avatar.

Vote: Avatar

The reasons are obvious with what TN, grandma, Cafe and I have stated already. Avi just is not playing to towns interest.

That puts Avatar at L-2 by my unofficial estimation. I think it is simply worth pointing out considering it is still early.
The lack of content and trying to skate by causes FA to stick out as Scum. Grandma defending that as "leaning Town" makes her a mere refusal to bus FA.

Grandma was so furious at TN. Now there is content and more content from TN but does Grandma then direct her fury at FA for the same reason? No....she is a hypocrite and EXCUSES the very same behavior because it is FA that does it.

That sure lets both Shaitra and Mertex off the hook and puts Grandma squarely on it for rejecting my perfectly valid reasoning why FA is Scum.

Vote: FA_Q2

When he flips Scum; Grandma is obvious Scum.

Regards from Rosie
I could have revenge voted TN just like you did Mani.

Didn't you say that was playing against the win condition as you pulled back your vote too late?

The lack of content and trying to skate by causes FA to stick out as Scum. Grandma defending that as "leaning Town" makes her a mere refusal to bus FA.

Grandma was so furious at TN. Now there is content and more content from TN but does Grandma then direct her fury at FA for the same reason? No....she is a hypocrite and EXCUSES the very same behavior because it is FA that does it.

That sure lets both Shaitra and Mertex off the hook and puts Grandma squarely on it for rejecting my perfectly valid reasoning why FA is Scum.

Vote: FA_Q2

When he flips Scum; Grandma is obvious Scum.

Regards from Rosie
Thats rather ironic coming from you rosie as you have not really put out much content yourself. You vote based entirely on previous slights from other games. Your vote pursuit to lynch me has been consistent for me this entire game based on the fact that you didn't like what I posted about your suspicions on game 3. Mani was another one of your revenge votes and we know how that turned out.

The bad part about this is that you are playing anti town but I actually think that you are town anyway. Revenge votes simply seem part of your MO and you don't seem to care if town is damaged because of it.

Oh well, I am going to try and lynch scum rather than focus on drama created by previous games and your need to get 'revenge.' I can only hope that the rest of town will see through your games.
The lack of content and trying to skate by causes FA to stick out as Scum. Grandma defending that as "leaning Town" makes her a mere refusal to bus FA.

Grandma was so furious at TN. Now there is content and more content from TN but does Grandma then direct her fury at FA for the same reason? No....she is a hypocrite and EXCUSES the very same behavior because it is FA that does it.

That sure lets both Shaitra and Mertex off the hook and puts Grandma squarely on it for rejecting my perfectly valid reasoning why FA is Scum.

Vote: FA_Q2 Tut

When he flips Scum; Grandma is obvious Scum.

Regards from Rosie
Thats rather ironic coming from you rosie as you have not really put out much content yourself. You vote based entirely on previous slights from other games. Your vote pursuit to lynch me has been consistent for me this entire game based on the fact that you didn't like what I posted about your suspicions on game 3. Mani was another one of your revenge votes and we know how that turned out.

The bad part about this is that you are playing anti town but I actually think that you are town anyway. Revenge votes simply seem part of your MO and you don't seem to care if town is damaged because of it.

Oh well, I am going to try and lynch scum rather than focus on drama created by previous games and your need to get 'revenge.' I can only hope that the rest of town will see through your games.

Cafe could see in the neighborhood that you were Two-Faced. U wanna play Mr. Holier -Than-Thou now.

You are coming off as you are: Mr. Fake Ass.

Try not to gossip in front of Grandma any more. She repeats every tidbit she hears.

Avatar: I will switch to Grandma first, but FA is her Scum partner and needs lynching, too.

Regards from Rosie
The lack of content and trying to skate by causes FA to stick out as Scum. Grandma defending that as "leaning Town" makes her a mere refusal to bus FA.

Grandma was so furious at TN. Now there is content and more content from TN but does Grandma then direct her fury at FA for the same reason? No....she is a hypocrite and EXCUSES the very same behavior because it is FA that does it.

That sure lets both Shaitra and Mertex off the hook and puts Grandma squarely on it for rejecting my perfectly valid reasoning why FA is Scum.

Vote: FA_Q2 Tut

When he flips Scum; Grandma is obvious Scum.

Regards from Rosie
Thats rather ironic coming from you rosie as you have not really put out much content yourself. You vote based entirely on previous slights from other games. Your vote pursuit to lynch me has been consistent for me this entire game based on the fact that you didn't like what I posted about your suspicions on game 3. Mani was another one of your revenge votes and we know how that turned out.

The bad part about this is that you are playing anti town but I actually think that you are town anyway. Revenge votes simply seem part of your MO and you don't seem to care if town is damaged because of it.

Oh well, I am going to try and lynch scum rather than focus on drama created by previous games and your need to get 'revenge.' I can only hope that the rest of town will see through your games.

Cafe could see in the neighborhood that you were Two-Faced. U wanna play Mr. Holier -Than-Thou now.

You are coming off as you are: Mr. Fake Ass.

Try not to gossip in front of Grandma any more. She repeats every tidbit she hears.

Avatar: I will switch to Grandma first, but FA is her Scum partner and needs lynching, too.

Regards from Rosie

Woah! Rosie, I never stated anything like that and did not think FA was "two-faced" I thought he may be scum, as none of us knew who to trust, please don't insert thoughts or words into my mouth.

I'm not even sure where that came from. You know I "heart" ya, but lets not let a game, (that's all this is) hurt us or hang onto the past.
Rosie, your comment to Avatar about voting for Grandma first and adding that FA is her scum partner reads to me that you no longer believe Avatar is scum. Is that the case? If so, why?

Forum List
