Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

Vote Count: 2.6

Avatar4321 (4): CafeAuLait♀, R.D.♀, tn5421♂, FA_Q2♂
Grandma (3): Mertex♀, Avatar4321♂, RosieS♀

Not Voting (4): AyeCantSeeYou♀, MeBelle60♀, Grandma♀, Shaitra♀

~ With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
~ Deadline is 8/3/14, @ 4pm central.
~ Aye, take as much time as you want with your son. :smiliehug:

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7 | 1.8 | 1.9 | 1.10
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5

Did rd switch from grandma back to me and I miss it?

No. Not yet :badgrin:

The I should probably [MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] so he can correct the vote count unless you are going to change before he does. I hope not lol
RD, how come you didn't vote in VC 1.10? I know you said that you didn't think that Manifold was scum. But why didn't you vote for someone you thought was scum?
RD, how come you didn't vote in VC 1.10? I know you said that you didn't think that Manifold was scum. But why didn't you vote for someone you thought was scum?

Because I had no clue. I threw out stuff to get responses but I never had a solid feeling on anyone. I unvoted,thinking a vote for FA would give the impression I suspected him, which was not the case.

I used the term crazy because that was how I saw the mani vote, so I just took myself out completely kinda to start fresh day on day two
I noticed this as well.

I want to take a look at my notes again and check a few things. I also have to go into work this morning. I will try to have my vote and thoughts posted before noon though.

The spat between Mertex and Avi bothered me as well. Both are voting for Grandma. Was the arguing between them intentional game play meant to throw town off? I don't know. I've mentioned before that Mertex's responses this game are highly antagonistic towards those that question her on pretty much anything. Avi has been much the same way up to the point where he said he'd back off (which he has done). It seems anti-town to attack those that question you and to also claim those people are acting scummy because of it. It creates more tension, negativity, and fighting, which isn't what we need. How can town work with each other when too many are trying to divide us?

VOTE: Mertex

This made sense so I reviewed. She claimed both as her scum picks here and here

Could it be you're going for a no lynch?

No, not going for a no lynch at all. I can change my vote whenever. :) I don't want to lynch someone I think is town though, unless I believe they're working against us.
We have a little over 26 hours before the day is over. I'm just saying so in case some aren't aware. I'd like to avoid a no lynch. And I say that knowing the choice could be me. A no lynch will not help us
The fight between the three heads and Avi does seem made up. His "changing of his ways" halfway through Day 2 is suspicious. As for the three heads, I've suspected them from the outset.
But everyone knows that.

Since we're so close to the deadline (24 hours and 40-some minutes,) maybe we can go with a policy lynch that everyone can agree to - it's what Rosie wants, isn't it?

She's been carrying enough sand in her drawers to start her own haboob, and she's made it clear that she wants to lynch everyone that's slighted her in previous games. That is not playing to Town's win condition. Hell, it's not really even playing to Scum's win condition. It's playing to Rosie's revenge condition and nothing else. If she isn't Scum, then she's certainly Anti-Town.

vote: Rosie
A policy lynch? Why would we do that unless we have no guesses for the scum? How does that tell us anything?
A policy lynch? Why would we do that unless we have no guesses for the scum? How does that tell us anything?

Just in case the voting stalls out close to the deadline.

As for telling us anything, nobody bothers analyzing the lynches/NKs properly, so we aren't going to learn anything no matter who dies.
A policy lynch? Why would we do that unless we have no guesses for the scum? How does that tell us anything?

Just in case the voting stalls out close to the deadline.

As for telling us anything, nobody bothers analyzing the lynches/NKs properly, so we aren't going to learn anything no matter who dies.

Yes, if Grandma doesn't die, and Avatar flips town, I will pretty much have been right, so we will learn this:

Grandma, MeBelle and their partner (FA or Aye) are Scum.....take your pick. Let Grandma skate, and I'll probably be NK, so don't be foolish, open your eyes.

Mertex, you aren't that good a player that you could figure the whole thing out by the end of Day 1.

You're scum and you're trying to influence Town into doing your dirty work for you.
If mertex is so obviously scum, why are you pushing a policy lynch on Rosie?
If mertex is so obviously scum, why are you pushing a policy lynch on Rosie?

Strange, I was just about to ask why not vote for you, given Grandma has said the same about you, "you are obviously Scum". I don't get this.
I recall Grandma pushing Mertex to for FA as well, and she told Mertex if the wagons on FA (4 votes ) and Mertex (4 votes) stayed the same, she would vote Mertex.

Things that make you go hummmmm.

Mertex, you aren't that good a player that you could figure the whole thing out by the end of Day 1.

You're scum and you're trying to influence Town into doing your dirty work for you.

Grandma said:
As for the three heads, I've suspected them from the outset.
CaféAuLait;9557302 said:
If mertex is so obviously scum, why are you pushing a policy lynch on Rosie?

Strange, I was just about to ask why not vote for you, given Grandma has said the same about you, "you are obviously Scum". I don't get this.

It doesn't make sense to me either.

I wouldnt be pushing for a policy lynch if i had a suspect scum.
CaféAuLait;9557302 said:
If mertex is so obviously scum, why are you pushing a policy lynch on Rosie?

Strange, I was just about to ask why not vote for you, given Grandma has said the same about you, "you are obviously Scum". I don't get this.

It doesn't make sense to me either.

I wouldnt be pushing for a policy lynch if i had a suspect scum.

Especially, given some have been railing against policy lynches just for the hell of it.

I went back and forth on you being a mason because of your crumbs comments, then I thought maybe Grandma is trying to protect you, perhaps as a fellow mason, however, she has called you scum one too many times for this to be true in my estimation.

Now, I am trying to figure if this is bussing by you on Grandma and her trying to save her hide, or she just wishy-washy on her votes this time. None of this makes sense, we have had a lot of un-voting and re-voting, then un-voting. And I am unsure if masons think this might take suspicion off of a fellow mason, all it does it send mixed signals to town.

Now don't get me wrong Avatar, it's strange to me you were one of the first to vote this go round Grandma, and she has several votes now. You have changed the way you were posting, but honestly, as a townie looking in, don't you see how suspicious this looks for you? Add to that Grandma's hesitation to vote for you after calling you scum many times.

You and Mertex were fighting left and right and now seem to be aligned and the fighting stopped and you both settled on Mani and now you both settled on Grandma.

We are getting close to a vote, will you be voting this go round? You are playing kinda like ZZZX did in game 3, but I also know you are a low-volume player. Last time you were on was 7/31 and you said you would "bbl" as you had a function to attend, it is now 8/2

I recall Mertex or was it Aye saying to you in game 3, after your lynch- was to play the exact same way you have been in upcoming games, and no one would ever suspect you.

I wondered 1 or 2 days ago if you had any reads for us, but you have yet to answer. I get there is real life, but I suppose when you said on the 31st you would "be back later' it meant soon, not a few days.

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