Official USMB Mafia Game #4: Friends and Enemies

Yes, things that make you go hummmm.

I would much rather try and lynch scum than policy lynch Rosie.

I really want to hear from some of the other players. TN hasn't posted any content in about a day. MeBelle hasn't posted anything lately either.

Working at things from PoE, I've already stated that I felt Aye was town. I also feel that Cafe is town. I do agree that Rosie's style of play is very anti-town and would go for a policy lynch on her if this was day 1. But it is day 2 and while she plays anti-town I am reading her as town for right now. At the moment, even though he hasn't posted much, I read TN as town right now.

That leaves Grandma, Avatar, RD, FA_Q2, MeBelle, and Mertex. At the moment, the two lynch candidates with the most votes are Grandma and Avatar. Of these two I am leaning towards Avatar. My reasoning is we have almost lynched him both days. If he is still alive on day 3, we will again be talking about lynching him. He has definitely done things that are suspicious and I do agree that he was a big reason Manifold got lynched.

Vote: Avatar
I wasn't ever close to being lynched on day one. You have to do what you have to do though.

Why me when you were voting grandma earlier though? I see us looking at grandma as much tomorrow if she survives as well.
Sorry guys, I want to change my vote. I went back and re-read (again) and something caught my eye.

Vote: Grandma
Avi, I voted for you because I don't trust you. I know how good you are and there are some things you've done this game that make me wonder.
If mertex is so obviously scum, why are you pushing a policy lynch on Rosie?

I'm not.

The Rosie thing is a "just in case" suggestion, as in just in case the votes deadlock between you and me again, in which case we'd end up with a NoLynch.

I said that already in Post 911.
The unofficial vote count as of 11:20pm:

Avatar4321 (4): CafeAuLait, tn5421, FA_Q2, Grandma
Grandma (5): Mertex, Avatar4321, RosieS, R.D., Shaitra
Mertex (1): AyeCantSeeYou

Not Voting (4): MeBelle60
Sorry guys, I want to change my vote. I went back and re-read (again) and something caught my eye.

Vote: Grandma

Can you share what caught your eye, perhaps we all can learn something from it.

From Grandma's post above it looks like Grandma is at L-1, lynch warning.

Avatar L-2.

Mertex, you aren't that good a player that you could figure the whole thing out by the end of Day 1.

You're scum and you're trying to influence Town into doing your dirty work for you.

It doesn't take rocket science to figure out scum. So why do you react so intensely to being accused of being Scum? Because as Scum, there is only three of you. You being lynched will only make it easier to find your partners, since your voting and actions say a lot.

I may not be an experienced player, but I can use logic, and your moves say a lot.
If mertex is so obviously scum, why are you pushing a policy lynch on Rosie?

Because her (maybe) partner AyeCantSeeYou has already voted for me and it would be too obvious if she would suddenly switch her vote to me. She's waiting to see if anybody else picks up on her accusations. She's suspicious of so many yet she's wanting a policy lynch? Yet, she doesn't want to take credit for a policy lynch, but rather wants to pin it on someone else.

If MeBelle and Aye don't switch their votes to either Avatar or Grandma, it should be plain to see that they are in a quandary. They can't very well vote for Grandma.....and they are wondering if they look less suspicious if they remain neutral, but we know that Town should work together, and going rogue just doesn't make you look Town.

If we end up in a NL, my main suspect will remain Grandma, but I will certainly keep MeBelle and AyeCantSeeYou as her accomplices because not voting and allowing a NL, or voting for someone that no one else is voting for is very anti-Town.
If mertex is so obviously scum, why are you pushing a policy lynch on Rosie?

Because her (maybe) partner AyeCantSeeYou has already voted for me and it would be too obvious if she would suddenly switch her vote to me. She's waiting to see if anybody else picks up on her accusations. She's suspicious of so many yet she's wanting a policy lynch? Yet, she doesn't want to take credit for a policy lynch, but rather wants to pin it on someone else.

If MeBelle and Aye don't switch their votes to either Avatar or Grandma, it should be plain to see that they are in a quandary. They can't very well vote for Grandma.....and they are wondering if they look less suspicious if they remain neutral, but we know that Town should work together, and going rogue just doesn't make you look Town.

If we end up in a NL, my main suspect will remain Grandma, but I will certainly keep MeBelle and AyeCantSeeYou as her accomplices because not voting and allowing a NL, or voting for someone that no one else is voting for is very anti-Town.

The totally confusing part about this is Avatar said YOU were scum almost all of Day 1, for nearly a week- straight, in fact since VC 1.3 he sat on you and tried to convince us you were scum, he did not change his vote for you, until he hammered Mani in VC 1.10.

MeBelle is starting to make me wonder as well.

Mertex, you aren't that good a player that you could figure the whole thing out by the end of Day 1.

You're scum and you're trying to influence Town into doing your dirty work for you.

It doesn't take rocket science to figure out scum. So why do you react so intensely to being accused of being Scum? Because as Scum, there is only three of you. You being lynched will only make it easier to find your partners, since your voting and actions say a lot.

I may not be an experienced player, but I can use logic, and your moves say a lot.

Why do I react to being called scum?

Because I'm not, and as yet you've not posted anything that suggests that I am.

And by your logic, Avi, Aye, FA, MeBelle, Shaitra, TN, and I are Scum, with me being the GF.

(Hint: There are only 3 Scum, Mertex.)
If mertex is so obviously scum, why are you pushing a policy lynch on Rosie?

Because her (maybe) partner AyeCantSeeYou has already voted for me and it would be too obvious if she would suddenly switch her vote to me. She's waiting to see if anybody else picks up on her accusations. She's suspicious of so many yet she's wanting a policy lynch? Yet, she doesn't want to take credit for a policy lynch, but rather wants to pin it on someone else.

If MeBelle and Aye don't switch their votes to either Avatar or Grandma, it should be plain to see that they are in a quandary. They can't very well vote for Grandma.....and they are wondering if they look less suspicious if they remain neutral, but we know that Town should work together, and going rogue just doesn't make you look Town.

If we end up in a NL, my main suspect will remain Grandma, but I will certainly keep MeBelle and AyeCantSeeYou as her accomplices because not voting and allowing a NL, or voting for someone that no one else is voting for is very anti-Town.

Your first paragraph is obviously drug-induced. I made two posts saying that PL'ing Rosie is an alternative to a deadlock between myself and Avi.

Oh, wait, silly me, I forgot - Scum don't read the threads.
And one more thing. Avatar was defending TN at the start of the game stating it was highly impossible TN rolled scum twice in a row for this game- due to mathematical improbability, that is how the whole thing started between Mertex and Avatar IIRC -Avatar defending TN and our suspicion for TN.

I see a lot of questionable things coming from Grandma too. Some of her posts have seemed off, way off and I have many suspicions about her.

With that said, wouldn't the same set of mathematical improbability Avatar spoke of apply to Grandma -which Avatar was touting for TN rolling scum twice in a row for this game?

This is my reservations about Grandma rolling scum twice- before and after reset.

The only thing I can come to, is she did roll scum twice in a row or she accidently outed she was scum when the hubbub started about the reset- when she said " I had scummy things planned". But why do that? IDK

Avatar, what are your thoughts on this? You seemed to defend TN rolling scum twice but it's possible for Grandma?
Why do I react to being called scum?

Because I'm not, and as yet you've not posted anything that suggests that I am.

And by your logic, Avi, Aye, FA, MeBelle, Shaitra, TN, and I are Scum, with me being the GF.

(Hint: There are only 3 Scum, Mertex.)

Really, Grandma? Are you trying to say I am the only one that changes her mind on who they think is Scum. You're not very clever.

Yes, I know that there is only three...are you so rattled that you are not reading the posts properly? You, MeBelle and Aye make three.

If we end up in a NL, my main suspect will remain Grandma, but I will certainly keep MeBelle and AyeCantSeeYou as her accomplices because not voting and allowing a NL, or voting for someone that no one else is voting for is very anti-Town.
If mertex is so obviously scum, why are you pushing a policy lynch on Rosie?

Because her (maybe) partner AyeCantSeeYou has already voted for me and it would be too obvious if she would suddenly switch her vote to me. She's waiting to see if anybody else picks up on her accusations. She's suspicious of so many yet she's wanting a policy lynch? Yet, she doesn't want to take credit for a policy lynch, but rather wants to pin it on someone else.

If MeBelle and Aye don't switch their votes to either Avatar or Grandma, it should be plain to see that they are in a quandary. They can't very well vote for Grandma.....and they are wondering if they look less suspicious if they remain neutral, but we know that Town should work together, and going rogue just doesn't make you look Town.

If we end up in a NL, my main suspect will remain Grandma, but I will certainly keep MeBelle and AyeCantSeeYou as her accomplices because not voting and allowing a NL, or voting for someone that no one else is voting for is very anti-Town.

Your first paragraph is obviously drug-induced. I made two posts saying that PL'ing Rosie is an alternative to a deadlock between myself and Avi.

Oh, wait, silly me, I forgot - Scum don't read the threads.

Why do you think a PL on Rosie would get the votes when we can't get the votes needed to lynch you? Because then you and your accomplices would surely vote?

You don't want a NL because it will point the finger at your two helpers, so for you, a Policy Lynch would be better, and claiming it's what Rosie wants would surely let you off the hook, wouldn't it?

And you may be right about Scum not reading the certainly missed my post where I named you three as Scum and instead you named a bunch of others you think I claim are Scum. You may want to start reading the posts from now on so you won't make that slip again.
CaféAuLait;9557967 said:
And one more thing. Avatar was defending TN at the start of the game stating it was highly impossible TN rolled scum twice in a row for this game- due to mathematical improbability, that is how the whole thing started between Mertex and Avatar IIRC -Avatar defending TN and our suspicion for TN.

I see a lot of questionable things coming from Grandma too. Some of her posts have seemed off, way off and I have many suspicions about her.

With that said, wouldn't the same set of mathematical improbability Avatar spoke of apply to Grandma -which Avatar was touting for TN rolling scum twice in a row for this game?

This is my reservations about Grandma rolling scum twice- before and after reset.

The only thing I can come to, is she did roll scum twice in a row or she accidently outed she was scum when the hubbub started about the reset- when she said " I had scummy things planned". But why do that? IDK

Avatar, what are your thoughts on this? You seemed to defend TN rolling scum twice but it's possible for Grandma?

Cafe, we already went through this.

I was scum when the game started. Then there was the "kerfuffle" over a PM that outed some Scum and at least 1 Mason. Then Wake reset the roles and started the game over.

I complained about the roles being reset, because I had scummy things planned:mad: originally, before the reset.

Somehow some people thought, or wanted everyone else to think, that because I was scum in the original setup, I was scum again.

That's when I claimed VT, to try and get everyone to understand that I did not get the scum role, it had been yanked away.:mad: I would have been great as scum, btw, I'm sure of it.

The math for this game is basically a little over 50% chance of drawing VT, just under 25% chance of drawing either Scum or Mason.
Because her (maybe) partner AyeCantSeeYou has already voted for me and it would be too obvious if she would suddenly switch her vote to me. She's waiting to see if anybody else picks up on her accusations. She's suspicious of so many yet she's wanting a policy lynch? Yet, she doesn't want to take credit for a policy lynch, but rather wants to pin it on someone else.

If MeBelle and Aye don't switch their votes to either Avatar or Grandma, it should be plain to see that they are in a quandary. They can't very well vote for Grandma.....and they are wondering if they look less suspicious if they remain neutral, but we know that Town should work together, and going rogue just doesn't make you look Town.

If we end up in a NL, my main suspect will remain Grandma, but I will certainly keep MeBelle and AyeCantSeeYou as her accomplices because not voting and allowing a NL, or voting for someone that no one else is voting for is very anti-Town.

Your first paragraph is obviously drug-induced. I made two posts saying that PL'ing Rosie is an alternative to a deadlock between myself and Avi.

Oh, wait, silly me, I forgot - Scum don't read the threads.

Why do you think a PL on Rosie would get the votes when we can't get the votes needed to lynch you? Because then you and your accomplices would surely vote?

You don't want a NL because it will point the finger at your two helpers, so for you, a Policy Lynch would be better, and claiming it's what Rosie wants would surely let you off the hook, wouldn't it?

And you may be right about Scum not reading the certainly missed my post where I named you three as Scum and instead you named a bunch of others you think I claim are Scum. You may want to start reading the posts from now on so you won't make that slip again.

( emphasis added)

Isn't a PL on Mani -exactly what happened when Avatar could not get the votes for YOU? Avatar lead Mani's wagon and then claimed he did not in several posts until he was called on it and finally admitted to leading it after Mani had 5 votes.

Grandma's suggestion was silly and possibility scummy, but that is exactly what happened Day 1.
CaféAuLait;9557967 said:
And one more thing. Avatar was defending TN at the start of the game stating it was highly impossible TN rolled scum twice in a row for this game- due to mathematical improbability, that is how the whole thing started between Mertex and Avatar IIRC -Avatar defending TN and our suspicion for TN.

I see a lot of questionable things coming from Grandma too. Some of her posts have seemed off, way off and I have many suspicions about her.

With that said, wouldn't the same set of mathematical improbability Avatar spoke of apply to Grandma -which Avatar was touting for TN rolling scum twice in a row for this game?

This is my reservations about Grandma rolling scum twice- before and after reset.

The only thing I can come to, is she did roll scum twice in a row or she accidently outed she was scum when the hubbub started about the reset- when she said " I had scummy things planned". But why do that? IDK

Avatar, what are your thoughts on this? You seemed to defend TN rolling scum twice but it's possible for Grandma?

Cafe, we already went through this.

I was scum when the game started. Then there was the "kerfuffle" over a PM that outed some Scum and at least 1 Mason. Then Wake reset the roles and started the game over.

I complained about the roles being reset, because I had scummy things planned:mad: originally, before the reset.

Somehow some people thought, or wanted everyone else to think, that because I was scum in the original setup, I was scum again.

That's when I claimed VT, to try and get everyone to understand that I did not get the scum role, it had been yanked away.:mad: I would have been great as scum, btw, I'm sure of it.

The math for this game is basically a little over 50% chance of drawing VT, just under 25% chance of drawing either Scum or Mason.


Yes, I know. I was asking Avatar, because he was defending TN on day one and his reason was the mathematical improbability TN would have rolled scum twice for this game. Since that was true of TN according to Avatar, the SAME should be true for YOU, yes?
I see a lot of questionable things coming from Grandma too. Some of her posts have seemed off, way off and I have many suspicions about her.

Sorry, I forgot to address this.

It might have been the flu or the Nyquil. I was fucked up for a couple days there.

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