Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

House, if you read through the other games here, you'll notice town has lost them all except for the micro game and the one that was cut short due to Wake posting the scum QT in the middle of the game for all to see.

Want to know why we lose the games? It's because town lynches town nearly every time. Scum doesn't have to do much at all until the townie numbers start dwindling down.

This game is set a little different though. In order for scum to win, one of the scum teams needs to take out the other team by using townies to lynch them. Then, the remaining scum team must outnumber town. After Day 2 and Night 2, we're likely to be down by 3 more townies. I think that makes 5 out. There should be 7 town to 4 scum come Day 3.

This is worrisome. Why do you think all four scum will be alive Day 3? Why do you think we will lynch town today?

Because in every game town has lost, town has lynched town. One starts accusations, others jump on, and before you know it, a townie is mislynched. Most will react to what they see going on instead of using reason. Some use the same excuse others use for lynching someone (the ones to watch). If Mertex flips town, watch the excuses that pop up. Read the reasons some are voting for her now. All I see right now is 'follow the leader'.
Mafia is a game of persuasion. There will be people who follow and not lead. That does not mean the leaders are wrong. You take a look at the wagon trains with info to lynch scum.
I think you have caught Miss Scarlet in a big fat lie. Just like Grandma, Scum lie. I'm going to enjoy watching them trying to get out of their lies.


It doesn't matter, Mertex was aware the ability she lifted from Shai, would kill her if she used it. Additionally, I believe I understand this fear better now given Rosie outed her PR. I did not get before why Mertex was so afraid both scum teams would target Rosie, I kept thinking that is a long shot, why does she think this?

So that gives us one of two conclusions. Either Mertex knew Rosie was going to die, or Mertex was sure there was two members of each faction of scum in your neighborhood. I highly doubt she believed this.
Aye, that is a real defeatist attitude. Mertex is flat out refusing to help town. Most of the time, I am dead day 1. You know why? I do a wicked mean VCA. Those are helpful in the late game.

What is a VCA?

A VCA is a vote count analysis. You look at the wagons with information known, factor in likely scum actions, and you can tell alignments.

After Mertex's flip we can look at her wagons to deduce her partner (or look for scum if wrong).
Either Mertex knew Rosie was going to die, or Mertex was sure there was two members of each faction of scum in your neighborhood. I highly doubt she believed this.

Two members of each faction... so... all 4 scum in the same 'hood?

That would suck!
Here's a way that Rosie might have been protected:

Assuming she survived the Night and came back with a "guilty" on a player, I would have owned that, acting as though I were the Cop. I'm dispensable. Doing that would get me NK'd but it would keep Rosie alive another night.
Aye, that is a real defeatist attitude. Mertex is flat out refusing to help town. Most of the time, I am dead day 1. You know why? I do a wicked mean VCA. Those are helpful in the late game.

What is a VCA?

A VCA is a vote count analysis. You look at the wagons with information known, factor in likely scum actions, and you can tell alignments.

After Mertex's flip we can look at her wagons to deduce her partner (or look for scum if wrong).

I think you have caught Miss Scarlet in a big fat lie. Just like Grandma, Scum lie. I'm going to enjoy watching them trying to get out of their lies.


It doesn't matter, Mertex was aware the ability she lifted from Shai, would kill her if she used it. Additionally, I believe I understand this fear better now given Rosie outed her PR. I did not get before why Mertex was so afraid both scum teams would target Rosie, I kept thinking that is a long shot, why does she think this?

So that gives us one of two conclusions. Either Mertex knew Rosie was going to die, or Mertex was sure there was two members of each faction of scum in your neighborhood. I highly doubt she believed this.
When did Rosie out her PR? If Rosie is a PR, why doesn't she claim no use. Why didn't Rosie steal grandma's immunity?
Aye, that is a real defeatist attitude. Mertex is flat out refusing to help town. Most of the time, I am dead day 1. You know why? I do a wicked mean VCA. Those are helpful in the late game.

No, I spoke the truth as to what happens with games here. Town has worked against each other time after time, instead of working with each other. The neighborhoods are an example of that. If you can't put any faith and trust into the people in them, then what good are they? I went out on a limb in Game 3, took a huge chance, and outed my role to RD and Sam in our QT. Our QT wound up being the most active and was used for what it was intended for. This game, that isn't happening.

The reason you were targeted in the previous game is because we (me, FA, and Grandma) thought you rolled Mason again after the reset. That was the only reason. I knew we only needed to get one Mason out to win. I will also say that by being scum in that game, I watched town lynch each other without much help from us.
I think you have caught Miss Scarlet in a big fat lie. Just like Grandma, Scum lie. I'm going to enjoy watching them trying to get out of their lies.


It doesn't matter, Mertex was aware the ability she lifted from Shai, would kill her if she used it. Additionally, I believe I understand this fear better now given Rosie outed her PR. I did not get before why Mertex was so afraid both scum teams would target Rosie, I kept thinking that is a long shot, why does she think this?

So that gives us one of two conclusions. Either Mertex knew Rosie was going to die, or Mertex was sure there was two members of each faction of scum in your neighborhood. I highly doubt she believed this.
When did Rosie out her PR? If Rosie is a PR, why doesn't she claim no use. Why didn't Rosie steal grandma's immunity?

Rosie wasn't a thief.
God damn jumbled thoyght. Where did Mertex out her PR? If Mertex was a PR, why doesn't she say no shield or better yet use Grandma's ability?
Since I am at l -1 and for sure a target for Scum Grandma and SR tonight , I might as well claim.

I am Town Doctor.

So go ahead and lynch me and find out the truth instead of waiting for them to kill me and then wonder who the Scum is. Grandma is the only possible one that is part of Fire because she knew that Rosie was a cop and also knew that I hinted at being Doc. She decided to take Rosie out first because Rosie had investigative powers and was already becoming suspicious of Grandma for making up that lie about me and broadcasting it in the thread.

I'm thinking that Scarlet is her partner. They both have been lying through their teeth, Wolf has been believing their lies and pushing for my lynch, but mostly because I think she doesn't think things through. Aye, House and Mathblade and possibly Sam are Town, took the time to read the posts and see the lies that Grandma/SR are manufacturing. The other Mafia team (Ice)is hiding, could be FA since he was so eager for me to reveal when revealing doesn't help Town at all. Sgt Gath probably hasn't taken time to read the posts and is just going with easy, but most likely Town.

That's all folks.
God damn jumbled thoyght. Where did Mertex out her PR? If Mertex was a PR, why doesn't she say no shield or better yet use Grandma's ability?

You're already wanting to string her up even without her having stolen an awesome ability, she wouldn't have survived D1 if she had ganked Invincibility. That has already been discussed and agreed upon.
I think you have caught Miss Scarlet in a big fat lie. Just like Grandma, Scum lie. I'm going to enjoy watching them trying to get out of their lies.


It doesn't matter, Mertex was aware the ability she lifted from Shai, would kill her if she used it. Additionally, I believe I understand this fear better now given Rosie outed her PR. I did not get before why Mertex was so afraid both scum teams would target Rosie, I kept thinking that is a long shot, why does she think this?

So that gives us one of two conclusions. Either Mertex knew Rosie was going to die, or Mertex was sure there was two members of each faction of scum in your neighborhood. I highly doubt she believed this.
When did Rosie out her PR? If Rosie is a PR, why doesn't she claim no use. Why didn't Rosie steal grandma's immunity?

Rosie did not have the ability to steal Grandma's power. Mertex could have ending a lot of issues. I think Rosie must have outed it pretty early, I was just reading central again to get a feel for timing when Aye or Grandma mentioned it.
Aye, that is a real defeatist attitude. Mertex is flat out refusing to help town. Most of the time, I am dead day 1. You know why? I do a wicked mean VCA. Those are helpful in the late game.

No, I spoke the truth as to what happens with games here. Town has worked against each other time after time, instead of working with each other. The neighborhoods are an example of that. If you can't put any faith and trust into the people in them, then what good are they? I went out on a limb in Game 3, took a huge chance, and outed my role to RD and Sam in our QT. Our QT wound up being the most active and was used for what it was intended for. This game, that isn't happening.

The reason you were targeted in the previous game is because we (me, FA, and Grandma) thought you rolled Mason again after the reset. That was the only reason. I knew we only needed to get one Mason out to win. I will also say that by being scum in that game, I watched town lynch each other without much help from us.
VCA catches that too. If scum are not pushing you end with a stalled game and bad votes in retrospect. This game incentives scum voting other scum too.
God damn jumbled thoyght. Where did Mertex out her PR? If Mertex was a PR, why doesn't she say no shield or better yet use Grandma's ability?

You're already wanting to string her up even without her having stolen an awesome ability, she wouldn't have survived D1 if she had ganked Invincibility. That has already been discussed and agreed upon.
Oh yes she would have. A VT willingly gives up immunity to a PR.
My take - for whoever cares - is that Mertex is town. None of her posts, when compared to other games she has played town, differ from this game. When she played scum, she wasn't posting much and wasn't calling everyone scum/scummy/idiot/dummy/etc. She way lying low and stayed in the background while townies tore each others throats out. What is she doing in this game? She's out front, posting as though all of us are her enemy, which is her town meta.

In Game # Mertex was Scum with ZZZX - who posted maybe 4 times the whole game; with TN, who made rare appearances; and with Wolfsister, who was busy melting down. Mertex was pretty much working solo.

This Game's different, pretty much everyone seems to be involved, so she can be much more secure and relaxed in her Scumminess.
God damn jumbled thoyght. Where did Mertex out her PR? If Mertex was a PR, why doesn't she say no shield or better yet use Grandma's ability?

You're already wanting to string her up even without her having stolen an awesome ability, she wouldn't have survived D1 if she had ganked Invincibility. That has already been discussed and agreed upon.
Oh yes she would have. A VT willingly gives up immunity to a PR.

Not when the PR can't claim due to wanting to survive past D2

Next Questions.

Grandma, why don't you believe mertex's claimed PR? But you believed Rosies?

Aye, do you believe Mertex?

I am assuming everyone made the saem claim in your neighborhood at the same time?
That claim is a load of horseshit. Doctor grabs immunity. The doctor crumbs who they healed. Mertex did not claim or crumb John Doe is town publicly. Town Doctor Mertex still claims who she used shield on. It's Fiction.

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