Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Vote: Scarlet Rage.

Your lie about the mod confirming you were targeted is BS. Additionally, Mertex claimed doc sometime ago from what I understand in her neighborhood. This is not at Houses behest.

Be honest, I totally asked you to do that with my super-duper telepathic powers!

I'm sure that will be Scarlet's theory, anyway.
Grandma is a better choice. Her, Aye, and Mertex knew about Rosie. If they all knew Mertex was the doc, and Rosie is dead-who is a bigger threat to scum than a doc, then Grandma should be voted for. She has been pushing to get Mertex lynched. Rosie killed, Mertex lynched. Gets rid of two PR's.

Mertex coming out as doc changes things. This is not a scum safeclaim. A scum safeclaim is a VT.

Next Questions.

Grandma, why don't you believe mertex's claimed PR? But you believed Rosies?

Aye, do you believe Mertex?

I am assuming everyone made the saem claim in your neighborhood at the same time?

Yes, I believe Mertex. I've said before I believe she is town. I've also said more than once that this is her town meta that you have all been seeing. If I had thought she was scum, I would have been leading that claim.

How far along into the game did you all out your PR's?

Because scarlet is trying to convince us now House and Mertex is just making up the doc claim within the past few hours. .

If you want to start counting her lies, begin with the reopening of the thread, Cafe.

I don't think she's scum, she's just a manipulative twat.

Sorry, then who do you think her scum partner is?
Vote: Scarlet Rage.

Your lie about the mod confirming you were targeted is BS. Additionally, Mertex claimed doc sometime ago from what I understand in her neighborhood. This is not at Houses behest.

IMHO, we should go after the cop killer first, and mop up those we are suspicious of later. That is why I voted Grandma.
Grandma is a better choice. Her, Aye, and Mertex knew about Rosie. If they all knew Mertex was the doc, and Rosie is dead-who is a bigger threat to scum than a doc, then Grandma should be voted for. She has been pushing to get Mertex lynched. Rosie killed, Mertex lynched. Gets rid of two PR's.

Mertex coming out as doc changes things. This is not a scum safeclaim. A scum safeclaim is a VT.
No. Doc is a safer claim. VT = lynched.

Why doesn't she claim who she healed ir shielded? Why didn't she claim NOT to use the shield if doc? Why not steal Grandma's ability.
Grandma is a better choice. Her, Aye, and Mertex knew about Rosie. If they all knew Mertex was the doc, and Rosie is dead-who is a bigger threat to scum than a doc, then Grandma should be voted for. She has been pushing to get Mertex lynched. Rosie killed, Mertex lynched. Gets rid of two PR's.

Mertex coming out as doc changes things. This is not a scum safeclaim. A scum safeclaim is a VT.

I don't know. I was just reading Central. And both Aye and Grandma were quite vocal about how important Rosie was. Im not saying grandma is or is not scum. But I am seeing scum play right before my eyes with SR's play.
@Mertex who did you heal? Who did you shield?

I already said I wasn't going to reveal until Wolf and FA answered those questions. I don't care what you think, you don't think much, anyway. So, go ahead and lynch me, there is still time for Town to win.

I already told you why I wanted to know. There is no reason for you not to tell us.

You want to know because it will reveal "valuable information" - like what, Wolf. What valuable information.
Spell it out since you know what it is, or do you? You just blabblng away thinking it makes you sound interested in helping town, but you are just going along with Scum.

No, you don't read posts. I explained it already in an earlier post. I want to know who you shielded because that will tell us if ice mafia targeted the person or not and possibly clear that person of being ice mafia. Ice mafia missed last night. Fire did not. We already know what fire did. You were ice immune. If ice targeted someone you shielded, they are likely not ice mafia. So help town please and tell us who you shielded.
Grandma is a better choice. Her, Aye, and Mertex knew about Rosie. If they all knew Mertex was the doc, and Rosie is dead-who is a bigger threat to scum than a doc, then Grandma should be voted for. She has been pushing to get Mertex lynched. Rosie killed, Mertex lynched. Gets rid of two PR's.

Mertex coming out as doc changes things. This is not a scum safeclaim. A scum safeclaim is a VT.

I don't know. I was just reading Central. And both Aye and Grandma were quite vocal about how important Rosie was. Im not saying grandma is or is not scum. But I am seeing scum play right before my eyes with SR's play.

Explain please and if I get it, I'll change my vote.
Grandma is a better choice. Her, Aye, and Mertex knew about Rosie. If they all knew Mertex was the doc, and Rosie is dead-who is a bigger threat to scum than a doc, then Grandma should be voted for. She has been pushing to get Mertex lynched. Rosie killed, Mertex lynched. Gets rid of two PR's.

Mertex coming out as doc changes things. This is not a scum safeclaim. A scum safeclaim is a VT.

I don't know. I was just reading Central. And both Aye and Grandma were quite vocal about how important Rosie was. Im not saying grandma is or is not scum. But I am seeing scum play right before my eyes with SR's play.

SR is not scum. Scummy, yes. But not scum.
@Mertex who did you heal? Who did you shield?

I already said I wasn't going to reveal until Wolf and FA answered those questions. I don't care what you think, you don't think much, anyway. So, go ahead and lynch me, there is still time for Town to win.

I already told you why I wanted to know. There is no reason for you not to tell us.

You want to know because it will reveal "valuable information" - like what, Wolf. What valuable information.
Spell it out since you know what it is, or do you? You just blabblng away thinking it makes you sound interested in helping town, but you are just going along with Scum.

No, you don't read posts. I explained it already in an earlier post. I want to know who you shielded because that will tell us if ice mafia targeted the person or not and possibly clear that person of being ice mafia. Ice mafia missed last night. Fire did not. We already know what fire did. You were ice immune. If ice targeted someone you shielded, they are likely not ice mafia. So help town please and tell us who you shielded.

Wolf, that won't tell you anything because failed attempts are not communicated to the would-be victim, per Wake's decree.
Grandma is a better choice. Her, Aye, and Mertex knew about Rosie. If they all knew Mertex was the doc, and Rosie is dead-who is a bigger threat to scum than a doc, then Grandma should be voted for. She has been pushing to get Mertex lynched. Rosie killed, Mertex lynched. Gets rid of two PR's.

Mertex coming out as doc changes things. This is not a scum safeclaim. A scum safeclaim is a VT.

I don't know. I was just reading Central. And both Aye and Grandma were quite vocal about how important Rosie was. Im not saying grandma is or is not scum. But I am seeing scum play right before my eyes with SR's play.

Explain please and if I get it, I'll change my vote.

Okay, I mean since both grandma and aye were stating in central how important Rosie was it means it was past their neighborhood. Someone in central could have gotten the into out. I am unsure Grandma is scum, but I am seeing SR outright lie here and that is scum play to me. Mertex can say grandma lied which may be an misunderstanding or cat fight. What I am seeing is BS coming from SR right now, where she said she KNEW scum tried to kill her and then said "she can't quote Mod Pm's to verify" the Mod told her. The Wake came on and said he does not let us know who the targets were, when SR claimed otherwise.
Grandma is a better choice. Her, Aye, and Mertex knew about Rosie. If they all knew Mertex was the doc, and Rosie is dead-who is a bigger threat to scum than a doc, then Grandma should be voted for. She has been pushing to get Mertex lynched. Rosie killed, Mertex lynched. Gets rid of two PR's.

Mertex coming out as doc changes things. This is not a scum safeclaim. A scum safeclaim is a VT.

I don't know. I was just reading Central. And both Aye and Grandma were quite vocal about how important Rosie was. Im not saying grandma is or is not scum. But I am seeing scum play right before my eyes with SR's play.

Explain please and if I get it, I'll change my vote.

Okay, I mean since both grandma and aye were stating in central how important Rosie was it means it was past their neighborhood. Someone in central could have gotten the into out. I am unsure Grandma is scum, but I am seeing SR outright lie here and that is scum play to me. Mertex can say grandma lied which may be an misunderstanding or cat fight. What I am seeing is BS coming from SR right now, where she said she KNEW scum tried to kill her and then said "she can't quote Mod Pm's to verify" the Mod told her. The Wake came on and said he does not let us know who the targets were, when SR claimed otherwise.

Does anyone in Central know Rosie is a cop? I'm pretty sure Rosie's hood knew. SR didn't know which is why I am not interested in targeting her. I want the cop killer scum.
Cafe, Wake said no notice of attack was sent. Period.

Mertex is lying about shield and doccing. She would annouce this if town and make me look bad.
Mertex- I agree you should just tell us at this point who you protected and shielded. I see no reason not to. Do you? If so, explain why we shouldn't know this now. You are out. So tell town. You are not helping scum with this info. that I can see. Tell me why you won't tell us if you won't.

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