Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Aww fuck it. This has gone on too long. I see I will die lying and fooling scum. I am full ice immune. That is where I lied. I crumbed the truth in my hood. Given a flip of ice no kill and full immune ice scum, I figured I could draw theice scum kill as long as they believed it. If Mertex claimed and proved an alternative source that would make it less likely I was attacked but more likely to take a kill.

Dammit SR. if true, you are really putting yourself in jeopardy in more ways than one. Gah
Grandma is a better choice. Her, Aye, and Mertex knew about Rosie. If they all knew Mertex was the doc, and Rosie is dead-who is a bigger threat to scum than a doc, then Grandma should be voted for. She has been pushing to get Mertex lynched. Rosie killed, Mertex lynched. Gets rid of two PR's.

Mertex coming out as doc changes things. This is not a scum safeclaim. A scum safeclaim is a VT.
No. Doc is a safer claim. VT = lynched.

Why doesn't she claim who she healed ir shielded? Why didn't she claim NOT to use the shield if doc? Why not steal Grandma's ability.

I agree with these questions.

Mertex you are now at L-2.

Who did you protect with your meat shield and your doc ability? You could use both right? Would it matter or be a detriment to town if she revels this information, anyonne?

She should tell us.
Aww fuck it. This has gone on too long. I see I will die lying and fooling scum. I am full ice immune. That is where I lied. I crumbed the truth in my hood. Given a flip of ice no kill and full immune ice scum, I figured I could draw theice scum kill as long as they believed it. If Mertex claimed and proved an alternative source that would make it less likely I was attacked but more likely to take a kill.

Dammit SR. if true, you are really putting yourself in jeopardy in more ways than one. Gah

It was a low risk play with predictable results and I never ask of others what I will not do myself. Mertex House and Mathblade all came after me. At least one is likely ice scum. That is partially why I think Mertex and TN are icescum and why I pushed so hard for Mertex to claim healed and shielded and why.
Mertex, just spill it.

These folks would rather lynch a townie and let scum go free unless they get every little thing they ask for.
Actually Mertex, if you don't give town the info. we are asking for, I will assume you are lying and put my vote back. There is no reason you wouldn't tell us if you are town. Spill it.
Aww fuck it. This has gone on too long. I see I will die lying and fooling scum. I am full ice immune. That is where I lied. I crumbed the truth in my hood. Given a flip of ice no kill and full immune ice scum, I figured I could draw theice scum kill as long as they believed it. If Mertex claimed and proved an alternative source that would make it less likely I was attacked but more likely to take a kill.

See...You were lying. I and House caught you. :( I don't believe in a one shot and I don't believe you now. IMO I think you are scum because you've been lying this entire time. I don't like being lied to and then told what I'm supposed to believe after being lied to that long.

@House I replaced MeBelle. Scarlet Rage replaced Bob.

You don't believe in a one shot what? Ice shield? So you don't think she may be immune to ice scum? Is that a PR?
... like I said.

Wolf, best hope she flips scum if you lynch her. Threats don't sound very townish to me.

Next Questions.

Grandma, why don't you believe mertex's claimed PR? But you believed Rosies?

Aye, do you believe Mertex?

I am assuming everyone made the saem claim in your neighborhood at the same time?

I had something like 15 pages to read through, I've been answering as I go along.

I don't know if I believe Mertex or not.

You know as well as I do she's more of a danger to Town than Scum is regardless of her role.

But - unvote

:bang3: :blowup::eusa_wall: :mad-61: :hmpf: :mad:
Aww fuck it. This has gone on too long. I see I will die lying and fooling scum. I am full ice immune. That is where I lied. I crumbed the truth in my hood. Given a flip of ice no kill and full immune ice scum, I figured I could draw theice scum kill as long as they believed it. If Mertex claimed and proved an alternative source that would make it less likely I was attacked but more likely to take a kill.

See...You were lying. I and House caught you. :( I don't believe in a one shot and I don't believe you now. IMO I think you are scum because you've been lying this entire time. I don't like being lied to and then told what I'm supposed to believe after being lied to that long.

@House I replaced MeBelle. Scarlet Rage replaced Bob.

I'm willing to buy that SR has ice immunity as a reactive ability or somesuch, but a vest? I knew better than that blarney.
I was an obvious nk target if TN and Mertex are indeed icescum. TN protects Mertex his icescum buddy from kills. Mertex claims PR. Skipping immunity to avoid detection is critical.

Mertex shields her buddy bc she was forced. They kill me because I trained most of you on how to play town (and die n1 usually). The doc claim she needs a heal target.

Mertex if she thinks she healed someone states that someone is inlikely there's icescum she states it. No instead she vaguely doubtcasts.
Mertex, just spill it.

These folks would rather lynch a townie and let scum go free unless they get every little thing they ask for.

Not, true at all. We want to ensure we are correct. period. I don't like the way you insist we want to let scum go free here, almost seems like a taunt.


Did Mertex revel her PR in your neighborhood, when Rosie did?

I'm starting to believe she did not. because I keep reading central and I don't see the two of you worried about protection for Mertex as well. mertex's role is pretty darn important to the game too, right? So I would assume if she had claimed, you would have let us know she needs protection too, yes?
Aww fuck it. This has gone on too long. I see I will die lying and fooling scum. I am full ice immune. That is where I lied. I crumbed the truth in my hood. Given a flip of ice no kill and full immune ice scum, I figured I could draw theice scum kill as long as they believed it. If Mertex claimed and proved an alternative source that would make it less likely I was attacked but more likely to take a kill.

See...You were lying. I and House caught you. :( I don't believe in a one shot and I don't believe you now. IMO I think you are scum because you've been lying this entire time. I don't like being lied to and then told what I'm supposed to believe after being lied to that long.

@House I replaced MeBelle. Scarlet Rage replaced Bob.

I'm willing to buy that SR has ice immunity as a reactive ability or somesuch, but a vest? I knew better than that blarney.

What is a vest?
Aww fuck it. This has gone on too long. I see I will die lying and fooling scum. I am full ice immune. That is where I lied. I crumbed the truth in my hood. Given a flip of ice no kill and full immune ice scum, I figured I could draw theice scum kill as long as they believed it. If Mertex claimed and proved an alternative source that would make it less likely I was attacked but more likely to take a kill.

See...You were lying. I and House caught you. :( I don't believe in a one shot and I don't believe you now. IMO I think you are scum because you've been lying this entire time. I don't like being lied to and then told what I'm supposed to believe after being lied to that long.

@House I replaced MeBelle. Scarlet Rage replaced Bob.

I'm willing to buy that SR has ice immunity as a reactive ability or somesuch, but a vest? I knew better than that blarney.

A one shot BP or in this case a one-shot ice immune, would be a vest. That's how it works. If you are a one-shot BP townie you have a bulletproof vest that absorbs one shot. After that, it is gone if you are shot. So vest is appropriate terminology.
Aww fuck it. This has gone on too long. I see I will die lying and fooling scum. I am full ice immune. That is where I lied. I crumbed the truth in my hood. Given a flip of ice no kill and full immune ice scum, I figured I could draw theice scum kill as long as they believed it. If Mertex claimed and proved an alternative source that would make it less likely I was attacked but more likely to take a kill.

See...You were lying. I and House caught you. :( I don't believe in a one shot and I don't believe you now. IMO I think you are scum because you've been lying this entire time. I don't like being lied to and then told what I'm supposed to believe after being lied to that long.

@House I replaced MeBelle. Scarlet Rage replaced Bob.

I'm willing to buy that SR has ice immunity as a reactive ability or somesuch, but a vest? I knew better than that blarney.
That is what I was describing in my wifom.

Next Questions.

Grandma, why don't you believe mertex's claimed PR? But you believed Rosies?

Aye, do you believe Mertex?

I am assuming everyone made the saem claim in your neighborhood at the same time?

Yes, I believe Mertex. I've said before I believe she is town. I've also said more than once that this is her town meta that you have all been seeing. If I had thought she was scum, I would have been leading that claim.

How far along into the game did you all out your PR's?

Because scarlet is trying to convince us now House and Mertex is just making up the doc claim within the past few hours. .

Rosie outed her role first on 8-21. Before she did that, I mentioned that if we were all town, there shouldn't be a problem with us telling each other what our abilities were (not roles). I told them what my ability was. Rosie trusted us and told us she was the town cop and that her ability was the double down. Grandma told us her ability next, followed by Mertex.

When did Mertex out her PR? Or has she in your neighborhood?

Post 82, 8-22, was the first hint. again in Post 91.
I'm willing to buy that SR has ice immunity as a reactive ability or somesuch, but a vest? I knew better than that blarney.

Me too :(
I feel like my sister expected me to defend a lie or be stupid. I don't know which is worse.
Plus a lot of pages were taken up by this malarkey. Very very anti-town to me.

I feel like my sister is scum or at least really shouldn't ask her own sister to lie for her without reasons. Please treat me like a player sis. :(

My vote is still on Scarlet for taking up so many pages when they could have been used to scumhunt.

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