Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Mertex, just spill it.

These folks would rather lynch a townie and let scum go free unless they get every little thing they ask for.

Not, true at all. We want to ensure we are correct. period. I don't like the way you insist we want to let scum go free here, almost seems like a taunt.

Not at all, frustration over the dwelling of information that means nothing is more like it.

For instance... say she protected me... just as a hypothetical. What does that tell you, exactly? I have no idea whether an attempt was made on me, because Wake doesn't notify the non-victim of a failed attempt.

Next Questions.

Grandma, why don't you believe mertex's claimed PR? But you believed Rosies?

Aye, do you believe Mertex?

I am assuming everyone made the saem claim in your neighborhood at the same time?

Yes, I believe Mertex. I've said before I believe she is town. I've also said more than once that this is her town meta that you have all been seeing. If I had thought she was scum, I would have been leading that claim.

How far along into the game did you all out your PR's?

Because scarlet is trying to convince us now House and Mertex is just making up the doc claim within the past few hours. .

Rosie outed her role first on 8-21. Before she did that, I mentioned that if we were all town, there shouldn't be a problem with us telling each other what our abilities were (not roles). I told them what my ability was. Rosie trusted us and told us she was the town cop and that her ability was the double down. Grandma told us her ability next, followed by Mertex.

When did Mertex out her PR? Or has she in your neighborhood?

Post 82, 8-22, was the first hint. again in Post 91.
Shouldn't a crumb that early raise a red flag? A doctor should want to avoid detection. Why is she drawing it? She is not a doctor.
You want to know because it will reveal "valuable information" - like what, Wolf. What valuable information.
Spell it out since you know what it is, or do you? You just blabblng away thinking it makes you sound interested in helping town, but you are just going along with Scum.
Aye - THIS is why town loses. Not because town is always lynching town - that is a given and rather normal. It is because players like the above cant play for town but rather can only play for themselves. Your play is asinine in the extreme Mertex - you provide nothing but drama, misdirection and scum actions without any help whatsoever to town. The fact that you pulled a damn PR is despicable because it is guaranteed that you are going to pull town down to another loss if you stick around.

I have already explained why telling us who you targeted helps town. You cant be that dense. SR has explained it to you. EVERYONE has damn well explained it to you. In the end, there is NOTHING that you can identify as helping scum of you out who you protected. The ONLY thing that you can convey to scum with that info is that the failed kill attempt by ice might have not been the other scum team. WELL GUESS WHAT - THAT INFO IS ALSO BETTER FOR TOWN TO HAVE.

Fuck it, prattle on because nothing you say for the rest of this game is going to mean a damn thing to me whatsoever - we would be better off listening to scum directly.
Vote: Grandma
I'm willing to buy that SR has ice immunity as a reactive ability or somesuch, but a vest? I knew better than that blarney.

Me too :(
I feel like my sister expected me to defend a lie or be stupid. I don't know which is worse.
Plus a lot of pages were taken up by this malarkey. Very very anti-town to me.

I feel like my sister is scum or at least really shouldn't ask her own sister to lie for her without reasons. Please treat me like a player sis. :(

My vote is still on Scarlet for taking up so many pages when they could have been used to scumhunt.
I did. I gave you neon signs as to what I did. I expected people to ignore icescum but hey that's not happening.
Mertex, just spill it.

These folks would rather lynch a townie and let scum go free unless they get every little thing they ask for.

With that in mind, you should be more discerning in your choices instead of going after every shiny object.
There were enough hints dropped around that either Scum team could have taken her out for being a generic PR. It's also possible that a Town Vig of some sort could have killed her, thinking she was Scum. Anyone could have killed Rosie.
No grandma, its not possible. The kill was clear - fire mafia took out Rosie. Can you provide more misdirection that identifies you as scum - we need to lynch one today...
Hell. I even made a post saying a one shot cop might lie to live. Then I told you like abstract artist, yet you know I hate abstract art. Neon sign, look at it in the abstract.

Next Questions.

Grandma, why don't you believe mertex's claimed PR? But you believed Rosies?

Aye, do you believe Mertex?

I am assuming everyone made the saem claim in your neighborhood at the same time?

Yes, I believe Mertex. I've said before I believe she is town. I've also said more than once that this is her town meta that you have all been seeing. If I had thought she was scum, I would have been leading that claim.

How far along into the game did you all out your PR's?

Because scarlet is trying to convince us now House and Mertex is just making up the doc claim within the past few hours. .

Rosie outed her role first on 8-21. Before she did that, I mentioned that if we were all town, there shouldn't be a problem with us telling each other what our abilities were (not roles). I told them what my ability was. Rosie trusted us and told us she was the town cop and that her ability was the double down. Grandma told us her ability next, followed by Mertex.

When did Mertex out her PR? Or has she in your neighborhood?

Post 82, 8-22, was the first hint. again in Post 91.
Shouldn't a crumb that early raise a red flag? A doctor should want to avoid detection. Why is she drawing it? She is not a doctor.

If she claims late, it's a lie. If she claims early, it's a lie.

Screw your silly hypothesizing, there's no reason in it.

Did Mertex revel her PR in your neighborhood, when Rosie did?

I'm starting to believe she did not. because I keep reading central and I don't see the two of you worried about protection for Mertex as well. mertex's role is pretty darn important to the game too, right? So I would assume if she had claimed, you would have let us know she needs protection too, yes?

Unless she did it in the past 18 hours, Mertex never revealed her role. She revealed her ability just before she activated it.
Listen people, some things are clear here!!

-Mertex needs to tell us what she did overnight or she's denying town valuable info.

-Aye is not being lynched today and is likely town anyway.

-SR is likely town and didn't know shit about Rosie

-Grandma is the best lynch choice

If anyone disagrees with the above, speak up!!

Let's just stick to the basics. It gets confusing otherwise.
Wolf, that won't tell you anything because failed attempts are not communicated to the would-be victim, per Wake's decree.
We don't need that info - what we do know is that ice failed to kill last night. That means something on a rather short list occurred:
1 - Ice decided not to target anyone. This is unlikely but possible.

2 - Ice targeted a protected player.

3 - Ice targeted fire mafia

Knowing who was protected goes a long way in understanding what happened that night and might be very helpful later. As it looks now though it is quite possible they targeted SR and her claim of single shot immunity was true. I am currently leaning that way.

The real problem here is that Mertex is withholding info for NO REASON WHATSOEVER because mertex cant see past herself.

Did Mertex revel her PR in your neighborhood, when Rosie did?

I'm starting to believe she did not. because I keep reading central and I don't see the two of you worried about protection for Mertex as well. mertex's role is pretty darn important to the game too, right? So I would assume if she had claimed, you would have let us know she needs protection too, yes?

Unless she did it in the past 18 hours, Mertex never revealed her role. She revealed her ability just before she activated it.

Just to be clear, are you calling Aye a liar?
I was an obvious nk target if TN and Mertex are indeed icescum. TN protects Mertex his icescum buddy from kills. Mertex claims PR. Skipping immunity to avoid detection is critical.

Mertex shields her buddy bc she was forced. They kill me because I trained most of you on how to play town (and die n1 usually). The doc claim she needs a heal target.

Mertex if she thinks she healed someone states that someone is inlikely there's icescum she states it. No instead she vaguely doubtcasts.

Sameech, has said he does not think Mertex is scum. He believes that TN used Mertex to protect himself somehow. I think you eluded to this play somewhere. Sameech explained it in Central.
No grandma, its not possible. The kill was clear - fire mafia took out Rosie. Can you provide more misdirection that identifies you as scum - we need to lynch one today...

Well lynching me will not be lynching Scum.
Nope. Docs do not tell people early. They sometimes even lie in massclaim. Docs would be setting themselves up for a nightkill.

Mertex didn't act like a doctor by crumbing early.
She didn't act like a doctor bc she didn't crumb who she healed.
She didn't act protown by hiding who she shielded.
She didn't act like a doctor by stating names of who else might be attacked.
She waited for a bandwagon to form on me before calling me out.
I called TN and Mertex scum Day 1 which makes me a big target for them.

Since I am ice immune, my job is to be loud and aggressive. A doctor stays quiet.
Mertex, just spill it.

These folks would rather lynch a townie and let scum go free unless they get every little thing they ask for.

Not, true at all. We want to ensure we are correct. period. I don't like the way you insist we want to let scum go free here, almost seems like a taunt.


Did Mertex revel her PR in your neighborhood, when Rosie did?

I'm starting to believe she did not. because I keep reading central and I don't see the two of you worried about protection for Mertex as well. mertex's role is pretty darn important to the game too, right? So I would assume if she had claimed, you would have let us know she needs protection too, yes?

No. She said she was town. Rosie claimed her role, I said I was town, and so did Grandma. We all told each other what our abilities were.
Listen people, some things are clear here!!

-Mertex needs to tell us what she did overnight or she's denying town valuable info.

-Aye is not being lynched today and is likely town anyway.

-SR is likely town and didn't know shit about Rosie

-Grandma is the best lynch choice

If anyone disagrees with the above, speak up!!

Let's just stick to the basics. It gets confusing otherwise.

Point 1) Not sure I agree here yet. This information could be really damaging.
2) Agreed
3) Disagree on the first half. The second half I can buy if she is town OR she is scum and her scum partner is NOT in that neighborhood. I really think SR is scum though.
4) SR to me is best choice. Grandma and you both heading up on the likely scum list. I prefer you over her.

Next Questions.

Grandma, why don't you believe mertex's claimed PR? But you believed Rosies?

Aye, do you believe Mertex?

I am assuming everyone made the saem claim in your neighborhood at the same time?

Yes, I believe Mertex. I've said before I believe she is town. I've also said more than once that this is her town meta that you have all been seeing. If I had thought she was scum, I would have been leading that claim.

How far along into the game did you all out your PR's?

Because scarlet is trying to convince us now House and Mertex is just making up the doc claim within the past few hours. .

Rosie outed her role first on 8-21. Before she did that, I mentioned that if we were all town, there shouldn't be a problem with us telling each other what our abilities were (not roles). I told them what my ability was. Rosie trusted us and told us she was the town cop and that her ability was the double down. Grandma told us her ability next, followed by Mertex.

When did Mertex out her PR? Or has she in your neighborhood?

Post 82, 8-22, was the first hint. again in Post 91.

And it matches what she just claimed?

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