Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

God damn jumbled thoyght. Where did Mertex out her PR? If Mertex was a PR, why doesn't she say no shield or better yet use Grandma's ability?

You're already wanting to string her up even without her having stolen an awesome ability, she wouldn't have survived D1 if she had ganked Invincibility. That has already been discussed and agreed upon.
Oh yes she would have. A VT willingly gives up immunity to a PR.

Not when the PR can't claim due to wanting to survive past D2
If a doctor dies then we have confirmed scum in her hood.
Aye, that is a real defeatist attitude. Mertex is flat out refusing to help town. Most of the time, I am dead day 1. You know why? I do a wicked mean VCA. Those are helpful in the late game.

No, I spoke the truth as to what happens with games here. Town has worked against each other time after time, instead of working with each other. The neighborhoods are an example of that. If you can't put any faith and trust into the people in them, then what good are they? I went out on a limb in Game 3, took a huge chance, and outed my role to RD and Sam in our QT. Our QT wound up being the most active and was used for what it was intended for. This game, that isn't happening.

The reason you were targeted in the previous game is because we (me, FA, and Grandma) thought you rolled Mason again after the reset. That was the only reason. I knew we only needed to get one Mason out to win. I will also say that by being scum in that game, I watched town lynch each other without much help from us.

Our neighborhood is pretty good. We have been active. The thing about neighborhoods is you don't know anyone's alignment. So you have to be careful.

Town lynches town often because we are clueless to other alignments. Unless there is an investigative role and a protector or 2, it isn't easy to be town. Mafia just have to kill townies and help town mislynch other town. Here they have to get the other team lynched. The more experienced town is, and the more unified they are, the better chances they have. It also helps when less people are alive because scum can't hide as well that way.
I think you have caught Miss Scarlet in a big fat lie. Just like Grandma, Scum lie. I'm going to enjoy watching them trying to get out of their lies.


It doesn't matter, Mertex was aware the ability she lifted from Shai, would kill her if she used it. Additionally, I believe I understand this fear better now given Rosie outed her PR. I did not get before why Mertex was so afraid both scum teams would target Rosie, I kept thinking that is a long shot, why does she think this?

So that gives us one of two conclusions. Either Mertex knew Rosie was going to die, or Mertex was sure there was two members of each faction of scum in your neighborhood. I highly doubt she believed this.
When did Rosie out her PR? If Rosie is a PR, why doesn't she claim no use. Why didn't Rosie steal grandma's immunity?

Rosie did not have the ability to steal Grandma's power. Mertex could have ending a lot of issues. I think Rosie must have outed it pretty early, I was just reading central again to get a feel for timing when Aye or Grandma mentioned it.
Typo meant Mertex thete.

Next Questions.

Grandma, why don't you believe mertex's claimed PR? But you believed Rosies?

Aye, do you believe Mertex?

I am assuming everyone made the saem claim in your neighborhood at the same time?

Yes, I believe Mertex. I've said before I believe she is town. I've also said more than once that this is her town meta that you have all been seeing. If I had thought she was scum, I would have been leading that claim.


Next Questions.

Grandma, why don't you believe mertex's claimed PR? But you believed Rosies?

Aye, do you believe Mertex?

I am assuming everyone made the saem claim in your neighborhood at the same time?

Yes, I believe Mertex. I've said before I believe she is town. I've also said more than once that this is her town meta that you have all been seeing. If I had thought she was scum, I would have been leading that claim.

How far along into the game did you all out your PR's?

Because scarlet is trying to convince us now House and Mertex is just making up the doc claim within the past few hours. .
@Mertex who did you heal? Who did you shield?

I already said I wasn't going to reveal until Wolf and FA answered those questions. I don't care what you think, you don't think much, anyway. So, go ahead and lynch me, there is still time for Town to win.


Next Questions.

Grandma, why don't you believe mertex's claimed PR? But you believed Rosies?

Aye, do you believe Mertex?

I am assuming everyone made the saem claim in your neighborhood at the same time?

Yes, I believe Mertex. I've said before I believe she is town. I've also said more than once that this is her town meta that you have all been seeing. If I had thought she was scum, I would have been leading that claim.

How far along into the game did you all out your PR's?

Because scarlet is trying to convince us now House and Mertex is just making up the doc claim within the past few hours. .

If you want to start counting her lies, begin with the reopening of the thread, Cafe.

I don't think she's scum, she's just a manipulative twat.
Vote: Scarlet Rage.

Your lie about the mod confirming you were targeted is BS. Additionally, Mertex claimed doc sometime ago from what I understand in her neighborhood. This is not at Houses behest.
@Mertex who did you heal? Who did you shield?

I already said I wasn't going to reveal until Wolf and FA answered those questions. I don't care what you think, you don't think much, anyway. So, go ahead and lynch me, there is still time for Town to win.

I already told you why I wanted to know. There is no reason for you not to tell us.

You want to know because it will reveal "valuable information" - like what, Wolf. What valuable information.
Spell it out since you know what it is, or do you? You just blabblng away thinking it makes you sound interested in helping town, but you are just going along with Scum.

Next Questions.

Grandma, why don't you believe mertex's claimed PR? But you believed Rosies?

Aye, do you believe Mertex?

I am assuming everyone made the saem claim in your neighborhood at the same time?

Yes, I believe Mertex. I've said before I believe she is town. I've also said more than once that this is her town meta that you have all been seeing. If I had thought she was scum, I would have been leading that claim.

How far along into the game did you all out your PR's?

Because scarlet is trying to convince us now House and Mertex is just making up the doc claim within the past few hours. .

If you want to start counting her lies, begin with the reopening of the thread, Cafe.

I don't think she's scum, she's just a manipulative twat.

Sorry, yeah I know I am a bit behind, but trying to catch up. I think she is scum however, I don't get why she would lie about the PM from wake.

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