Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

IF you read the ability, you will see it must be activated Day 1 or 2. Not Day 3, 4, or whenever. If I had my way, it wouldn't have been announced in the game thread, but by PM to Wake. Since abilities HAD to be activated in the game thread, there was no choice but to put it out there. What's so hard to understand about that?

Are you scum trying to come up with something to add to the discussion? You haven't been very active as a player to this point.

I'm learning this stuff as I go along.

I just thought it was interesting that you would make a scene like this right when Mertex was on the chopping block. It comes off as being a diversion, IMO.

She still hasn't answered any of our questions, after all.

Not a diversion. This is Day 2. Read the time frame for the ability. If I had activated it Day 1, I'd still have gotten crap for it from someone. Right?

I'm not denying it.

I was simply saying that the timing was a bit convenient.

And when would the timing have been right? The only people that should be concerned about it are scum.
Aye, absolutely not. You know you're town (if you are town). We lack that knowledge so we must plan around that lack of knowledge.

This convo should be barned until D3.
Okay, reading this I have a few questions.

SR, you stating that you could not quote Mod PMs, sure as hell implied to me you were trying to state Wake confirmed you had been targeted last night. This lie is bothering me. If you think TN is scum, why did you unvote him Day 1? Can you explain why you tried to make it seem like the Mod let you know you have been targeted?

Wake just confirmed Mertex could have used the Meatshield to protect Rosie. Mertex knew this ability woud hurt her and that is why she wanted to 'throw' it away. I have voiced my suspicions about Mertex since she stole Shai's abiity instead of stealing Grandma's which would have protected her night one, at least from scum. Mertex started having a fit with 3 votes, still seems a little early to start stating you have a PR.

I thought TN's ability was blocked and Mertex could not be protected from Ice mafia? Isn't that what the voting was all about with Moonglow's ability?

Mertex who did you protect?

Anyone given jailer keys by Gath AND IF You USED them should speak up. IF YOU HAVE NOT USED THEM don't say.

I'm going back to reply to several posts now.
I unvoted TN after I figured he was not going to be the lynch. I started pushing Mertex my second suspect.

I do apologize for being a little misleading on the mod stating I was attacked. That is what happens when paraphrasing. I saw I did not have a vest and ice could not kill. I made a logical inference.

That inference will likely be proven true when Mertex flips ice scum (although y'all think fire).

The only thing that is going to happen when Mertex gets lynched is everybody will start eyeballing you for pushing so hard for her kill.

People were already suspicious of her, but you sure do seem to have an agenda.

Doing Grandma's dirty work so she can hide, no doubt.
House, if you read through the other games here, you'll notice town has lost them all except for the micro game and the one that was cut short due to Wake posting the scum QT in the middle of the game for all to see.

Want to know why we lose the games? It's because town lynches town nearly every time. Scum doesn't have to do much at all until the townie numbers start dwindling down.

This game is set a little different though. In order for scum to win, one of the scum teams needs to take out the other team by using townies to lynch them. Then, the remaining scum team must outnumber town. After Day 2 and Night 2, we're likely to be down by 3 more townies. I think that makes 5 out. There should be 7 town to 4 scum come Day 3.
No. First, I am not scum. Second, Mertex is scum. Third, I clearly laid a trap for scum and Mertex still went for it. Fourth, once Mertexscum flips, it will be very hard to prove I am scum bc fireproof townie will either flip or claim. Fifth, my being firescum (which is your argument I believe) is very unlikely because firescum knew Rosie was Macho Cop most likely. I lacked that info. Sixth, I claimed in a protown manner designed to trap scum.

So go ahead. Throw more baseless accusations against me.
House, if you read through the other games here, you'll notice town has lost them all except for the micro game and the one that was cut short due to Wake posting the scum QT in the middle of the game for all to see.

Want to know why we lose the games? It's because town lynches town nearly every time. Scum doesn't have to do much at all until the townie numbers start dwindling down.

This game is set a little different though. In order for scum to win, one of the scum teams needs to take out the other team by using townies to lynch them. Then, the remaining scum team must outnumber town. After Day 2 and Night 2, we're likely to be down by 3 more townies. I think that makes 5 out. There should be 7 town to 4 scum come Day 3.

This is worrisome. Why do you think all four scum will be alive Day 3? Why do you think we will lynch town today?
[QUOTE="Wolfsister77, post: 9721019, member: 38281"
Basically, if someone has a key and didn't use it, they could be a target which is why they should say nothing. It's a one shot ability so if they did, they need to tell us who they protected and Mertex does too because her ability is one shot. This can not be stressed enough and I will not let this go until I find out.[/QUOTE]


Wolf/FA I'm going to give you a couple of scenarios. I'm just using players names to make it easier to understand, not real and in no way indicates for a fact that these are the Scum Teams.

Scenario 1: (Grandma and SR are Fire) (Sameech and Avatar are Ice) (Player X Townie)

Let's pretend that Ice targeted Grandma (thinking she's Town), but I shielded Player X. Player X is alive and so is Grandma, but Ice now knows that Grandma is Fire.

1. Do you think Ice is going to reveal that they know Grandma is Fire and expose themselves as the other Mafia Team?

2. Do you think Ice now knows that Player X is a good Town target and not a member of the other Mafia Team?

3. What does this tell Town?
My possible suggestions:

a. That Player X was not targeted and the shield was not necessary.
b. That Player X was targeted but Player X might have had some other protection.

4. And how does this help town?
I don't see how any of these responses help Town. If I am wrong, then explain to me how.
Not sure if this'll make sense, so bear with me.

Sam said in a previous post he believes Avatar is scum. There aren't many ways to prove that, with the best one being a NK attempt on Avi and it not working because:
a) Avi is scum and the other team can't kill their opposites. In this case, that would mean Sam is scum as well.
b) Those that targeted Avi were jailed. In which case, we need to know who was jailed, if that's actually what happened.
c) Avi was protected by another player. If it was a one-shot protect, we need to know this is what happened.

It makes perfect sense. We absolutely must know who was protected last night. This will help town with valuable info. and anyone that doesn't want to do this is highly suspect. Good post.

You keep saying it will help Town with valuable information. How? What valuable information?

Please give examples, using fake names if you need to.
Mertex, unless you shielded yourself with yourself {pointless and a scumclaim} telling us helps us see voting patterns you describe as likely.

Your player X scenario is long complicated and pointless.

There is no reason not to tell us.
There were enough hints dropped around that either Scum team could have taken her out for being a generic PR. It's also possible that a Town Vig of some sort could have killed her, thinking she was Scum. Anyone could have killed Rosie.

If not Mertex, then who out of Aye and Grandma could it be? I am fairly sure one of these 3 knew about Rosie and killed her.
Mertex, let's suppose you shield your scumbuddy, you wouldn't want to claim.

If you shielded Player X, we see who voted player X. Simple.
House, if you read through the other games here, you'll notice town has lost them all except for the micro game and the one that was cut short due to Wake posting the scum QT in the middle of the game for all to see.

Want to know why we lose the games? It's because town lynches town nearly every time. Scum doesn't have to do much at all until the townie numbers start dwindling down.

This game is set a little different though. In order for scum to win, one of the scum teams needs to take out the other team by using townies to lynch them. Then, the remaining scum team must outnumber town. After Day 2 and Night 2, we're likely to be down by 3 more townies. I think that makes 5 out. There should be 7 town to 4 scum come Day 3.

This is worrisome. Why do you think all four scum will be alive Day 3? Why do you think we will lynch town today?

Because in every game town has lost, town has lynched town. One starts accusations, others jump on, and before you know it, a townie is mislynched. Most will react to what they see going on instead of using reason. Some use the same excuse others use for lynching someone (the ones to watch). If Mertex flips town, watch the excuses that pop up. Read the reasons some are voting for her now. All I see right now is 'follow the leader'.
No. First, I am not scum. Second, Mertex is scum.

Aside from having first and second bass-ackwards, I totes believe you.

Third, I clearly laid a trap for scum and Mertex still went for it.

Whatever, you specialize in making bullshit up. Like vest fairy tales, for example.

Fourth, once Mertexscum flips, it will be very hard to prove I am scum bc fireproof townie will either flip or claim.

As above.

Fifth, my being firescum (which is your argument I believe)

I never specified a team, because it's unimportant to me. Scum is scum. Sounds like a scumclaim to me.

Sixth, I claimed in a protown manner designed to trap scum.

Or just did what you do best... lied.
Mertex, unless you shielded yourself with yourself {pointless and a scumclaim} telling us helps us see voting patterns you describe as likely.

Your player X scenario is long complicated and pointless.

There is no reason not to tell us.

Too complicated for you, why you are going for the lynching of a Townie instead.
Aye, that is a real defeatist attitude. Mertex is flat out refusing to help town. Most of the time, I am dead day 1. You know why? I do a wicked mean VCA. Those are helpful in the late game.
Mertex, unless you shielded yourself with yourself {pointless and a scumclaim} telling us helps us see voting patterns you describe as likely.

Your player X scenario is long complicated and pointless.

There is no reason not to tell us.

Too complicated for you, why you are going for the lynching of a Townie instead.
I am not.

Why are you denying us information? I literally just laid out why this is important.
Mertex-I explained to you many times why I want to know who you protected last night. There is no need to confuse the issue. I told you why. You telling us, helps town. You not, is you sounding like scum.

It really is that simple.

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