Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Scum cannot kill one another, because their elemental powers will cancel each other out. For example, if Fire Mafia shoots a fiery blast at Ice Mafia, Ice Mafia will counter with an icy blast in defense. An unprotected player in the crossfire will die.
Scum cannot kill one another, because their elemental powers will cancel each other out. For example, if Fire Mafia shoots a fiery blast at Ice Mafia, Ice Mafia will counter with an icy blast in defense. An unprotected player in the crossfire will die.
So I am understanding this right and go to sleep now. Ugh I hate that scum is trying to fuck up mechanics and House myself Cafe and Mertex are the ones keeping it straight. Sweet dreams everyone!

Oh and limited posting tomorrow. I have major house cleaning tomorrow.

Mertex isn't swift enuff, so she was put up to it by her Scum partner.

Mertex is telegraphing to the other Scum team to vote NK on one of those in her neighborhood.

This way, her team can target someone from another neighborhood ID'd by that team.

Thus ensuring TWO NK Is rather than targeting the same one and canceling it out.

They did not count on the tactic being exposed on Day One, however.

I do not have to trust you. I can see you are correct.


Regards from Rosie
I just saw this while looking at the start of day 2. This is even more evidence of Mertex scum.

Mertex isn't swift enuff, so she was put up to it by her Scum partner.

Mertex is telegraphing to the other Scum team to vote NK on one of those in her neighborhood.

This way, her team can target someone from another neighborhood ID'd by that team.

Thus ensuring TWO NK Is rather than targeting the same one and canceling it out.

They did not count on the tactic being exposed on Day One, however.

I do not have to trust you. I can see you are correct.


Regards from Rosie
I just saw this while looking at the start of day 2. This is even more evidence of Mertex scum.

Flail moar.

Mertex isn't swift enuff, so she was put up to it by her Scum partner.

Mertex is telegraphing to the other Scum team to vote NK on one of those in her neighborhood.

This way, her team can target someone from another neighborhood ID'd by that team.

Thus ensuring TWO NK Is rather than targeting the same one and canceling it out.

They did not count on the tactic being exposed on Day One, however.

I do not have to trust you. I can see you are correct.


Regards from Rosie
I just saw this while looking at the start of day 2. This is even more evidence of Mertex scum.

Your arms must be getting tired from all that reaching. If Rosie's theory was accurate, Ice would have gotten an NK. Instead, the only NK was Grandma lighting Rosie's world up.
House, when will you stopbeing a Mertex scu defender and look at facts? Rosie predicted her own death. Firescum shot her. I will get that link tonight or in the morning.

By the way, I don't seek validation. I seek dead scum.

Mertex isn't swift enuff, so she was put up to it by her Scum partner.

Mertex is telegraphing to the other Scum team to vote NK on one of those in her neighborhood.

This way, her team can target someone from another neighborhood ID'd by that team.

Thus ensuring TWO NK Is rather than targeting the same one and canceling it out.

They did not count on the tactic being exposed on Day One, however.

I do not have to trust you. I can see you are correct.


Regards from Rosie
I just saw this while looking at the start of day 2. This is even more evidence of Mertex scum.

Your arms must be getting tired from all that reaching. If Rosie's theory was accurate, Ice would have gotten an NK. Instead, the only NK was Grandma lighting Rosie's world up.

Nope. Icescum Mertex reaches out and says to kill in her hood. Icescum Mertez/TN (less sure on TN since he has forgotten the game) shoots me. Yet I do not die. Clear narrative.
House, when will you stopbeing a Mertex scu defender and look at facts? Rosie predicted her own death. Firescum shot her. I will get that link tonight or in the morning.

By the way, I don't seek validation. I seek dead scum.

Rosie predicted her own dead, she just got the killer wrong.

If you gave a damn about seeking dead scum, you'd start applying logic instead of chasing your tail on one person at the expense of town just so you can soothe your ego.

You're not pro-town, you're pro-ScarletRag.
House, when will you stopbeing a Mertex scu defender and look at facts? Rosie predicted her own death. Firescum shot her.

There's no need for a link saying Fire got Rosie. I'm well aware of that.

What I can't find, however, is a post where Mertex saying protecting scum autokills her.

Wake's post at the top of the page makes much more sense... y'know... since he's the mod.

I know you know better than the guy running the game and all, but hey... let's just pretend ya don't for a second, eh?
I would like to know why Mertex said if she shielded scum she would die if that isn't true. If she lied about this, she could of lied about a lot of other things and her unwillingness to share info. is another strike against her.

@Mertex Why did you tell us you would die if you shielded scum? You know this would mean if you shielded town you'd be alive right? So explain it please.

I never said it that way. Anybody that I shielded, whether Town or Scum, if they were targeted by one of the Scum teams I would die instead. My only safe use of the shield was that if I used it on a Townie and both Scum teams came after that target, I would not die, and they would just get a msg saying their elemental powers cancelled each other.

I've explained it many times. Why I said I didn't want to use it in the first place, because as Doctor I could do the same without risking death. You and others didn't believe me and attacked me and voted for me because you said not using it was anti-town.

I'm done explaining it. Do what you must, I'm really fucking tired of explaining it.

Mertex isn't swift enuff, so she was put up to it by her Scum partner.

Mertex is telegraphing to the other Scum team to vote NK on one of those in her neighborhood.

This way, her team can target someone from another neighborhood ID'd by that team.

Thus ensuring TWO NK Is rather than targeting the same one and canceling it out.

They did not count on the tactic being exposed on Day One, however.

I do not have to trust you. I can see you are correct.


Regards from Rosie
I just saw this while looking at the start of day 2. This is even more evidence of Mertex scum.

Your arms must be getting tired from all that reaching. If Rosie's theory was accurate, Ice would have gotten an NK. Instead, the only NK was Grandma lighting Rosie's world up.

Nope. Icescum Mertex reaches out and says to kill in her hood. Icescum Mertez/TN (less sure on TN since he has forgotten the game) shoots me. Yet I do not die. Clear narrative.

You have no way of knowing whether you were targeted or not.

You can't even fall back on your vest lie to try to cover your ass anymore.

That's just a shitty assumption with no foundation.

Mertex isn't swift enuff, so she was put up to it by her Scum partner.

Mertex is telegraphing to the other Scum team to vote NK on one of those in her neighborhood.

This way, her team can target someone from another neighborhood ID'd by that team.

Thus ensuring TWO NK Is rather than targeting the same one and canceling it out.

They did not count on the tactic being exposed on Day One, however.

I do not have to trust you. I can see you are correct.


Regards from Rosie
I just saw this while looking at the start of day 2. This is even more evidence of Mertex scum.

I don't think so SR. She and Rosie were arguing about Rosie being scum, read back from that post. Mertex did not trust Rosie at that point and rightly so. I would not have trusted someone claiming to be cop and outing it in my neighborhood, the way I understand it, Rosie was the only one to out her PR and I would have wondered if she was setting a trap as Mertex did. However, Mertex did start to hint at her PR here, far too early for my liking. Rosie was investigating Shaitra when she was NKed, it was said by Aye, (IIRC) Rosie believed the results of that investigation may vindicate Mertex from what I understood. So, IMO fire mafia is in Rosie's neighborhood and they NKed Rosie, knowing she was the most important role in the game. I assume Mertex might be next, but I don't know if fire might be too worried this might bring too much attention to themselves.
I would like to know why Mertex said if she shielded scum she would die if that isn't true. If she lied about this, she could of lied about a lot of other things and her unwillingness to share info. is another strike against her.

@Mertex Why did you tell us you would die if you shielded scum? You know this would mean if you shielded town you'd be alive right? So explain it please.

I never said it that way. Anybody that I shielded, whether Town or Scum, if they were targeted by one of the Scum teams I would die instead. My only safe use of the shield was that if I used it on a Townie and both Scum teams came after that target, I would not die, and they would just get a msg saying their elemental powers cancelled each other.

I've explained it many times. Why I said I didn't want to use it in the first place, because as Doctor I could do the same without risking death. You and others didn't believe me and attacked me and voted for me because you said not using it was anti-town.

I'm done explaining it. Do what you must, I'm really fucking tired of explaining it.

Yeah, I know the feeling being tired of explaining something repeatedly. I attacked you for not using it NOT knowing you were the Dr. I only found that out recently. I am tending to believe Cafe that this claim is not a scum safeclaim because it could be countered. If you were scum, you'd be better claiming VT.

I do know, I am not going to be able to figure out anything more tonight.

Thank you House for clarifying it QT. I'm beyond confused sometimes in this game.

Mertex isn't swift enuff, so she was put up to it by her Scum partner.

Mertex is telegraphing to the other Scum team to vote NK on one of those in her neighborhood.

This way, her team can target someone from another neighborhood ID'd by that team.

Thus ensuring TWO NK Is rather than targeting the same one and canceling it out.

They did not count on the tactic being exposed on Day One, however.

I do not have to trust you. I can see you are correct.


Regards from Rosie
I just saw this while looking at the start of day 2. This is even more evidence of Mertex scum.

Your arms must be getting tired from all that reaching. If Rosie's theory was accurate, Ice would have gotten an NK. Instead, the only NK was Grandma lighting Rosie's world up.

Nope. Icescum Mertex reaches out and says to kill in her hood. Icescum Mertez/TN (less sure on TN since he has forgotten the game) shoots me. Yet I do not die. Clear narrative.

Do you even realize how inane your accusations are. If I was IceScum, wouldn't IceScum have been the one that killed Rosie? You're not as bright as you think you are. You may have played a lot more games than I have, but you sure don't even know how to put two and two together. Tn is not even in my hood, and I don't have any other hood other than the one with Grandma/Rosie and Aye.

Grandma is Fire Scum, that is why Rosie died. Rosie made the mistake of trusting Grandma with her role, and it ended up killing her. I'm sure Grandma is coming after me next night......if you don't succeed in lynching me. Unless we are able to lynch her and get our First Scum hit. And, you should be next.
I don't think so SR. She and Rosie were arguing about Rosie being scum, read back from that post. Mertex did not trust Rosie at that point and rightly so. I would not have trusted someone claiming to be cop and outing it in my neighborhood, the way I understand it, Rosie was the only one to out her PR and I would have wondered if she was setting a trap as Mertex did. However, Mertex did start to hint at her PR here, far too early for my liking. Rosie was investigating Shaitra when she was NKed, it was said by Aye, (IIRC) Rosie believed the results of that investigation may vindicate Mertex from what I understood. So, IMO fire mafia is in Rosie's neighborhood and they NKed Rosie, knowing she was the most important role in the game. I assume Mertex might be next, but I don't know if fire might be too worried this might bring too much attention to themselves.

Had Shaitra been found to be Scum, it would not vindicate Mertex.

It's likely that Scum targeted Rosie not because of her being the Cop, but because there were hints all over the place that she was a PR.
Grandma is Fire Scum, that is why Rosie died. Rosie made the mistake of trusting Grandma with her role, and it ended up killing her. I'm sure Grandma is coming after me next night......if you don't succeed in lynching me. Unless we are able to lynch her and get our First Scum hit. And, you should be next.

Go ahead, lynch me. I dare you.

See what kind of holes get blown in your story, Mertex.

Especially when you're alive and well at the start of Day 3.
House, when will you stopbeing a Mertex scu defender and look at facts? Rosie predicted her own death. Firescum shot her. I will get that link tonight or in the morning.

By the way, I don't seek validation. I seek dead scum.

You call me IceScum in one post, and claim I killed Rosie, yet you know that Fire Mafia got Rosie. You can't even keep that straight. How do you even make it in other Mafia games with that kind of logic?
I don't think so SR. She and Rosie were arguing about Rosie being scum, read back from that post. Mertex did not trust Rosie at that point and rightly so. I would not have trusted someone claiming to be cop and outing it in my neighborhood, the way I understand it, Rosie was the only one to out her PR and I would have wondered if she was setting a trap as Mertex did. However, Mertex did start to hint at her PR here, far too early for my liking. Rosie was investigating Shaitra when she was NKed, it was said by Aye, (IIRC) Rosie believed the results of that investigation may vindicate Mertex from what I understood. So, IMO fire mafia is in Rosie's neighborhood and they NKed Rosie, knowing she was the most important role in the game. I assume Mertex might be next, but I don't know if fire might be too worried this might bring too much attention to themselves.

Had Shaitra been found to be Scum, it would not vindicate Mertex.

It's likely that Scum targeted Rosie not because of her being the Cop, but because there were hints all over the place that she was a PR.

Hints that you and Aye spread? I think Aye was just being honest and thought that everyone was Town, for her to have mentioned that Rosie needed protection. I never said Rosie needed protection because Rosie's actions made me think she was bluffing and was really not the Cop.
Grandma is Fire Scum, that is why Rosie died. Rosie made the mistake of trusting Grandma with her role, and it ended up killing her. I'm sure Grandma is coming after me next night......if you don't succeed in lynching me. Unless we are able to lynch her and get our First Scum hit. And, you should be next.

Go ahead, lynch me. I dare you.

See what kind of holes get blown in your story, Mertex.

Especially when you're alive and well at the start of Day 3.

I'm voting for you. If you are not Scum, you sure as hell set yourself up as Scum by making up all those lies, by blabbing in the other Hood that Rosie needed protection and by coming after me after I hinted (and I knew you picked up on it) that I was more valuable to Town alive rather than dead.
Sorry Mertex. Flail more. I said you had Rosie killed.

You never expected to get caught in so many lies. I am assembling them in a huge wall. It would be so much easier if I could view just your posts.

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