Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I don't think so SR. She and Rosie were arguing about Rosie being scum, read back from that post. Mertex did not trust Rosie at that point and rightly so. I would not have trusted someone claiming to be cop and outing it in my neighborhood, the way I understand it, Rosie was the only one to out her PR and I would have wondered if she was setting a trap as Mertex did. However, Mertex did start to hint at her PR here, far too early for my liking. Rosie was investigating Shaitra when she was NKed, it was said by Aye, (IIRC) Rosie believed the results of that investigation may vindicate Mertex from what I understood. So, IMO fire mafia is in Rosie's neighborhood and they NKed Rosie, knowing she was the most important role in the game. I assume Mertex might be next, but I don't know if fire might be too worried this might bring too much attention to themselves.

Had Shaitra been found to be Scum, it would not vindicate Mertex.

It's likely that Scum targeted Rosie not because of her being the Cop, but because there were hints all over the place that she was a PR.

The same hints were all over the forum about mertex though, It was hinted over and over she was a PR, although we did not know which, it was also hinted by you and Aye Rosie was a PR in central, but central did not know what PR. The only place that knew she was a cop was your neighborhood. Central did not know. This is why I think fire is in mertex's neighborhood. OTOH Ice could not kill mertex because of TN's protection. I don't know why they did not target Rosie, but it could well be Ice did not know about Rosie, and only your neighborhood and central knew about it.
You have two apologists, Mathblade and House. With those two scrambling to justify your bullshit you sure are hard to lynch.

Hell Mathblade's so busy defending you, she has ignored most of yhe playerbase Mertex.
I don't think so SR. She and Rosie were arguing about Rosie being scum, read back from that post. Mertex did not trust Rosie at that point and rightly so. I would not have trusted someone claiming to be cop and outing it in my neighborhood, the way I understand it, Rosie was the only one to out her PR and I would have wondered if she was setting a trap as Mertex did. However, Mertex did start to hint at her PR here, far too early for my liking. Rosie was investigating Shaitra when she was NKed, it was said by Aye, (IIRC) Rosie believed the results of that investigation may vindicate Mertex from what I understood. So, IMO fire mafia is in Rosie's neighborhood and they NKed Rosie, knowing she was the most important role in the game. I assume Mertex might be next, but I don't know if fire might be too worried this might bring too much attention to themselves.

Had Shaitra been found to be Scum, it would not vindicate Mertex.

It's likely that Scum targeted Rosie not because of her being the Cop, but because there were hints all over the place that she was a PR.

The same hints were all over the forum about mertex though, It was hinted over and over she was a PR, although we did not know which, it was also hinted by you and Aye Rosie was a PR in central, but central did not know what PR. The only place that knew she was a cop was your neighborhood. Central did not know. This is why I think fire is in mertex's neighborhood. OTOH Ice could not kill mertex because of TN's protection. I don't know why they did not target Rosie, but it could well be Ice did not know about Rosie, and only your neighborhood and central knew about it.
Or Mertex and Firescum coordinated like Rosie suggested. Pay attention to dead townies unless they cannot be proven wrong.
I never took my vote off her.

She never answered my question.
That's the way to play it Gath. A doctor claim does not obliterate the need for answers. I inclded your name for solidarity to show we have the numbers.
I'm voting for you. If you are not Scum, you sure as hell set yourself up as Scum by making up all those lies, by blabbing in the other Hood that Rosie needed protection and by coming after me after I hinted (and I knew you picked up on it) that I was more valuable to Town alive rather than dead.

Mertex, Town's probability of losing grows exponentially with every Day you're alive.

IIRC, I didn't say she need protection in the other 'hood. I told them she was Town and not to lynch her. I told YOU she needed protection.

But you didn't believe her claim. Funny, that. Why should we believe yours?

Now, explain to everyone how you decided that you're more valuable than the Cop.
The same hints were all over the forum about mertex though, It was hinted over and over she was a PR, although we did not know which, it was also hinted by you and Aye Rosie was a PR in central, but central did not know what PR. The only place that knew she was a cop was your neighborhood. Central did not know. This is why I think fire is in mertex's neighborhood. OTOH Ice could not kill mertex because of TN's protection. I don't know why they did not target Rosie, but it could well be Ice did not know about Rosie, and only your neighborhood and central knew about it.

Umm, no.

Mertex was the only one to hint of her own importance, in a couple of posts on the board and in the little neighborhood.

Mertex didn't mention her own "value" to Town until she found out what stealing the Meat Shield from Shaitra meant. Aye and I were trying to keep other players from lynching Rosie, you know the sequence from the Central QT, our hints escalated in importance.
@Wake Forgive me. I am sleepy but does force activation = forced use? Can someone activate a green dot ability during the day and an active role pm ability at night?
I don't think so SR. She and Rosie were arguing about Rosie being scum, read back from that post. Mertex did not trust Rosie at that point and rightly so. I would not have trusted someone claiming to be cop and outing it in my neighborhood, the way I understand it, Rosie was the only one to out her PR and I would have wondered if she was setting a trap as Mertex did. However, Mertex did start to hint at her PR here, far too early for my liking. Rosie was investigating Shaitra when she was NKed, it was said by Aye, (IIRC) Rosie believed the results of that investigation may vindicate Mertex from what I understood. So, IMO fire mafia is in Rosie's neighborhood and they NKed Rosie, knowing she was the most important role in the game. I assume Mertex might be next, but I don't know if fire might be too worried this might bring too much attention to themselves.

Had Shaitra been found to be Scum, it would not vindicate Mertex.

It's likely that Scum targeted Rosie not because of her being the Cop, but because there were hints all over the place that she was a PR.

The same hints were all over the forum about mertex though, It was hinted over and over she was a PR, although we did not know which, it was also hinted by you and Aye Rosie was a PR in central, but central did not know what PR. The only place that knew she was a cop was your neighborhood. Central did not know. This is why I think fire is in mertex's neighborhood. OTOH Ice could not kill mertex because of TN's protection. I don't know why they did not target Rosie, but it could well be Ice did not know about Rosie, and only your neighborhood and central knew about it.
Or Mertex and Firescum coordinated like Rosie suggested. Pay attention to dead townies unless they cannot be proven wrong.

Wouldn't that be pay attention to dead townies unless they CAN be proven wrong? Possible scum slip detected.
I also find it interesting that people are coming up with convoluted stories about what could have happened and whether or not Rosie outed herself in the thread as a cop/PR in her neighborhood etc.

If she outed herself in the thread, the most likely scenario I see is that both scum teams would likely try to hit the Cop. If she didn't out herself to everyone then the fire scum that tried to hit her would need to be in her own neighborhood.

There seem to be a lot of complicated guessing of who knows what and making elaborate theories to attempt to keep focus on the player you want instead of letting what is true speak and react accordingly.

Take the Mertex thing for example. If you believe that fire scum is in Grandma/WolfSister/Mertex then that to me is incompatible with having leaked her role in the thread to where all could see it else anyone could shoot her.

Can we go back to reason please? The more complicated these theories get the more likelihood that they are just plain wrong and unintelligible. I am getting that vibe from a lot of people and it is frustrating.
I also find it interesting that people are coming up with convoluted stories about what could have happened and whether or not Rosie outed herself in the thread as a cop/PR in her neighborhood etc.

If she outed herself in the thread, the most likely scenario I see is that both scum teams would likely try to hit the Cop. If she didn't out herself to everyone then the fire scum that tried to hit her would need to be in her own neighborhood.

There seem to be a lot of complicated guessing of who knows what and making elaborate theories to attempt to keep focus on the player you want instead of letting what is true speak and react accordingly.

Take the Mertex thing for example. If you believe that fire scum is in Grandma/WolfSister/Mertex then that to me is incompatible with having leaked her role in the thread to where all could see it else anyone could shoot her.

Can we go back to reason please? The more complicated these theories get the more likelihood that they are just plain wrong and unintelligible. I am getting that vibe from a lot of people and it is frustrating.

Well I think I am stating the obvious. She only was outed as a cop to her neighbors. Fire killed Rosie, thus my speculation fire is in her neighborhood. She was outed as a possible PR to central, not as a cop. This is why I believe one of her neighbors to be fire mafia. Ice may or may not have learned she was a possible cop but a possible PR. Therefore they would not have know her importance to us in the game, but fire would have. Given both ice and fire did not target Rosie ( if both had she would be alive) it makes me think this may even be a bigger reason to believe such as well. I maybe far off, but it just seemed to make sense to me.

Oh and this is a bit off topic, but I noted you speculating about those of us who have played before. This is only my third game, with one being compromised and never finished.

There are many here who have probably played 5 or less games. It may help you get a feel for where many of us are coming from. :)
The same hints were all over the forum about mertex though, It was hinted over and over she was a PR, although we did not know which, it was also hinted by you and Aye Rosie was a PR in central, but central did not know what PR. The only place that knew she was a cop was your neighborhood. Central did not know. This is why I think fire is in mertex's neighborhood. OTOH Ice could not kill mertex because of TN's protection. I don't know why they did not target Rosie, but it could well be Ice did not know about Rosie, and only your neighborhood and central knew about it.

Umm, no.

Mertex was the only one to hint of her own importance, in a couple of posts on the board and in the little neighborhood.

Mertex didn't mention her own "value" to Town until she found out what stealing the Meat Shield from Shaitra meant. Aye and I were trying to keep other players from lynching Rosie, you know the sequence from the Central QT, our hints escalated in importance.

I get Mertex was speaking about her own importance, a little or a lot, there was a LOT more speculation about Mertexs possible PR than Rosie's when it came to the game thread here. Thus my comment above.
Cafe -- As a general rule of thumb it is always best to practice the KISN rule for Scumhunting.

Keep it simple newbie. Most scum are not going to come up with grandiose theories and intense gambits when playing because it would reveal their scumminess. The less a player has to lie to get a mislynch the better. Newer scum also tend to lurk a lot or do active lurking.

Active lurking is when they post a lot in the thread but it is all useless bullshit or sheeping and nothing of their own two feet.

With you mentioning almost everyone as new, I am surprised such a mechanics heavy build is here. IMO newbies should play a basic barebones play to get introduced to what may or may not be a scum tell.
That being said I am operating under one of three possible scenarios.
1) Rosie outed herself to just the neighborhood and someone in the neighborhood is fire scum.
2) Rosie outed herself as a PR or Cop to the entire thread and a doctor or immunity saved the other target.
3) Rosie outed herself as a PR or Cop to the whole thread and a doctor was used on Rosie but killed her because both groups targeted Rosie.

Since I can't tell which is 100% true IMO scum is the confirmed liar that wants to push Mertex come hell or highwater.

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