Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

@sameech - you'll have to excuse me, I'm in the middle of a blood sugar crash. How does Avi's blocking ability make him Scum?

It doesn't. Sameech is trying to get him to use it by getting him shot which is just convoluted and ridiculous. Too many confusing aspects of this game make me want to throw my hands up and give up sometimes.

Never mind. It appears Sameech is blowing smoke. All abilities are over. Avi's is not able to be used.

He said all special abilities are over. Didn't mention anything about PR's.
Nice split on the votes too. 4 for Grandma, 3 for Mertex with Grandma's vote, 1 for Avi, 2 for SR.

We are really getting somewhere here. [sarcasm]


A TN prod is needed. Him ignoring the game is not gonna fly again.
vote: Mertex

I have had it with her lies.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown.

I don't even know any more. Too many pulls in too many directions. Some want Mertex, some want Grandma, one wants Avi.

Someone please simplify WHO is the best lynch candidate and WHY.


Cop killer was in Rosie's neighborhood.
Aye has been far too forthcoming with the truth to be scum (all of which has exonerated Mertex, btw)
Mertex's claim is far too dangerous to fake.
Now that she thinks Mertex is a safe vote, she's jumping on with both feet, when she was quiet as a mouse up until this morning about her.
@ FA_Q2

In Central, how many times did I say that Rosie had a PR? How many times did I say she had to be protected?

I saw Mertex's hints that she is special, but she always thinks she's more important than everyone else. I never thought for a second that she had a PR. I still don't.
@sameech - you'll have to excuse me, I'm in the middle of a blood sugar crash. How does Avi's blocking ability make him Scum?

It doesn't. Sameech is trying to get him to use it by getting him shot which is just convoluted and ridiculous. Too many confusing aspects of this game make me want to throw my hands up and give up sometimes.

Never mind. It appears Sameech is blowing smoke. All abilities are over. Avi's is not able to be used.

He said all special abilities are over. Didn't mention anything about PR's.

PR's don't end unless they are one shot or something. I wasn't mentioning them. I think with PR's and abilities both, this really complicates things too much.

Cop killer was in Rosie's neighborhood.
Aye has been far too forthcoming with the truth to be scum (all of which has exonerated Mertex, btw)
Mertex's claim is far too dangerous to fake.
Now that she thinks Mertex is a safe vote, she's jumping on with both feet, when she was quiet as a mouse up until this morning about her.

I'm a Vanilla Townie. If you're so certain that Aye is Town, and that Mertex is Town, then maybe you should look in a different neighborhood. Your own, perhaps.
You're so full of shit your eyes are brown.

You sure think you know a lot. You know nothing.

Town's probability of losing increases exponentially with every Day that Mertex stays in the game.

Wrong. Town's probability of losing increases exponentially with every Day that scum stays in the game.

Huge difference, scum.
@House - prove that the cop killer is in my neighborhood. I've already proven it could be anyone. Including you.

Cop killer was in Rosie's neighborhood.
Aye has been far too forthcoming with the truth to be scum (all of which has exonerated Mertex, btw)
Mertex's claim is far too dangerous to fake.
Now that she thinks Mertex is a safe vote, she's jumping on with both feet, when she was quiet as a mouse up until this morning about her.

I'm a Vanilla Townie.

Oh look, everybody.

Who wants to share the scum safeclaim Wake gave to scum?
Town, if anything happens to me, House is a ringer and almost certainly Scum.

I've been told all my neighbors are scum at some point. I've been told I am by a couple even though it is quite obvious I am not.

We need to narrow down our suspects. We need another flip. I just want to get the right one.
Town, if anything happens to me, House is a ringer and almost certainly Scum.

I've been told all my neighbors are scum at some point. I've been told I am by a couple even though it is quite obvious I am not.

We need to narrow down our suspects. We need another flip. I just want to get the right one.

If Grandma wasn't scum, she wouldn't be OMGUSing me for fingering her.

She's desperate.
@sameech - you'll have to excuse me, I'm in the middle of a blood sugar crash. How does Avi's blocking ability make him Scum?

He can block the vig killing him which is why I tried to get her to do it straight out of the gates before he could stop her. Blocking doesn't make him scum-- that I know he carried out the NK on Rosie makes him scum. I just don't find it particularly good for town to disclose whether I am a tracker or a Night Watchman and what the limits are on my use at this particular point in time. Geez, apparently to crumb this town you need a bread truck.

Now off to paint some more freaking walls and ceilings while I can.
I've been told all my neighbors are scum at some point. I've been told I am by a couple even though it is quite obvious I am not.

We need to narrow down our suspects. We need another flip. I just want to get the right one.

I'll go along with a reasonable choice.

Who looks scummy to you?
He can block the vig killing him which is why I tried to get her to do it straight out of the gates before he could stop her. Blocking doesn't make him scum-- that I know he carried out the NK on Rosie makes him scum. I just don't find it particularly good for town to disclose whether I am a tracker or a Night Watchman and what the limits are on my use at this particular point in time. Geez, apparently to crumb this town you need a bread truck.

Now off to paint some more freaking walls and ceilings while I can.

Thank you.

vote: Avatar

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