Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I've been told all my neighbors are scum at some point. I've been told I am by a couple even though it is quite obvious I am not.

We need to narrow down our suspects. We need another flip. I just want to get the right one.

I'll go along with a reasonable choice.

Who looks scummy to you?

He can block the vig killing him which is why I tried to get her to do it straight out of the gates before he could stop her. Blocking doesn't make him scum-- that I know he carried out the NK on Rosie makes him scum. I just don't find it particularly good for town to disclose whether I am a tracker or a Night Watchman and what the limits are on my use at this particular point in time. Geez, apparently to crumb this town you need a bread truck.

Do you believe this? If so, we might have one now.
I've been told all my neighbors are scum at some point. I've been told I am by a couple even though it is quite obvious I am not.

We need to narrow down our suspects. We need another flip. I just want to get the right one.

I'll go along with a reasonable choice.

Who looks scummy to you?

He can block the vig killing him which is why I tried to get her to do it straight out of the gates before he could stop her. Blocking doesn't make him scum-- that I know he carried out the NK on Rosie makes him scum. I just don't find it particularly good for town to disclose whether I am a tracker or a Night Watchman and what the limits are on my use at this particular point in time. Geez, apparently to crumb this town you need a bread truck.

Do you believe this? If so, we might have one now.
She already flipped her vote.
I've been told all my neighbors are scum at some point. I've been told I am by a couple even though it is quite obvious I am not.

We need to narrow down our suspects. We need another flip. I just want to get the right one.

I'll go along with a reasonable choice.

Who looks scummy to you?

He can block the vig killing him which is why I tried to get her to do it straight out of the gates before he could stop her. Blocking doesn't make him scum-- that I know he carried out the NK on Rosie makes him scum. I just don't find it particularly good for town to disclose whether I am a tracker or a Night Watchman and what the limits are on my use at this particular point in time. Geez, apparently to crumb this town you need a bread truck.

Do you believe this? If so, we might have one now.
She already flipped her vote.

I saw, me too, you should vote Avi also. Re-read what Sameech said. Slowly. And vote Avi.
If Sam's telling the truth, he's far too valuable to ignore.

If he's lying, he's outing himself as scum.

I'm willing to play those odds. One way or the other, we will finally have a confirmed scum.

Vote: Avatar4321
If Sam's telling the truth, he's far too valuable to ignore.

If he's lying, he's outing himself as scum.

I'm willing to play those odds. One way or the other, we will finally have a confirmed scum.

Vote: Avatar4321

Exactly. We can go ahead and lynch Avi today.

This is what happens with a guilty. Well done town.
I've been following along, just trying to keep up. But I do agree I think we have the right lynch candidate now.

Vote: Avatar
Mertex is not scum.

Avatar killed me

Regards From the Ghost of Rosie

stop lying Sam.

I'm leaning toward grandma right now. I tend to believe mertex being the doc. It would explain why she didn't like the idea of being a meat shield.

if your hood knew you were a doc why were they pushing so hard to use you as a meat shield? The doctor is a better ability to use for protection .

I have not voted for grandma because I don't know the vote count and don't want to accidently hammer. I may be slow getting through everything today due to the holiday.
Vote: avatar4321

I have had an FoS on you while reading the thread. Neighbors can back me up on this. The only reason I did not switch sooner was the timing of Sameech's claim. It felt too convenient.

I still think Scarlet Rage is the better lynch but that is getting nowhere because apparently she can lie to the whole thread and get labelled as town for it. *sigh*
Vote: avatar4321

I have had an FoS on you while reading the thread. Neighbors can back me up on this. The only reason I did not switch sooner was the timing of Sameech's claim. It felt too convenient.

I still think Scarlet Rage is the better lynch but that is getting nowhere because apparently she can lie to the whole thread and get labelled as town for it. *sigh*

The only reason I flipped my vote is because it yields up a confirmed scum one way or the other... one that nobody can possibly argue or lie their way out of.

Assuming Avatar flips scum, I'm going back to Grandma tomorrow unless she pulls some truly miraculous stunt to exonerate herself.

If Avatar flips town, I'm voting for Sam.
Why because I outed your scum partner or because you are so dense that you have to be hit in the head with a frying pan that sometimes even a weak town PR can get lucky at night and find scum?

I am betting it is because you resent anybody who is not part of your sorority house drama and any information that doesn't implicate one of the sisters in the perpetual cat fight is unable to be processed in the majority of town heads which is why we lose every freaking game..

I hope you're betting toothpicks and not money.

I don't have a scum partner. I'm not scum.

And it's not like you're working yer nuts off to find Scum. Why did you want Avatar shot as opposed to just lynching him?

With Mertex now town apparent, we have to look elsewhere. Build your case against Avi, show us what you got.

Because Avatar can block the shot and it allegedly has to be used today so it would be another town advantage lost and otherwise would still give us a chance to lynch the next best candidate.

I don't have to work my nuts off, and bitch-fighting isn't working--it is noise. There are more than 1 investigative roles in mafia. You should read up on them.

I can't block a thing sam
@sameech - you'll have to excuse me, I'm in the middle of a blood sugar crash. How does Avi's blocking ability make him Scum?

I can only block abilities to be activated. I haven't used mine because everyone has used their ability. There is nothing to block
@sameech - you'll have to excuse me, I'm in the middle of a blood sugar crash. How does Avi's blocking ability make him Scum?

He can block the vig killing him which is why I tried to get her to do it straight out of the gates before he could stop her. Blocking doesn't make him scum-- that I know he carried out the NK on Rosie makes him scum. I just don't find it particularly good for town to disclose whether I am a tracker or a Night Watchman and what the limits are on my use at this particular point in time. Geez, apparently to crumb this town you need a bread truck.

Now off to paint some more freaking walls and ceilings while I can.

she can only vig kill if she gets lynched. And I told her I have no desire to block her from using her shot. Hence why I didn't block her from using it when she activated it.

I can't stop her from using it but do you really want to lynch aye to get her to kill me?
@sameech - you'll have to excuse me, I'm in the middle of a blood sugar crash. How does Avi's blocking ability make him Scum?

He can block the vig killing him which is why I tried to get her to do it straight out of the gates before he could stop her. Blocking doesn't make him scum-- that I know he carried out the NK on Rosie makes him scum. I just don't find it particularly good for town to disclose whether I am a tracker or a Night Watchman and what the limits are on my use at this particular point in time. Geez, apparently to crumb this town you need a bread truck.

Now off to paint some more freaking walls and ceilings while I can.

she can only vig kill if she gets lynched. And I told her I have no desire to block her from using her shot. Hence why I didn't block her from using it when she activated it.

I can't stop her from using it but do you really want to lynch aye to get her to kill me?

Dissembling Avatar is dissembling.

When that conversation happened, nobody knew Aye had to be lynched for her to vig. She put it out as a straight up dayvig.
Right when things get interesting, duty calls.

See you folks tonight, assuming I can find a hotspot.

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