Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Of note here is that avatar argued extensively that there can't be two of the same scum in one hood. Grandma is in the same hood.

Things that make you go hmmm.

Grandma was not in Avatar's hood.

She was in the hood that Cafe created and Avatar was in that one, too. I know because Avatar posted that Grandma and Aye had asked for protection for Rosie in that QT.

As I posted before, that hood is irrelevant regarding Avatar's statement because he was referring to the odds of players landing in there via randomizer.

Central was cherry picked.

I think we're talking about two different things. Yes, Avatar was referring to the original neighborhoods when he talked about two Scum being in the same neighborhood not being realistic or likely.

But I know Grandma and Aye were not in his original neighborhood because they were in mine. And Avatar posted that Aye and Grandma made a request in the QT that Rosie be protected, so it had to be in Central, because he was not in my original neighborhood.
I can verify that East didn't know about Rosie's PR. I just went back and read the earlier pages and we talked about Rosie's changed meta and whether we thought that meant she was scum but not about her having a PR.
Gath obvscum switches trains and here we go ignoring that to lynch Grandma.

What else have you noticed about Gath?

He's been on my FOS list since we were well into Day 1. Something that really got my attention Day 2 was when I activated my ability and he went apeshit over it. He wasn't posting/contributing a whole lot up to that point, then as soon as I put that one post up, he pops up posting, seemingly more worried about how 'convenient' it was I posted it at that point. That raised a red flag to me, moreso than anything else he's said to that point.

Because it was a scummy move. We had Mertex, still one of the single most suspicious players in the game, at L1, and all of the sudden someone rode up and dropped an ability to distract attention away from her.

It might as well have been one of those smoke bomb capsules you always see in cartoons. lol

Why do you claim I was the most suspicious? I cleared myself against the accusations every one had made against me. You're either not reading the posts (which is a scumtell) or you are Scum.

The thing that made me suspicious was that I stole Shiatra's ability. I explained that.
Then it was that you all wanted me to use it, I explained role as Doctor did the same thing without putting me in danger.
The lie that Grandma made about me not revealing has been explained over and over.

I claimed to be the Town Doctor, and anyone with any Mafia Game sense knows that you have to be pretty bold to make such a claim. No one has counterclaimed, and now the only chance Mafia had to take me out was at night and they made the mistake of both targeting me.

Now is your turn to explain why I'm suspicious, and who Mafia targeted that made them cancel each other.

Granted, I'm still new. I don't know a whole lot about "scumtells," "metas," and what have you.

However, I can say that you have been rather obstinate, uncooperative, and combative in virtually all of your behavior in this game so far.

That does strike me as being suspicious. I'm far from the only one who thinks so.

Now, maybe, you really are the doc, and you've just been really paranoid about it all game. I can't say at this point.

All I'm saying is that your past behavior has been questionable, and dropping a claim, that might very well be false, at L1 doesn't entirely make up for that.

We'll just have to see where things go from here.
OK, North, West, East did not know about Rosie. South and Central did.

Grandma, Aye, Mertex, Cafe, FA, Sameech-so working from here I can take out Mertex and Sameech, possible PR's, I totally missed it but I guess Shaitra jailed Aye? So that leaves Grandma, FA, Cafe.

@Shaitra-when did you jail Aye?
Granted, I'm still new. I don't know a whole lot about "scumtells," "metas," and what have you.

However, I can say that you have been rather obstinate, uncooperative, and combative in virtually all of your behavior in this game so far.

That does strike me as being suspicious. I'm far from the only one who thinks so.

Now, maybe, you really are the doc, and you've just been really paranoid about it all game. I can't say at this point.

All I'm saying is that your past behavior has been questionable, and dropping a claim, that might very well be false, at L1 doesn't entirely make up for that.

We'll just have to see where things go from here.

Just for general info, if you are a PR and are about to be lynched (meaning you are at L-1 or L-2), that is the time to claim your role and what you know to help town. If the lynch happens anyway, town will have the information given along with the vote count to start from the next game day.
In order for a Scum team to win, it must kill the enemy Scum team and have its own numbers equal or exceed that of Town's numbers. This is typical of Multiball.

Thank you Wake.

Vote: Sameech

This vote is based Avatar's statements prior to his lynch and statements made in Central before his lynch. I can't help but wonder if he was not leveling the playing field for his partner.

I know you said it would be WIFOM Sam, but this is my vote for now.

Why would you believe Scum? Of course Avi would like for Fire to win, that is why he would FOS Sameech, to draw attention away from his real partner, Grandma.
OK, North, West, East did not know about Rosie. South and Central did.

Grandma, Aye, Mertex, Cafe, FA, Sameech-so working from here I can take out Mertex and Sameech, possible PR's, I totally missed it but I guess Shaitra jailed Aye? So that leaves Grandma, FA, Cafe.

@Shaitra-when did you jail Aye?

She jailed me last night. Official USMB Mafia Game 5 A Game of Fire and Ice Page 159 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

OMG-That is just pathetic that I even thanked that post, LOL. Thanks
At the start of Day 4, something will happen.

You will not be informed of what happened.
In order for a Scum team to win, it must kill the enemy Scum team and have its own numbers equal or exceed that of Town's numbers. This is typical of Multiball.

Thank you Wake.

Vote: Sameech

This vote is based Avatar's statements prior to his lynch and statements made in Central before his lynch. I can't help but wonder if he was not leveling the playing field for his partner.

I know you said it would be WIFOM Sam, but this is my vote for now.

Why would you believe Scum? Of course Avi would like for Fire to win, that is why he would FOS Sameech, to draw attention away from his real partner, Grandma.

I stated it was because of scum's win condition. They are to take out the opposing scum team to win. That and how Avatar spoke in Central before being lynched.
OK, North, West, East did not know about Rosie. South and Central did.

Grandma, Aye, Mertex, Cafe, FA, Sameech-so working from here I can take out Mertex and Sameech, possible PR's, I totally missed it but I guess Shaitra jailed Aye? So that leaves Grandma, FA, Cafe.

@Shaitra-when did you jail Aye?

OK, So Aye was jailed last night which takes her out of the equation since we knew Fire and Ice both shot at someone and there is only one fire mafia and Aye was jailed so she's not the fire mafia that shot Rosie. See, now I am getting somewhere. Grandma is looking more and more suspicious.

We have Grandma FA, and Cafe. Grandma was in South where Rosie outed herself as cop. She's got to be fire mafia. It's possible it was FA or Cafe but I would look first at the one's in Rosie's own neighborhood where she said she was the and Grandma is the only choice left.

Vote: Grandma
OK, North, West, East did not know about Rosie. South and Central did.

Grandma, Aye, Mertex, Cafe, FA, Sameech-so working from here I can take out Mertex and Sameech, possible PR's, I totally missed it but I guess Shaitra jailed Aye? So that leaves Grandma, FA, Cafe.

@Shaitra-when did you jail Aye?

OK, So Aye was jailed last night which takes her out of the equation since we knew Fire and Ice both shot at someone and there is only one fire mafia and Aye was jailed so she's not the fire mafia that shot Rosie. See, now I am getting somewhere. Grandma is looking more and more suspicious.

We have Grandma FA, and Cafe. Grandma was in South where Rosie outed herself as cop. She's got to be fire mafia. It's possible it was FA or Cafe but I would look first at the one's in Rosie's own neighborhood where she said she was the and Grandma is the only choice left.

Vote: Grandma

Said she was the cop-LOL Kind of left that out.
At the start of Day 4, something will happen.

You will not be informed of what happened.


He's gonna have a cake sitting in the middle of an ice sculpture with fire coming out the top of it, and none of us get to eat any of it. We just get to look at the pictures of it he posts. :dev2:
Like I need any more reason to be paranoid. Day 4 ugh.

@Aye, I am erratic bc I don't have base townreads. It is multiball. Even scum scumhunt.
Granted, I'm still new. I don't know a whole lot about "scumtells," "metas," and what have you.

However, I can say that you have been rather obstinate, uncooperative, and combative in virtually all of your behavior in this game so far.

That does strike me as being suspicious. I'm far from the only one who thinks so.

Now, maybe, you really are the doc, and you've just been really paranoid about it all game. I can't say at this point.

All I'm saying is that your past behavior has been questionable, and dropping a claim, that might very well be false, at L1 doesn't entirely make up for that.

We'll just have to see where things go from here.

I can understand why you think I've been obstinate, but consider my position. Everyone knew I had stolen Shaitra's ability. I knew it was worthless as soon as I got it. Everyone wanted me to use it, and I had to explain why I couldn't. I was being pressed....and I didn't want to have to reveal my PR, so yes, I was getting a bit testy, mostly because I didn't know what to do. Risk being lynched and rob town of some protection, or expose myself and risk being killed at night and rob town of protection.

In a more simple game, I would never have claimed, I would have just let everyone think I had a PR but not claimed. In this game, I knew that I had a chance because if both Teams targeted me, they would get nothing. They can't communicate to each other who their target is going to be, so the chances are they both vote for me or both vote for someone else, in which case I live for another day and am able to protect another Townie once again. Since they can't tell each other who they are going to target, they just have to guess what the other team is going to do and I have a chance of maybe living one more day.

I'm not afraid of dying because if I die I will flip Town and I will be shown as the Town Doc, and that too will help Town, but they could also be misled by Scum and end up lynching me and losing another Townie at night.
Like I need any more reason to be paranoid. Day 4 ugh.

@Aye, I am erratic bc I don't have base townreads. It is multiball. Even scum scumhunt.

I think your sister is ready to whack you upside the head this game. LOL
Just for general info, if you are a PR and are about to be lynched (meaning you are at L-1 or L-2), that is the time to claim your role and what you know to help town. If the lynch happens anyway, town will have the information given along with the vote count to start from the next game day.

True. Though, it could just as easily be a really ballsy scum ploy.

However, I will give Mertex this much for sure. No one has counter claimed (yet, anyway).

That is a major point indicating that he is probably telling the truth.

I can understand why you think I've been obstinate, but consider my position. Everyone knew I had stolen Shaitra's ability. I knew it was worthless as soon as I got it. Everyone wanted me to use it, and I had to explain why I couldn't. I was being pressed....and I didn't want to have to reveal my PR, so yes, I was getting a bit testy, mostly because I didn't know what to do. Risk being lynched and rob town of some protection, or expose myself and risk being killed at night and rob town of protection.

In a more simple game, I would never have claimed, I would have just let everyone think I had a PR but not claimed. In this game, I knew that I had a chance because if both Teams targeted me, they would get nothing. They can't communicate to each other who their target is going to be, so the chances are they both vote for me or both vote for someone else, in which case I live for another day and am able to protect another Townie once again. Since they can't tell each other who they are going to target, they just have to guess what the other team is going to do and I have a chance of maybe living one more day.

I'm not afraid of dying because if I die I will flip Town and I will be shown as the Town Doc, and that too will help Town, but they could also be misled by Scum and end up lynching me and losing another Townie at night.

Fair enough. As you pointed out earlier, and I just said to Aye, no one has counter-claimed yet.

Granted, that might be because the real doc is trying to lie low. However, until something else comes along, it's really all we have to go off of here.

Your claim seems legit.
You know they targeted me..............

Both Mafia teams now know I am the Town Doc. They can't coordinate without tipping Town off, so they were hoping that one or the other would target someone else, like what happened on Night one, but only because just one Mafia Team knew Rosie was Cop. Ice failed because TN had protected me, but I'm sure that Ice aimed for me on Night 1 and that is why they didn't get anything.

Grandma is getting so angry that I'm pointing the finger at her that she's going around "disliking" all my posts. And all because I am adamant that she is Mafia. She acted the same in Game 4 when she was Mafia, she can't take the heat without getting angry. I was paying her back, until it hit me, she's angry, cause I came after her.

If we don't lynch her now, she's going to get away like she did in Game 4.


You were not necessarily the target. Assuming that you really are the Doc, you can only protect 1 person per Night, and that person might not be a likely target.

There are Townies here that may have guessed who the Scum are. Then there's Scarlet with her Vote Analysis. There may be other PRs.

And I negged your posts because they're factually vacant.

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