Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

She is Scummy. I wish I could make you guys understand.

She outed that she was in a hood BEFORE THE FUCKING GAME EVEN STARTED!!!

At the time I made Post 30 in the hood, we were not sure how many hoods there were much less who was in them. We also didn't know how many Scum were in Central. Why would outing my hood have been a good idea at that point?

You didn't need to out your hood to refrain from making those statements.

You used it to make her appear to be scum. So what if she did that? I don't think she meant for that to be scummy.

She's not only Scum, she's in my neighborhood. She's a threat to Town's win condition. She has been a threat since before the Game started. Cafe, why do you not get that?
It makes sense. If she's not the Doc, where's the counter claim?

As I just said earlier, there might another doc who's simply lying low right now. However, I can't think of why they would, when they could just out Mertex as being scum outright.
BTW - can you confirm that you gave a set of keys to Shiatra. She has already stated they were used so it would be nice to have a confirmation in order to confirm she is stating the truth (not that I really doubt her in this though)
It makes sense. If she's not the Doc, where's the counter claim?

As I just said earlier, there might another doc who's simply lying low right now. However, I can't think of why they would, when they could just out Mertex as being scum outright.
BTW - can you confirm that you gave a set of keys to Shiatra. She has already stated they were used so it would be nice to have a confirmation in order to confirm she is stating the truth (not that I really doubt her in this though)

I can confirm that I gave her the keys.
It makes sense. If she's not the Doc, where's the counter claim?

As I just said earlier, there might another doc who's simply lying low right now. However, I can't think of why they would, when they could just out Mertex as being scum outright.
BTW - can you confirm that you gave a set of keys to Shiatra. She has already stated they were used so it would be nice to have a confirmation in order to confirm she is stating the truth (not that I really doubt her in this though)

I can confirm that I gave her the keys.
You can? Awesome. So... Do you?
It makes sense. If she's not the Doc, where's the counter claim?

As I just said earlier, there might another doc who's simply lying low right now. However, I can't think of why they would, when they could just out Mertex as being scum outright.
BTW - can you confirm that you gave a set of keys to Shiatra. She has already stated they were used so it would be nice to have a confirmation in order to confirm she is stating the truth (not that I really doubt her in this though)

I can confirm that I gave her the keys.
You can? Awesome. So... Do you?

I do.
Grandma, you don't like me. You've even made it personal, in the QT. But, that does not make me Scum.

On the other hand, you've now been caught in a web of lies.

I may not be the best player, but I know better than to reveal my PR on Day 1 to others who may or may not be Town. Rosie assumed that the possibility that you drew Scum again was nil. Well, she shouldn't have assumed. You took advantage and killed her and are now trying to pin her death on me because I didn't shield her.

You used it to make her appear to be scum. So what if she did that? I don't think she meant for that to be scummy.

She's not only Scum, she's in my neighborhood. She's a threat to Town's win condition. She has been a threat since before the Game started. Cafe, why do you not get that?

Look, I agree she has done things which seem scummy, stealing, meatshield. But its been confirmed Rosie said she could not be protected, Mertex can be a bit selfish when it comes to the game , but Ive seen no counter and I don't think there will be one. It was not Mertex outing Rosies PR in Central it was Aye and you. Additionally, I thought it was strange you said Scum would keep Mertex alive ( In Central) even if she was a PR because she is so distracting to town and lo and behold she is still alive.

I'm not changing my mind on this Grandma.
@House Do I have permission to garcia the question meant for SR about FA reads? (for new players garciaing is when you answer a question meant for another player specifically. Sometimes you want that player specifically to answer other times you don't.)

Player 1 asks player 2 --- What is your favorite color?
Player 3 says Purple.
Player 3 garcia'd
Why would you believe Scum? Of course Avi would like for Fire to win, that is why he would FOS Sameech, to draw attention away from his real partner, Grandma.
Or because he knows that his team has essentially lost if fire is down to one and ice remains with 2. You are tunneling Grandma and disregarding the fact that Sameech is very likely to be ice scum.

You used it to make her appear to be scum. So what if she did that? I don't think she meant for that to be scummy.

She's not only Scum, she's in my neighborhood. She's a threat to Town's win condition. She has been a threat since before the Game started. Cafe, why do you not get that?
I am sure that she is a threat. 100 percent of the drama around this game centers on mertex and her inability to play to towns advantage no matter what. But she isn't scum either. You have been beating that drum with almost no evidence at all, playing exactly like last game when you were scum AND pursuing the most tenuous threads against Mertex who is the town doc (something that Mertex has not given any indication in any game whatsoever the she is willing to fake claim). Then there is no counter claim - another damning nail in your argument - and the idea that we don't have a doctor is misplaced considering that we had a Mach Cop - a meaningless role addition without a protective role. I guess the jailer and elemetalism abilities might account for that but I have doubts that there is no town doc in this setup.
@House Do I have permission to garcia the question meant for SR about FA reads? (for new players garciaing is when you answer a question meant for another player specifically. Sometimes you want that player specifically to answer other times you don't.)

Player 1 asks player 2 --- What is your favorite color?
Player 3 says Purple.
Player 3 garcia'd


What do you think of the current situation?

Grandma is demanding that we do it fuckers or she is going to get herself modkilled on purpose. I will not tolerate that kind of asinine game play and outright idiocy. that is exactly the type of fucked up shit that killed game 4 with drama and ended a VERY good game early.

Goodbye grandma - don't get so worked up next time - at this point I don't even care if you are town. threats to get yourself modkilled should be immediately responded to with the utmost rejection.

vote: grandma
@House Do I have permission to garcia the question meant for SR about FA reads? (for new players garciaing is when you answer a question meant for another player specifically. Sometimes you want that player specifically to answer other times you don't.)

Player 1 asks player 2 --- What is your favorite color?
Player 3 says Purple.
Player 3 garcia'd


What do you think of the current situation?
I think the Mertex/Grandma situation is toxic and that one of Grandma or Wolf is scum. I am pretty certain it is Grandma but the thought of Wolf sneaking up on us and being scum is gnawing at my subconscious for reasons I don't know how to describe.

Really we ought to focus on Scarlet Rage IMO but no one really seems to want to go there except House or Aye and the thread continually gets taken up by Mertex/Grandma battle to the exclusion of all Scumhunting :( We need to end this so we can hunt again.
Why would you believe Scum? Of course Avi would like for Fire to win, that is why he would FOS Sameech, to draw attention away from his real partner, Grandma.
Or because he knows that his team has essentially lost if fire is down to one and ice remains with 2. You are tunneling Grandma and disregarding the fact that Sameech is very likely to be ice scum.

That's true. He could very well be. I also have a feeling that SR might be Ice, just because she has sided with Grandma and disregarded all the posts I have posted to prove myself as Town Doc. We can certainly go after him next.

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