Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Why would you believe Scum? Of course Avi would like for Fire to win, that is why he would FOS Sameech, to draw attention away from his real partner, Grandma.
Or because he knows that his team has essentially lost if fire is down to one and ice remains with 2. You are tunneling Grandma and disregarding the fact that Sameech is very likely to be ice scum.

FA, notice who rated your post. She's keen on getting attention back off of her.
Good. We SHOULD be getting attention off her. If she is going to be lynched - good. That does not mean that we should not be using the rest of our time to locate other scum even if the night kills might change our minds.

I don't think we are anywhere near the deadline. When did the thread open back up? Today?
Yes, we have plenty of time to lynch grandma later this (game)day :D

If she's threatening to get modkilled, do you really want to give her that kind of time to come up with a way?
point taken.

@House Do I have permission to garcia the question meant for SR about FA reads? (for new players garciaing is when you answer a question meant for another player specifically. Sometimes you want that player specifically to answer other times you don't.)

Player 1 asks player 2 --- What is your favorite color?
Player 3 says Purple.
Player 3 garcia'd


I think she meant and him using House's picture is very confusing.....:)

I am pretty sure she meant me, since she was referencing a question I asked.

Oh, okay. I thought she was asking Wake as the bad. I have often thought it was Wake making a comment only to see that it says "House".
@House Do I have permission to garcia the question meant for SR about FA reads? (for new players garciaing is when you answer a question meant for another player specifically. Sometimes you want that player specifically to answer other times you don't.)

Player 1 asks player 2 --- What is your favorite color?
Player 3 says Purple.
Player 3 garcia'd


I think she meant and him using House's picture is very confusing.....:)

I am pretty sure she meant me, since she was referencing a question I asked.

Oh, okay. I thought she was asking Wake as the bad. I have often thought it was Wake making a comment only to see that it says "House".

So tell him to change his avatar, then! :p
Take no notice of the speed at which wagons get going in this game. Nothing to see here, folks, move along.

Honestly, if you look back through days 1 & 2, this wagon has been building for a long time.
Because the game should be kept fun for those who want to play it.


Well it stopped being fun for me on Day 1.

It's the exact same pattern game after game.

Burnout is too small a word for the way I feel right now.
sure. The fact that we nailed scum on day 2 and managed to only see one townee lynched with one killed (out of a possible 4) tells you that this game is not going well for town - ya right.

By all rights it would not be a stretch for us to have ended up with 6 townees dead by now rather than 2 and one scum.

I feel pretty good about the game so far.
sure. The fact that we nailed scum on day 2 and managed to only see one townee lynched with one killed (out of a possible 4) tells you that this game is not going well for town - ya right.

By all rights it would not be a stretch for us to have ended up with 6 townees dead by now rather than 2 and one scum.

I feel pretty good about the game so far.

Well, I'm happy for you. Honest.
Please post them here. If town the game shifts some and I would like transparency for all.

From my notes:

My reads list:


Sameech - Despite being lynched, Avatar still has to play to his win condition. He fingered Sameech as Ice Scum. Sameech is our only lynch choice for Day 3.

Shaitra - Posting more, the posts are much longer, but there's little to no content. I'm not seeing her devotion to Town.

TN - I thought he was Town at first, but he used up most of everyone's powers Night 1 why? And why did he not break away from his all-important marathon long enough to make a single post to explain himself? Actually he did make somewhat of a FuckYouImNotSorry post.

House - He's not the noob he wants us to think he is. The question to ask is whether he's Scum trying to sow confusion and discontent or whether he's as bad a player as Mertex, jumping on every wagon that has a shiny object on it.

Mertex - Refused to protect Rosie, the most important player in the Game. Said she didn't believe Rosie was the Cop, but we're supposed to believe Mertex is the Doc? Avi and Sameech are both smart enough to tell her to fake claim to save her ass. Let's see if her playstyle changes now that Avi is gone and after Sameech's lynch.


FA - Both play as perfectly-in-the-middle Townies, and both play as perfectly-blended-in Scum. It was a real treat to work with them last game, they're terrific. One thing about both of them, they can be a little impulsive. So I'm having trouble here. I don't know if they're making impulsive mistakes as Town or deliberately trying to subtly control the game as Scum. They could both be Town, they could be 1 Town 1 Scum, but I doubt that they're both Scum.

MathBlade - The Evil Twin dynamic sure is interesting. It's hard to tell what's up with them. One thing - MeBelle was Town in every Game she played so far, she was due to roll Scum. Otherwise I just don't know. Lynch them both?


Wolf - Town

Sgt_Gath - Leaning Town

Cafe - Town

Me - Town
House - He's not the noob he wants us to think he is. The question to ask is whether he's Scum trying to sow confusion and discontent or whether he's as bad a player as Mertex, jumping on every wagon that has a shiny object on it.

Wrong. First game ever.

Of course I'm a bad player, I'm winging it and figuring shit out as I go.
FA - Both play as perfectly-in-the-middle Townies, and both play as perfectly-blended-in Scum. It was a real treat to work with them last game, they're terrific. One thing about both of them, they can be a little impulsive. So I'm having trouble here. I don't know if they're making impulsive mistakes as Town or deliberately trying to subtly control the game as Scum. They could both be Town, they could be 1 Town 1 Scum, but I doubt that they're both Scum.

FA is town to me. Aye, is a possible.
Her reads are fairly good for the most part.

I really want to believe that Grandma is misguided town on ill-conceived warpath against the town doc, but I just can't get past all the lies she has been caught in.

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